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flourish. It is your organization.


you take the time to do two small, but
vitally important jobs that will be of
great assistance, at this time, in the
development of the Guild?
1. Encourage all your trumpet play-
ing friends to join.
to promote communicattons among trumpet players around the world and to improve the artistic level 2. Send suggestions to me (or com-
of performance, teaching, and literature associated with the trumpet mittee chairpeople) for new pro-
jects or ways to supplement or
Vol. 2, No. 1 March, 1976 improve present ones.
And finally, plan now to attend the
International Brass Congress, June
13-19, 1976 in Montreux, Switzerland.
It will be the greatest gathering of brass
We would like also, and this is
From the President important, to increase our membership
players the world has ever known. . .in
fabulously beautiful Switzerland. Don’t
to the point where we have a thorough wait. Plan to attend now.
This is my first. opportunity to representation of professionals, teachers
acknowledge your confidence in electing and students in all areas of the world.
me to be the first president of the Inter- Many people know of our organization
national Trumpet Guild. 1 and its purposes, but many people
I feel humble when I think of the don’t. It has been my experience that
awesome responsibilities of this office. everyone with whom I’ve discussed the
My enthusiasm for the Guild and its ITG is really excited about it, and join
potential gives me an energetic drive at their first opportunity. Won’t you
that I hope will be equal to the task of spread the word? I don’t know of a
establishing new trends in the develop- better value for the money.
ment of trumpet playing, music written Your officers and committees will be
for the trumpet, and improvements in greatly benefited by your suggestions.
the manufacture of trumpets. I am Membership participation is what we
happy to be associated with the finest need to make the ITG grow and
trumpet players and teachers in the
world, and the many students who will
soon be heard from professionally.
At this point I would like to con-
gratulate all of the newly elected
The International Trumpet Guild
officers. It is my hope and expectation
that we will grow to be a productive announces
group of leaders for this fine organi-
zation. the 1976 Composers’ Award Competition
There is an exciting future for the
ITG, but it is one only YOU, the Eligibility - Open to all composers.
members, can bring about. Entry Rules - Only unpublished and unassigned compositions will be con-
In any organized society, there has to sidered. Compositions may be written for unaccompanied solo trumpet or any
be a group of officers, but the most combination of from two to six trumpets in ensemble. Instrumentation may
important function of these people is include the following: Bb trumpet, cornet or Flugelhorn (either 3 or 4 valve
the channeling of information, supplied models), C, D or Piccolo Bb trumpet. Minimum performance time of com-
by the membership to its proper desti- position should be four minutes. Entries must be submitted by Sept. 1, 1976.
nation. The panel of judges will consist of two leading composers and two members
I think we are already off to a great of the ITG Committee on Music and Recording Projects. The results of the
start. Our coordinators, Charlie Gorham competition will be announced by Oct. 1, 1976.
and Bob Nagel, and our Steering Com- The ITG award will consist of publication of the winning composition, plus
mittee are to be especially commended an immediate cash advance of $300 on future royalties. The ITG will promote
for organizing and developing the ITG sales of the winning work through the medium of its Newsletter which reaches
to this point. They have been most help- ITG members around the world. Future plans will include a project to record
ful to me since my election, and I know all ITG award works.
they will always be available for advice Please send all entries to: Robert Nagel, Chairman, Music and Recording
and guidance in the months ahead. Committee, International Trumpet Guild, Broadview Drive, Brookfield, Conn.
All of you have been cooperative and 06804
helpful in filing out the questionaire During the coming fiscal ‘year, the Music and Recording Committee is
regarding the purpose ahd goals of the planning to commission a trumpet work by a major composer.
ITG, but don’t let that stop you from ITG members are encouraged to bring this competition to the attention of
supplying input to your officers. We composers in their geographic areas. Let’s all spread the word about our first
/ want to hear your ideas, your thoughts Composers Award Competition.
concerning your organization. \ d

