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J. Phys. Chem. Solids Pergamon Press 1964. Vol. 25, pp. 1407-1415. Printed in Great Britain.


J. W. FAUST, Jr. and H. F. JOHN

Westinghouse Research Laboratories, Pittsburgh 35, Pa.

(Received 16 March 1964; in revised form 21 May 1964)

Abstract-Experimental conditions are described for growing crystals of diamond lattice and zinc
blende semiconductors from metal solutions using the twin plane reentrant edge mechanism. In
addition to the expected (. 2111 type
-_ twinned platelets, some unusual < 110 > extended forms with
intersecting twin configurations were obtained.-Etch techniques were used to study microresistivity
striations and to determine the growth history of the platelets. The relative number of nucleation
events at different sites and the possible effect of polarity on the growth of III-V compound platelets
are discussed. Electrical measurements are reported on some of the platelets.

1. INTRODUCTION rate at this twin plane reentrant edge (TPRE) will

THE growing interface of a crystal can under cer- be much higher than on the faceted surfaces or
tain conditions be faceted with the result that the sharp corners.
crystal has a definite geometric shape, being The basic requirements for extended TPRE
bounded by its slowest growing faces. When a growth have been given by JOHN and FAUST.(~)
perfect crystal is completely bounded by its slowest These are, in somewhat amplified form:
growing faces, a two-dimensional nucleation event (1) The embryo nucleus must contain one or
is necessary to start each new growth layer. Since more twin planes.
two dimensional nucleation is a relatively difficult (4 The growth front of the material must be
process, an appreciable undercooling or super- faceted.
saturation can build up in front of a faceted (3) The twin plane must intersect one or more
interface. stable facets at an angle different from 90”.
Certain imperfections in the crystal surface aid (4) The reentrancies must be indestructible,
in layer initiation by creating sites for easy nuclea- i.e. any initial reentrancy must not fill in to
tion. If the imperfection has a specific direction, form a closed figure bounded by planes and
as is the case with a screw dislocation, there will be sharp corners.
extended growth of the crystal in the direction of (5) The growth direction must lie in the twin
the imperfection. Other sites for easy nucleation planes.
were first formally discussed by STRANSKI;(~) these Four crystal systems are presently known to meet
embody various types of reentrant edges. An these requirements. They are the orthorhombic
effective means of producing a reentrant edge in requiring one twin plane,@) the hexagonal re-
certain crystal systems is by the twinning operation. quiring one twin plane for twinning in the (0001)
In any orientation where the twin boundary does plane,@) the f.c.c. (including the diamond cubic
not make an angle of 90” with the bounding crystal and zinc blende) requiring two twin planes for
planes, a reentrant edge will be formed which may (111) facetingcb-7) and one twin plane for (111)
be a site for easy nucleation. For a given interfacial and { 113) faceting, @) and the rhombohedral
undercooling or supersaturation the nucleation requiring one twin
5 1407
1408 J. W. FAUST, Jr. and H. F. JOHN

Growth from dilute solution is a very effective liquidus curve. If subsequent incremental de-
means of utilizing the TPRE mech~ism because creases in temperature are small, all material which
of the strong tendency for faceted surfaces to form comes out of solution will crystallize onto the
and because the degree of supersaturation can be original nuclei. Some, or perhaps many, of the
carefully controlled over a wide range by adjusting original nuclei will be twinned. As shown in Fig. 2,
the cooling rate. In this paper we shall describe a the presence of two or more twin planes provides
technique for growing twinned crystals of the an indestructible reentrancy in the diamond cubic
diamond cubic and zinc blende semiconductors or zinc blende crystal systems. Nucleation will be
from liquid metal solutions and shall discuss some easier at the grooves (G) than at the ridges (R) or
of the information on nucleation and segregation on the (112) faces. A growth form will be obtained
phenomena which can be obtained from the study whose greatest extension will be in the (211 j
of these twinned crystals. In addition to the ex-
pected twinned platelets growing in the <211>
directions, a number of (110) crystal forms con-
taining intersecting twins were observed, some of
which apparently propagate because of preferred
nucleation at mismatch boundaries.


