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Ecological Economics 114 (2015) 218–226

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Methodological and Ideological Options

Understanding the complementary linkages between environmental

footprints and planetary boundaries in a footprint–boundary
environmental sustainability assessment framework
Kai Fang a,⁎, Reinout Heijungs a,b, Geert R. De Snoo a
Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML), Leiden University, 2333CC Leiden, The Netherlands
Department of Econometrics and Operations Research, VU University Amsterdam, 1081HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: While in recent years both environmental footprints and planetary boundaries have gained tremendous popular-
Received 11 October 2014 ity throughout the ecological and environmental sciences, their relationship remains largely unexplored. By in-
Received in revised form 5 April 2015 vestigating the roots and developments of environmental footprints and planetary boundaries, this paper
Accepted 9 April 2015
challenges the isolation of the two research fields and provides novel insights into the complementary use of
Available online 16 April 2015
them. Our analysis demonstrates that knowledge of planetary boundaries improves the policy relevance of envi-
ronmental footprints by providing a set of consensus-based estimates of the regenerative and absorptive capacity
Environmental footprints at the global scale and, in reverse, that the planetary boundaries framework benefits from well-grounded foot-
Planetary boundaries print models which allow for more accurate and reliable estimates of human pressure on the planet's environ-
Environmental sustainability assessment ment. A framework for integration of environmental footprints and planetary boundaries is thus proposed. The
framework so-called footprint–boundary environmental sustainability assessment framework lays the foundation for evolv-
Research agenda ing environmental impact assessment to environmental sustainability assessment aimed at measuring the sus-
tainability gap between current magnitudes of human activities and associated capacity thresholds. As a first
attempt to take advantage of environmental footprints and planetary boundaries in a complementary way,
there remain many gaps in our knowledge. We have therefore formulated a research agenda for further scientific
discussions, mainly including the development of measurable boundaries in relation to footprints at multiple
scales and their trade-offs, and the harmonization of the footprint and boundary metrics in terms of environmen-
tal coverage and methodological choices. All these points raised, in our view, will play an important role in setting
practical and tangible policy targets for adaptation and mitigation of worldwide environmental unsustainability.
© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction be diminished by force even though Ehrlich (1982) already warned of

the overshoot of human carrying capacity.
A central challenge for sustainability is how to meet human needs In response to the then-current debates surrounding carrying capac-
while preserving our planet as a pleasant place for living and as a source ity, the ecological footprint was conceived to represent the spatial
of welfare (Kates et al., 2001; Kratena, 2004). A necessary, though not appropriation ideally required to support a given population (Rees,
sufficient, step in achieving this goal is the identification and measure- 1992; Wackernagel and Rees, 1996). It can be regarded as a complement
ment of carrying capacity—the maximum persistently supportable to carrying capacity. Leaving out many key aspects of sustainability by
load that the environment can offer without impairing the functional in- design (Goldfinger et al., 2014), the ecological footprint practically
tegrity of ecosystems (Catton, 1986; Rees, 1996). Attempts have been equates human demand for nature with that for biotic resource provision
made to define human carrying capacity, from a demographic perspec- and energy-related carbon sequestration. Subsequently, an array of
tive, as the maximum human population which can be raised by the footprint-style indicators has been spawned as complements to the
Earth in a way that would ensure the interests of future generations communication of pressure that humanity places on the planet's
(Daily and Ehrlich, 1992; Ehrlich, 1982). This definition, however, environment. This array includes the water footprint (Hoekstra and
seems somewhat pedantic and meaningless, because the growth in Hung, 2002), chemical footprint (Guttikunda et al., 2005), carbon foot-
global population remains virtually unchanged and of course cannot print (Wiedmann and Minx, 2008), phosphorus footprint (Wang et al.,
2011), nitrogen footprint (Leach et al., 2012), biodiversity footprint
⁎ Corresponding author. (Lenzen et al., 2012), material footprint (Wiedmann et al., in press), and
E-mail address: (K. Fang). so on.
0921-8009/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
K. Fang et al. / Ecological Economics 114 (2015) 218–226 219

