Resource List: Contemporary Diet and Nutrition: Kendra Croom

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Kendra Croom
FOODBORNE ILLNESSES: Foodborne Illnesses such as food poisoning and e-coli are
dangerous. You can experience vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration and if left untreated even death.
Without thoroughly cleaning or preparing your foods you are at risk for a foodborne illness.
Also, there have been many cases with restaurants and fast foods.
Food Safety and Prevention is a must. It is important to wash all fruits and vegetables to clean
them of any harmful bacteria. All meats must be cooked to the right temperature to avoid getting
sick. Storing food properly is also important.
Misconceptions: There are many misconceptions about food as well. A lot of people still wash
their meat, but this is not necessary. Washing meat just spreads the bacteria around and can cause
illnesses. Another common misconception is that you must refrigerate eggs. This is false.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2016). Estimates of foodborne illness in the United
States. Retrieved from:
Truman, C. M. (2016). Food issues, policies, and safety considerations. New York: Nova
Science Publishers.
U.S. Food and Drug Administration: The "Bad Bug Book"

ECONOMICS: Economics refers to our financial state as a community and as individuals.

When it comes to economics you are either on the decent side of money or not. In today’s
economy it is sadly common that people are unable to afforded decent food.
Malnutrition: being low on the economic side of things can lead to malnutrition. Malnutrition is
the lack of proper nutrition. This can be lack of food, but also lack of the right foods.
Unfortunately, many people are unable to afford a proper diet.
Food comparison: because of the economic state and people being unable to afford nutritious
foods they resort to what is cheap. While walking through the grocery store you can compare
prices of health and unhealth food. It is a fact that unhealthy, less nutritious food is less
USDA. (2018). Food Access. Retrieved from:
Nordqvist, C. (2017). Malnutrition: What you need to know. Retrieved from:
United States Department of Agriculture. (2018). Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.
Retrieved from:

THE ORGANIC FOOD MOVEMENT: Organic products are all-natural products. Organic
products are non-GMO. They are healthier and better for you.
Organizations that promote Organic Products: There are several of these organizations that
promote organic products. Organic Trade Association (OTA), Organic Consumers Association
(OCA), and National Alliance for Nutrition and Activity (NANA) are just a few to mention. All
these organizations are great resources to promote organic products.
Cost Comparison: Organic products can be slightly more costly that other products. You can
walk around your grocery store and compare prices, and the organic will almost always cost
more. But the health benefits out weight the price.
Food tank: The Think Tank for Food. (n.d.). 19 Organic food organizations and businesses
working to protect consumers and the global environment. Retrieved from:
United States Department of Agriculture. (2018). USDA Organic. Retrieved from:

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