Figure 1 illustrates the generalized conditions
for obtaining TPRE growth from solution. When
the temperature of a solution containing the dis-
solved material is lowered past the liquidus tem-
perature I’B, no crystallization will occur im- FIG. 2. Idealized three twin platelet bounded by (111)
mediately unless nuclei are present. If the tem- planes.
perature is lowered further, eventually sufficient
supersaturation will build up so that nuclei will d’erection. If the supersaturation is kept low by slow
form spontaneously throughout the solution. Once cooling after the formation of the original nuclei
this happens, say at TQ, the supersaturation can be at Tc, only those nuclei which contain twin
relieved by growth onto these nuclei, restoring the planes will grow further. If the cooling rate is fast
solution to the composition required by the so that a high supersaturation is built up, the
presence of reentrancies will be relatively of much
less advantage. In such a case the edges will be
favored growth sites, and the familiar “hopper”
growth will be obtained, as illustrated in Fig. 3
__..I--___~ for Ge grown from an In solution cooled initially
at rate of about lOO”C[min.
ET B --__.,.-..- Representative solutions and experimental con-
iZ.r ditions for obtaining twinned platelets are listed
in Table 1 for Ge, Si, most of the III-V com-
$ pounds, one II-VI compound, and one ternary
semiconductor with zinc blende structure. Com-
position (wt per cent) of the solute is given in
terms of the element if the solution was prepared
from the elements and in terms of the compound if
10046X M&Y
N2 5 the solution was prepared by adding the compound
Composition directly. The solubility of AlAs and &Se in AI
Frc. 1. Generalized conditions For obtaining twinned and Zn is quite Iow, so undissolved material as
platelet growth from solution. well as recrystallized material was present at the
FIG. 3. Ge crystal exhibiting hopper growth, obtained from a
rapidly cooled In solution. 50 x .

[facing page 1408

FIG. S(a) InAs twinned platelet grown from In. 100 x .

FIG. S(b). Si twinned platelet grown from Sn. 100 x.

FIG. 7. Etched cross section of a five twin < llO> form near the tip. 50x.

FIG. 10. Cross section of < 110) Ge platelet with a Class IId twin structure.

FIG. 11. Segregation traces in an InAs two twin platelet. 200 x .

FIG. 12. Segregation traces in a GaSb twinned platelet grown
from Ga + Te + Zn. 200 x .

FIG. 13. (100) faceting at the apex of a GaAs platelet.


end of the experiments. The temperature used for in the (211 ), in a three twin platelet. Thus, it
the AlP experiment (1OOO’C) was not sufficiently might be expected that the platelets with two
high to take enough material into solution to (or an even number) twin planes would tend to be
obtain conclusive results. Numerous other solu- hexagonal and the platelets with three (or an odd
tions were prepared to study the segregation of im- number) twin planes would approach a triangular
purities and to determine the influence of impuri- shape, with the growth being greater in the (2ii)
ties on growth habit. The r/t values tabulated directions. This is apparently an oversimplification
are a measure of the length to thickness ratio of the because no consistent correlation of shape with
platelets and are useful for determining the rela- number of twin planes has been found. The better
tive number of layer creation events at the TPRE. formed platelets have very perfect facets. In
Figure 4 shows the geometry of a two-twin hex- general, however, the majority of the platelets are
agonal and triangular platelet and defines r and t. not perfectly formed, but exhibit distortion and
The dl/dz values are the ratios of the distance of somewhat imperfect development due to mutual
the two large (11 l} faces from the twin planes, the interference during growth. The more perfectly
significance of which will be discussed later. formed platelets, and particularly those from melts
cooled at slower rates, are generally free of in-
clusions of the solvent metal.
The data in Table 1 show that a fairly wide
range of cooling rates can be used for obtaining
the TPRE forms. Although no attempt was made
to optimize the cooling rate or to determine the
range which would yield TPRE forms, at least 90
per cent of the crystals obtained from most of
these melts were twinned. Neither was any attempt
made to assess the effect of the rate of cooling
-a- between TA and TC on the formation of twinned
nuclei nor to determine what value of Tc was
Face View of Hexagonal and Triangular Forms
of Qll> Type Twinned Platelet
actually necessary to produce the first nuclei.
Except for a few melts where the solubility of the
semiconductor was very low or imperfectly known,
TA was chosen several degrees above the liquidus
-et; 32 temperature TB. In most cases the melt was cooled
0 1 from TA at a uniform linear rate using a tempera-
ture programmer. Decreasing the control tempera-
Side View of <211> Type Twinned Platelet ture manually in discrete intervals of lo-20°C to
give the same average cooling rate gave essentially
FIG. 4. Geometry of the twinned platelets.
the same results. The size of these experimental
melts ranged from 2 to 20 g. Melts with volatile
Many of the (211) type platelets grown under constituents were always prepared in sealed quartz
the conditions shown there are a few mm long and capsules. Quartz or graphite containers were used
a few tenths of a mm thick. The most perfect of for the melts.
the (211) platelets have a hexagonal shape,
usually intermediate between a regular hexagon 3. INTERSECTING TWIN CONFIGURATIONS
and an equilateral triangle. Figure 5(a) shows an In addition to the (211) type twinned platelets
InAs platelet of intermediate hexagonal form. shown in Figs. 2 and 5, forms with extended
Figure 5(b) shows a side view of a thick Si platelet growth in the (110) directions were found in
on which the twin plane reentrancies can be seen. many melts. Examination of these crystals showed
There is one reentrant edge in each of the (211) that they contained intersecting twin configura-
directions in a two twin platelet and two reentrant tions extending in the direction of growth. These
edges in the three (2if) directions, but only one twin configurations fall into two general classes.
1410 J. W. FAUST, Jr. and H. F. JOHN