At the same time, revisiting sustainability limits has never stopped is referred to as “biocapacity” (Rees, 1992; Wackernagel and Rees,
since the publication of Limits to Growth (Meadows et al., 1972), a re- 1997). The difference between the ecological footprint and biocapacity
markable book which for the first time alarmed the public with environ- reflects a form of sustainability gap, explaining why our world is
mental constraints on population expansion. In 2009, as conceptually operating in a state of overshoot with respect to biotic resource extrac-
similar to carrying capacity, a framework of planetary boundaries was tions and energy-related carbon emissions (Niccolucci et al., 2009;
launched by Rockström et al. (2009a,b). By its definition, capacity Wackernagel and Rees, 1997). The inclusion of biocapacity is unique
thresholds for a broad range of environmental issues at the global and important, making the ecological footprint outstand from many
scale are explicitly identified, including climate change, rate of biodiver- other footprint indicators (Ewing et al., 2012; Hoekstra, 2009).
sity loss, interference with the nitrogen and phosphorus cycles, strato- In a similar case to that of the ecological footprint, the blue and gray
spheric ozone depletion, ocean acidification, global freshwater use, water footprints were envisaged as a way of comparing with the blue
change in land use, chemical pollution, and atmospheric aerosol load- and gray water boundaries, respectively, where the results are expressed
ing. Because of the initiative of providing quantitative and measurable in the form of quotient (Hoekstra et al., 2012; Liu et al., 2012). The
preconditions for human development, the planetary boundaries con- footprint-to-boundary ratios depict the relative severity of water scarcity
cept has grown in interest over recent years, with particular focus on and pollution as a consequence of the mismatch between water with-
its implications for Earth system governance (Biermann, 2012), bio- drawal and renewable supply. The ecological and water footprints are,
spheric monitoring and forecasting (Barnosky et al., 2012), green econ- in this sense, able to inform policy makers on to which degree the bio-
omy (Kosoy et al., 2012), food security (De Vries et al., 2013), and physical limits of the biosphere and hydrosphere are being approached
environmental equity (Steffen and Stafford Smith, 2013). or exceeded, respectively (Costanza, 2000; Galli et al., 2012).
There have been a considerable number of studies that deal with ei- Table 1 summarizes existing practices that aims at incorporating the
ther environmental footprints or planetary boundaries, and only very boundary concept into footprint analysis. As seen, so far not all of the
few that discuss both topics within one study. Moreover, the papers footprints include a comparison to quantified capacity thresholds. In
that address environmental footprints together with planetary bound- fact, many do not, although this is being perceived as increasingly use-
aries employ different principles, frameworks, and terminologies. Our ful. Even for those which have been linked to a threshold value already,
paper aims to highlight the promise of connecting environmental foot- there remain limitations that have been a notable source of controversy
prints and planetary boundaries by exploring their relationships and in footprint analysis; thus, we believe that recent developments regard-
synergies, by providing a harmonized framework and terminology, ing planetary boundaries will inspire and facilitate the ongoing process
and by offering novel insights into their complementary use. of benchmarking environment footprints against capacity thresholds.
To that end, the remainder of the paper is structured as follows:
Section 2 provides evidence on the importance of the planetary bound-
aries concept for making environmental footprints policy-relevant; 3. Why Environmental Footprints are Important for Making the
Section 3, on the contrary, investigates the role of environmental foot- Planetary Boundaries Framework Scientifically Robust
prints in improving the scientific robustness of the planetary boundaries
framework; Section 4 demonstrates the benefits of jointly defining en- Contrary to popular belief, Rockström et al.'s framework is not only
vironmental sustainability; Section 5 proceeds with a detailed discus- about planetary boundaries, but also about current state estimates—a
sion of the challenges of synthesizing the footprint and boundary neglected field of research exploring the planetary boundary issues. In
metrics and how these inform a research agenda. other words, its ultimate goal is not to quantify a boundary, but to quan-
tify the transgression or reserve of a boundary, determined by the com-
2. Why Knowledge of Planetary Boundaries is Important for Making parison of planetary boundaries and current environmental conditions.
Environmental Footprints Policy-relevant As a whole, Rockström et al.'s estimates are reliant on literature review
reflecting expert knowledge that inevitably contains uncertainty, sub-
Many environmental footprints have proven useful in measuring the jectivity and arbitrariness (De Vries et al., 2013; Lewis, 2012). Neverthe-
environmental pressure exerted by human activities (Galli et al., 2012; less, currently this is perhaps the best way to quantify planetary
Leach et al., 2012). Meanwhile, it has been widely acknowledged that boundaries in view of the difficulties of prediction. Furthermore, by
focusing exclusively on a single footprint runs the risk of shifting the en- using the best available knowledge and the precautionary principle,
vironmental burden to other impact categories (Fang et al., 2014). planetary boundaries are claimed to be more science-based than a com-
Shrinking the product carbon footprint, for instance, could induce a re- mon policy framework (Nykvist et al., 2013).
markable increase in other environmental footprints (Laurent et al., However, the problem is that Rockström et al. do so to measure the
2012). Likewise, reductions in water footprint by inter-basin water or current status of investigated environmental issues, which could have
food transfer are found at the expense of increasing energy footprint been more rigorous and robust if appropriate environmental models
(Gerbens-Leenes et al., 2009). Considerable evidence from the literature are used instead. As environmental footprints are derived from a great
calls for a policy transformation from assessing single footprints in iso- number of quantitative models, of which the majority have a broad
lation to tackling diverse footprints, i.e., a footprint family (Fang et al., base of acceptance with respect to documentation, transparency and
2014; Galli et al., 2012), from an integrated perspective. reproducibility (Fang et al., 2014; Hoekstra and Wiedmann, 2014), it
However, this is not enough. Man should not simply minimize their is natural to expect that the methodological maturity of footprints
environmental footprints, for which many footprint users concentrate would be able to enhance the expression and quantification of current
on, but make sure these footprints stay within the planetary boundaries, estimates involved in the planetary boundaries framework.
for which this is central to sustainable development (Fang and Heijungs, We will illustrate this with two brief examples. On the climate
2015; Heijungs et al., 2014). As pointed out by Lancker and Nijkamp change, for instance, atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide
(2000), an indicator does not provide any information on sustainability (CO2) and radiative forcing have been chosen as two control variables
unless a reference value is given to it. A simultaneous assessment of en- for setting climate boundary, but also for measuring current climate
vironmental footprints and related capacity thresholds is therefore of state (Rockström et al., 2009a). The concurrent use of the two variables
vital importance, representing the evolution of backtracking towards a represents an unnecessary dual-objective trade-off and thus may com-
prognostic and preventive measure that helps prevent human activities promise the usefulness of setting carbon boundary. By using carbon
from triggering undesirable environmental changes. footprint—a consensus impact indicator of climate change (Hellweg
The ecological footprint was designed in such a way that it can be and I Canals, 2014; Minx et al., 2013), a convergence of these two inde-
readily compared to available bio-productive area of the Earth, which pendent variables is harmoniously achieved. According to Hoekstra and
220 K. Fang et al. / Ecological Economics 114 (2015) 218–226