Lloyd Geisler is a professor of music section of the S.O.D.R.E. Orchestra of

at Catholic University in Washington, Uruguay and guest conducted the
D.C., where . he teaches trumpet and government-sponsored orchestra.
conducting. Before joining the faculty at Mr. Geisler’s activities have included
Catholic University he taught at Pea- playing first trumpet at the Bethlehem,
body Conservatory in Baltimore. In Pa. Bach Festivals and recording sound
1936 he joined the National Symphony backgrounds for government fnms. In
Orchestra as solo trumpet. He became January 1969, he played the national
Assistant Conductor in 1957, Associate anthem unacompanied at Super Bowl III
Conductor in 1961 and Resident Con- in Miami.
ductor in 1972. He retired in 1973, A native of Pottstown, Pa., Mr.
after 37 years. Geisler received his musical training at
In 1962 Mr. Geisler was sent to Curtis Institute of Music in Phladelphia
Uruguay by the U.S. State Department and he studied trumpet with Harold
Lloyd Geisler, President as a U.S. Specialist. He trained the brass Rehrig and Saul Caston.

Clifford Lillya has been a member of cator and clinician. He is the conductor
the faculty of the University of and featured arranger of Two Hundred
Michigan School of Music since 1947. Years of American Marches, an album
He is a professor of music (trumpet) and recently released by the University of
chairman of the Wind and Percussion Michigan School of Music.
Department there. In March, 1974, he In June, 1975, Mr. Lillya gave a
was appointed Earl V. Moore Professor lecture and master class at the National
of Music. Trumpet Symposium held at Norman,
Mr. Lillya has long been interested in Oklahoma. This January he conducted a
developing performers, and former trumpet clinic at Northeast Missouri
trumpet students from Michigan are State College in Kirksville, Missouri.
found nationwide, among the leaders of
the profession.
As an editor and author he has con-
tributed to contemporary teaching litera-
ture and is widely known as an adjudi- CIifford Lillya, Vice President

David Baldwin is an assistant profes- In 1974 Mr. Baldwin’s composition,

sor at the University of Minnesota. His Notes for Brass Quintet, ‘was performed
duties in the Music Department include at the Atlanta Brass Symposium and in
teaching trumpet, conducting the brass 1975 his piece, Time: Friend or Foe?,
choir, coaching chamber ensembles and for brass choir, was performed there.
coordinating the teaching activities of Many of Mr. Baldwin’s compositions and
part-time brass teachers. arrangements are published. He played
Mr. Baldwin received his B.M. degree first trumpet on the Columbia recording
from Baldwin-Wallace College and his of the music of Charles Ives, Old Songs
M.M. and M.M.A. degrees from Yale ,‘Deranged.
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Mr. Baldwm has performed wrth the
for the D.M.A. degree from Yale. He has West Point Band, the New York Brass
studied trumpet with Bernard Adelstein, Quintet, the New Haven Brass Quintet,
William Vacchiano, Robert Nagel, the Minnesota Orchestra and the St.
David Baldwin, Secreta? Raymond Crisara and Charles Gorham. Paul Chamber Orchestra.

Gordon Mathie is a professor in the and an advisor to graduate students in

Crane School of Music at. the State music.
University College of New York at Mr. Mathie received his B.S. and M.E.
Potsdam. His playing experience has degrees from Wayne State University
included membership in the Detroit and his Ed.D. from the University of
Symphony Orchestra, the University of Illinois. He has taught in the public
Illinois Brass Quintet, the St. Louis schools and at the National Music Camp
Sinfonietta and the Belle Isle (Leonard at Interlochen for seven years.
Smith) Concert Band where he was solo
At Potsdam, where he has been since
1959, Mr. Mathie teaches trumpet and
courses in music education. He is also a
member of the Potsdam Brass Quintet Gordon Mathie, Treasurer