Table 1. Experimental conditions for solution growth of twinned platelets

Composition TA rate
No. Solute Solvent (wt %) (“C) ‘/min rlt &/ds Comments

1 Ge Ga 30% Ge 600 0.7 1.7 1.3 Good segregation traces ; <211>

platelets and (110 ) intersecting
2 Ge Sn 2.2% Ge 590 o-15 -1 <211) and <llO> forms
3 Ge Al 60% Ge 700 0.30 1.1 Good segregation traces; mostly
<211) platelets
4 Ge Cd 10% Ge 650 0.7 1.4 1.4 No segregation traces
5 Ge Sb 13% Ge 700 0.7 Good segregation traces
6 Si Al 25% Si 800 0.7 5.9 1.4 Excellent segregation traces ; (211>
platelets only
7 Si Ga 4.5% Si 980 1.5 0.8 Excellent segregation traces. Many
<llO> forms
8 Si Ag 5% Si 1000 0.7 0.8 1.3 Mostly (211> platelets, some
9 Si Zn 1% Si 850 0.7 (1 -1 Octahedra, (211> and <llO) forms.
10 Si Sn 1.5% Si 980 1.5 0.8 Many <llO> forms
11 Si Sn 0.8% Si 1050 0.15 0.8 1.1 <211) and (110) forms; larger
crystals than those from melt cooled
at 1 .SO/min
12 Si Au 6.5% Si 800 0.7 0.75 A few <211) platelets and many
regular octahedra. (110) facets in
addition to { 111)
13 Si Au+Sb 6.5% Si, 0.5% Sb 800 0.7 1.0 Excellent segregation traces; <211>
platelets only
14 Si Au+Ga 6% Si, 7% Ga 1000 0.7 0.8 { 110) facets in addition to { 111)
15 GaSb Ga 17% Sb 650 0.7 2.08 1.84 Very good (211> platelets; (100)
16 GaSb Sn 15% GaSb 650 0.7 1.0 Good <211> platelets, segregation
traces; only slight (100) faceting
17 GaSb Pb 8% GaSb 650 0.7 0.9 Good <211> platelets; {lOO} faceting
18 GaSb Sb 7% Ga 710 0.7 -2 Very good <211) platelets
19 GaSb Ga 17% Sb+O.OSS% Te 650 0.7 0.8 Generally conform to standard
<211> platelet shape
20 GaSb Ga 17% Sb+O.ll% Te 650 0.7 -0.25
21 GaSb Ga 17% Sb+O*SS% Te 650 0.7 Twins present, but very little
platelet character
22 GaSb Ga 17% Sb+0.056% Zn 650 0.7 1.4 Well-shaped <211> platelets
23 GaSb Ga 17% Sb+0.056% Zn 650 0.2 1.9 -2
24 GaSb Ga 17% Sb+O.SS’% Zn 650 0.7 1.9 1.8 Good <211) platelets
25 GaSb Ga 0.28% Zn+0.055% Te 650 0.7 Platelets more typical of Te doping
than Zn doping
26 InSb In 23% Sb 480 0.7 0.90 2.54 Crystals rather irregular, mostly
<211> type; {loo} faceting
27 InSb In+Zn 23% Sb+0*3% Zn 480 0.7 Good segregation traces
28 InSb In+Te 23% Sb+l% Te 480 0.7 Good segregation traces
29 InSb Hg 5% InSb 325 0.7 2.0 240 Well developed <211> platelets,
more perfect than from In; segrega-
tion traces present
30 InAs In 23% InAs 800 0.7 2.54 1.70 Excellent (211) platelets; { 100)
31 InP In 20% InP 970 0.7 1.90 1.65 Excellent (211> platelets ; { 100)

