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Difference of Jug and Mug Approach and Carrot and Stick Approach

Jug and mug approach is the type of an education where the people who know more transfer some
knowledge to the child. The teacher is the full mug and the child is the empty mug and the teacher’s job is to pour
knowledge from the full jug to the empty mug.
On the other hand, carrot and stick approach is based on the principles of reinforcement that was derived
from the old story of a donkey. The best way to move him is to put a carrot in front of him and jab him with a stick
from behind. The carrot is a reward for moving while the stick is the punishment for not moving and hence making
him move forcefully. In a simpler aspect, it is the use of reward and punishment to make a child obey.

II. Personal vision

To payback our parent’s sacrifices by becoming one of the most successful professionals

Personal mission
Learn with a heart, explore with the mind.

III. Career Plan

Since we are at high school we still had time to make a career plan, which will serve as a guide and a map to the
future we are heading.
1. We will focus and give more time to polish our strengths (talents).
2. Our strength will then serve as a foundation to whatever career we will choose.
3. We will choose a course at college not just by pure passion but also allowing physical circumstances to
interfere such as, financial stability.
4. We will choose a career that we knew, we can excel.
5. We will choose a career that can take us higher and make us wiser.
6. We will choose a career that aims something and dreams big just like how we used to be.
7. We will choose a career that can develop and teach us more.

IV. Thanksgiving journal

After the rain, there’s always a rainbow- cliché maybe but reflecting on what this seven words depict,
pessimism shouldn’t be found but why does its influence grew more and more leaving optimism behind, when in fact,
people must be positive and grateful of everything they encounter may it be pain or love.
The moment our parents meet and created a loving family already made us the most thankful God had ever
created, but letting us experience and witness his majestic creation made us the most delightful ones.
In addition, giving us the opportunity to feel pain, sorrow, regret, anger, doubt, happiness, sadness, and love
are also one of the things to be thankful since it made us stronger and wiser preparing us to the darker and the
harder path were heading.
Moreover, wearing our school uniform which symbolizes our hardships as well as our parent’s sacrifices is
already an honor and a reason to be grateful because not everyone can experience it.
Likewise, we want to commend Mother nature’s unending love and patience, for even if she had been given
hundreds or even thousand reasons to give up on us yet still hopes that the whole humanity can change someday,
In coordination, we want to thank teachers for being the noblest instrument to their student’s success.
Aside from that, our parent’s everlasting support and sacrifices are something to be acknowledged and
honored till forever.
Above all, God’s mercy and unconditional love has to be glorified because he always gives us a thousand
reasons to thank him and to believe in him.
To sum it up, everything deserves a simple thank you, may it be a hard past or a good encounter. Just reflect
because you are blessed.

V. School organization structure

Submitted to:
Mrs. Sweetheart Cera
Submitted by:
Antonio Leonel
Ruiz Chester
Sumajit Jerwin
Pattung Jinkie
I. difference of jug and mug
approach and carrot and
stick approach
II. Personal vision and
mission statement
III. Career plan
IV. Thanksgiving journal
V. School organization

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