Table 1
Summary of existing practices for relating environmental footprints to planetary boundaries.

Footprint Key elements of relating a footprint to a boundary Advantages over the sole use of the footprint Limitations

Blue water • Blue water footprint: a measure of the volume of By screening the monthly water scarcity in 405 The accounting of blue water availability does
footprint surface and groundwater consumed and then major river basins throughout the world in not properly deal with the perturbation of
(Hoekstra evaporated or incorporated into a product, sector, or 1996–2005, a large number of people living under seasonal runoff patterns by dams' flow
et al., 2012) the whole economy. sever water stress. The world-average ratio of blue regulation, and similarly for the blue water
• Blue water availability: a measure of the total water footprint to blue water availability is found to footprint that does not include evaporation from
natural runoff minus presumed flow requirements be about 94%, which suggests that the globe has artificial reservoirs. The water scarcity indicator
for ecological health. experienced a low water scarcity. without regard to green water component is
• Blue water scarcity: equal to dividing blue water incomplete.
footprint by blue water availability.
Carbon • Carbon footprint: a measure of the total amount of The carbon footprint has been put in the context of a There is not yet a consensus on the most
footprint greenhouse gas emissions that are directly and planetary carbon boundary, which is estimated to be appropriate way of allocating the responsibility
(Hoekstra indirectly caused by an activity or are accumulated 18–25 Gt CO2-eq./yr. It means that the global carbon for carbon reduction to national and
and over the life cycle of a product. footprint should be reduced by 60% in 2010–2050 in sub-national scales, i.e., a fair share for different
Wiedmann, • Carbon boundary: a measure of the maximum order to achieve the global warming target of stakeholders given their historical performance,
2014) sustainable carbon footprint level at the global scale. maximum 2 °C. capacity and other considerations is lacking.
• Carbon deficit: equal to subtracting carbon
boundary from carbon footprint.
Chemical • Chemical footprint: a measure of the expected In addition to computing chemical footprint, two The methodology proposed faces the challenges
footprint cumulative impacts of chemical mixtures on aquatic approaches to define a chemical boundary are of finding ways to reduce the uncertainty of
(Zijp et al., ecosystems for a region. introduced from the realms of chemical weighting that aggregates the impacts on
2014) • Chemical boundary: a measure of the sustainability management practice (policy boundary) and of different scales and compartments, and of the
level or policy target expressing which chemical research on ecosystem vulnerability (natural complex natural systems that would hamper the
impact is acceptable. boundary), so that one can account for the water distribution of spatially variable and ecosystem
• Chemical pollution index: equal to dividing volume needed to dilute chemical pollution due to specific chemical boundaries. The resulting
chemical footprint by chemical boundary. human activities to a level below a specified chemical footprint is hypothetical and thus,
boundary condition. comparing the footprint with the boundary
should be conducted with care.
Ecological • Ecological footprint: a measure of the land and The comparison to biocapacity supports the The carbon component in many cases
footprint water area required to support a given population existence of global overshoot which first occurred contributes almost 100% or even more of the
(Borucke with biotic resource extractions and energy-related in the mid-1970s. In 2008, mankind's ecological ecological deficit due to the omission of the
et al., 2013) carbon emissions. footprint exceeded at least 50% of the biocapacity, absorptive capacity in current ecological
• Biocapacity: a measure of the biosphere's consuming ecosystem services that require about 1.5 footprint accounting. Present global overshoot
regenerative capacity in terms of the Earth's planets to regenerate and to assimilate. would be replaced by a surplus of 0.6 planets
terrestrial and aquatic surface that is biologically without considering the carbon component.
productive to provide the basic ecosystem
services—food, fiber and timber products that
humanity consumes.
• Ecological deficit/surplus: a measure of the
overshoot/reserve of biocapacity relative to its
ecological footprint.
Gray water • Gray water footprint: a measure of the volume of The calculated water pollution levels of different The water pollution level of a basin below 1 does
footprint freshwater required to assimilate the loading of river basins show a large variation among different not necessarily reflect an avoidance of
(Liu et al., pollutants given natural background concentrations periods, generally increasing in 1970–2000. In 2000, eutrophication at the sub-basin level. Defining
2012) and existing ambient water quality standards. about two-thirds of the basins have their pollution the overall water pollution level as the largest
• Pollution assimilation capacity: a measure of the assimilation capacity fully consumed for calculated one among all different nutrient
environmental water needs by subtracting the anthropogenic nitrogen or phosphorus. forms of nitrogen or phosphorus is questionable,
presumed flow requirement for ecological health as this may overly simplify the cumulative
from the total runoff. effects of multiple aquatic pollutants.
• Water pollution level: equal to dividing gray water
footprint by pollution assimilation capacity.

