Working of Pi filter (π-filter)

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Pi Filter

Definition: Pi filter consists of a shunt capacitor at the input side, and it is followed by
an L-section filter. The output from the rectifier is directly given across capacitor. The
pulsating DC output voltage is filtered first by the capacitor connected at the input side
and then by choke coil and then by another shunt capacitor.

The construction arrangement of all the components resembles the shape of Greek
Letter Pi (π). Thus it is called Pi filter. Besides, the capacitor is present at the input
side. Thus, it is also called capacitor input filter.

Significance of Capacitor input filter or Pi filter (π- filter)

The ultimate aim of a filter is to achieve ripple free DC voltage. The filters we have
discussed in our previous articles are also efficient in removing AC ripples from the
output voltage of rectifier, but Pi filter is more efficient in removing ripples as it consists
of one more capacitor at the input side.

Working of Pi filter (π- filter)

The output voltage coming from rectifier also consist of AC components. Thus it is a
crucial need to remove these AC ripples to improve the performance of the device. The
output from the rectifier is directly applied to the input capacitor. The capacitor provides
a low impedance to AC ripples present in the output voltage and high resistance to DC
voltage. Therefore, most of the AC ripples get bypassed through the capacitor in input
stage only.
The residual AC components which are still present in filtered DC signal gets filtered
when they pass through the inductor coil and through the capacitor connected parallel
across the load. In this way, the efficiency of filtering increases multiple times.

In the case of L-section filter, one inductor and capacitor were present so if some AC
ripples say 1% is left after filtering that can be removed in Pi-filter. Thus, Pi filter is
considered more efficient.

Characteristics of Pi filter (π- filter)

The Pi filter has the characteristics to generate a high output voltage at low current
drains. In pi-filters, the major filtering action is accomplished by the capacitor at input C 1.
The residual AC ripples are filtered by inductor coil L and capacitor C 2.

The high voltage is obtained at the output of Pi filter, the reason behind this high voltage
output is that the entire input voltage appears across the input capacitor C 1. The voltage
drop across choke coil and capacitor C2 is quite small.

Thus, this is the advantage of Pi capacitor that it provides high voltage gain. But in
addition to this high output voltage, the voltage regulation of Pi filter is very poor. This
is because the output voltage drops rapidly with the increase in current flowing through
the load.

Apart from the above-mentioned disadvantage, its most crucial advantage is low ripple
Advantages of Pi filter (π- filter)

1. High Output Voltage: If you are dealing with the application which requires high
output voltage after filtering, then this is the filter you should use. Pi filter’s
significance is that it offers low voltage drop across choke coil and capacitor C 2 in
order to main high output voltage across its output terminals.
2. Low Ripple factor: Due to the involvement of 2 capacitors in addition with one
inductor it provides improved filtering action. This leads to decrement in ripple
factor. A low ripple factor means the ratio of current due to AC ripples and direct
Current is low. Thus, a low ripples factor signifies regulated and ripple free DC
3. High PIV: The peak inverse voltage in the case of Pi filters is more in
comparison to L-section filter.

Disadvantage of Pi filter (π- filter)

Poor Voltage Regulation: We have discussed above that the output voltage varies
with the load current. Thus, this capacitor is not suitable for varying loads. In an
application where load current varies, pi filters are not suitable. Thus, in such
application, we can use L-section filters as its output voltage do not vary largely with
load current.

 Application of Pi filter (π- filter)

These are used in communication devices for retrieving the particular signal after
modulation. In transmission, the signal is modulated into multiples of high frequency.
While on the receiver side, filters are used to demodulate the particular range of

Difference Between Half Wave and Full Wave Rectifier

The Half Wave and Full Wave Rectifier have significant differences. A rectifier converts
AC voltage into Pulsating DC voltage. A Half-Wave rectifier is an electronic circuit
which converts only one-half of the AC cycle into pulsating DC. It utilizes only half of AC
cycle for the conversion process. On the other hand, Full wave rectifier is an electronic
circuit which converts entire cycle of AC into Pulsating DC.

The Half-Wave Rectifier is unidirectional; it means it will allow the conduction in one
direction only. That’s why either it can convert positive half only or negative half only
into DC voltage. This is the reason that it is called Half Wave Rectifier. While Full-wave
Rectifier, is bi-directional, it conducts for positive half as well as negative half of the
cycle. Thus, it is termed as full wave rectifier.

