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Teaching Work Sample

Shanaya Lunday
Math/ Multiplying and Dividing Fractions
Garfield Elementary
5​th​ Grade
Spring 2020

District/ School



Unit Timeline
Lesson Plans and Hypothetical student work

I was placed in Garfield Elementary in Sioux Falls, South Dakota
for my student teaching placement for the Spring of 2020. Sioux Falls is
the largest city in the state of South Dakota, its population is close to
190,000 people. The urban city continues to grow. The poverty rate of
Sioux Falls is 11.26%. The percentage is low, however in a high
populated area like Sioux Falls poverty is an issue that impacts the
community. In Sioux Falls, the race that is most likely to be in poverty is
Native Americans with 52.68% and the least likely to be in poverty is
the white race with 7.97%.

School District
Garfield Elementary has 505 for enrollment in their district.
Garfield has one of the largest districts in the Sioux Falls community.
Garfield students have 77.2 % of their enrollment receiving free and
reduced lunches which is higher than the national percents which is
55.7%. The top three races at Garfield Elementary consist of 49% of
white students, 18% black, and 11% two or more races. The school is
very diverse as it includes Hispanics, Native Americans, Asians, and
Pacific Islanders. The Garfield district consists of grades Pre-K through
5th grade. The teacher to student ratio is 1:4:16.
I was placed in Mrs. Gohman’s fifth grade class, which is the
highest grade level at Garfield. There are three fifth grade classes, in our
classroom we had 24 students in the beginning. The classroom size grew
to 26 students with 14 boys and 12 girls. Mrs.Gohman has taught for 5
years at only Garfield Elementary. Before, she spent her time working as
a social worker and helping behavioral children. She has only taught
fifth grade during her time teaching. Her classroom is very larger with a
calm setting. Mrs.Gohman uses lamps in her classroom for light creating
a darker, but calmer setting for the students. Each student has their own
chrome book they use, the school is fortunate enough to provide every
student with a chrome book. The students are placed in pods which is a
group of 4 or 5 students, whose desks are pushed together.
Mrs.Gohman’s places the students together in their pods based on what
they can benefit and learn from their group.
Mrs.Gohman’s classroom is a very intelligent group. In this class,
we have a mixer of behavioral, English-Second Language (ESL), and
IEPs. However, this year we had three students test out of ESL before
going on to Middle School. We are very proud of the result of those
students passing because that means they will be in the classroom more.
Mrs. Gohman holds her students at a higher standard, she discusses
integrity often. In the world we live in today, not everything is easy,
especially for most of the students in our classroom. Mrs.Gohman is a
strong support of all her students, past or present. She created a
relationship with respect by implementing honesty and trust in the

A day in our classroom looks different each day, but we follow a

routine that the students know. The morning starts from the teacher
bringing the students in from recess in the morning at 7:50. The students
come into the classroom quietly and put their things in their lockers.
Students have until 8:10 in the morning to be in the classroom and to
have their morning procedures completed. Their morning procedures
consist of the students putting away their coats and backpacks, then
putting their lunch cards in the holder. The student has to put their lunch
card in the holder so the teacher can put attendance and lunch count in.
While the teacher is doing lunch count and attendance, the students take
out their assignment notebooks with their spelling words. Each day they
do a new activity with their weekly spelling words,
Once we finish up our time with the spelling words, we transition
to English Language Arts (ELA). The students work in a large group
setting where they are introduced to a new lesson. When the teacher
completes the lesson the students work individually on their assigned
assignment or activity until it is time for specials.
The students leave for specials after ELA. The students have A
day, B day, C day, and D day which helps organize each grade by telling
them specials they go to each day. At Garfield, the students have
Physical Education, Art, Music, and Library. The teacher walks the
students to their specials and picks them up.
After the students come back from specials, they take a seat at their
desks. We have snack and watch CNN10 before we begin with math.
We watch CNN10 because it keeps the students up with the current
events in the world in a engaging way. Math will take up the rest of class
time until lunch and recess. Mrs.Gohman uses anchor charts, visuals,
and math talk in her classroom. The students respond well with her
teaching strategies. The class begins with large group then moves to
Individual learning where they work independently in their assignments.
After lunch and recess, the students return to the classroom for
independent reading time. They read independently for 30 minutes.
After we move on to speech and writing, students work on their writing
pieces. The students goal is to implement what they learn from the
mornings ELA into their writing.
The final part of the day consists of science or social studies. We
do a few months of social studies then we will take a break and move to
science. When we finish with science, we get ready for school dismissal
which is at 2:45. The students are dismissed according to their pick up
situation. In our class, we also went on a bus patrol where four kids
assisted the kindergarteners. The four students will walk them to their
bus. After the kids that take the bus are dismissed, then the kids who
walk home or stay after school wait respectfully at their desk for the bell
to leave.
The experience I was lucky to receive at Garfield leaves me feeling
thankful. Mrs.Gohman has taught me so much that I admire her
feedback. Each tip or goal she set for me to try in the classroom made
me grow as a teacher. She showed me how to approach tough behavioral
situations with fifth grades and younger grades as well. She is the
teacher that helps with the schools behavioral issues, but with her social
worker background she has the right tone and approach with the
students. The school community at Garfield Elementary has been the
best I have experienced so far. The teachers are truly a team that works
together to support their students all year round. I admire the principal at
the school, she created the structure and culture at the school where
students and teachers enjoy attending. The principal is Kristin Stogstad,
she is one of the kindest people you’ll ever meet. She cares for the
families and students with her whole heart. She walks around and
interacts with the students, she make sure she is involved and seen
throughout the school to provide any support she can. I feel that a
principal like her that is outside of her office to build relationships with
all grade levels students and teachers is one that really cares for their
school community. I am truly sad to be leaving Garfield and my class,
but I feel fortunate to have students taught at Garfield Elementary