Wiedmann (2014), global carbon footprint is amounted to 46–55 Gt existing footprint discussions. Ambiguity and confusion may occur, as
CO2-eq./yr for 2011. proven by the ecological footprint which sometimes refers to the foot-
In the case of freshwater use, Rockström et al. pose that at present print itself, and at other times refers to both the footprint indicator
the annual global water consumption is approximately 2600 Gm3/yr. and biocapacity. As a result, the purpose of the remainder of this
Apart from the uncertainty of this approximation, the value only ac- paper is not to consider boundaries as a part of footprints, nor to consid-
counts for the evaporation and transpiration from surface and ground er footprints as a part of boundaries. Instead, we will keep the footprint
water—a small fraction of total freshwater usage (Molden, 2009), ignor- metric and the boundary metric separate, while taking the two as com-
ing green water that is estimated to be 6700 Gm3/yr (Hoekstra and plements in assessing environmental sustainability.
Mekonnen, 2012). The serious underestimate of human freshwater con-
sumption should have been overcome by aggregating the blue and 4. Complementary Use of Environmental Footprints and Planetary
green water footprints using existing water footprint models with Boundaries for Environmental Sustainability Assessment
high degrees of scientific certainty.
The two cases mentioned above demonstrate the necessity of stan- 4.1. The Root of the Environmental Sustainability Concept
dardized and reproducible footprint models to support the assessment
of actual environmental conditions. One may extrapolate that the Responding to the increasing challenge of finding ways to maintain
scientific foundation of the planetary boundaries framework will be the carrying capacity of the global ecosystem, the significance of the
consolidated by the substitution of well-grounded footprint models boundary concept in making sense of environmental sustainability
for rough current estimates. However, this does not justify the incorpo- had already been underlined in the late 20th century. For example, Daly
ration of capacity thresholds into footprint indicators within the (1990) presented an operational principle of sustainable development;
K. Fang et al. / Ecological Economics 114 (2015) 218–226 221