Passport Support International

Information Brass Organizations
Trumpet Guild officers would like to The ITG would like to thank the
remind members to obtain or renew other brass associations for their
their passports for travel to the Brass support. Please encourage your friends
Congress. Charter Flights to support them.
In the U.S. applications can be
obtained from any U.S. District Court to Brass Congress
Clerk. The Federal Information Center
can direct you to other places in your
Mr. Stephen Adler of Convention
area where applications are available.
Coordinators, Inc., of New York City,
To avoid difficulties we recommend has informed us that there is still time
that you allow two months to complete to make reservations on one of their
the application process. roundtrip charter flights to the Brass The International Trombone Associ-
Congress. Space is available on a first ation (1.T.A;) dedicated to the artistic
When applying for your passport you come first served basis. advancement of trombone teaching, per-
must present proof of citizenship. Two formance, literature and the exchange of
duplicate photographs, taken within six Flights will depart from Chicago and ideas.
months of the date of application, must New York on June 10th and 11 th and Membership dues: $10.00, Students
accompany the passport application. they will return on June 20th and 21st. - $8.00. Send dues to: Thomas
Some flight plans include hotel accom- Streeter, Treasurer, 18 12 Truman Drive,
The U.S. passport fee is $13. Pass- modations. Prices for roundtrip airfare Normal, Illinois 6 176 1.
ports are usually valid for five years. from New York start at $339.

Before going abroad it is advisable to Applications and detailed information

contact your health insurance office to can be obtained from: Convention
find out what medical services, if any, Coordinators, Inc., The Churchill,
will be covered while you are outside Churchill Promenade, 300 East 40th St.,
the country. New York, N.Y., 10016, (212)

For information about possible

charter flights from England and Tubists Universal Brotherhood Associ-
Scandinavia, members should write to: ation (T.U.B.A.) is a world wide fra-
Mr. Richard F. Zellner, Institute for ternity of musicians whose purpose is to
Advanced Musical Studies, Box 141, maintain a liaison between those who
1820 Montreux, Switzerland. take a significant interest in the instru-
ments of the tuba family - their
development, literature, pedagogy, and
_. . performance* ., .““,‘-‘_ ‘I’*.- ‘...
Membership dues: professional -
Help Us. $10.00, Student - $5.00, Associate -
$10.00. Send dues to: Donald C. Little,
Department of Music, University of
Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa
The editors of the ITG newsletter 50613.
need your help. Members are requested
to submit articles in the following Brass Lab
categories: new literature - books,
records, published arrangements and in St. Louis
compositions; an no uncements and
reviews of meetings, clinics and seminars The St. Louis Brass Quintet will hold
- local, regional, national and inter- its annual “Brass Lab” from June 13-19.
national; chapter news; premiers of This seven-day experience will con-
trumpet compositions; trumpet recital centrate on in-depth study, practice, and
programs; awards; new equipment; and performance of brass chamber music
general news. featuring brass quintets and other The International Horn Society
ensembles. Any high school or college (I.H.S.) Annual dues: $10.00. Send dues
All articles should be sent to the student interested in more information to: Mrs. Nancy Fako, Secretary-
secretary. They should be typewritten may write to: Brass Lab, 26 Rosemont, Treasurer, The International Horn
and doubled spaced. We regret that we St. Louis, MO. 62119, or phone Society, 337 Ridge Avenue, Elmhurst,
cannot print all material submitted. 314-061-7758. Illinois 60126.


