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Operations Practice

Managing a
plant through the
coronavirus crisis
Manufacturers can follow three guiding principles to keep
their workers safe while preparing for increased uncertainty
and long-lasting changes to the work environment.
by Vivek Furtado, Tom Kolaja, Curt Mueller, and Julian Salguero

© Sollina Images/Getty Images

April 2020
As the COVID-19 pandemic sweeps across the Protecting employees’ mental health has also
globe, manufacturing organizations face significant emerged as a high priority, with companies in China
operational challenges. Some companies have (and elsewhere) providing counseling services to
temporarily shuttered factories in response to employees returning after prolonged quarantines.
government restrictions or falling demand, but These measures, developed in the initial response
others are facing significant increases in demand for to the crisis, can be integrated into an organization’s
essential supplies. standard procedures as it makes the transition to
next-normal operations.
Frontline manufacturing staff can’t take their
work to the relative safety of their homes. Plant Communication is key
leaders are therefore looking for ways to operate Ramping up internal communications is vitally
through the immediate crisis—all while preparing important, including regular sharing of information
for a potentially much longer period of heightened about the company’s evolving knowledge of the
uncertainty regarding demand and supply, and a crisis and how it is using that knowledge to protect
lasting need to maintain enhanced hygiene and employees and the organization. Clarity, simplicity,
physical distancing. and framing all matter—research from earlier
epidemics shows that positive messages focused
Three areas of focus can help plant leaders navigate on best practices were more effective than negative
the transition from initial crisis response to the messages designed to address misinformation.
“next normal”: Frequency counts as well, as audiences need to
hear a message repeatedly before fully absorbing
1. Protect the workforce: Formalize and it. And that implies consistent content, reflecting a
standardize operating procedures, processes, single source of truth at the corporate center.
and tools that help keep staff safe. Build
workforce confidence through effective, two- Finally, the best communication is two-way, with
way communication that responds to employees’ managers answering questions and engaging in
concerns through flexible adaptation. an open dialogue with employees at all levels. One
equipment maker, for example, asks supervisors
2. Manage risks to ensure business continuity: to collect queries and concerns from frontline
Anticipate potential changes and model the team members every morning. The company’s HR
way the plant should react well ahead of the department then publishes an updated daily list
fluctuations to enable rapid, fact-based actions. of questions and answers, which are displayed on
monitors around the factory. After the introduction
3. Drive productivity at a distance: Continue to of the new policy, absenteeism among shop-floor
effectively manage performance at the plant staff dropped significantly and productivity returned
while physical distancing and remote working to pre-crisis levels. As an additional, unintended
policies remain in place. benefit, the approach uncovered a number of
frontline concerns unrelated to the pandemic,
allowing managers to take additional steps to boost
Protect the workforce productivity and improve workforce satisfaction.
The most critical focus for every organization
is to keep employees safe in an environment Plant leaders are already telling us that their
where repeated outbreaks are a persistent frontline personnel appreciate the increased
threat. To achieve this, companies can deploy a frequency and clarity of two-way communication
comprehensive set of policies and guidelines, necessitated by the outbreak. Organizations can
including enhanced hygiene measures, provision capitalize on these improvements by standardizing
of additional personal protective equipment their enhanced communication approach, rather
(PPE) where necessary, physical distancing, and than letting things regress to pre-crisis norms as the
modifications to existing governance and behaviors. situation stabilizes.