Table l-continued

Composition TA rate
No. Solute Solvent (wt %) (“C) “/min rlt dllds Comments

32 GaAs Ga 20% GaAs 1050 1.3 2.2 2.0 Excellent (211> platelets; promi-
nent { lOO} faceting
33 GaP Ga 1.3% GaP 1050 0.7 1.6 1.6 Relatively small <211) platelets with
{ 100) faceting
34 GaP Sn 0.7% GaP 1050 0.5 Poorly formed, black platelets ;
segregation traces
35 AlSb Al 8% Sb 960 0.7 2.2 2.4 Excellent (211> platelets ; { lOO}
36 AlAs Al 3.2% As, 950 1.3 Very small twinned platelets
37 SnZnAsa Sn 1.4% Zn 800 1.3 Small well formed twinned platelets
38 ZnSe Zn 3 ‘A ZnSe 950 1.3 Very small twinned platelets

What we shall call Class I consist of those con- Fig. 6. This form is apparently a favorable one for
figurations which contain single twins radiating extended propagation, since it is often much
from a common point. The cross-sections of these longer than other twinned forms obtained from
forms are irregular. In most cases they contain a the same melt. Cross-section analyses, such as
mismatch boundary in addition to twin planes. shown in Fig. 7, of these forms confirm this
Since there are no true twin plane reentrancies in structure. The five twins and the mismatch
the direction of growth, these crystals must pro- boundary, radiating from a common point, can be
pagate by means of a different kind of directed seen in this cross-section. Micro-resistivity stria-
imperfection. According to the standard treatment tions can also be seen and will be discussed later.
of interphase interfaces, the angle 0 formed in a Three types of reentrancies are present on the
two-phase system at a grain boundary is side of this type of crystal. The monocrystalline
reentrancy (II) usually fills out. Reentrancies I
cos (O/2) = y11py12

where yu is the interfacial free energy of the grain

boundary interface and yls is the interfacial free
energy between the two phases. Since the energy
of this type of mismatch boundary would be
expected to be relatively high, particularly when 4
compared to the low energy of a twin boundary, it
is thus possible that a stable reentrancy is created
at the mismatch boundary. However, an analysis
which incorporates the effect of torque terms, of the
type developed by HERRING,@@ along with a
knowledge of the values of ~1 and yla and their
variation with orientation, would be necessary to
describe quantitatively such a reentrancy.
Class II configurations contain at least one
multi-twin grouping and no mismatch boundary. --------Mismatch Boundary
The cross-section is more regular and is bounded A = 70’ 32’
by parallel (111) planes. These structures can be B = 77o 52’
propagated by the same TPRE mechanism which
operates for the ( 211 > type twinned platelets.
One of the most prevalent of the Class I con-
figurations is that containing five twins as shown in FIG. 6. Class I configuration with five twins.
1412 J. W. FAUST, Jr. and H. F. JOHN