Fourth Annual The NYCFBS is a non-profit organi-

Gossick zation dedicated to making scholarships
available to all talented, dedicated brass
Statement New York Conference players. Scholarships will enable winning
students to attend the NYCFBS Sum-
Dr. Ben R. Gossick of the University mer Brass Workshops held at Boston
of Kentucky Physics Department for Brass Scholarships University School of Music, Hartt
presented a lecture, “Research in Brass College of Music and the University of
Instruments and Mutes,” at the First Vermont.
Conference of the International Trumpet held in January
Guild held in Bloomington, Ind., in
May, 1975. He has asked us to print the For information about scholarship
following statement on mutes to clarify audition requirements please write to:
his ,position on the subject. Sunday, Jan. 11, was Vincent Bach Mr. Charles Colin, NYCFBS Summer
Day at the Fourth Annual New York Brass Workshop Auditions, 3 1.5 W. 3rd
Conference for Brass Scholarships St., New York, N.Y. 10019.
In addition to the harmonic resonances of (NYCFBS). It was to have been a salute
unmuted brasses, muted instruments have
inharmonic resonances. The first ordinarily to an outstanding senior member of the
falls within the low register making articu- trumpet profession. Vincent Bach died
lation and tone quality inferior in that the day before he was to receive this
register. The next extra resonance often honor.
falls in the high register with a consequent
reduction in brilliance. The existence of
the extra resonances was shown by
measurements of mouthpiece pressure The International Trumpet Guild
against frequency with unmuted and wishes to express its condolences to Mr.
muted instruments. The effect of the extra Bach’s family and to remind members
resonances was demonstrated by two Membership directories for ITG
trumpet mutes which had been deliberately that we should recognize the significant 1 will be sent out this spring. 1
designed to have extra resonances appear contributions of outstanding trumpeters
in the middle of the range. With these while they are still living.
mutes the response was decidedly
abnormal over an interval of a major third
centered about the extra resonance. It was
shown how mutes may be designed so as The NYCFBS was held at the
to shift the extra resonances outside the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City on
playing range of .the instrument. Such Jan. 9, 10, and 11. The variety of
mutes have clear articulation in the low people who participated in and attended
register, and more brilliance and uniformity the conference was unique. Frequently
of tone.
such conferences are attended exclu-
sively by educators and students. The Local Chapters
NYCFBS brought together a diverse
group of trumpeters. Educators; Many members of ITG have informed
students; jazz, commercial, free lance me that they are interested in forming
and symphonic players provided stimu- local chapters of the Guild. I have
Dues due soon lating contact for all participants. prepared a chapter certificate and I
would be happy to accept applications
Gordon Mathie, ITG Treasurer, would from interested members.
On Saturday, Jan. 10, the Ensemble
like to remind all members that it is not de Trombones de Paris, presented an
too early to send in membership dues exciting concert. Those attending the Groups of five or more members in
for 1976-77. The deadline for payment concert were pleased to hear such a fine good standing with the ITG should
of dues is June 30, 1976. group and they were glad to have the appoint a chairman to coordinate group
opportunity to meet these French organization. The chairman should send
musicians. member names to the ITG secretary
This year we anticipate an increase in requesting chapter status. Officers
the number of ITG sponsored events, should be elected when the chapter has
projects and publications and your dues ten or more members and again, the
are needed to support these activities. The ITG was represented by Robert
Nagel. In a presentation to the con- secretary should be informed.
Therefore we urge you to be prompt in
renewing your membership. ference about the Guild, Mr. Nagel
stressed its progress and purposes. He Establishing a number of active local
said the ITG should coordinate inter- chapters is probably the most important
Dues, as well as new membership national and local activities and not act responsibility we have as members of
fees, received after March 1, 1976, will as an isolated entity. the ITG. I would like to be informed of
cover membership from June 30, 1976 the significant activities of each chapter
through June 30, 1977. Send your dues for possible insertion in the newsletter. I
to Mr. Gordon Mathie, Treasurer, Inter- Mr. Nagel’s presentation was followed hope to hear from you soon. David
national Trumpet Guild, Crane School by a performance of trumpet ensemble Baldwin, Secretary, International
of Music, Potsdam, N.Y., 13676. Please literature by the Yale University Trumpet Guild, 5.50 W. Sandhurst Dr.,
write “RENEWAL” on your check. Trumpet Ensemble. Apt. #216, Roseville, Minnesota 55113.