2 Managing a manufacturing plant through the coronavirus crisis

Enabling workplace physical distancing Minimizing the potential future impact of infections
To keep staff safe over the longer term, companies will require companies to alter team structures
can retain and formalize appropriate parts of their and working methods in order to limit contact
emergency-response guidelines, so they become across the workforce. One way this can be done
part of plants’ standard operating procedures. is by establishing “pods” for all on-site personnel,
Such guidelines might include enhanced health organized for self-contained teams with clearly
surveillance, restrictions on the use of communal defined tasks and workspaces that can be
tools and areas, regular sanitization of equipment physically and socially separated from each other as
along with periodic deep cleans of whole much as possible.
workplaces, and HR policies that ensure workers
can stay at home if they feel unwell. Regulatory Organizational changes to support the introduction
changes also merit extra attention, as governments of pods include dedicating workers to a single
introduce new rules on mandatory sick pay, or production line and removing “floating” workers—for
requirements for employees to limit contact with example, by making pod members responsible for
products or one another. collecting materials and for conducting their own
routine quality checks and maintenance. Shift
At the onset of the crisis, some companies began handover meetings can be conducted remotely,
to ask employees to take a digital survey before using videoconferencing technology, while the
starting on-site work, confirming that they do start, stop, and break times of different pods can be
not have any COVID-19 symptoms, sharing their staggered to minimize contact in communal areas
travel history since their last shift, and verifying of the plant. Plants may even choose to modify shift
they understand new health and safety guidelines. patterns, so lines in close proximity to one another
This approach provided valuable data that could are staffed and run at different times.
aid 2020tracing (where consistent with local
practices) a manufacturing
in the plant
event of a positive test through
at the plant. the coronavirus
Exhibit 1 shows howcrisis
the pod approach might work
also helps to reinforce
1 of 4 the importance of following on a packaging line. Before the changes, operators
health policies and reminds employees to avoid the working on the line were responsible for multiple
risk of getting others sick. machines, supported by logistics, quality, and utility

Exhibit 1

Employee and workspace ‘pods’ enable shop-floor physical distancing.

Illustrative workspaces

Before: 4 together—4 operators, 1 line After: 2 plus 1 plus 1—2 operators in pod, plus 1 remote,
plus 1 reassigned
Forklift operator pulls product Quality inspector audits Quality team does inspec- Line operator is respon-
from palletizers on multiple lines multiple lines for defects tions remotely via video or sible for fewer machines,
augmented-reality glasses so utility tech is reassigned

Forklift operator is
Utility tech supports line now line-dedicated with Physical barrier
operators on multiple lines responsibility for palletizer separates employees

Managing a manufacturing plant through the coronavirus crisis 3

personnel who worked across multiple lines. Under other staff who were working in close proximity), and
the pod system, operators are assigned to fewer isolating and sanitizing exposed products, tools,
machines but responsible for more tasks within their and workspaces.
work area, thereby minimizing contact with staff and
equipment outside the pod. Facing higher levels of uncertainty over the medium
term, plants will likely find it useful to ramp up
Instead of multiple employees handling each their scenario planning, with a higher planning
pallet, for example, a single team member is cadence and a wider range of potential scenarios
responsible for its entire journey. Some tasks, such included in their analysis. When closely tied to the
as quality assurance, are now conducted by remote organization’s wider response and recovery strategy,
specialists, aided by cameras and digital tools. this accelerated planning helps the plant develop
New physical barriers guard against accidental strategies to accommodate substitute materials, or
contact between pod workers, while allowing the produce hard-to-source parts in-house.
unimpeded movement of product.
Some companies are using digital twins of their
facilities to simulate operation under different
Manage risks to ensure staffing levels and production scenarios. This
business continuity approach can support many aspects of operational
The coronavirus crisis has dramatically increased risk planning, from evaluating the impact of changes
for every business, with many experiencing shocks in to plant layout to determining the mix of skills that
both supply and demand. Manufacturing plants are on-site teams will require.
at the center of that uncertainty, and their continued
operation through the crisis and beyond will depend The transition to the next normal in manufacturing
in large part on the organization’s ability to navigate plants will require both leaders and frontline teams
these wider risks. We have written elsewhere about to develop new capabilities. The introduction of
the necessary steps to build resilience into the wider pods on the production line, for example, may call
supply chain, and plant leaders will play a central role for operators with a wider range of skills, so they can
in their organization’s response. complete all the tasks required in their pod or cover
for absent colleagues.
Plant leaders can also plan their own response to
risks that could directly affect operations in their New digital approaches can accelerate the
facility—starting with what to do if an employee capability-building process and allow employees to
anywhere in the plant tests positive for a COVID-19 develop new skills remotely. Such techniques include
infection. Responses can include—but would not the remote delivery of training using e-learning
be limited to—consulting with health authorities, systems or the use of virtual-reality technologies to
quarantining the affected person (together with any

New digital approaches can accelerate

the capability-building process and
allow employees to develop new
skills remotely.