that is, the regenerative and absorptive capacity must be treated as natu- F–B ESA framework, the distinction between environmental sustain-
ral capital, of which the failure of maintenance leads to unsustainability. ability and unsustainability can be explicitly interpreted as follows:
Goodland and Daly (1996) legitimized environmental sustainability by
three input-output rules: (a) harvest within the regenerative capacity of • Environmental sustainability (ES): the converted footprint of human
renewable resources; (b) waste within the absorptive capacity of natural activities is kept within the relevant converted boundary, ensuring
systems; and (c) depletion of non-renewable resources at a rate less than that the planet's environment retains a safe state in which human
that of renewable substitutes. well-being and prosperity are satisfied (Zfootprint,i − Zboundary,i ≤ 0 or
Despite the high transparency, completeness and acceptability that Zfootprint,i/Zboundary,i ≤ 1).
Goodland & Daly's definition provides, a fundamental obstacle to envi- • Environmental unsustainability (EU): the converted footprint of
ronmental sustainability assessment (ESA) is the difficulty in predicting human activities already exceeds the relevant converted bound-
how long a life-supporting system is to be sustainable, rather than aries, with consequences that would move the planet's environ-
in discriminating sustainability and unsustainability after the fact ment to an unsafe state in which the stability and resilience of
(Costanza and Patten, 1995). This results from a lack of methods for Earth system functioning are being undermined (Z footprint,i −
quantifying the regenerative and absorptive capacity. As a breakthrough Zboundary,i N 0 or Zfootprint,i /Zboundary,i N 1).
to fill in this gap, the planetary boundaries framework gives, for the first
time, numerical results for capacity thresholds at the global scale.
Meanwhile, the footprint metric serves as a counterpart to the boundary
metric by offering background values for environmental issues and 4.3. Benefits of the F–B ESA Framework
thereby helping to better understand the concept of environmental
sustainability. The joint implementation of environmental footprints and planetary
boundaries opens the way for a novel and straightforward representa-
4.2. A Footprint–Boundary Framework for Environmental Sustainability tion of environmental sustainability. While footprints have been found
Assessment particularly suited to support decisions in environmental impact assess-
ment (EIA), many of which are limited in visualizing the gaps between
To preserve the planet's environment from facing unexpected or ir- what is actually being done and what ought to be done from a sustain-
reversible changes, a first step would be the development of ways of as- ability perspective. Examples include the nitrogen, phosphorus and bio-
certaining whether human activities are kept within permissible limits. diversity footprints. One may argue, for instance, that it is not difficult to
Due to their relative emphases and challenges noted above, neither imagine the development of nitrogen threshold within the nitrogen
environmental footprints nor planetary boundaries can adequately footprint framework; this, however, suggests a position that in our
address this complicated issue solely; therefore, they should rather be view is undesirable because of rejecting the use of existing knowledge
used complementarily to make sense of the ESA. In deriving a on planetary boundaries which has gained considerable interest and
footprint–boundary representation of environmental sustainability, support from a broad range of the scientific community.
clarity on definitions of both environmental footprints and planetary We believe that ESA represents a step ahead from EIA that is based
boundaries is required. Although there are already many attempts for on descriptive indicators (e.g., environmental footprints) responsible
making the two concepts transparent, we contend that any definition for what is happening to the environment (Smeets and Weterings,
can work satisfactorily only if placed in an appropriate context, 1999), as from a consumption-based angle it makes more sense to
i.e., none is able to fit for all purposes. For this reason, environmental give consumers the opportunity to take into account their environmen-
footprints and planetary boundaries will be specified as follows: tal responsibility for closing the sustainability gap. In this regard, a
prominent advantage of implementing the F–B ESA framework is that
• Environmental footprints (EF): a measure of human pressure on the
it delivers valuable information on whether or not human activities
planet's environment in relation to resource extractions and waste
give rise to a sustainability gap, and to what extent. To meet the public
emissions. In a mathematical context, we indicate the footprint of
and corporate needs of downscaling planetary boundaries for the allo-
pressure i (e.g., carbon emission, water use, land use) as Ufootprint,i.
cation of responsibility, developing measurable environmental bound-
• Planetary boundaries (PB): a measure of the regenerative and absorp-
aries at sub-global scales is needed. We will classify and exposit the
tive capacity of the Earth's life-supporting systems, beyond which unac-
scaling effects of planetary boundaries in depth via Sections 5.1 and
ceptable environmental changes for humanity may occur. Accordingly
5.2, together with a discussion of how to harmonize the footprint metric
we denote the planetary boundary of pressure i as Uboundary,i.
and the boundary metric via Section 5.3 and of the potential trade-offs
of sustainability gaps between various environmental issues via
Mathematically, we do two steps: Section 5.4.
A further strength of the F–B ESA framework lies in its completeness
Step 1 converts an environmental footprint and/or planetary bound- of capturing key environmental challenges to global sustainability, rath-
ary into a common metric. For example, U footprint;CO2 , U footprint;CH4 , er than a single footprint nor a footprint family that covers. As the dis-
U footprint;N2 O (in Gt/yr) are collectively converted into Zfootprint,climate tinction between a policy target and a natural threshold boundary has
(in Gt CO2-eq./yr) using the global warming potential (GWP) values. been brought to attention (Zijp et al., 2014), there is an ever greater
Likewise, Uboundary,temperature (in °C) is converted into Zfboundary,climate need to understand how the sustainability gap and the policy gap differ.
(in Gt CO2-eq./yr). The F–B ESA framework is appropriate for use in distinguishing these
Step 2 creates sustainability indicators by looking at (1) the differ- two types of gaps. Conceived in simple terms, the sustainability gap is
the distance between current status and threshold values anticipated
ence between a footprint and a boundary (Zfootprint,i − Zboundary,i) or
for scientific purposes, though revealed preferences and judgments can-
at (2) the ratio of a footprint to a boundary (Zfootprint,i/Zboundary,i).
not be completely avoided, and the policy gap is the one between policy
On the basis of the two steps, a schematic representation of the foot- targets set with political legitimacy and threshold values. A sustainabil-
print–boundary environmental sustainability assessment (F–B ESA) ity gap minus a policy gap represents a measure of implementation gap
framework is provided in Fig. 1. The main function of the F–B ESA frame- required to be covered in order to fulfill a commitment that has been
work is to inform policy makers on the distance or ratio between the ac- enforced by regulation or legislation. A shift from an emphasis on
tual performance and the estimated thresholds, visualizing if the monitoring environmental impacts to an emphasis on measuring
maximum sustainable level has already been breached. By use of the sustainability gaps and evaluating the actual effectiveness of policy
222 K. Fang et al. / Ecological Economics 114 (2015) 218–226