Performances, Elliot Borishansky - Three Mos- Twentieth-Century Music for

quitoes for three trumpets. Available Trumpet and Orchestra - Norbert
from Elliot Borishansky, 1420 London- Carnovale; Chairman, Department of
dale Parkway, Apt. 201B, Newark, Ohio Music Education, University of Southern
Publications, and 43055. Mississippi. An annotated reference
Robert Nagel - Trumpet Studies in guide to 179 works for trumpet and
Contemporary- Music. Published by orchestra. For further information write
Edward Marks Music Corp. New York to: The Brass Press, 1598th Ave. N.,
Recordings City, 1975. Nashville, Tenn. 37203.
Vivaldi-Bach - Concerto for Brass Music for Three Brasses - Richard G.
Quintet arranged by David Baldwin. Decker; a bibliography of music for
Published by Cleveland Chamber Music three heterogeneous brass instruments
On Sept. 27, 1975, Robert Levy Publishers (CCMP), 1975. Available from alone and in chamber ensembles. 86
joined composer John Watts in a per- Robert King Music Co., 112A Main St., pages; $5.00. Published by: Swift-Dorr
formance of Gallery Piece and Elegy to North Easton, ‘Mass. 02356. Publications Inc., 17 Suncrest Terrace,
Chimney: In Memorium at the Museum Oneonta, New York, 13820.
of Modern Art in New York. Both
works were written for Levy by Watts
recently. These new works were also
performed at the University of Virginia
200 Years of American Marches - Renaissance Band
performed’by the University of Michigan
in Charlottesville on Oct. 31, 1975. School of Music Winds and Percussion, Workshops
conducted by Clifford . P. Lillya.
The New York Brass Quintet Contains early American music arranged The New York Renaissance Band, an
premiered Brass Quintet, by composer by Simon V. Anderson and Clifford P. active group- which specializes in the
Dr. George Walker, a faculty member of Lillya, and standard marches. The Uni- instrumental music of the Renaissance,
the Music Department of Rutgers Uni- versity of Michigan Records; SM 0002. will be the guest artists and teachers at
versity in Newark, N.J. This work was The U.S. Army Band, Washington the Institute for Renaissance Instru-
commissioned by the Kindler Founda- D.C. presents the U.S. Army Brass mental Music, a week-long workshop to
tion and the Jan. 5th concert was Quintet; Lynden Mitchell and Scott be held at Penn State University this
sponsored by the Textile Museum Shelsta, trumpets, Henry Sgrecci, horn, summer.
Foundation in Washington, D.C. The Jack Tilbury, trombone, and James Allan Dean, a member of the Renais-
work will be published by General Music Elswick, tuba. Program: Mouret - sance Band, will teach cornetto and
Publishing Corp. Rondeau, Barron - Impressions of a other instruments. Mr. Dean is also a
Parade, Schuller - Little Brass Music, member of the New York Brass Quintet.
Buckley - Little Brown Jug, Calvert - The workshop will include lectures,
The Bemidji State Trumpet Ensemble Suite from the Monteregian Hills, Glasel ensemble playing and individual lessons
(Bemidji State University), directed by - Sixteenth Century Carmina, Joplin - on cornetto, sagbut, viols, percussion,
Charles Decker, premiered Alexander The Entertainer, Frederickson - Brass shawm and all other double reeds. The
Sidorowicz’ Sextet for Trumpets in Nov. Quintet, Buckley - Return to Child- workshop will be held July 31 - August
1975. This serial composition is available hood: A Miniature Fantasy Suite. 6. For more information write: The
from the composer, in care of the Music Available from: Commanding Officer, Institute for Renaissance Instrumental
Department at Bemidji State University, U.S. Army Band, Ft. Myer, VA 22211, Music, Keller Center, Penn State Univer-
Bemidji, Minnesota. 56601. Attention: Information Officer. sity, University Park, Pa. 16801.


Bulk Rate
5.50 W. Sandhurst Dr., # 216
Roseville, MN 55113 U.S. Postage
David Baldwin, Secretary, Editor
Minneapolis, Minn.
Christine Baldwin, Editor
Permit No. 155

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