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e@ CENTER FOR EDUCATOR PREPARATION [COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY LESSON OBSERVATION REPORT: TEACHING/LEARNING SITUATION (SHORT FORM) Developed Utilizing CEP Teacher Candidate Quality Standards Rubric ‘Descriptions include criteria up to proficient for an in-service teacher Teacher Candidstenaye Ein Gooodere date |= PP -aer___ ossererNone eee Sumo aye What is/are the learning targets for the day? DEMONSTRATION OF MASTERY OF + PEDAGOGICAL EXPERTISE IN THE CONTENT Not Observes Developing FEEDBACK (Emergent) Lesson plans avalable andrefects appropriate Colorado Academe Standards, relevant Istuctonal bjectives, an formative er carpotarames — Devteatul *-Gosteue Thect vertical and horizontal alignment of the grade or | AEEO™PsHeS (Proficient) implements and communicates learning objectives and student outcomes based on standards (Emergent) Connects lessons to key concepls and tems witn other disciplines anclor content areas, supports tracy and mathematical pepamshcenan oer eraeinimyenes vcr steepest euteteea, yy Armes acta svewoPide | Gop Review oF (eee omen specte nguoyeoncodnpecesbe >, Aveo dents a (een Mtesinerdcpinay cones: expo es — Steegealy tegotseracy sas (end, wing, string, Speolog| cross content areas, legos mathematica practices cous content eos {Emergent Scafods questons, concepts, and sks based ona Sequence of earing, uses istuctionl mate's that ae accurate {and apprograte forthe lesson Being taught, encourages and provides ent o make connections to prior earning ets content bases sates tatalon tothe DSC. ey Dy Areomptchade mutinle models and delivery metnods to explain GREAT QuesonrAe CN Garay aceurately, questioning techniques to support disciplinary QOXe of Lead iMG eich sk pee onder oan Qvesnons TH DUAN sr iaaiete asp arrase aerate pera =, sae gay aa a opiaiue bet menage cae wa Tiovewrs/Ta Quity questions and construct new meaning ‘Areas of celebration: - Good tevie! ~Goor Quesnods! Sere ner © Edloturde , Ger THEM Aske WHY UNOS Negr er. ‘ Been Student Teaching Handbook-Revised Fal 2019 7 2 ‘SAFE, INCLUSIVE, AND RESPECTFUL LEARNING ENVIRONMENT (Emergent) Maintains safety end wellae of students and environment clear expectations for student behavior, procedures and routines to én routines, consistently reinforces student expectations, ‘8 caring relationship with each student (Proficient) Makes msximum use of tme by implementing purposeful pacing and ecient ranstions eiforcing postive behavior, Fedrectng disruptive or ofttask behaviors Developing Accomplished ‘AccompTsned— (Emergent) Acknowiedges the influence of ace, ethnic, gender, feligion, socicoconomics and other aspects of culture on stud Perspectives, creates a classroom environment in which dvesity Is sed t further student learning (Developing Establishes processes that result in a sense of community among students, eflecve interactions among students, and incorporates insvucton that reflects diverse backgrounds, experiences, 2 inthe cassroom, uses materials and lessons tat counteract stereotypes anc acknowledges the contributions of all cultures (Emergent) Pians for students who havea verielyof leaning needs and interests, adapts the physical environment ta suppertinvidua stucent ‘needs, reviews information from leaning plano support the needs cf students (Developing) implements 3 variety of inclusion, intervention or enrichment practices to adress unique learning needs and interests (Proficient) Intiatescolaboraton with coleagues to beter understand and respond to student learning needs, provides opportunities and suppor fr students o select tasks tat accelerate progress towards tel learning goals, and integrates sei advocacy skis into Instuction (Emergent) Establishes a classroom environment tat ining to families andr significant adults and respect relationships with students ther famlesanclrsignicant acts (Proficient) Coordinates conmunleavon between families andor colesgues who provide student services, recognizes obstacles to family and community partipation and seoks solutions o overcome ther Areas of celebration: Dror oer Accomplished — or Ogseaved Accomplished (Developing) Uses 2 variety of method to inate communication wth Yor Opseeved 4. families andlor signfcantadut inthe schoo and community. ‘Accomplished ~ Good Sok Bewene Meu Bee Growth areas/next steps: ~ fe- Diner — Aanudare THR vaminéritel 2ESeemsron ‘Student Teaching Hendbook—Revise «dF 2019 FEEDBACK “TONARD On TSK 38 Q PLAN AND DELIVER ‘ ‘ EFFECTIVE INSTRUCTION Q 5 eeonncx {Emergent Plans lessons that efit the relatonsip of tlt physi, soci and emtonal development of stdeats coleagues who have expose cid Fic ear improve the quay easton (Developing) Coadorates wi students in developmental appropri le ‘Eimergent)Ovterines studens cuent sk eves and ses that information to plan instruction, selects assessment stategies algnes to the lerning objectives, manta student earning in teation tothe objective, shares feedback on student progres wth femies andor penve DeveroPiale CZ poropingyss assessment resitsto gu realtime adusinents |Aecamalshes+ {ppavtton eves and eocumons student perfomance based er maine measures to set ering gol, provides tinal feedback o ‘Stents tats acacemcaly focuses, frequent and high aly (Proficient) Mode's now to incorporate feedback to improve learning, provides students opportunties to cevse tel work based on feedback ‘Emergent Plans lessons incorporating avoleble technology assesses Be re = esas D> pile] ‘ Eevee ninco fae noon ee aye 2 ey ec suse meds csed nleson ‘ aoe roses sortie neh ue oe. encrsons Visuacs II (fen rege alu enon Seance rei st norman a cutrsen (Emergent) Establsnes expectations at leveltat challenges students, ‘plans aggons that incorporate critical thinking and problem-solving skills } Ye Fi secs a | Pre teuisays, AsKirte Fa oe sercovemsonngsiaasseswotineroenecunge [Ameomelehes” fu Af erate? “Fudent responses. . Wr TRA TL (Profcent) Models crcl thinking and problem song Sis ‘various roles and modes of communication, adjusts team composition ALIEN ois students accountable fr work product end beg processes, promotes tearwork an leaersip tls cbiaesdsoon paces ouppo efecie (Devlin) tutes troup rdiseasclenryansetectiey, | "Me Dikeenon, BE (ser ache stein stages with students VEN 1 (rte eces sens th ues noite We iisreveion! trois end ieas coon efectely ‘reas of celebration: — 3 - SORE To Thi oF 4 “Hoot Exc ves! [Daw BE sote To Use Pueeeel ‘Growth ardas/next steps: 2 Sekn Me Lessord Rls — Gop Wek Movinc ARovkD THE CLAS Roor Woke cere OTT: GALE Mud @ BeEEecrnaron ‘Student Teaching Handbook—Revised Fell 2019 39 4 DEMONSTRATE PROFESSIONALISM. (Emergent) Maintinsconidentaty of student secord 0 requted by Iam: conicentlty of tad amy nef teacher nractons win coleapues, demonstaesrlable and responsible behavior 1, (Developing) Mace ein behaving, intractons are respect 1) beavir of students a indivi and 3s Zrergent| Engages i profesnona wering aces alge to courage Academe Sanda, schoo! and esti goals, and professional gons ona grow lan ©. (Dezalagloghtgates knowledge and sks earned trough a improve student outcomes ipetemens pertormonce feesoac om suporisor andor fo mprowepracice Emergent) Moinains a producive ard respect eatinship with Bevelopingy ants othe changing demands ofthe classroom and C seroatenssdement TFreicient) Caabortes with cleaguest navigate change while ‘aifsning focus on student leaning, contrbutes to school rmproverent planing (Emergent) Contibuies to school conmitees and teams (Cevelopng) Seeks opporunies to en eetvlyparcpates in school ‘ecion-making processes, acs ae an informa menoresource to a, coleoues (Proficien increases he capacty of calleaguesodently and use Trultple foo and strategies to mprove practice, applies research asa Fey component of ongingesring ang evelopment, jromates and Ineusive senoocuture through famlyo:conmarity oureach Net Observe Rorcenr Eecomaianed DeveroPate resomalshes. Nor Oasenves Accomplished FEEDOACK ‘Areas of celebration: Growth areasinext steps: SEE eaaron Student Teaching HandbookRevised Fall 2019, Overall Observations What evidence of learning do you see and hear? — Yokene oh Devecotine LovTes ~ WotkiNe oh CUALEL iste NOH oc Coteaching feedback? - Visume éxampces 7 - Hod d you kao THY ARE wernme iT? Axe students meeting the get toy? Choose one: YES HOC) ‘atwhat love? = Basic, Tarpemimove Md Bede ABLE To Decree uit To Use. How e0 you know? — Bes on Qvermows From STUDENTS ESbxt [BO DR AL (720 Teacher Candidate Signature Date Signature Bono ‘Stucent Teaching Hancbook-Revised Fl 2019 a

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