Content: Half Wave and Full Wave Rectifier

1. Comparison Chart
2. Definition
3. Key Differences
4. Conclusion

Comparison Chart

Parameters Half-Wave Rectifiers Full-Wave Rectifiers

Rectification Efficiency 40.6% 81.2%
Ripple Factor 1.21 0.482
Transformer Utilization
0.286 0.692
Voltage Regulation Good Better
Fundamental frequency of Equal to Supply
Double of Supply Frequency, 2f
ripple Frequency, f
Form Factor 1.57 1.11
Peak Factor 2 1.414
Number of diodes Only 1 Vary from 2 to 4, 4 in case of
Parameters Half-Wave Rectifiers Full-Wave Rectifiers
bridge rectifier
Peak Inverse Voltage Vs 2 Vs
DC Output Voltage Imax/π RL 2/π RL Imax

Definition of Half Wave Rectifier

Half Wave Rectifier circuit consists of a single diode and a step-down transformer, the
high voltage AC will be converted into low voltage AC with the help of step-down
transformer. After this, a diode connected in the circuit will be forward biased for positive
half of AC cycle and will be reversed biased during negative half.

When the diode is forward biased, it acts as a short circuit, while when it is reversed
biased it acts as an open circuit. This is because of the connection architecture of the
circuit. The P-terminal of the diode is connected with the secondary winding of
transformer and N-terminal of the diode is connected with the load resistor.

Thus, the diode conducts during the positive half of AC cycle. While it will not conduct
during the negative half of AC cycle. Thus, the voltage drop across the load resistor will
appear only for the positive half of AC. During negative half of AC cycle, we will get zero
DC voltage.

Definition of Full Wave Rectifier

Full Wave Rectifier consists of two diodes and one step down transformer which is
centre tapped. The P-terminal of the diodes is connected to the secondary winding of
the transformer. The N-terminals of both the diodes are connected to the centre tapping
point of the secondary winding, and they are also connected to load terminal.
When positive half of AC cycle passes through transformer primary winding, then due to
mutual induction the top of the secondary winding becomes positive while the bottom of
the secondary winding becomes negative.

The P-terminal of diode D1 is connected to the positive voltage which makes the diode
to operate in forward biased region. At the same time diode D2 becomes reverse
biased, due to the negative voltage at the bottom of the secondary winding.

Thus, for the positive half cycle of AC, only diode D1 conducts, and diode D2 does not
conduct.Thus, when the negative half cycle of AC passes through the primary winding
of transformer then due to mutual induction the top of the secondary winding of
transformer becomes negative and bottom of the secondary windings become positive.

Now, diode D2 will be forward biased, and diode D1 will be reverse biased. Thus, DC
voltage will be obtained for positive half of AC cycle as well as for negative half of AC
cycle. Thus, it is called full wave as it conducts for the full cycle of AC.

Key Differences Between Half Wave and Full Wave Rectifier

1. The significant key difference between half wave and full wave rectifier is
efficiency. Half wave rectifier is a low-efficiency rectifier while the full wave is
a high-efficiency rectifier. Thus, it is always better to use full wave when we are
working on the highly efficient application.
2. The centre tapping also differs in half wave and full wave rectifier. Half wave
rectifier does not require centre tapping of the secondary winding of transformer
while full wave requires centre tapping of the secondary winding of the
3. The requirement of components varies in Half Wave and Full Wave Rectifier. Full
wave requires more electronic components as compared to half wave. Thus,
full wave rectifier is costly as compared to half wave. Full wave requires double
the number of diodes.
4. The losses due to saturation of DC core in half wave and full wave rectifiers also
create the significant difference. The half wave possesses DC saturation of
core, but this problem can be overcome in the full wave circuit.
5. The full wave circuitry does not possess DC saturation of transformer core
because the current in the secondary winding flows in two halves of the
secondary winding of the transformer and in opposite directions.


A rectifier is a crucial component in various electronic circuits. This is because most of

the electronic circuits operate on low voltage DC and it is economical to supply power
in the form of AC. Thus, we need a device which can convert AC to DC. A rectifier is a
device which converts AC voltage into Pulsating DC voltage.

The pulsating DC voltage consists of AC ripples with DC voltage. Thus, it is called

Pulsating DC voltage. The half wave rectifier converts half cycle of AC into pulsating DC
while full wave converts full cycle into pulsating DC.

Our selection for half wave and full wave rectifier should be based upon the
requirements. If we require a low-cost device and if you can compromise with efficiency,
then use half wave. But if you are working on some specific circuit designing which
requires highly efficient conversion of AC to DC then use full wave, keeping in mind its
circuit complexity and high cost.

Difference Between Clipper and Clamper

The major difference between clipper and clamper is that clipper is a limiting circuit
which limits the output voltage while clamper is a circuit which shifts the DC level of
output voltage. The clipper and clamper circuits are exactly opposite to each other
regarding their working principle.

Another significant difference between clipper and clamper is the shape of the output
waveform. The voltage which is clipped by clipper can assume various shapes, but the
voltage obtained by clamper circuit does not alter in shape.