and III are apparently not as effective sites for to the section. The dashed lines indicate mono-
nucleation as that which exists on the tip of the crystalline reentrancies which will normally grow
crystal, since the growth is much greater axially out. It will be noticed that there will be a mis-
than radially. This five twin intersecting configura- match boundary in one segment of the cross section
tion has apparently been found in diamond in all cases except structures a and g in Fig. 8.
crystals grown by high pressure techniques.(ll) This mismatch boundary is necessary because the
For diamond, however, it has been reported that twinning operations do not return to the same
the area between the first and last twin is filled with orientation.
polycrystalline material, while in this work the area Most of the structures shown in Fig. 8 have been
is a single crystal with a mismatch boundary. A encountered in more or less perfect form. Con-
five-fold symmetry has also been reported in figurations a and g, which have no mismatch
copper crystals produced by electrodeposition. boundary to aid in directed growth, are relatively
Class I configurations can be visualized as rare and may simply be freak forms with no special
twinning joined at a central point with each suc- ability for extended growth.
cessive twin plane spaced 70” 32’ apart. In addition Several possible Class II configurations are
to the five twin structure, a number of other sketched in Fig. 9. It is a necessary, but not suffi-
structures can be obtained, as shown in Fig. 8. cient, condition that the sum of the twin planes in
a path around the periphery be even in Class II
configurations. An odd number of twin planes
requires that one of the rhombohedral blocks
contain an internal boundary (other than a twin
boundary) as was shown for Class I structures.
Structures a and d have occasionally been ob-
served during solution growth for Ge, Si and

. = Mismatch Boundary
--- = att#N;fwth
for Monocrystalline

FIG. 8. Class I configurations.

An easy way of studying these drawings and of

“building” other possible configurations is to con-
sider them as made up of basic rhombohedral
blocks (untwinned) bounded by (11 l} planes. Two
blocks may be put together in a twinned or un-
twinned relationship; however, the twinning laws
must be obeyed when they are placed together in a
twinned relationship. The drawings are (110) C f
cross-sections and growth extends perpendicular FIG. 9. Class II configurations.

several III-V materials. Figure 10 shows an etched “pure” Group III element may actually come from
cross section of a d structure. These are apparently residual impurities in the starting materials or
very favorable configurations. When they occur, from impurities picked up from the containers
they give an extended form very much longer than during growth. Impurities are readily incorporated
any other crystal from the same melt, even longer into Ge and Si crystals grown from Group III,
than the Class I configurations. Structures b and e Group V, or neutral metal solutions to the extent
have been observed, but less frequently than of the solid solubility, which is mostly in the range
structures a and d. of 1018 to 1081 for the elements listed in Table 1.

4. PROPERTIES OF THE CRYSTALS Microsegregation and crystal perfection

Electrical properties Resistivity striations of the type described by
Resistivities have been measured directly on FAUST, JOHN and O’HARA(~~) are found in the Ge
some of the III-V crystals. Hall mobilities have and Si platelets grown from almost all metal
been measured in a few cases and chemical analyses solutions. Similar striations are found in III-V
have been used to determine impurity concentra- compound crystals grown from solutions contain-
tion in other cases. These data are summarized in ing certain added impurities, but not from solu-
Table 2. The impurity concentrations given are tions of pure Group III element. Both type A and
probably not more accurate than a factor of 2 B striations@) are present, the former outlining
because of uncertainty in the analyses or in the the solid-liquid interface at a particular time and
mobility values. The number of carriers in the the latter outlining the loci of the intersection of
Te-doped specimens is likely to be at least a factor interfaces. Examples of these resistivity striations
of l/3 of the Te concentration a8 determined by a8 revealed by chemical etching are shown in
chemical techniques, since it is believed that Te Figs. 11 and 12, which illustrate the range of
goes into the crystal as GasTe8 with one charge complexity encountered. These traces are valuable
carrier for each three Te atoms. for determining the growth history of the crystals.
The resistivity measurements (as well as etching The InAs crystal (impurity unknown) shows a
studies) indicate that the amount of Group III relatively uncomplicated development, where the
element incorporated into III-V crystals is very outline of the (111) faces are quite apparent. The
small. There is some reason to believe that the twin planes are too closely spaced to resolve traces
impurities in the III-V crystals grown from the between them. The GaSb twinned platelet was

