Oriental & Occidental

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Eastern Culture

Eastern Culture (refer to the culture map above) has these characteristics listed

 Eastern world refers to the nations in Asia and Middle East.

 Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Shenism, Taoism, and Islam are some
common religions honed in the Western world.
 The population in Eastern countries are more customary than people in the
West when we consider their traditions, clothings, rituals, and so on. For
example, Indians pay regard to their elders or parents by touching their feet;
East Asians use bows as welcome, apologizing and expressing thank you.
 People in the East are inflexible in their beliefs and ideologies; they were
unwilling to challenge and question the long practiced customs and traditions.
 In Eastern countries, elders are considered as the leader of the home and
children regard and obey them in all choices. Important decisions related to
children’s future are normally taken by elders. And, when parents grow old,
the kids are likely to take care of them.
 Arranged marriages are common in the Eastern countries. They are
normally arranged by parents or elders. They believe in a concept that love
comes after marriage.

Western Culture
Western culture (as specified in the cultural map above) is defined as these types
of items:

 Western culture refers to Europe and North America.

 Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are some common religions honed in the
Western world.
 The population in Western countries are more liberal than those in the
East. The Westerns are more open and blunt. For example, topics like sex or
birth of a child are openly discussed in Western culture, whereas in the East,
these topics are still a taboo.
 People in the West are more open to express their feelings. If they are
angry, they may express. But, people in the east may cover it for tact and good
 Also, a person is given preference over family, so a person is more flexible
and free to take decisions on his own, unlike those in the East.
 Concepts like arranged marriages are not at all common in the West. They
go for love marriages as they believe in a concept that love comes before

Creativity vs. Hard Work

Western educational systems focus on the ideas of creativity. Obviously, the
system being a system means that numerous things are bound together, but still,
it normally does it’s best to elevate individual ways to deal with various students.

Whereas in Eastern education, it is all about hard work and struggle. Nothing is
difficult if you practice hard. Consequently, kids are given lots of homework and
are instructed to buckle down. That is the reason Asian students are frequently
considerably more profitable than their peers when they get into more casual
Western educational institutions.

Participation vs. Reception

Western education moves further and facilitate along the road of transforming
students into undeniable members of the training procedure. They are urged to
make inquiries and debate with their instructors, to think critically.
Though in the East, students are the beneficiaries, they submit to the authority of
teachers and the method itself is far less interactive.
Special Needs: Inclusion vs. Separation
Western education makes incredible efforts to include kids with extra needs into
the general mass of students, they have a tendency to be educated together with
ordinary kids or if nothing else it is considered to be their major right.
In the East, we normally see an oppositely inverse approach – kids with disability
are quite often taught separately from the rest, and it isn’t thought to be unfair,
just logical.

Conclusion: East vs West

So, this was all about how the culture and education system of East differs from
the West. We can’t compare the cultural or education systems of eastern
countries to the Western countries. But, more important is how people of both
the countries adopt each other’s cultural values and educational system.

Compare Difference In Video

Check out this blog post in video format, our co-host Lyka shares differences
between East and West here:

Where Is Culture Better – East or West?

Over the years this article has been online, readers have chatted to us asking for
an “easy new culture”. This is something that hits the core fundamental of Global
From Asia. Since our inception in 2013, we have been working hard to level the
playing field for online business owners to do business and earn a living no matter
what cultural background they come from.

We recommend studying our new infographic, and then downloading our PDF
version of the post so that you too can become a culture master – which will help
us all get to the next level.

here are a lot of differences between Oriental culture and Occidental culture. I’d
like to illustrate some of them that I have perceived from the
Firstly let’s talk about customs. From the movie we find that in India, one should
not place the hand that has been in the mouth back to the food. And one should
not eat with left hand which is considered to be unclean,either. This eating habit
is also suitable for some Middle-East countries especially some Muslim countries.
Unfortunately, Todd, who’s from America, doesn’t know about it at all. So we can
come to a conclusion that that there’s no such custome in Western countries. 
Secondly, privacy plays different roles in different places. People in Western
countries respect others’ privacy a lot while people who are familiar with Oriental
culture would not place much importance on it. Aunt Aji asked a lot about Todd’s
family members, his salary and his spouse status without noticing that Todd was
feeling uncomfortable after hearing these questions. From Aunt Aji’s aspect, it’s
just a way to show her enthusiasm. But to Todd is quite a kind of offense.
Finally, let’s have a look of love and marrigde. In Oriental culture, girls like Asha in
some Eastern countries still have to accept arranged marriages. At the same
time,people in western countries are enjoying their freedom to choose spouse. In
my opinion,this diffrence comes from different moral values. Occidental culture
show people that individuality is most important while Oriental culture respect
members of an early generation in a family.
In a word, culture differences exist everywhere, and we should be careful with
There are relative to the explorers of Europe. We call China the far east when it is
west of California, because it was the far east of Europe. Same thing with the
middle east, between them and the far east. The terms Occidental and Oriental
come from the Latin words for west and east respectively. So Oriental is usually
the far East; China, Japan, Korea, sometimes southeast Asia too. The Occident
would be the west, meaning Europe mainly, especially Western Europe.
The difference between “orient” and “occident”? Why, they’re as different
as eastand west!