Goal: ​Students able to multiply fractions in general can develop
strategies to divide fractions in general, by reasoning about the
relationship between multiplication and division

Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division
to multiply and divide fractions.
3. Interpret a fraction as division of the numerator by the denominator
(a/b = a ÷ b). Solve word problems involving division of whole numbers
leading to answers in the form of fractions or mixed numbers, e.g., by
using visual fraction models or equations to represent the problem.
Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication to multiply
a fraction or whole number by a fraction.
A.Interpret the product (a/b) × q as a parts of a partition of q into b equal
parts; equivalently, as the result of a sequence of operations a × q ÷ b.
B.Find the area of a rectangle with fractional side lengths by tiling it
with unit squares of the appropriate unit fraction side lengths, and show
that the area is the same as would be found by multiplying the side
lengths. Multiply fractional side lengths to find areas of rectangles, and
represent fraction products as rectangular areas.

Interpret multiplication as scaling (resizing), by:
A. Comparing the size of a product to the size of one factor on the
basis of the size of the other factor,
without performing the indicated multiplication.
B. Explaining why multiplying a given number by a fraction greater
than 1 results in a product greater than
the given number (recognizing multiplication by whole numbers greater
than 1 as a familiar case); explaining why multiplying a given number
by a fraction less than 1 results in a product smaller than the given
number; and relating the principle of fraction equivalence a/b =
(n×a)/(n×b) to the effect of multiplying a/b by 1.

Solve real world problems involving multiplication of fractions and
mixed numbers, e.g., by using visual fraction models or equations to
represent the problem.

Apply and extend previous understandings of division to divide unit
fractions by whole numbers and whole numbers by unit fractions.

A. Interpret division of a unit fraction by a non-zero whole number,

and compute such quotients.
B. Interpret division of a whole number by a unit fraction, and
compute such quotients.
C. Solve real world problems involving division of unit fractions by
non-zero whole numbers and division of whole numbers by unit
fractions, e.g., by using visual fraction models and equations to
represent the problem.


● I can represent and explain the remainder of a whole number is a fraction.

● I can create my own word problem.
● I can represent multiplication of a fraction by a whole number and fraction by a fraction.
● I can understand how to get the product of the answer by multiplying a fraction by a whole
number and by a fraction.
● I can use the estimation when finding the product.
● I can create story contexts for problems involving multiplication of fractions and whole numbers
or multiplication of two fractions.
● I can explain the size of a product in comparison to the factors
● I can explain why a product changes when a given number is multiplied by a factor greater than 1
or a factor less than 1.
● I can solve real-world problems involving multiplication of fractions and mixed number
● I can use the estimation when finding the product.
● I can create and solve problems involving division of a unit fraction by a whole number and a
whole number by a unit fraction.
● I can create and solve problems involving division of a unit fraction by a whole number and a
whole number by a unit fraction.

Maths Week March 16- 18

Date: Topic: ​5.NF.B.3 - 4 Lesson Plan

Monday Focus/Objective:​ I can Intro: ​Brownies

represent and explain the
remainder of a whole number is Lesson:
a fraction.
Standard:​ 5.NF.3 xp3UJkYJXYFPSSPLRo36Fh4

Closing: ​Independent Work -

Two Problems

Tuesday Focus/Objective: ​I can create Intro: ​Warm-up Review

my own word problem.
Part 1 WUP2jLo3QpmhAn9UJc19hR4

Closing: ​Student Presentations

Wednesday Focus/Objective: ​I can create Intro: ​True or False

my own word problem.
Part 2 QqGf04ssWiWrjnESDkhibVUu
The assessment collected will be
a check-in point to see if the Closing: ​Assessment Diagram
students completely understand
and we can move on.