4 Managing a manufacturing plant through the coronavirus crisis

familiarize operators with new tasks or plant layouts. The technology necessary to support these changes
Augmented-reality systems help shop-floor staff to doesn’t need to be expensive. Staff working off-
receive training, advice, and support from remote site can use secure remote-access programs from
colleagues. Specialist contractors can use such their personal devices to handle shift handover
systems to guide shop-floor staff through machine meetings and similar activities. Some plants have
maintenance or troubleshooting. equipped operators with two-way radios, assigning
channels to specific teams or functional groups. This
approach can actually increase the speed at which
Drive productivity at a distance issues are communicated and resolved.
For as long as virus transmission among employees
remains a risk, companies will naturally want to Now is a good time for companies to revisit the
minimize unnecessary contact between personnel. suites of metrics they use to track manufacturing
Anybody not absolutely required on-site, including performance. To make up for reduced in-person
managers and many support functions, can be access to the shop floor, some factory-management
encouraged to work remotely as much as possible teams are already beginning to identify and track
to protect the health of their shop-floor colleagues. leading key performance indicators (KPIs) in
To minimize the risk that an entire leadership cohort addition to the standard first- and second-level KPIs
would need to enter quarantine at the same time, they usually rely upon.
leadership staff who do need to stay on-site can be
separated into at least two teams, with no physical Exhibit 2 illustrates this approach with a simplified
contact between them. cascade of KPIs from a high-speed production
line. Each of the top-level performance KPIs on the
As they reconfigure their operations to keep left of the chart sits over a number of second-level
employees safe and respond to changes in the KPIs that describe the major sources of losses
wider value chain, companies still need to maintain experienced on the line. The leading KPIs in the
manufacturing performance. In many plants, leaders third column track previously agreed-on actions
have long managed performance face to face, using designed to minimize those losses.
daily shift briefings, visual management, and regular
“gemba walks”—observant walk-throughs of the Monitoring how often frontline teams are cleaning,
shop floor and wherever else the “real work” is being checking, and adjusting critical parts of the
GES Physical-distancing
done. 2020 and remote-working equipment—perhaps using sensors, if available—can
Managing a manufacturing plant through
policies will make these established approaches the coronavirus
give crisis
team leaders and plant managers a useful
more 2 ofcompelling
difficult, 4 companies to find new early warning of potential problems before they
ways to manage shop-floor performance. weaken operational performance. Historically, senior

Exhibit 2

For remote management, leading key performance indicators (KPIs) provide

early warning of shop-floor issues.
Standard KPIs Second-level KPIs Leading KPIs

Overall equipment Bottleneck infeed jams Number of times infeed rails cleaned
effectiveness (OEE): Bottleneck discharge jams % of shifts when centerline was validated
Bottleneck speed losses-jams % of downtime of upstream equipment
Breakdown losses % of preventative maintenance tasks completed
OEE: Availability
Changeover losses Number of pre-changeover checklists completed
Automatic in-line rejects Number of reject bin audits
OEE: Quality
Quality holds Number of inline checks completed

Managing a manufacturing plant through the coronavirus crisis 5

managers would rely on line leaders to review these In the longer term, the organization’s response
activities in person, but with only remote monitoring to COVID-19 should accelerate the digital
possible, these data points can fill critical information transformation that is already under way in many
gaps for managers. For example, if the number of manufacturing environments. For teams working
times the infeed rails are cleaned starts to fall on a remotely or under physical-distancing guidelines,
filler line, managers can follow up with the operators real-time data collection and advanced-analytics
rather than wait for jams to reduce the line’s overall technologies can provide a more detailed, accurate,
equipment effectiveness—the standard KPI that and up-to-date picture of plant operations.
leadership teams usually follow.
Handheld cameras and smart glasses can give
Absenteeism rates are another important area of remote staff a virtual shop-floor presence, allowing
focus. Understandably, employees concerned about them to assist frontline teams with troubleshooting
COVID-19 exposure could be reluctant to come to tasks or even participate in gemba walks to support
work, while others may be prevented from doing so line supervisors and operators. Digital standard
by sickness or by quarantine rules. Some companies operating procedures (SOPs) and problem-solving
are proactively reaching out to employees the day guides can support frontline teams when managers
before and the morning of their shifts to ask if they or more experienced colleagues are not on hand.
are planning to come to work, while others are Online learning technologies can help staff develop
offering hazard pay or soliciting volunteers to be “on new skills quickly, creating a more flexible, more
call” for overtime, depending on vacancies. With technology-savvy workforce at every level of the
advance notice of absenteeism and clear production organization (Exhibit 4).
priorities, plant teams stand a better chance of
developing and executing efficient production plans. The next normal is also likely to drive a change in
the metrics and targets companies use to optimize
Managers can use a skills matrix (Exhibit 3) to manufacturing performance. Management systems
identify potential shortages of critical capabilities that typically emphasize productivity and quality
on a day-to-day tactical basis and, together with will expand to include a greater focus on flexibility
GES 2020 modeling, guide decisions about staff (for example, the number of staff cross-trained to
training or recruitment requirements. Even
Managing a manufacturing plant through the a simple perform multiple tasks
coronavirus on the line) and resilience
spreadsheet can quickly highlight problems and (the number of component shortages due to supply-
Exhibit 3 of 4
identify opportunities for reskilling or upskilling to chain or quality issues, or the skills that are in short
improve workforce resilience. supply because only a small number of employees

