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Division of Taguig City and Pateros

Cluster V
February 17, 2020 Monday
6:00- 6:50 VI-13( ZIRCON)
7:10-8:00 VI-25(AQUAMARINE)
11:10-12:00 VI-10( FLOURITE)

I. Learning Competencies/ Objectives:

Plan a composition using an outline/other graphic organizer. (EN6WC-IVa-
II. Content: Planning a Composition Using an Outline/ Other Graphic
Learning Resources:
Four-Pronged Lesson Plan in English 6, 4th Quarter, pp. 13-16
Materials: chart or power point presentation
III. Procedure
A. Before the Lesson
1. Drill:
Read and recite the tongue twister properly.
If Stu chews shoes, should Stu choose the shoes he chews?
2. Review:
What is a compound sentence?
What conjunctions are used to join independent clauses?
3. Motivation:
What is the most common food Filipinos eats for breakfast, lunch and dinner or sometimes even for
snacks? How much rice do you eat every meal? Have you ever imagined how you will enjoy food
without rice?
4. Presentation:
Read the selection and answer the questions that follow.
The Miracle Rice

The word “miracle” is always associated with an occurrence that seem impossible and therefore
it cannot be explained by the laws of nature. Why do you think “miracle rice” is called a miracle?
In the early 1960’s, it had become apparent that a way had to be found to increase rice
production to feed rapidly increasing population especially in Asia. Rice yields then, were very
low and there were very few trained scientists studying the rice problem. It was on this
background that the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) was founded. The IRRI first
scored a break-through in the improvement of rice production in the development of the
“miracle rice” or IR-18.
What are the disadvantages of “miracle rice” over the old varieties?
The new variety of rice is very resistant to plant diseases and insects. It yields more and matures
a lot faster than ordinary varieties.
“Miracle rice” seeds are now distributed to all the agricultural districts of the country. As a result
of all these cooperative effort, there is remarkable increase in the rice production and in 1967,
the country did not import rice.
Under the government’s miracle rice production program, the country’s food production has
improved. More and more farmers are now receptive to farm technology and almost all the
areas that produce rice throughout the country have been producing bumper harvests.

1. What has the IRRI done to solve the rice problem in Asia?
2. What are the advantages of miracle rice over the old varieties?
3. For what purpose was the IRRI established?
B. During the Lesson
1. Discussion:
In writing a composition, we can easily organize our ideas by making an outline or graphic
organizers. In this way, ideas are written in chronological order and make our composition easy to
The following can be used:
1. Concept map- it helps to organize and represent knowledge of a subject. It begins with the main
idea (or concept) and then branch out to show how that main idea can be broken down into
specific topics.

2. Outline- an easy way to organize ideas by breaking the main topic into sub-topics.

I. _______________________________(Main Topic/ Main Idea)

A. _______________________________(Sub- topic)
B. _______________________________(Sub-topic)

II. _________________________________(Main Idea)

A. ______________________________(Sub-topic)
B. ______________________________(Sub- topic)
C. ______________________________(Sub-topic)

2. Guided Practice:
Group Work: Divide the class into four groups.
Using the examples of concept map or outline, choose one which you want to use to organize the
ideas from the selection we read, “The Miracle Rice”, through the guide questions below.
1. What were the reasons for establishing the IRRI? (Main Topic)
Give at least three reasons (sub-topics)
2. What are the disadvantages of miracle rice over the old varieties?
Give at least 3 answers.
3. What are the benefits of miracle rice to the Philippines?
Give at least 2 answers.

(Have the children report their output by group after the given time for group activity is over.)

3. Independent Practice:
Read the paragraph, then organize the ideas/concepts by completing the outline below.

Clara Burton was a gentle child. She liked to take care of the sick. She enjoyed playing nurse. When
her brother got sick, she took good care of him.
As a young woman, she studied to become a school teacher. She was respected by many until she
became dean of a school.
She helped soldiers during the civil war. She brought them food and medicine. She also tried to find
soldiers for their families. Burton really worked hard to find the American Red Cross.

