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Guía de trabajo 9º ingles

Tema: Daily Routines

1.Construcción de vocabulario. Busque las palabras en el diccionario y escríbalas en ingles en el cuadro correcto.
Daughter Hat Eleven Painter Dresser Thirteen Grandfather Cap Designer Window Mother Twenty Umbrella
Driver Bedroom Son Fourteen Eraser Astronaut Bathroom Brother Fifteen Cellphone Nurse
Diningroom Actress Aunt Bike Seventeen Judge Livingroom Door Father Waiter Kitchen Twelve Boat
Grandmother Eighteen Uncle Roof Nineteen Laptop Singer Sister Bat Surgeon Box Bed Sixteen
Numbers People Family House Things

Actividad 2 Ordene este texto y traduzca

Complete with a e i o u y. Then write in
order. Use he

I t__k__ cl__ ss__s I g__ t __ p

I t __k__ __ Sh__w__r
I br__ sh m__ t__ __ th
I h__v__ br__ __kf__st
I g__ t__ sch__ __l I h__v__ l__nch
I d__ h__m__w__rk
I g__ t__ th__ g__m I t__k__ __ n__p
I h__v__ d__nn__r
I w__tch th__ n__ws
I s__t th__ T__bl__ I m__k__ th__ b__d
I g__ t__ b__d I t__d__ m__ r__ __m
I d__ __x__rc__s__s I dr__ m__ h__ __r
I pl__ __ v__d__ __ g__m__s
I L__st__n t__ m__s__c
I t__k__ th__ b__s sch__ __l
I r__ __d b__ __ks
I st__d__ __nt__l 12:20 p.m

My day starts very early/late

The present simple describes routines and habits. What time do you usually go to school?
Third person(he, she, it, the car, the dog, my father)
We add ES- SS, X, CH, Spanish We change IES Spanish We only add S Spanish
Kiss Fly Speak
Fix Study Get
Watch Copy Stay
Complete using the verbs above. You can’t repeat verbs
A mechanic _______________cars She ___________________ TV every afternoon
He ________________his wife before he ________________ to work Alex _______________ an airplane
The baby _______________all the time Isabel _________________to school every day
John ________________ math every night He __________________all responsibility
My mother ____________________three languages He ______________ home after school
She _____________________coffee every morning My father ________________ in a hospital

Metodología: Trabajo personalizado, activo, donde el estudiante complementa con videos de Youtube. Sobre
presente simple

Evaluación de Competencia: Evidencia escrita del trabajo y elaboración de frases que expresen rutinas diarias

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