Thursday No School
Friday No school

Maths Week March 23- 27

Date: Topic: Lesson Plan

Monday Focus/Objective:​ ​I can represent Intro: ​Assessment and

multiplication of a fraction by a
whole number and fraction by a ch?v=NnyzzkIVNSQ
Standard: ​5.NF.4

Closing: ​Sticky note

Tuesday Focus/Objective: Intro:

I can represent multiplication of a
fraction by a whole number and ch?v=CcDGRLosAf0
fraction by a fraction.
Standard:​5.NF.4 document/d/1QDk5lw_D_MA2

Closing: ​Multiplied fraction


Wednesday Focus/Objective: ​I can Intro: ​Estimation 180

understand how to get the
product​ of the answer by Lesson:
multiplying a fraction by a
whole number and by a fraction. nt/d/1S57RWztqwX_yoeeH-4hT
And -i9go5DdP8rQE9q416RTrnE/ed
I can use the estimation when it?usp=sharing
finding the product.
Closing:​ Exit Ticket

Thursday Focus/Objective: Intro:

I can create story contexts for Story problem introduction
problems involving
multiplication of fractions and Lesson:
whole numbers or multiplication
of two fractions. nt/d/1Q19V1bRUb9oIYzlxBVv
Standard:​5.NF.4 TKg/edit?usp=sharing

Closing:​ Story problem

Friday Focus/Objective: Intro: ​Would you rather?

I can explain the size of a product Introduction to scaling
in comparison to the factors
I can explain why a product
changes when a given number is
multiplied by a factor greater than dit?usp=sharing
1 or a factor less than 1.
Standard: ​5.NF.5 Closing: ​Playdough and Exit

Maths Week March 30th to April 3rd

Date: Topic: Lesson Plan

Monday Focus/Objective: ​I can solve Intro: ​Check-in Review, and

real-world problems involving Start of Preparation for State
multiplication of fractions and Testing
mixed number
AND Lesson:​
I can use the estimation when document/d/1Tyan5yrQlj2bJJdB
finding the product. DN4Hc-OaRYp8cWG9THpD1k
Standard: ​5.NF.6 and 5.NF.4
Closing: ​Exit Ticket

Tuesday Focus/Objective:​ I can solve Intro: ​State Testing Review

real-world problems involving And Gramps Cookie Game
multiplication of fractions and Lesson:
mixed number
Standard: ​5.NF.6 Saw4W2h5S5-vvGDJrlfzyg/edit
Closing: ​Story and cookies

Wednesday Focus/Objective:​ I can explain Intro:

the division of a unit fraction by a
whole number and explain the ?v=nMZJKGyu-Kk
division of a whole number by a
unit. Lesson:​
Standard: ​5.NF.6 JpOtxO-xdFPeK1RbSZ9bXFJC

Closing: ​State Testing Review

Thursday Focus/Objective:​ I can ​create Intro: ​Herding Game

and solve problems involving
division of a unit fraction by a Lesson:
whole number and a whole
number by a unit fraction. nt/d/1badqKb87FikqEIOlUnb6-r
Standard:​5.NF.7 it?usp=sharing

Closing: ​Worksheet/

Friday Focus/Objective: Intro: Review multiplication

I can ​create and solve problems factors with Around the
involving division of a unit World Game
fraction by a whole number and a
whole number by a unit fraction. Lesson:
Standard:​5.NF.7 nt/d/1JpvXo-kw4LMtEdgAcvNl

Closing: ​Summative

Maths Week April 6th

Date: Topic: Lesson Plan

Monday Focus/Objective: ​Review for Intro: ​Review for State Texting

State Testing Lesson: ​Escape Room Review
Game Closing: ​Students will discuss
h-classroom-escape-room/ the harder math problems and
the easier math problem

Standard: ​5.NF.5

Lesson Plans and Hypothetical Work Samples
Lesson Plan for Multiplying and Dividing Fractions (Day 1)
Standard: ​5.NF.3

Objective: ​I can represent and explain the remainder of a whole number is a fraction.

Description of Activity
Warm Up/Introduction​: (15 minutes)
TLAP - Brownies
Students will see that I brought them a pan of brownies.

Today, we are going to eat some brownies that I made this morning. You can see I have ONE
whole pan and I have not cut the brownie into pieces. I want everyone to get a piece of brownie
that includes me, Ms.Lisa, and Ms.Gohman. How many pieces should I cut so there is enough
for everyone? (28)

Great! How should I cut it? (Student answers 4 lines across and 7 lines down or they might say
another way) Student A why did you choose the number you chose? (Student explains)

Lesson Focus/Development​:

Now I have 5 plates for each pod. How many brownies should be placed on each plate? (Student
answers) -Asking the whole class, now how can we make this a division problem? I would like
you two to share with your partner on the right side of you.