Fig. 1. The footprint–boundary environmental sustainability framework, along with a procedure for converting and comparing the footprint and boundary metrics, exemplified by mea-
suring the sustainability gap of climate change on the basis of the global carbon budget. While current climate boundary is emerged from the consensus that anthropogenic warming
should be limited to below 2 °C (Rogelj et al., 2013), it represents an unnecessary distraction from the “2 °C target” (Allen, 2009). Operational challenges may arise as more than one re-
duction target should be met simultaneously. For this concern, a proposal for converting the “2 °C target” directly into a mass equivalent metric is given, which is in line with the conversion
of three principal greenhouse gases, namely CO2, methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O), to the carbon footprint. IPCC (2014): Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; UNEP (2013):
United Nations Environment Programme.

implementation is therefore realized through the comparison of policy heterogeneous impacts on local environment have been extensively
targets and the converted footprints and boundaries (Fig. 2). replicated and ultimately spread worldwide (Lewis, 2012). Consequent-
ly, setting planetary boundaries merely and waiting until we approach
5. Research Agenda for Strengthening the Footprint–Boundary them are dangerous and may significantly obscure the seriousness of
Environmental Sustainability Framework in Future Work environmental degradation at a regional or local scale. For example,
while the planetary boundary for phosphorus has not yet been
5.1. Development of Measurable Aggregated Boundaries at Multiple Scales transgressed (Rockström et al., 2009a,b), a striking fact which should
not be neglected is that the absorptive capacity for phosphorus in
It is unclear how regime shifts propagate across scales, and whether two-thirds of the world's river basins has already been fully consumed
local and regional unsustainability necessarily gives rise to global transi- (Hoekstra and Wiedmann, 2014).
tions that imply an irreversible collapse worldwide (Hughes et al., This justifies the importance of developing measurable aggregated
2013). Rockström et al. highlight that for some aggregated issues, such boundaries regionally or locally, which however remains largely unex-
as water use, land use and aerosol loading, it matters where stressors plored in current planetary boundaries framework. As discussed, the
exert negative effects; therefore, the associated environmental conse- biocapacity and water availability provide paradigms for the measure-
quences are spatially varying and primarily limited to local area. The ment of local and regional environmental boundaries. We argue that ag-
aerosol loading in East China, for instance, may have led to severe envi- gregating local or regional boundaries to the national level would allow
ronmental and human health risks, but this hardly contributes to the for a reasonably refined estimate of national boundaries for those aggre-
aerosol loading in New Zealand. In this case, affecting in one region gated issues. This could be achieved by means of a bottom-up approach.
has no unambiguous direct relation to other regions. The sensitivity to place of aggregated issues, however, constitutes a
As such, aggregated issues are unlikely to show strong evidence of major constraint on applications of such an upscaling (Nykvist et al.,
global threshold behaviors (Rockström et al., 2009b); unless their 2013). Another challenge concerns the allocation problem (Heijungs

Fig. 2. A schematic of the sustainability gap, policy gap, and implementation gap.
Adapted from Fischer et al. (2007) and Nykvist et al. (2013).
K. Fang et al. / Ecological Economics 114 (2015) 218–226 223

