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Code No: I4303/R16

M. Tech. I Semester Regular Examinations, December-2016

Common to Power Electronic (43),PI&D(42),PE & ED(54),PE & D (52),PE & S(12) and
EM & D(44)
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

1. a With a neat block diagram, explain different components of a power semiconductor [6]
b Discuss the effect of discontinuous mode on the motor performance in a single- [6]
phase full converter controlled dc drive.

2. A separately excited DC motor rated at 10 kW, 240V, 1000 rpm is supplied from a [12]
fully controlled two pulse bridge converter. The converter is supplied at 250V, 50Hz
supply. An extra inductance is connected in the load circuit to make the conduction
continuous. Determine the speed, power factor and efficiency of operation for
thyristor firing angles of 0 and 60o assuming the armature resistance of 0.40Ω and
an efficiency of 87% at rated conditions. Assume constant torque load.

3. a With a neat schematic diagram, explain the operation of a three-phase dual [6]
b A three phase half controlled bridge rectifier fed from a 300V, 60Hz supply [6]
provides a variable voltage supply to the armature of a separately excited dc motor.
The specifications of the motor are Ra=0.02Ω, La=0.002H, the constant of the motor
= 2.25 vs/rad, rated current is 500A. Determine the firing angle α so that the motor
runs at a rated speed of 1500 rpm.

4. a “The phase controlled converter is a harmonic generator”. Write your opinion on [4]
this comment.
b What is a current controller? What is its need in electric drives? What are different [8]
current controllers available? Discuss the design of current controller for dc motor

5. Give a detailed mathematical modeling and flowchart for the simulation of the one- [12]
quadrant phase-controlled DC motor drive. Also draw expected simulation results
for speed, back emf, torque, phase voltage and phase current.

6. a What are the reasons for torque pulsations in power electronic controlled drives? [4]
b What are choppers? What are their applications? Draw and explain the schematic [8]
diagram of a four-quadrant chopper.
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Code No: I4303/R16

7. Give a detailed steady state analysis of chopper controlled DC motor drive. [12]

8. a Discuss the need for speed controller in electric drives? List different speed [8]
controllers available and compare them.
b What are the advantages of closed-loop control over open-loop control? [4]


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