Students share in the class. (2 or 3 students)

Right, we make into a division equation with 5 and 28. Does 5 go in 28 evenly? (No) What does
that mean for our answer? (the answer will have a remainder)

What if, we were to make our answer into a fraction by using a remainder.
Discuss in your pod for one minute of how you would make our 2 from our division equation
into an equation.

I would love to have two pods share their answers, I will draw sticks.

What is going to represent our whole numbers? (Our plates)

How many brownies make a whole? (5)
And if we have 2 leftovers, what is that 2 going to be in our fraction? Numerator or
Denominator? (two-fifths and the 2 is going to be the numerator)

From this information, we were able to gather. What is our new fraction? (5 2/5)
How is this answer related to a remainder? (5 r. 2)
We are going to practice in our pods. I will give your pods cups. Green means you are doing well
and you have the answer, Yellow means we have a quick question, Red means we are completely

Powerpoint Practice.

Assessment: ​Students will have three different levels of questions divided by smaller numbers
and simpler vocab.

Cool Down/Closure​: Each student works independently to solve 2 questions on their own. They
will hand in what they have done for a formative assessment.


Hypothetical Work Sample - Lesson 1

Lesson Plan for Multiplying and Dividing Fractions (Day 2)
Standard: ​5.NF.3

Objective: ​I can represent and explain the remainder of a whole number is a fraction.

Description of Activity
Warm-Up/Introduction​: (15 minutes)
Yesterday, we solved word problems that had remainders. However, we did not answer them all
in remainders. What did we change our remainder to?

Now here is a new story problem, I am going to give you 5 minutes to give me the answer. I will
be pulling sticks for the answer so make sure you are working. (Students answer)

Lesson Focus/Development​:
Now, I have an image of a restaurant. There is food, people, chairs, tables, and many other
things. I want you all to use this picture I made to think of a story problem that we could make
from this picture then, share with your neighbor what you got. For example, I would say we have
13 hotdog and 6 people, each person gets two. What would be the remainder as a fraction?

Now, let’s see what you came up with! Let’s make a list of story problems as a class. **Make
sure the story problem matches the picture on the board**

Let’s look at vocab, we used. Are there any other words we could use? I would advise you to
look at our math vocab wall.

Now, you all are going to be in groups of 6. I will use our class shuffle to pick groups **Student
picks the number of shuffles 1 through 10***.

Your group is going to work together and make your own story problem. I will have a hat, you
and your group will draw and whatever your group picks is the picture you will make to match
your group’s story problem. Think about the vocab you can use, what is everyone’s job in the
Theme - beach, pool, recess, bowling alley, campsite, park, ice cream shop

Once you have the theme for your picture, brainstorm a story problem as we did as a class. Write
it down, then solve it as a group. Then when you have that done to come to find me, so you can
get your paper for your drawing.

You will have 20 minutes to work, but do not focus on the drawing. You will be grade on your
story problem, that should be the first thing done.

Group work, vocab choice, and students will hand in their group work from the presentations

Cool Down/Closure​: Students will post their story problem and picture on the front board. After
they will have one question problem that they will have to answer before class is over.


Hypothetical Work Sample - Lesson 2

Lesson Plan for Multiplying and Dividing Fractions (Day 3)

Standard: ​5.NF.3
Objective: ​I can represent and explain the remainder of a whole number is a fraction.

Description of Activity
Warm-Up/Introduction​: (15 minutes)
True or False

One division problem with the answer as fractions. Students have to tell if it is correct or not by
doing the problem over by themselves.


Lesson Focus/Development​:
We will be creating an anchor chart that the students can refer back to.

After, we will review and read each story problem that the groups created the days before.

Cool Down/Closure​: Students will each choose a story problem from the board from the day
before and will be given the assessment paper to fill out.


Hypothetical Work Sample - Lesson 3

Lesson Plan for Multiplying and Dividing Fractions (Day 4)
Standard: ​5.NF.4

Objective:​ I can represent multiplication of a fraction by a whole number and fraction by a


Description of Activity
Warm-Up/Introduction​: (15 minutes)

Get a blank paper out to write down your answers. No answers are wrong, this is just going to
tell me what you think.

What is multiplication?
What are 3 times 3?
There are three different fractions on the board. (⅔, 3/2/, 1 1/2)
Tell me first which is an improper fraction. (3/2)
Now tell me which is a proper fraction. (2/3)
Finally, tell me which is a mixed fraction. (1 1/2)

What do you think 5 times 2/4 is?

