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Task D- Group Written Report

Global warming is one of the biggest problems in the world today and it is continuing to

get more serious. As a group of science and English students we would like to investigate global

warming. We split the broad topic into sub-topics and we each did our research using the

internet, NEWS, local magazines etc. Each individual member had to get three (3) pieces which

could take the form an article, a video and an audio.

From the fifteen articles that we had, we chose 3 that we felt brought out what we

supported and what we would like to see, they were "Climate Call to Action" by Bill Nye, "How

do we stop Global Warming" and "Should we do it, Is it too late and what is global warming" by

National Geographic. We selected these pieces of information since it made mention of theme

which is "The effects of Global Warming". While we were doing our research we found really

interesting information about global warming like, where global warming first became a problem

and what were the first and major contributors to it. We also found out some really disturbing

things about global warming example some of the Caribbean Islands such as the Bahamas would

be under water in the coming years.

As a group we tried to help each other by correcting each other’s work but we had

some ups and downs along the way like meeting together at the same time, but overall the SBA

made a significant impact on us. We learnt a lot about global warming and its significant impact

on earth and all the species on earth.


Reflection #1

How the materials I have selected shaped my thinking on my topic?

The audio was done by a scientist. It was very informative on what global warming does,

and how it can be reduced, This Scientist made me feel guilty while I was listening to audio and

after listening to the audio I think I can now better able to help and reduce Global Warming.

The second material is an article. It had 12 points, fully explained on how to prevent

Global Warming. The article made me reflect on how much I can do to reduce Global Warming.

It made me believe that I can convince other youngster to make a better future.

The last piece was a video; this video had a tone that would persuade the

viewers/listeners on how big a problem Global Warming is. The beginning showed how global

warming came about and the ending showed methods of prevention. In the video, it advised you

to plant trees which made me thought of planting my own garden which would reduce the

Carbon Dioxide content.


In the 3 pieces, there were a number of different tones used.

In the audio the tone used was one that showed great seriousness. He use the phrase “if

we don’t make a change we would never have a place to live” to put forward the seriousness.

The speaker also had a confident tone when he said if we don’t make a change now we won’t

have an Earth in the future”.

In the tone video the choices of words were so that anyone listening to and watching the

video would understand. The speaker spoke in a simple tone of voice, raising it when necessary

and lowering it to bring out the effect of the speech. A particular phrase was “A small change the

earth’s temperature would cause a dramatic change in the earth’s weather” this shows the

importance of maintaining the Earth’s temperature.

The newspaper article was very informative and had utilized a method of listing out

preventative measures and state how you can do them. The language used was one of which an

average person could understand. It also maintains an informative tone throughout.

Reflection #3

My English SBA improved my understanding and knowledge to work with others in a

group. It also helped me to complete and hand up my tasks on the deadline date

In doing this SBA, I’ve learnt to work with others in a group. By working with my group

members, I was able to correct my mistakes and improve my English SBA. I’ve learnt that by

listening to my group members’ ideas and opinion we can find different ways to approach our

SBA. I have also learnt to prepare, practice and deliver a speech that i made to a large audience

and overcoming my stage fright.

I have learnt to analyze and interpret what I have read in different ways and also how to

identify the tone the article was written in. this was helpful to me because I couldn’t have done

these things before and also it will help me in my exams. Lastly, the SBA improved my ability to

finish my projects on time.

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