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Geologi dan Mineralogi Tanah

Rock/parent material

Praktikum, 2 Mei 2019

Soil Factors
• S = f (p, cl, tp, b, t)
• s = soil
• p = parent material
• cl = Climate (water and temperature)
• tp = topography
• b = living things – vegetation/decomposer
• t = time
Rock and Soil parent material
Rock weathering to soil parent
Biological weathering

1. Akar tumbuhan dapat

membelah batuan\
2. Manusia dengan
menggunakan alat2
Particle size of soil
Relative activity of soil particles

soil particles CEC (cmol/kg)

CEC adalah kemampuan tanah mempertukarkan kation (KTK). Semakin

tinggi CEC semakin banyak unsur hara yang bisa ditahan di koloid tanah
sehingga tidak mudah tercuci ke lapisan bawah dalam profil tanah (CEC-
tinggi  lebih kaya unsur hara)
Struktur bangun tetra dan okta hedral
2 tetrachedral vs 1 octachedral
2:1 type of aluminosilicate clay
1 tetrachedral vs 1 octachedral
Weathering vs soil minerals
Cation Excange Capacity (CEC)
Trend of weathering

More resistant to weathering

Soil Profile
Soil Taxonomy
Formation of soil order
Degree of weathering
Generalized relationships:
Ultisols Kaolinite, oxidic clays
Alfisols Mica, vermiculite,
Andisols Amorphous

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