Now go hand in your paper in the math tray. This is not graded.

Now take out a sticky note, put your answer down on the sticky note and place it on the corner of
your desk.

We are now going to watch this video. ​

Lesson Focus/Development​:
After watching this video, can you solve 5 times 2/4 differently? Take 5 minutes and do it.

Now I am going to show you 3 ways you can do it,

First, raise your hand if you drew out the equation. (teacher will be tallying the students’ hands
Okay, let's do that first.

Secondly, who did addition by adding 2/4, 5 times? Raise your hand. (teacher will be tallying the
students’ hands raised)
Let’s try addition and see if we get the same product.
Lastly, who think they multiplied. Raise your hand. (teacher will be tallying the students’ hands
Now let’s try multiplying.

Did we get the same product for all three ways? Looking at the board and what we just did,
which do you think is easier. I want you to share with a partner beside you. I will pull sticks and
you will tell me what you're and your partner agreed about or didn’t agree. Remember we all are
different and it is good that we think differently, so I encourage you all to share.

I will hand out a paper to help you all for tomorrow. Right now colored well and glue on your
next blank page in your Math Notebook.
After, I want you to solve the equation from the beginning and put it on the answer board. Do not
erase anything. Put your number on the sticky note so I know who answered it.

Assessment: ​Intro questions, Sticky note (They will have three answers)

Cool Down/Closure​: After, I want you to solve the equation from the beginning and put it on the
answer board. Do not erase anything. Put your number on the sticky note so I know who
answered it.

Lesson Plan for Multiplying and Dividing Fractions (Day 5)
Standard: ​5.NF.4

Objective:​ I can represent multiplication of a fraction by a whole number and fraction by a


Description of Activity
Warm-Up/Introduction​: (5 minutes)

Lesson Focus/Development​: (20)

Multiplying fractions by fractions with an area model which will become an anchor chart they
can refer to. (resource link)
The class will practice 3 problems together, after.

Students will be divided into groups of 2 or 3. Each group will be practicing the area model that
they just did. They will be given pieces with fractions that are needed to be multiplied. They will
solve each piece and put them together.


Assessment: ​Intro questions, Sticky note (They will have three answers)

Cool Down/Closure​: (25) Students will take a picture when they are done and explain their
answers in Flipgrid.

Hypothetical Work Sample - Lesson 5

Lesson Plan for Multiplying and Dividing Fractions (Day 6)

Standard: ​5.NF.4

Objective:​ ​I can understand how to get the product of the answer by multiplying a fraction by a whole
number and by a fraction.

I can use the estimation when finding the product.

Description of Activity
Warm-Up/Introduction​: (10 minutes)

Est-mation 180 -Get the students engaged

I want you all to stand up without speaking and think about what it means to estimate? I will give
you a minute to write it down on a sticky note.
Without talking, you will switch your sticky note with your blue partner. I want you to discuss if
it is the same or different. Everyone freeze, I want (student 12) to share while he is sharing I
want you to do a plank until I tell you to stop. Get ready everyone, (student 12 shares). Now, I
want you to write on another sticky note write your answer to this question. The story problem I
read to you is on the board, take a minute or 2 to give your best estimate. I want you and your
purple partner to compare answers.
Did you multiple? (Student give a thumbs up and thumbs down)
What words told you that you were multiplying? (Discuss)
What numbers did you multiple? (Share)
Who would like to share their answers? (Compare methods)

Good job! Now everyone can go back to their sits, here is the answer to the Esti-mation 180.

Lesson Focus/Development​: (30)

Take out your math notebook, I have two math problems on the board. Write the two problems
in your notebook. What is the difference in math problems? (Student will notice one
multiplication problem has a whole number times a fraction and the other problem has a
fractions times a fraction.)

We are going to compare and contrast the two math problems.

We will begin a Think Pair Share

What methods would you choose to solve problem one (whole number) compared to problem
two (fraction)? (Students will discuss in small groups)

Students share, and I write down their methods.

Now, what methods would you choose to solve problem one (whole number) and problem two
(fraction) that are the same? (Students will discuss in small groups)

Students share, and I write down their methods.

What do you estimate is the answer to problem 2 (fraction)? Share in your group!

I want to hear what you came up with.

**When estimating fractions there is a rule to follow. This rule will make estimating fractions
easier for you. The first rule is if it ½ greater than you round up, therefore if it is less than1/2
then you round down.

Now that we discovered that rule, I will add it to today's rule board but, you should also write
this down in your math book too. We will use this rule for problem two.