At least, that’s what “orient” and “occident” mean: “east” and “west,”
respectively. They’re both Latin derived, if I remember correctly, and I’ve read
that the meanings come from, like many languages, the directions in which the
sun rises (i.e. “orient” comes from a word meaning “rising” or “to rise”), whereas
“occident” comes from the direction of the setting sun (a word meaning “to go
down” or “setting”)

So “orient” and “occident” without capitalization refer to two of our cardinal

directions, east and west. Now, if you capitalize them and add the word “the” , as
in “the Orient” and “the Occident”, now you’re talking about the Eastern world
and the Western World as they’re derived from cultural and economic ties and
similar government systems. That classification, however, is rooted in the empires
of Europe, and is outdated in today’s more global cultural and economic arena.

The East is East and the West is West! Neither is better nor worse than the other.
The philosophies and beliefs are not really absolute in this day and age of
cosmopolitan living. But, if truth be told, variations do exist even though in
unpredictable proportions. It’s the way of looking at life that by and large differs.
For the purpose of clarity, it has been assumed that Asia, including Middle East,
depicts the Eastern world while Europe and North America form the Western
world. Here is a list of top 10 differences between Eastern and
Western Cultures that show a few broad demarcations between them.

10. Larger than Life status of leaders:

In the eastern cultures, the leader assumes supreme status. He has a great
bearing on the general public. This comes from the fact that in eastern cultures a
technically greater man is often elevated to God-like status irrespective of his
worth. While in the western cultures, the concept of equality is taken more
seriously and a leader is just one among the rest. He is not looked as above and
over the general public.

9. Relationships:

The relationships in the eastern cultures are family centric. Couples for example
need to pass through family approvals before taking the step towards something
as personal and important as marriage. This is also one of the reasons why
arranged marriages are still very much pertinent to the eastern societies. In the
western civilization, the self is given preference over family and hence decisions
on priority and relevance of relationships are of the individual. This is infact one of
the major differences between eastern and western cultures.

8. Travelling or Vacations:

The Western world takes time out for travelling as an indispensable part of their
lives. Vacations are days that are looked forward to in that part of the world.
While holidays are awaited as much eagerly by those living in the Eastern world,
too, the luxury of taking one depends very much on the work place approvals,
nature of the individuals and mindset of the society. Often it is years before a long
break is taken by people in these countries. Perhaps it is something to do with the
slogging and laboring mindset pertinent in the east.

7. Individual worth:
The individual is given more worth in the western society, while it is the
community and the family that tops the list in the eastern society. Both has its
sets of pros and cons as the importance given to family forms a support system
always available in times of need; the same might not be present to those in the
west. However, the vital decisions of one’s life are often forced on an individual
by the family or community in the east while this is hardly ever the case in the

6. Spirituality:

Religion in the eastern society is given more importance than perhaps in the west.
The importance of religion in the east can be gauged by the events related to
religion that still stir societies in this part of the world. To this day there are riots
and killings in the name of faith. Although religion is a very much existent concept
in the west, it has not been stretched to the extent of intolerance like in the east.

5. Independence:
The idea of independence in its true context exists only in the western culture. In
the east, independence comes with “ifs” and “buts” or laden with various other
conditions. No individual can be truly independent in the east where the bond
with the family precedes anything related to the self. Something as basic as
children moving out of the parents’ house after a certain age which is very much
common and sanctioned in the western culture is seen as blasphemous to family
in the east.
4. Status of female:

In the east women are still regarded as those who would sacrifice professional life
and career in favour of rearing children (yes, just like cattle) and taking care of the
family. This is one of the psyches of the East that is not prevalent in the West. A
female in the west is free to decide her priorities and something as basic as when
to marry or even bear children. The same luxury or right has to be fought for and
often not granted to the women in the East.

