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In a customer service point from CELLPHONE S.A Company, the

following situation occurs:
Mr. Ramirez, owner of the company, has had an employee for the last
10 years, Mr. Joaquin, who works selling cell phones, accessories and
offers screen changes and system reparation services, for all kind of
cell phones.
This service point has a lot of clients due to the good work developed
by this employee. And now is necessary, to hire a new employee to
increase the capacity of the company.
Mr. Joaquin was responsible for teaching the new employee the
functions of this business; explaining the products they sell, prices and
everything related to customer service, emphasizing that Customer is
Regarding the reparation services, the employee is still in a learning
process about how they performance the different services required by
the clients.
Mr. Joaquin makes daily consignation of the received money at 11
a.m. or 4 pm. The customer services point is open from 8 a.m. to 6 pm.
While Mr. Joaquin goes to the bank, the new employee is alone at the
service point. This employee has performed a god job in his learning
And then, the following situation occurs:

An in a hurry customer arrives because his cell phone screen got

broken and he wants it fixed as soon as possible. The new employee is
alone and tells him that he can fix it, but that due to the complexity of
the damage, while changing the glass, the display can be damaged,
and this could be more expensive.
The client tells him that it does not matter if something happens, that
he takes responsibility, that please fix it and he will be back in one
An hour later when Joaquín arrives at the service point, the employee
is very concerned because the display was damaged while repairing it.

Joaquín shouted to the scared employee… what have you done?

Since you have not been trainee to do this?
At that moment the client arrived, and he said, then I do not assume
this damage because you were not in capacity to repair this.


1-How this situation could be avoided?

It could be avoided if the employee had told the truth to the customer
and he had waited or called for Mr. Joaquin or Mr. Ramirez. And also, if
the company had trained his employee before.

2- How was the attitude of Joaquín towards the new employee?

Right or wrong?
I think that it was wrong because you don’t have to shout to other
people, you can try to solve the problem in the best way, although I
understand that he was angry with the employee for the thing that he
did, but first, he could try to talk with him.

3. Was right or wrong the attitude of the new employee towards

the client?
It was wrong, he knew that Mr. Joaquin said him “the customer is first”,
but if you don’t know how to fix it and you know that you don't have yet
the capacity for that, you have to find another solution without the
customer feels bad and without giving a bad image of the company

4.-What does the company CELLPHONE S.A need to do to

improve to give a good service?
The company needs to train their employees to solve any solution
before they start to work.
5-Who should take responsibility for the damage of the display?
And why?
I think that the employee should take the responsibility for the damage
because he knew that he couldn’t fix that and however, he decided to
did it.

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