Standpoint Theory

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Standpoint Theory

Final Paper Assignment

John Perry, 5/2/2020
1080, Online

Standpoint theory is the theory that allows you to look deeper into someone actions by

analyzing their perspectives. This is in a broad view of perspectives and not just perspectives

that directly pertain to one given subject. I was able to utilize this theory to better understand a

conflict I recently had with my significant other. This theory not only can help resolving conflict,

but also can help with achieving better communication skills in general.

“Standpoint theory is a means for understanding collective group discourse. The theory's most

critical aspect is that a person's perspectives are created by his or her personal experiences in

social groups. ‘Standpoint’ refers to each individual's perspective of the world, which is usually

based on position and outlook. These factors influence how people understand themselves and

communicate with others.” [ CITATION Nar20 \l 1033 ]

Standpoint theory is a theory of communication that is more widely understood but not as well

known. Standpoint theory tries to understand our perspectives and actions based on these

perspectives. There is a common adage that is said that exemplified this theory. This adage is,
“Don’t judge another until you have walked a mile in his shoes.” Essentially, it is trying to

convey that we all see the world differently, and it will in turn, effect how we interact with the

world in which we live in.

“[Standpoint Theory] offers insights into how a person's location within a culture shapes his or

her life. Standpoint theory focuses on how gender, race, and class influence the circumstances

of individuals' lives, especially their positions in society and the kinds of experiences those

positions foster… We may all understand that our culture defines people by class and race and

values those differently; yet each of us experiences being only in a certain race and class. The

particular standpoint that an individual has in a society guides what she or he knows, feels, and

does and directs an individual's understanding of social life as a whole.” [ CITATION Jul03 \l 1033 ]

Each person has a unique perspective on things and it is shaped by many different factors. From

gender, race, and class to less obvious characteristics such as societal norms and even

geographical location. There as so many factors that can affect an individual. This can have

several implications to the individual as well. Such as behavioral skills, effectiveness of

communicating, and conflict resolution. “It would be incorrect to think that an individual is

shaped by a single standpoint. All of us occupy multiple standpoints that overlap and interact.

For example, an African American man's knowledge and identity are shaped by both race and

gender standpoints. Because standpoints interact and affect one another, this man's masculine

gender identity is different from that of a European American man.” [ CITATION Jul03 \l 1033 ]
On a recent occasion I was able to personally see the effects of this specific theory. I recently

had the chance to move into an apartment with a significant other. She is from the country of

Belize and is Belizian. This makes for a high difference in characteristics for standpoint theory.

She is a different age, gender, race, and even culture to those I would classify myself as. This

leaves room for a vast amount of different perceptions on life and how to handle situations.

When deciding on how we would decorate the new apartment we seemed to come to a

disagreement. I loved the humble rustic look of some of the more wood-based furniture and

thought that would be a good idea for the place. However, she did not feel the same way about

it. She had the opposite opinion of the humbler look. She like the modern new age look. After

analyzing the situation, I was able to determine why she looked at the rustic with such detest.

Growing up in Belize was a humble thing for her. When she moved to the United States, she

had access to a lot more amenities and luxuries that we often take for granted. She liked the

modern look because it felt like progression to her, whereas the rustic almost felt like


Understanding Standpoint Theory can help anyone be more effective at communicating and

understanding someone. If you are able to think about how any why they are doing or thinking

the way that they are, you will be far more successful at talking to them in a way that they will

understand. This will help with everything from communication to conflict resolution.
Punyanunt-Carter, N. M. (2020, May 2). Standpoint Theory. Retrieved from Science.Jrank/org:

Woods, J. T. (2003). Gendered Lives: Communication, Gender, and Culture. In J. T. Woods, Gendered
Lives: Communication, Gender, and Culture (pp. 54-55). Belmont, CA: Thomas Wadsworth.

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