3. Forthrightness:

The West is known for its openness and the ease with which several topics are
discussed across generations. Discussing something as basic and important as
child birth or sex is still a taboo in the East while that is done with much candour
in the West. The lack of openness and conservative outlook is in fact one of the
hurdles in making sex education a must in the East while the same proceeds
almost without any hindrance in the West.

2. Attitude:

When it comes to attitude, the West could be thought of as analytical and

detailed. The focus on the problem at hand and arrive at an outcome based of the
pros and cons of that particular problem. The East, however, is known for its
holistic view. The preference of the latter is to come to a well-rounded and all-
inclusive solution which applies across the table.

1. Rigid Beliefs:

It has been seen that more often than not the people from the East are rigid in
their ideologies and beliefs. For them the truth is what has been there for
thousands of years and not to be challenged irrespective of its fading validity in
modern times. However, things are looked from a rational perspective in the
West, and decisions and actions are not emotionally driven.

Eastern vs Western Philosophy

Have you ever wondered about the differences between Eastern and
Western philosophies?  Apart from geographical locations, these two parts
of the world have differences in their way of life and the approach to life in
general.  These ways of living are not only brought about by topography and
physical circumstances that play crucial factors in living, but also the school
of thought that governs the major societies in the Eastern and Western part
of the globe.

Let us take a look first at what “philosophy” is in general and how it affects
and makes differences on Western and Eastern society.  Generally,
“philosophy” is universally defined as “the study of the wisdom or
knowledge about the general problems, facts, and situations connected with
human existence, values, reasons, and general reality.”  It seeks reasons,
answers, and general explanations to life and its factors.  Thus, if we talk
about philosophy, we talk about a school of thoughts. And if we connect it
with our topic, it differs and comes with the realities, problems, and
situations of certain people like, in this case, the East and the West.

Basically, Western philosophy is referred to as the school of thought from

Greek philosophy that influenced the greater part of  Western civilization.
In contrary, the Eastern philosophy is based mainly in Asia, more
specifically the Chinese philosophy.  Moreover, Western philosophy takes
its roots from Rome and Christianity, specifically Judeo-Christianity.
Eastern philosophy, on the other hand, is from Confucianism, Mahayana
Buddhism, and Taoism. Thus is it safe to say that Eastern philosophy is
classical Chinese, while Western philosophy is more Latin in its roots.

The main differences between the school of thought or the philosophies of

the East and West are the West’s Individualism and the East’s Collectivism.
The Eastern philosophy is drawn much more into groups or society or
people’s actions and thoughts as one in order to find meaning in life as they
try to get rid of the false “me” concept and find meaning in discovering the
true “me” in relation to everything around them, or as part of a bigger
scheme. In contrast, the Western civilization is more individualistic, trying
to find the meaning of life here and now with self at the center as it is
already given and part of the divine.

Let us take a deeper look into more of the aspects or problems or issues
these two philosophies try to make sense of. The main principle of the
Eastern philosophy is unity.  This cosmological unity is the main point in
the journey of life as it goes towards the eternal realities.  Life is round, and
the recurrence with everything around it is important.  Ethics is based on
behavior, and dependence is from the inside to the outside.  In order to be
liberated, the inner self must be freed first in accordance to the world
around it.

Western philosophy, on the other hand, is based on self-dedication to be of

service to others.  Life is service to God, money, community, and so on.
Due to its Christian influence, there has to be a beginning and end to find
meaning.  Linear as it seems, Western philosophy is logical, scientific, and
rational compared to the East’s concept of eternal and recurring.

Eastern philosophy also thrives on virtues. This would be explained with

the selfless approach to life.  Satisfaction with what one has is the key.
Meanwhile, Western philosophy focuses on ethics. As individuals, one must
do what is supposed to be done without causing ill to others.  Success is
based on how much one walks his path without hurting others.  Eastern
philosophy is also more about the spiritual while Western philosophy is
more of a hands-on style.  The difference is the “I” of the West, and the
“We” of the East, as one focuses on finding truth and meaning.
1. Western philosophy is mainly used in the Western parts of the world,
such as in the European countries, while the Eastern philosophy is
prevalent in Asian countries.
2. Western philosophy deals with Individualism while Eastern
Philosophy is related to Collectivism.
3. Both philosophies center on virtues.
4. Eastern philosophy takes more of a spiritual approach while Western
philosophy is more hands-on.

Read more: Differences Between Eastern and Western Philosophy |

Between http://www.differencebetween.net/science/differences-between-

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