Secondary Lesson Planning Template: Urban Teaching Apprenticeship Program

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Urban Teaching Apprenticeship Program

Secondary Lesson Planning Template

Michael Gallagher, 8th Grade U.S. History, 11.21.19

(A) What is the goal(s) of the broader unit, lesson, or activity that you will be pushing into?
Give students a familiarity with the Revolutionary War.

(B) What is the goal(s) of the particular lesson or activity that you are planning for this
exercise? What do you want your students to understand, know, and/or be able to do? What
are the enduring understandings that you’d like them to leave with?
What happened at the Battle of Lexington?


Time Teacher Actions Student Actions Resources


1) recall where we left
off: Boston Tea Party
and Intolerable Acts
2) build-up to the Battles Lecture Notes
of Lexington and

2 min. Read stanza of Emerson https://www.arc

poem AND ask: “Who fired
the shot heard round the tion/lessons/pre
world?” quel-to-revolutio

4 min. Ask for a volunteer to https://www.arc

“source” the document
1) Based on the source tion/lessons/pre
note quel-to-revolutio
2) Including a prediction n.html
of content and

14 min. Model contextualization https://www.arc

1) Have student
volunteer to read the ducation/lesson
document aloud s/images/parker
2) Explain strategy: 3 -deposition.pdf
3) Explain its importance
a) connect this
document with
what we
already know
was going on
at this time
b) assess the
4) Model
5) Summarize, and
re-ask CHQ

Lecture Notes:
--In late 1774, Colonial leaders adopted the ​Suffolk Resolves​ in resistance to the ​alterations made
to the Massachusetts colonial government​ by the British parliament following the ​Boston Tea
Party​. The colonial assembly responded by forming a Patriot provisional government known as the
Massachusetts Provincial Congress​ and calling for local ​militias​ to train for possible hostilities.
The Colonial government exercised effective control of the colony outside of British-controlled
Boston. In response, the British government in February 1775 declared Massachusetts to be in a
state of rebellion.

--About 700 ​British Army​ ​regulars​ in Boston were given secret orders to capture and destroy
Colonial military supplies reportedly stored by the Massachusetts ​militia​ at Concord.
--On the night of April 18, warning of the British expedition had been rapidly sent from Boston to
militias in the area by several riders, including ​Paul Revere​ and ​Samuel Prescott​, with information
about British plans.

--The next day, on April 19, the first shots were fired just as the sun was rising at Lexington, which
is situated between Boston and Concord.

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