What are we going to round the first fraction to? Up or Down? (Students answer)
Now, what about our second fraction? (Pull sticks for the student to answer)

Who wants to share how they solved the problem. (Student shares) Who solved the problem a
different way and can explain what they did? (I will follow the student’s directions and do it in
front of the class)

What do you estimate is the answer to problem 1 (whole number)? Share in your group!
(Review rounding up)
I want to hear what you came up with.

Now work by yourself to solve the answer.

Who wants to share how they solved the problem. (Student shares) Who solved the problem a
different way and can explain what they did? (I will follow the student’s directions and do it in
front of the class)

Now you will work with your small groups to solve some problems. I will be walking around,
everyone needs to contribute to the work. You will be graded on participation today as well as
your contribution to your team. (Math small groups are organized by students ability to help each

Challenge Problems: will be for my more advance groups (Group 3 and 5)

They will hand in their work, then begin their exit ticket.
Assessment: ​Exit-ticket, think-pair-share, Mondays-Homework(pre-assessment), warm-up game

Cool Down/Closure​: 10 minutes

Students will answer these questions below and hand in their individual answers.


Hypothetical Work Sample - Lesson 6

Lesson Plan for Multiplying and Dividing Fractions (Day 7)

Standard: ​5.NF.4

Objective:​ I can create story contexts for problems involving multiplication of fractions and
whole numbers or multiplication of two fractions​.

Black paper, glue, white crayons, and story problems and images cut-outs
Description of Activity

Warm-Up/Introduction​: (15 minutes)

I am handing out a story problem with 5 students. Raise your hand if you want the story problem.
(Hand out the story problem)
Now each student reads their story to the class.

Now I am going to hand out 5 diagrams that match each story problem. I will pick sticks and you
will get a chance to match one story with one diagram, then the next person goes. You can
change the matches or you can keep them to be the same. When we think they are all matched up
correctly, we can vote as a class and decide.

Now I have five answers, that match each story and diagram. As a class, we will work to solve
them all.

Lesson Focus/Development​: (20)

Today you will be working with your green partner for math. Before you get up and get started, I
am going to give the instructions. How well you listen will determine Friday’s math fun day
which is tomorrow! I have two bags that your group is going to need. The blue paper is story
problems and the pink paper is diagrams that match your story problem, you and your partner
will need to match up the story problem and the diagram but also answer the story problem.
When your group is done, I have a one-word problem you have to solve.

Cool Down/Closure​: 10 minutes

I will have four boxes, each box has a number on them. Each number could be the correct answer
to the story problem. You will write your name on the sheet of paper and put it in the box that
you believe is correct. The students who choose the correct answer will get a prize. If I hear you
give one student the answer, no one gets a prize. So do not be the one to ruin it for everyone else.
Example of the boxes:

Story problems for activity -

Lesson Plan for Multiplying and Dividing Fractions (Day 8)

Standard: ​5.NF.5

Objective:​ I can explain the size of a product in comparison to the factors.


I can explain why a product changes when a given number is multiplied by a factor greater than
1 or a factor less than 1​.

Description of Activity

Warm-Up/Introduction​: (5 minutes)
Would you rather?

Students will discuss and explain their answers to would you rather?

Lesson Focus/Development​: (15 to 20 minutes)

There will be fractions less than ½ and greater than ½, along with whole numbers on the board. I
will have a stick to show how multiplying a fraction can make a measurement smaller or larger
based on the fractions in the equation.
Today, we are going to look at the resizing process when we work with fractions. Let’s say I
have this stick (I will be drawing the stick on the board.), if I multiple this stick by four, it gets
four times that length. Now the stick is this long. (Teacher points at the new stick)

Now, say we have the same stick. But we have 2/3, does our stick get smaller or larger?
(Students raise their hands, one student answers) What do we do to our stick? (Students discuss
in their group, share as a class) Yes, we divide our stick into three parts. Out of the three parts,
how many pieces do we take? (Student raises their hand) Good, how did you know that?
(Student explains themselves).

What if multiply our stick by ⅓? The stick gets even smaller. By the show of hands, how many
pieces do we take after dividing the stick into three? Good, one!

Now, what if we multiple by one, what happens to our stick? (Discuss in small groups, then

All those fractions are less or equal to 1, but what if we have a fraction that is greater than one?
Right here I have the stick, but I am multiplying by 1 ⅓. What happens to my stick now? Does it
get bigger or smaller? (Discuss in a small group, then share a large group)

Our stick got bigger! What did we figure out, share with one person to your left? (Math talk,
share, repeat, reword, and so on)

Now this will help us compare numbers. If I have ¼ times 78 will it be equal to 78, greater than,
or less than? (Student shares with a different partner)

Now you all have 3 problems, they are all different. I have three columns on the board. You need
to place the 3 problems in the correct columns with your name on them. One column is equal to,
and the other two are less than and greater than.

