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Causes of Energy Crisis:

Everybody around us is facing the issues of energy crisis now a days. This issue
energy crisis traces its roots to following distinct causes which are discussed

 The Ever Growing Demand of Energy:

The Demand of energy is increasing day by day in every field of life. Over the
years there had been a greater demand of energy because of;
 Increasing population,
 Development in the Industrial and agricultural departments
  Greater needs of transportation.

Wastage of Energy:
Wastage of energy is also a very important factor in playing role of energy crisis.
People waste energy for their luxury and comfort and don’t even have idea that in
this way they are actually increasing the problem of energy crisis. Some new and a
proper culture should be developed for the conservation of energy. Government
should also take proper steps and should seriously embark on the energy crisis and
the plans of conservation of energy.

The Increasing cost of Fuel:

The increasing cost of fuel is also a big problem, specially the cost fuels like
natural resources Coal and Natural gas. According to a survey the cost of crude
that produces the Energy, has increased from 40$ to 140$ per barrel. It means that
the generation of Energy using natural gas and coal is costing too much.
Government should cooperate but Yet one of the most critical and important
problem is financial problem means money. Many Countries facing this problem
and the economy is struggling very hard and the liquidity of income is very poor
and low. In effect, Civilians means including all the energy consumers and the
private producers of energy who produces the energy and even the government
itself cannot pay their electricity bills.

Non-utilization of Many Real Energy Resources:

Allah (swt) has blessed our country with a lot of natural resources like coal, crude
oil, petroleum and natural gas etc all those resources from which the Energy can
be produced. According to a Survey Pakistan is having one of the largest coal
fields in Thar ,having more than 175 billion tones of reserves, which in larger in
amount of oil reserves of Saudi Arabia and Iran. 
Effects of the Energy Crisis:
These energy crisis that has gripped Pakistan over the last few years has had a vital
and major effect on the economic, political, industrial and social life of the

Here are some of the following major effects that the crisis has on our country

 Effects on Economy- Unemployment increase

 Effects on Industry- Higher Electricity Prices
 Effects on Political Life- Declining popularity of the Government
 Effects on Social Life- Dependent on Other countries
 Effects on Education

Some of the Following Effects of energy Crisis are:

1. Inflation \ Deflation

2. Increase in cost of domestic things

3. Increase in the rate of unemployment

4. Increase in poverty

5. Decrease in the value of the currency

The energy crisis is the big issue facing by people is becoming an issue of center
versus provinces . The government is basically unable to distribute the load
shedding over the country equally. In Pakistan the province Punjab basically is the
main target of facing the energy crisis with maximum hours of load shedding
during the whole year. Load Shedding is done in Every province of Pakistan but
Punjab is at hit badly. Due this Industries are Facing the shortfall daily and it is a a
great loss to the economy.

Energy Crisis also have effects on unemployment/employment. For Example, if

industries are closed the workers will be idle and lose jobs. That’s why
employment and unemployment is directly or indirectly effected by the energy
crisis. Energy crisis also have a great effect on social and psychological issues.
These issues can change of behavior of the citizens to some extent . Like, Just
Because of the load shedding of electricity, many people become victims of
insomnia, which affects their lives in a bad way.

Energy crisis results in increasing poverty due to the bad effect on economy.

Students also face the problem of energy Crisis and highly affected by the load
shedding of electricity, due to which there are so many problems occur in their way
of success and goal achievement. That’s why we can say that it is the responsibility
of all the citizens to utilize the energy in a wisely manner so that they could help in
the progress of their country.

Remedial Measures of the Energy Crisis:

Here are some Important Remedial Measures that can be implemented to improve
the performance of Energy crisis.

1. Increase in water storage reservoirs to compensate the needs of Hydrel Power

2. Effective policies to meet the needs of Fuel
3. Planning and Management of utilizing the Resources
4. Control the Ever Growing Needs and Demands of energy
5. Recycling processes are used to avoid the wastage of water and fuel

Some More Remedial Measures that also can be implemented;

i). Government should Increase the funding of Energy projects.

 ii). There should be designated an active Department or we should say

organization to giv focus of professionals to the increased use of energy.
iii). Proper Centers should be Establish in universities, cities and provinces to
provide training, technology support, and resources information of the needs.

iv). Review and update economic decision-making methodologies according to the

needs and requirements
Reducing unnecessary use of energy :

 should use energy saving devices

 campaigns regarding to energy saving
 By using the good public transport systems e.g strengthening the Pakistan

This problem energy crisis is facing by the people in the many countries ,caused by
either the increasing cost of common energy resources like oil, natural gas and coal
etc. On the other hand, a fall in the prices of Natural Resources like oil price,
makes the situation worst .

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