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CLIENT ______

Monday, January 20, 2020- 2:45pm

Grace: Pleasantries
o Did you find parking okay? 
o Weather
o I saw on the intake sheet your name is ______, am I pronouncing it correctly?
o I’m Grace Massarelli and this is my partner Amber Younce. Please call us Grace and

Grace: Overview of Consultation Session 

o Have you been to an attorney's office before?
o If you’re wondering why there’s two of us, At the firm we like to take a team approach, we
think two minds are better than one. Amber and I both have different strengths in the law and
like to brainstorm to be able to get the best result for you
o So I like to start these meetings by giving you a road map of how we would like this meeting
to proceed, as we have found it to be most effective in our years of experience. We want
everyone to be on the same page
o 1st we’ll take care of the administrative matters
o Then  we will ask what’s you’re goal? What is the best possible outcome you would
wish for
o Next  We’ll give you a chance to tell us what brings you here
o Then we will wrap up with any questions/concerns you may have, and what your
legal options are.
o We always want to send our client out with an idea of what the next step might look
like should you choose to retain us.
o And of course, at any point please feel free to ask questions to clarify things legal or
otherwise . . .
o At this point, do you have any questions?

Amber So moving to the administrative matters . . .

o Did the secretary give you an information sheet to fill out with your name, address, best
contact number? 
o Explain Conflict-Check
o Explain Attorney-Client Privilege 
- Everything you say in this room will be kept in this room so please be open and
honest so we can ensure we know all of the information 
- Everyone at this office
- If you tell your friends, your friends can tell anyone as they are not bound [it’s no
longer ‘our secret’]
- For that reason, we would advise that you do not talk to anyone outside the office
- Even if you choose to not retain us following our meeting, everything will still
remain confidential as to what you told us
o And are you comfortable with us taking notes as we meet? The notes are also covered under
o Offer for client to take notes

Grace And what are your goals? What would be the best possible outcome?
Grace Now that we’re good to go, why don’t you tell us about what brings you here today? We
know very little about your situation other than your interested in making a plan for your estate.

Amber Recap what they just said & Ask questions to fill in any gaps

Questions we need to ask/Info we need to get

 We’re not trying to be nosey, these are questions we ask each of our clients so we can better
understand your situation and apply our knowledge to help you get your goal of ____
 It can be uncomfortable to think of our entire life fitting into one plan and what life is going to look
like after you go but please know we do this every day and nothing you could say would be
something we haven’t seen or dealt with before.
1. Marital Status/Previous Martial History
2. Children from marriage or any previous marriage
-Age of children/child support obligations?
-Names/ages/residence of children
3. Clients parents still living?
-What is their health?
4. Clients siblings?
-where they live/ages
5. Whether there is any strain in the family that could lead to a family member contesting the
estate plan
6. Client’s desire for distribution of the estate
-any child to be disinherited?
-Common beneficiaries people consider:
 Spouses
 Children
 Pets
 Parents
 Friends
 Business partners
7. Who/what entity the client wants to serve in the various fiduciary capacities
-Executor/administrator of the estate
-power of appointment
 durable power of attorney
 medical/health care power of attorney
1. Real property
2. Personal Property
3. Bank Accounts/stock/certificates of deposit/money market funds
4. Retirement benefits/Insurance Policies
1. Disposition of their assets of the estate at death
2. Does client want to make a gift?
-an outright gift to the done?
-putting safeguards around gift to exert control over access to the gift of the done?

Amber  Grace: Am I missing anything?

Amber: Analysis
o If unsure → tell client I will research the issue rather than misstate the law and get back to them 
o Strengths and Weaknesses of their case 
o Possible routes the client can take 
1. Will
2. Will Substitute
-more common when client has a lot of assets
Grace: Add any legal analysis you have

Amber: Action Steps 

o I will be the one primarily handling the case so you can expect a call from me Friday before noon
if you choose to retain us 
o Tell them what documents we need from them: any prior will(s), financial documents: copies of
property/income taxes, insurance policies, investment portfolio, categorization of all assets/real
property [cars, furniture, nice jewelry, etc.]
o We look forward to working with you!

Both: Say goodbye and walk them out 

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