Once you are done, take out a book and read it until everyone is finished. Then, we will start
math fun.
Below is two types of activities that will be handed out to the groups based on their overall work
and understanding from the week. Groups may change based on the work handed in and

Assessment: ​Student 3 problems, math talk, and Playdough project

Cool Down/Closure​: (25 minutes)

Math FunTime/Review

Math Playdough

Resource​: ​

Lesson Plan for Multiplying and Dividing Fractions (Day 9)
Standard: ​5.NF.6


Description of Activity
Warm-Up/Introduction​: (10 minutes)

We are going to review what we have been learning, I want you all to take 10 minutes to answer.
After you will have 3 more questions, this week we will begin preparing for State Testing.
(Hand in the first review, and review as a class the second review)

Lesson Focus/Development​: (30 minutes)

Today, we have Julianna running. Who wants to read the story problem to the class? (Student
reads) Without calculating, what can we estimate the distance Julianna ran? You all are going to
write down on a piece of paper “My estimate is ___ because of ____”. You have 5 minutes to
explain your answer to the piece of paper. Now, I want numbers 1 through 13 to stand up and
make a straight line. Next, I want 14 through 26 to face someone that is already standing.

(Speed-dating discussion)1-13 will be first to read their explanation, then 14 - 26 will go. After
you read it to each other, turn around.
1-13 will move to their right, and we will do it again. (We will do it five times)
Now let’s sit back down, share with the people in your pods some of the explanations you heard
from your classmates.

Let’s with the rest of the class, and share the answers we got. (Teacher writes them on the board)
How can we solve multiplying two mixed fractions? (Create an improper fraction or box
How can we use the box method to help solve our problem? (We do the box method as a class
relate it to the distributive property)

Now, you will get to play a game called The Smaller Answer. I printed off a game board for you
and your partner. I have dice set out on the back table, you will need one. The loser of each
round will have to do 10 jumping jacks or 10 push-ups or 10 leg raises. (Read the rules to the
class and dismiss them to start with their partners)
Assessment: ​Exit Ticker, students estimation explanation papers, review for introduction
Cool Down/Closure​: 10 minutes

Students will answer this question before leaving or it will be homework.


Hypothetical Work Sample - Lesson 9

Lesson Plan for Multiplying and Dividing Fractions (Day 10)

Standard: ​5.NF.6

Objective:​ I can solve real-world problems involving multiplication of fractions and mixed

Description of Activity
Warm-Up/Introduction​: (10 minutes)

Today class, I have another three-question review. Today we will answer and solve them
together. Remember we are doing this to prepare for your State Testing next month.

Now that we finished with the review, I have a little game we will do as a class.
The game is called cookies for gramps, and we want to make one complete cookie out of the
fractions given to us. We are timed, so we want to get the most cookies before our time runs out.

h​ ttps://
Game- Cookie master game

Lesson Focus/Development​: (30 minutes)

I handed out a piece of paper, you will be gluing this into your math notebook when we are done
with it. I want you to make it neat so you can read it. First, let’s look at number three. We will
solve that one together. (Teacher thinks out loud so student understand the math thinking)

What steps did I follow that you can put down on the top of this paper? Take your time and fill it

I want you to put your paper aside right.

Because we have a group activity. You will be in your small groups. Quietly go stand together
without talking. I have a cookie recipe that each group is going to work on. (differentiate the
activity with different numbers for specific groups that need it) You will work together to answer
each question. When you are done hand your paper in, then go back to the paper you put aside
for your math notebook.
When all the groups are done, I have a treat for all of you.

Math Notebook paper:

Cookie Recipe:

We will do number three together, and I will use the Think Out Loud method to demonstrate the
steps to follow when multiplying mixed fractions.
Next students will be divided up into groups of 3 or 4, they will get a cookie recipe that they will
have to work together on.

Assessment: ​Group Work, notebook work(I will be able to add notes so they can look back and
remember), review from introduction
Cool Down/Closure​: (5 minutes)
I cooked everyone cookies today, and I will be reading the story Multiplying Menace The
Revenge of Rumpelstiltskin while you are eating them.

Hypothetical Work Sample - Lesson 10

Lesson Plan for Multiplying and Dividing Fractions (Day 11)

Standard: ​5.NF.6

Objective:​ I can solve real-world problems involving multiplication of fractions and mixed

Description of Activity
Warm-Up/Introduction​: (10 minutes)
Let’s watch a quick clip. I think it's pretty fun and catchy.

