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1. Watch the first part of the video (to 00:45).

Complete the conversation between a journalist (J) and Ann

Turner (A).

J: Hi Ann, where do you work?

J: Why did you first come to East Timor?
J: When did you decide you wanted to stay?
J: What four things impressed you most?
J: How many fish species are there?
J: Why is there such a huge diversity of fish species here?

2. Watch the second part of the video (00:46 to the end). Answer the questions.

What is the main problem on East Timor?

How long has East Timor been independent?

What happened after people in East Timor voted for independence?
What is the government worried about? What
policies is the government working on? What
should people who want to start a tourism business in East Timor do

3. Answer the following questions

How does tourism contribute to the economy of your country?

Do you think the government does enough to protect the natural assets of your country?

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