Exhibit 3

A skills matrix highlights potential skills gaps and upskilling opportunities.

Skills matrix Skills-need matrix Output-availability matrix

Employee skills Employees needed Employees available

Position 1 2 3 4 5 Position 3 4 5 Total Position 3 4 5 Total
Position #1 4 4 5 5 4 Position #1 7 3 1 11 Position #1 5 5 3 13
Position #2 4 3 3 4 5 Position #2 1 1 1 3 Position #2 1 1 0 2
Position #3 3 4 3 2 4 Position #3 11 6 3 20 Position #3 13 15 13 41
Position #4 1 2 2 1 1 Position #4 7 4 2 13 Position #4 4 3 2 9
Position #5 1 1 1 1 3 Position #5 9 7 3 19 Position #5 4 7 7 18

Quantifies, on a scale from 1 to 5, Identifies the number of employees Combines the skills and skills-need
the level of competency of each needed for each position and matrixes, summing up the number of
employee in each position. at each competency level. employees available for each position
Highlighting the scores of 1 and 2 shows Ideally, these estimates are adjusted for at each competency level. Highlighted
training needs. projected absenteeism. cells indicate gaps to be filled.

6 Managing a manufacturing plant through the coronavirus crisis

have the necessary training or experience).
The coronavirus will have long-lasting—perhaps
Companies can reinforce those changes by permanent—effects on manufacturing
adjusting targets and incentives for individual
organizations, forcing companies to restructure
employees, such as by emphasizing adherence
their operations to maintain production while
to health and safety guidelines. Staff could be
protecting their workers. The coming weeks and
rewarded for developing broader skill sets, reducing
months will remain extremely challenging for plant
reliance on external contractors and increasing the
leaders, but the crisis also creates an opportunity to
GES 2020resilience of the workforce. reimagine the way work is done. By accelerating the
Managing a manufacturing plant through the of new digital
coronavirus technologies and by drawing
Exhibit 4 of 4 on the flexibility and creativity of their frontline staff,
companies have the opportunity to emerge from the
crisis with manufacturing operations that are safer,
more productive, and more resilient.

Exhibit 4

Digital capabilities offer essential support as companies adapt their operations.

Digital capability use cases, non-exhaustive

Real-time data collection Digital capability building Augmented-reality Remote meetings

Programmable logic Employees complete capability building Technology enables
controllers and related digital modules offsite for operators face-to-face meetings from
technology automatically Operators receive real-time different spaces through
collect data (eg, downtime digital training and support cameras, microphones,
pareto, speed reduction) for tasks (eg, assembly screen sharing, and virtual
operations, machine whiteboards

In-line or remote Track-and-trace Advanced solutions to Autonomous planning to

quality testing functionality monitor supply-chain identify demand changes
Automatic sorting System stores and vulnerability Autonomous and exception
system identifies and reports all relevant Advance analytics used to demand planning used
segregates defects information for each batch to determine critical supplies to predict future demand
enable root-cause analysis of needed for production and accurately based on
issues changes to supply based on spikes or decreases from
micro and macro risks specific inputs

Vivek Furtado is a consultant in McKinsey’s Denver office, Tom Kolaja is a partner in the London office, Curt Mueller is
a senior partner in the Chicago office, and Julian Salguero is a partner in the Miami office.

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Managing a manufacturing plant through the coronavirus crisis 7

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