Lesson Focus/Development​: (30 minutes)

We will be dividing fractions now. From the video, what tips or rules did they give us? (We will
be creating another anchor chart for the students to refer back to)
KFC - Keep, Flip, and Change are very important to remember when dividing fractions.

Now there are a few different ways to get your answer when dividing fractions. (I will be
following the steps introduced to the resource) I want you all to write down the step in your

Now, take out your whiteboard and dry erase marker. We will be practicing these problems some

Cool Down/Closure​: (5 minutes)
Your exit ticket today will be three questions to help you prepare for your state testing.

Lesson Plan for Multiplying and Dividing Fractions (Day12 )

Standard: ​5.NF.7

Objective: ​I can ​create and solve problems involving division of a unit fraction by a whole number and a
whole number by a unit fraction.

Description of Activity
Warm-Up/Introduction​: ( 5 minutes)
We are going to do our Herding Game, without talking this time.

I want you to make a group of 6 people, in this group you must all be wearing the same color.
If you do make up a group you are out for this round but can rejoin for the next.

I want you to divide your group by three. How many are in a group now? Show of hands (2)

I want you to make a group of 10, and stand on one foot the whole time and hop on your foot 5
times. Then divide your group by 5. How many are in a group now? Show of hands (2)

Last one, make a group of 8. Once you make a group of eight, do eight push ups. Then divide
your group by 2. How many are in a group now? Show of hands (4)

Lesson Focus/Development​: ( 30 minutes)

Today, we are going to do an activity together as a group. I will give you the cue to when you
can get up. I have the color cubes (manipulatives) in a pile on the carpet, I would like you sit in a
circle around the color cubes. Then wait for directions. (Students follow visual cue to transition
to the carpet)

Good! Now I want you to take 6 cubes of the same color and put them together. After you do
that, I want you to do the same thing 5 more times. You should have a total of 6 lengths of cubes.
(Teacher shows visuals of the exception then gives the students time to make the 6 lengths of

Now I want you to lay them in front of you.

So if I have 6 pieces of celery an I have to share them with one other person, how many people
will be getting the celery. (Teacher is showing the six cube lengths represent 6 celery pieces)

(Student answers and class discuss how they know that is the answer)

If we separate our 6 pieces between two people, how many do they get? I want you to discuss
and discuss what we did? Did we add, subtract, multiply, or divide? (Students discuss, then

Good! Now I want you to put all your lengths back in the circle, except for two.

We have one candy bar. This is our candy bar. I am going to write a division problem on my
white board. First I am going to read it.
I want you to work with someone next to you and try to solve this story problem?

(Students work as I observe)

Let’s come back together. Share what you know you did right or what you did not know what to
do. (Students share)

Let’s look at our one candy bar. The mom gives her children one half of the candy bar, how
many cubes is going to be one half? (Students say three)

Lets compare our half to one whole. How many cubes total made up our candy bar? (6) but we
cut it in half, how many did we have now? (3) How would me show that in fraction form? Write
it down on your white board. (student will give 3/6 or 1/2)
If we were give each child an equal piece, how many cubes would they get? (student should say
How would that be in a fraction? (1/6)

How do we know our answer? (Students discuss)

Now, I will hand out a worksheet. You will do this worksheet on your own. Then at the last 5
minutes of class you will compare your answers with your math partner. Then we will spend
time reviewing for state testing.
Assessment: ​Worksheet, Discussion

Cool Down/Closure​: (10 minutes)

One or two questions for state testing.

Hypothetical Work Sample - Lesson 12

Lesson Plan for Multiplying and Dividing Fractions (Day 13)

Standard: ​5.NF.7

Objective: ​I can ​create and solve problems involving division of a unit fraction by a whole number and a
whole number by a unit fraction.

Description of Activity
Warm-Up/Introduction​: ( 5 minutes)
We are going to play a quick game around the world. We are going to refresh on our
multiplication problems.

Lesson Focus/Development​: (30 minutes)

There is a math problem on the board. (6 / 2 =) Six divided by 2, what is going to be our answer.
(students answer 3) Now lets make this equation a multiplication problem. What are we going to
multiple with one another? Share to your partner what you think the problem will be.

Popcorn Math -
Each of you will get our own popcorn box. Your name is on them, I will call out your name to
come get it. (Each box will have different problems that the students will be capable to solve)

You will have division problems and multiplication problems. You are going to see how they
Assessment: Students will hand in their popcorn math, summative assessment
Cool Down/Closure​: (10 minutes)
I would like you to hand in what you got done, then sit back down. Today's exit ticket is going to
be similar to what you just did with a story problem. Try your best by yourself. While you are
handing in your work, I will be handing out your exit ticket. (Closing assessment -Exit Ticket)


Hypothetical Work Sample - Lesson 13

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