Table 2. EIectrical properties of some GaAs and GaSb twinned platelets

Crystal Solution p, n-cm pi, cm2/V-set N, cm-s

GsAs Ga 3 .o x 10% 4400 4.4 x 101s
GaSb Ga 1.5 x lo-1p 100 (a) 4.0 x 10’7
GaSb Ga+0.50/‘, Sn 1.5 x lo-sp 4.0 x 10=‘(b)
GaSb Ga+O*OS% Si 1.1 x lo-3p 5.7 x 10=‘(b)
GaSb Ga+0*028% Zn 1.5 x 10-9 4.0 x 101*(b)
GaSb Ga+0.056% Zn 3.5 x lo-sp 100 (a) 1.8 x 101s
GaSb Ga+0.28% Zn 2.0 x lo-sp 3.1 x lOls(b)
2.6 x 10’*(c)
GaSb Ga+0+35% Zn 1.2 x lo-sp 5.2 x10’s(b)
3.2 x lO’g(c)
GaSb Ga+O.OSS’$& Te 11 3x 10”(C)
GaSb Ga+0.55% Te 11 2x 1019(c)
GaSb Ga+l*7% Te n 5x 1020(c)

(a) Probably a minimum value

(b) Using a mobility of 100 cm2/V-see
(c) From chemical analyses
1414 J. W. FAUST, Jr. and H. F. JOHN’

grown from a Ga solution containing 0.28 per cent For example, GaSb crystals grown from Ga
Zn and 0.055 per cent Te. The Te promotes exhibit more prominent (100) facets than GaSb
nucleation on the (11 l} faces and therefore changes grown from Pb, which in turn are more prominent
the relative advantage of the TPRE as a nucleation than { 100) facets present on GaSb grown from Sn.
site. This pattern indicates a relatively complex
development, with the foci of layer development 5. IXSCUSSION
changing during the growth of the crystal. Never- The morphology of a crystal is determined in
theless the reentrancies formed by the twin planes general by heat flow, solute flow, and atomic kinet-
are apparent. The development of a (100) facet ics of interface attachment. I-Ieat flow will play a
within the wider lamella (left side) is also revealed. very minor role during the growth of the twinned
The type of pattern shown in Fig. 11 is very platelets because of their relatively slow growth
similar to that revealed in the core of highly-doped rate and the high thermal diffusivity of the solution.
dendritic ribbons grown from supercooled melts Solute flow will be important in determining the
by the TPRE mechanism.(s) The dendritic rib- morphology at high supe~aturation and fast
bons are, however, constrained by the necessity to growth rates, as it is, for example, in the hopper
dissipate the heat of crystallization rapidly and the forms. For relatively low supersaturation and slow
growth sequence as shown by the segregation growth rates, however, the kinetics of layer crea-
pattern reflects this. The twinned platelets, because tion will be the dominant factor in shaping the
of their relatively slow growth, see only crystallo- platelet. Although solute flow effects could not be
graphic constraints. Growth and the segregation neglected in any quantitative treatment of the
traces are more regular, extending symmetrically kinetics of platelet growth, information on the
in directions determined by the TPRE. relative order of layer creation events at the TPRE
A number of the crystals have been examined and on (111) facets can be obtained from simple
for dislocations by chemical etch techniques. The kinetic and geometric considerations. Neglecting
dislocation density ranges from essentially zero to solute flow effects and any difference in the
a moderate level, with no particular consistency dependence of the two types of layer creation
or any obvious dependence on experimental events on supersaturation should not change this
conditions. order.
Qualitatively speaking, the shape of a platelet
(100) Faceting will depend on the relative number of layer crea-
Zinc blende materials may exhibit stable {loo> tion events on the large {ill} facets as compared
facets as well as the more usual {ill) facets.(l@ to the side facets. Two types of layer creation
Platelets of all the III-V compounds grown by the events occur on the side facet, those of a two-
techniques described here which were large enough dimensional nature taking place on the (111) sur-
for conclusive examination showed {loo> faceting, face of the facet and those originating at the TPRE.
as shown in Fig. 13 for a GaAs platelet. (100) If the number of layer creation events at the TPRE
faceting is also present on the InAs platelet shown on one side facet (NT) is of the same order or
in Fig. 4(a), otherwise all of the side facets would larger than the number of events (NA) occurring
not be visible from the top. The (100) faceting on a (Ill] facet, the growth form will be of the
changes the morphology of the platelets from the platelet type, As Nr]i?r~ becomes smaller the
(111) bounded form shown in Fig. 2. Although growth form will tend to become more nearly
this does not alter the basic nucleation and growth equidimensional. Thus
mechanism, it has been shownfr4) that the presence
of (100) facets can modify and stabilize reentrancies
in various ways and that the intersection between Depending on the assumptions which are made
a (100) and a (111) plane may be a favorable site concerning the constancy of shape during growth,
for nucleation of molecular chains. The {loo) the proportionality factor in this expression will be
facets are small relative to the large (111) facets in the range of 1 to 3 for platelets having an
parallel to the twin planes. The prominence of the r/t > 15, but would not necessarily have the same
(100) facets apparently depends on the solvent. value for all platelet sizes and shapes.