and Frischknecht, 1998), as the real geographical scale of anthropogenic organizations, corporations, and individual citizens. In the absence of re-
perturbation and associated impacts, which for instance can be a river liable databases for local conditions, the partitioning of the “cake” can be
basin, is very likely to go beyond national borders. first implemented nation by nation. Admittedly, there is more than one
way to operationalize such a top-down process, such as on a population
5.2. Partitioning of Systemic Planetary Boundaries for Sub-global Assessments size base, a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) base, a territorial area base,
or on other bases. Extending the national boundary to sub-national
On the other hand, it is also unclear how long the boundary exceed- scales will only be realized by a large number of dedicated personnel
ance actually takes to cause catastrophic environmental effects, even with sufficient technical and financial support. A schematic representa-
though a global threshold effect for systemic issues (climate change, tion of the suggested bottom-up and top-down approaches for bound-
ozone depletion, and ocean acidification) arguably exists regardless of ary scaling is given in Fig. 3.
where stressors are imposed (Nykvist et al., 2013; Rockström et al.,
2009b). Such a transition is elusive and unpredictable, typically lagged 5.3. Harmonization of the Footprint Metric and the Boundary Metric
by centuries, millennia, or even millions of years (Hughes et al., 2013),
as evidenced in the observation that over the past two billion years In concretizing the F–B ESA framework presented in the paper,
global transitions rarely took place, with an estimate of five times maintaining the harmonization between the footprint and boundary
merely (Barnosky et al., 2012). This is why the practitioners recently metrics deserves priority. We will elaborate on this in two aspects: the
concede that exceeding one or few planetary boundaries is unlikely to harmonization of coverage and the harmonization of methodologies.
give rise to disastrous consequences as immediate as previously According to the coverage of major environmental concerns (Fig. 4),
thought (Hughes et al., 2013; Lenton and Williams, 2013). one may easily come to the conclusion that as a whole there is a sub-
Misinterpretation may occur if one misunderstands the precaution- stantial similarity between environmental footprints and planetary
ary principle that the planetary boundaries concept relies on and boundaries, because they both cover similar and wide-enough spec-
equates a surpassed boundary with a critical transition that corresponds trums of environmental issues. Nevertheless, converting a footprint
to regime shifts—a sharp and persistent reorganization of the state of an and a boundary into a common metric is probably incomplete, as in
ecosystem, which can hardly be anticipated or reversed by man (Brook many cases multiple footprints are related to multiple boundaries. Al-
et al., 2013). Besides, the global nature of systemic issues does not verify though the inconsistency of the indicator coverage presented here
that all entities should take an equal responsibility for emission does not invalidate the foundations and logics of the F–B ESA frame-
reduction—a politically salient issue that tends to trigger international work, the system boundaries of each pair of the indicators are better
instability. To start downscaling systemic boundaries for the allocation redefined without apparent overlapping or inconsistency if the aim is
of responsibility, establishing internationally agreed criteria is a prepa- to establish a one-to-one correspondence between the footprint and
ratory step towards a politically acceptable way, just like the distribu- boundary metrics.
tion of CO2 emission quotas (Germain and Van Steenberghe, 2003). With respect to the obstacles to methodological harmonization, for-
Any environmental agreement on the partitioning of systemic mally recognized approaches to the calculation of sub-global bound-
planetary boundaries requires negotiation and compromise among dif- aries are still lacking. In contrast, despite the diversity of the footprint
ferent levels of stakeholders such as governments, non-governmental family, there has been an empirical principle for selection of appropriate

Fig. 3. A schematic of the bottom-up and top-down approaches to boundary scaling. Adapted from Rockström et al. (2009b). The environmental issues in blue rectangles represent sys-
temic issues, and those in brown rectangles represent aggregated issues. NB: national boundary; RB: regional boundary; LB: local boundary.
224 K. Fang et al. / Ecological Economics 114 (2015) 218–226

Fig. 4. Thematic matching of environmental footprints and planetary boundaries. The solid line, long dashed line, and short dashed line represent the degree of matching from high to
medium to low.