Clipper is crucial when we want to modify the amplitude of the voltage. Clipping of
signal amplitude is required in some application in which components cannot withstand
the high magnitude of the voltage. While clamper is used when we need multiples of
the input voltage at the output terminal.

We will discuss some more differences in the comparison chart.

Content: Clipper and Clamper

1. Comparison Chart
2. Definition
3. Key Differences
4. Conclusion

Comparison Chart
Parameters Clipper Clamper
Clipper delimit the amplitude of the Clamper shifts the DC level of
output voltage. the output voltage.
Output Voltage Less than the input voltage. Multiples of input voltage.
Energy storage Requires (Capacitor is used as
Not required
component energy storage element)
Shape of Output Shape changes (Rectangular, Shape remains same as input
Waveform sinusoidal, triangular etc.) waveform.
DC Level Remains same DC level get shifted
In transmitters, receivers, amplitude In voltage multiplying circuits,
selector, noise limiter etc. Sonar, Radar system etc.


Clipper circuit is used to limit the amplitude of the input signal by clipping that part
without affecting the remaining signal. It is desirable in some applications of electronics
that excessive voltage should not pass through the components as they may get
demolished. Thus, a particular value is obtained by reducing the amplitude of the
signal using clipper circuit.

Effective of Positive Half of AC Cycle

The clipper circuit consists of a resistor, a diode and an AC source. When the positive
half of AC cycle is introduced in the clipper circuit, the diode D1 becomes forward
biased. Due to this the voltage obtained across the load will be same as the voltage
across the diode.
Please remember that if you are using Silicon diode, the voltage drop across it will be
0.7 V while if you are using Germanium diode the voltage drop across it will be 0.3 V
approximately. Thus, the output voltage during the positive half of AC cycle will be equal
to the voltage drop across the diode.

Now you must have got the idea that how clipper works. It is evident from the above
diagram that the peak voltage (Vp) of input voltage was more, but the voltage obtained
at the output is clipped.

In the above diagram, we have also used a battery in series with the diode. In this
condition, the output voltage during the positive half of AC will be the sum of the voltage
drop across the diode and the voltage of the battery connected in series with the diode.

Effective of Negative Half of AC

When the negative half cycle of AC strikes the circuit, then the diode D1 will become
reversed biased, and no conduction will take place through it as it will be like an open
circuit. It is clear from the above diagram that during the negative half of AC, the output
voltage will be exactly same as the input voltage.

This was the example of positive clipper as we have clipped some part of positive half of
AC. We can constitute negative clipper by reversing the diode and battery. We can also
remove the battery but then the output voltage clipped will be according to the voltage
drop across the diode only. Thus, to customize it according to our requirement we can
use the battery. The battery voltage should be equal to the voltage which we require at
the output.


Clamper does not clip the input signal, but it shifts the DC level either upward or
downward depending upon whether it is positive clamper or negative clamper.
It consists of a capacitor, a diode, resistor and input AC source. When the negative half
cycle enters clamping circuit, the diode becomes forward biased, and the capacitor
starts charging. It charges till it acquires its peak value.

When the positive half of AC is introduced in the circuit, the diode becomes reverse
biased and becomes an open circuit. In this condition, the capacitor starts
discharging, and the complete AC input voltage appears across the load resistor.
Thus, the output voltage in this condition will be equal to the sum of the input voltage
and voltage across the capacitor.

The output voltage becomes two times of input AC voltage. Thus, from Vp (peak
voltage), it gets shifted towards 2Vp. This circuit works like voltage multipliers. We can
also design negative clampers by reversing the diode. In that case, the output signal will
shift downwards.

Key Differences Between Clipper and Clamper

1. The main difference between clipper and clamper is their function; clipper limits
the voltage while clamper shifts in upwards or downwards.
2. The usage of energy storing element also creates a key difference between
Clipper and Clamper, Clipper does not require capacitor while clamper circuit
cannot be completed without energy storing element, i.e. capacitor.
3. The output waveform obtained from clipper circuit appears in the different
shape than that of input, while the shape of the waveform in the clamper circuit
remains exactly same after clamping of the signal.
4. The clipper is also known as a current delimiter, voltage delimiter or amplitude
delimiter while clamper circuit is also considered as voltage multiplier circuit.

Clippers reduce the amplitude while clampers shift the DC level. Both are relevant
circuits in various high-level applications of electronics as well as communication.
Clippers are used in communication circuits such as transmitters and receivers.
Besides, clippers are also used in wave shaping circuit to generate rectangular,
triangular pulses.

Clampers find a significant role in Sonar and Radar system. Apart from this, they are
also used as the voltage doubler.

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