Average values of r/t for several types of plate- does not, however, seem to correspond to any
lets are given in Table 1. With the exception of a sequence based on polarity, such as that presented
few melts, in particular Si-Au, Si-Ag, Si-Sn, by GOODMAN, who has calculated the ionic and
GaSb-Ga+Te, and InSb, which have smaller covalent character of the energy gap. It can only be
than average r/t values and Si-Al, AlSb-Al, and concluded that more careful experimentation, in-
In&-In, which have larger than average r/t values, cluding identification of the A and B faces on each
the values of r/t for most platelets are about the platelet, would be required to determine conclu-
same within the limits of error of determination sively any effect of polarity on solution growth
and selection. Neither do the r/t values appear to processes.
be very sensitive to experimental conditions, such
as cooling rate, within the limits used for the experi-
ments reported here. Thus for all the platelets Acknowledgement-We wish to express our thanks to
described here the number of layer creation events Dr. W. A. TILLER for helpful discussions, to Dr. R. H.
Moss for providing some electrical measurements on
at the TPRE on each side facet is only a few times
GaAs platelets, to Dr. M. RUBENSTEINfor solubility data
larger than the number of layer creation events on for several III-V compounds, and to Mrs. S. HILLBECK
a large (11 l} facet. and Mrs. H. LARSONfor valuable assistance in carrying
An asymmetric position of the twin planes out this work.
relative to the two large (111) faces would be
expected to reflect physical constraints in the
system, thermal asymmetries, differences in the REFERENCES
amount of solute available for recrystallization, or 1. STRANSKI I. N., Discussions Faraday Sot. 5, 69
any differences in the ease of layer creation caused (1949).
2. JOHN H. F. and FAUST J. W., Jr., Metallurgy of
by differences in polarity of the two faces. Since Elemental and Compound Semiconductors (Editor
one of the large (1 ll} faces of the III-V com- R. GRUBEL) Interscience, New York (1961).
pound platelets is always a Type A (iii), ter- 3. DAWSON I. M., Proc. Roy. Sot. A214, 72 (1952).
minating in Group III atoms, and the other a Type 4. PRICE P. B., Phil. Mag. 4, 1229 (1959).
B (ill), terminating in Group V atoms,(15) the
31, 1165 (1960).
measurement of twin displacement might give 6. WAGNER R. S., Acta Met. 8, 57 (1960).
some qualitative insight into the effect of polarity 7. FAUST J. W., Jr. and JOHN H. F., J. Electrochem. Sot.
on layer creation and completion processes. 108, 855 (1961).
The position of the twin planes has been 8. WAGNER R. S. and TREUTING R. G., JAP 32, 2490
measured for a number of different hinds of plate- 9. WAGNER R. S. and BROWN H., Trans. AIME 224,
lets. The data are given in Table 1 as the average 1185 (1962).
of a large number of individual measurements of 10. HERRING C., Structure and Properties of Solid
the ratio of the thicknesses, dJd2, on either side of Surfaces (Editors GOMERR. GUNSMITHC. S.),p. 5,
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