Comprehension Reading in Past Progressive Tense-Nanci Ospina

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NAME_______________________________________________________GRADE 8-01


Laura was sleeping when she listened a noise, it was coming from the first floor. so she got

up and she was taking a at in her left hand and her phone in her right one. She was calling to the

police while she was going down the stairs. she was telling to the police that there was a thief into

her house. Then she was saying her adress. She was listening to the noise, it was coming from the

kitchen, she was very afraid, but she was walking to the kitchen with the bat in her hands; when

She was going into the kitchen, a bright light illumined all the kitchen and a cat was eating cake,

suddenly the big black cat was scaping across the window. The light was the police’s lamps.

Laura was crying and smiling when the policemen arrived. then, she was showing them a broken

plate and a glass on the floor and a little piece of her cake; the noise was when the cat was

breaking the plate and the glass. So, the policemen asked her not to leave meals to the cats.


A. Translate into Spanish the paragraph.

B. Answer the following comprehension questions in complete form

1. What was Laura doing when she listened a noise? __________________________________

2. where was the noise coming from? ______________________________________________

3. What was she taking in her rigth hand ?___________________________________________

4. Who was scaping across the window? -____________________________________________

5. What was the cat eating? _______________________________________________________

C. Choose the correct answer according to the statement :

1. Other appropriated title to the paragraph could be :

a. A dangerous thief b. A delicious cake

c. A funny mistake d. The first floor

2. According to the reading the big black cat was scaping across the window because of :

a. Laura’s presence b. Laura’s crying

c. the policemen’s guns d. The bright light

3. The policemen arrived to Laura’s house because they thought :

a. A thief was there b. The cat was eating

c. They want to eat cake d. Laura was sleeping

4. A synonym of the word SCARE, according to the reading could be :

a. Light b. Thunder

c. Alarm d. Bright

5. Laura was crying and smiling because of :

a. The funny end b. The broken plate and glass

c. The noise d. The policemen

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