methodologies at sub-global scales: the micro-scale (e.g., product, ma- Weighting sustainability gaps could be considered as a practical
terial) footprints are often subject to bottom-up life cycle assessment possibility, whereas the weighted results should be interpreted with
(LCA), the macro-scale (e.g., nation, continent) footprints generally caution. Improper interpretation may violate the intention of the plane-
commit to top-down input–output analysis (IOA), and the meso-scale tary boundaries concept, which is committed to a comprehensive set of
(e.g., organization, community) footprints can be addressed by hybrid non-weighted variables in order to capture diverse global environmen-
approaches that combine the strengths of both LCA and IOA (Fang tal challenges instead of a single-value metric (Nykvist et al., 2013).
et al., 2014; Peters, 2010). As a result, the ongoing efforts to quantify More importantly, the weighting implicitly legitimates the substitut-
the boundary metric at sub-global scales should be undertaken in the ability of boundaries among environmental issues. While it seems likely
usual impact systems that matches well with the relevant footprint to substitute some forms of environmental boundaries, basic life-
accounting. supporting systems are almost impossible to substitute (Barbier et al.,
1994; Moldan et al., 2012).
That is to say, ESA is also a substitution problem in addition to its scal-
5.4. Trade-offs between Different Sustainability Gaps ing dimension. A precedent for this is the combination of ecological foot-
print and biocapacity into a single score, where the weighting scheme has
Even though in some cases the geographical link between two dis- always been steeped in controversy (Kitzes and Wackernagel, 2009;
tant regions is weak, there is no doubt that environmental issues within Lenzen and Murray, 2001). The critiques mainly arise from the misinter-
the Earth's life-supporting systems are essentially interlinked and inter- pretation it may create that the scarcity of carrying capacity for one land's
active, and hence cannot be uncoupled from each other (Biermann, footprint is always allowed to be counteracted by the unconsumed carry-
2012). The sustainability of a given region depends, directly or indirect- ing capacity within the boundaries of other lands. Moreover, the lack of
ly, on the sustainability of many other regions (Kissinger et al., 2011). In differentiation between aggregated issues (e.g., land use) and systemic is-
the context of globalization, transgressing one boundary may exert pro- sues (e.g., carbon emissions) represents another defect in the ecological
found intraregional or interregional effects on other boundaries in ways footprint analysis, as well as in typical footprint family studies. A partial
that people do not expect. Thus, maintaining the safe operating space solution might be to present the results at both the aggregate and disag-
for a single issue without looking at the whole picture seems impractical gregate levels in keeping with the divergent requirements of policy
and no longer a wise policy option. This finding suggests a great need makers and scientists.
not only for simultaneous assessment of the environmental sustainabil-
ity of individual issues at different scales, but also for trade-offs between 6. Conclusions
the many sustainability gaps where anthropogenic perturbation ought
to be treated with a systematic view. This paper investigates the complementary linkages between envi-
Such trade-offs can be made thoroughly by ascertaining all catego- ronmental footprints and planetary boundaries—originating from two
ries of environmental footprints and boundaries involved. One difficulty leading communities in the fields of ecological and environmental sci-
is due to the displacement and leakage effects (Erb et al., 2012), as im- ences and doing something quite similar, with their individual strengths
provements in some overstepped boundaries are often obtained at the and weaknesses, but surprisingly lacking communication and mutual
expense of deteriorating other boundaries. In attempts to meet the pol- understanding. The environmental footprints are broadly accepted as
icy demand for an overall picture of different environmental issues, a representative of environmental pressure in relation to resource ex-
weighting has been brought to attention with the argument that tractions and waste emissions, and human knowledge of planetary
trade-offs, in many cases, cannot be tackled in a manageable and com- boundaries provides a set of consensus-based estimates of the regener-
prehensive way without some form of weighting (Ahlroth, 2014; ative and absorptive capacity of the Earth's life-supporting systems. Al-
Ridoutt and Pfister, 2013). though the conceptual roots, calculation methods and policy relevance
In contrast to the existing footprint family discourses where con- of different footprints vary widely, in aggregate they show significant
ceivable footprints are aggregated to yield a stand-alone, single-score similarity to planetary boundaries in terms of environmental coverage.
footprint metric (Hadian and Madani, 2015; Ridoutt and Pfister, Both of the two are found to be limited in their ability to handle sus-
2013), we argue for a composite sustainability index that results from tainability issues. On the one hand, footprint studies focus typically on
weighting and aggregating diverse sustainability gaps into one equation measuring and minimizing environmental impacts without seeing if
from an integrated perspective. This is accompanied by a recognition such operationalization is truly in a sustainable way, with some excep-
that weighting footprints and boundaries simultaneously would offer tions including the ecological, carbon, water, and chemical footprints,
a more meaningful evaluation of trade-offs than weighting either foot- where global and regional threshold measurements are nevertheless
prints or boundaries on their own, in particular when policy makers do far from satisfactory. Misleading conclusions and wrong decisions
need a direct comparison of options or entities in terms of their overall could be made in the case that the distinction between sustainable
performance on environmental sustainability. Approaches to weighting and unsustainable activities is vague, ambiguous, or missing at all. On
typically include panel methods, distance-to-target, willingness to pay, the other hand, while a rough estimate of current human activities is
and more (Ahlroth, 2014). provided in the existing planetary boundaries research besides
K. Fang et al. / Ecological Economics 114 (2015) 218–226 225

threshold estimates, it is criticized for the sole use of expert knowledge Acknowledgments
and lack of quantitative consensus models, which likely lead to unreli-
able or even false results. The authors would like to thank three anonymous reviewers for
In view of the differing emphases and challenges of footprints and their valuable comments and suggestions. The work was financially
boundaries, it is our conviction that the two metrics should not be supported by China Scholarship Council (Grant No. 20113005).
viewed as alternatives but rather as complements. The synthesizing of
environmental footprints and planetary boundaries makes it possible References
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