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Moussa Mbengue

Student bachelor of management

Phone: +221 777131039

Dakar, January 10,2020

Dear members of the admission of « the chinese scholarship council »

I,Moussa Mbengue,first year student bachelor of management program at Supdeco Dakar here by
apply a scholarship.

Studying abroad,namely in china,is an opportunity to build a better professionnal future.

I am firmly motivated and really buoyant to comitting myself to that duty.

It,first,appears to me as an anriching experience.

In order to discover new teaching methods.

In the one side,I find it a plus,professionnaly speaking that means acquising new skills,that gives more
esteem and increasing credit.

In the order hand,I deeply thinks that sinking in the chinese world and culture makes me strengh
then my open mindness and sharpen my analytic capacity,and diversify my linguistic aptitude.

In terms of networking this may be an opportinuty to develop new links world wide, intercultural
exchanges,personal development and develop my personality,which is reenviously of my main

Looking forward to hearing from you.

My best regards

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