I. Clara Burton as a child

A. ______________________________
B. ______________________________
C. ______________________________
II. Clara Burton as a woman
A. ______________________________
B. ______________________________
C. ______________________________
III. Clara Burton during the civil war
A. ______________________________
B. ______________________________
C. ______________________________

C. After the Lesson

1. Generalization:
How do you organize your ideas in writing a composition?

2. Evaluation:
Write a short paragraph/composition basing from the outline about Clara Burton. (Do not show or
remove the paragraph about Clara Burton) Write your paragraph in ½ sheet of paper.

I. Clara Burton as a child

A. She liked to take care of the sick.
B. She enjoyed playing nurse.
C. She took good care of his sick brother.
II. Clara Burton as a woman
A. She became a school teacher.
B. She was respected by many.
C. She became dean of a school.
III. Clara Burton during the civil war
A. She brought food and medicine to soldiers.
B. She tried to find soldiers for their families.
C. She worked hard to find the American Red Cross.

IV. Assignment:
In your English notebook, write a short composition basing from the given outline below.

I. Importance of Electronics
A. A way in which tiny particles flow though certain crystals.
B. A way in which tiny particles flow through gasses.
C. A way in which tiny particles flow through vacuum.
II. Electronic Devices
A. Transistors
B. Televisions
C. Computers
III. Helps of Electronics
A. See the smallest living thing
B. Guide planes to the different calculations instantly.

Division of Taguig City and Pateros
Cluster V
February 18, 2020 TUESDAY
6:00- 6:50 VI-13( ZIRCON)
7:10-8:00 VI-25(AQUAMARINE)
11:10-12:00 VI-10( FLOURITE)

I. Objective: Use various types and kinds of sentences for effective communication of information/ideas II. Subject
Matter: Simple Sentence
Materials: chart

III. Learning Activities:

A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
Review kinds of sentences according to use
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
You already know the kinds of sentences according to use. Do you the kind of sentences according to structure?
What are they?
1. Simple sentence
2. Compound sentence
3. Complex sentence

C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the new lesson

Simple sentences –
Sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought.
What are the two parts of a sentence?
1. Subject – tells who or what is asked in the sentence.
2. Predicate – tells about the predicate.

Simple sentences are constructed in four ways:

1. Simple Subject and Simple Predicate:
2. Compound Subject And simple Predicate
3. Simple Subject and Compound Predicate
4. Compound Subject and Compound Predicate

D. Discussing New Concept and Practicing New Skill #1

A. Simple Subject and Simple Predicate:
1. Plants give off oxygen.
2. Chlorophyll is the green coloring in the leaves of plants.
3. Stomata is a tiny opening or pore in the leaves of plants used for gas exchange.
How many subject do the sentences have? How about the predicate?
Have pupils give a sentence with simple subject and Simple predicate.
B. Compound Subject And simple Predicate
1. Carlos and I went hiking.
2. Santan and Sampaguita are fragrant flowers.
3. Dogs and cats are man’s bestfriends.
How many subject do the sentences have? How about the predicate?
E. Discussing New Concept and Practicing New Skill #2
C. Simple Subject and Compound Predicate
1. Jamer scrubs and sweeps the floor.
2. The dog chases and plays with the cats.
3. The teachers reprimanded and punished the naughty children.
How many subject do the sentences have? How about the predicate?

How many
A. Compound Subject and Compound Predicate subjects do the sentences
1. Charish and Janine clean the house and washes the dishes. have? How many
2. Father and mother provides the needs of the family and takes predicates?
care of their kids.
3. Chicken and ducks provide us milk and give egg.
F. Developing mastery
Group Activity
Have each group write 3 sentences of each kind. Let them report their work to the class
G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living
Read and tell the construction of each simple sentence. (SS+SP, CP+SP, SP+CP, or CS+CP)
1. Vilma and Sonia attended the seminar.
2. Pictures are cleverly arranged in the antique shop.
3. Bill bought new earphones and gave them to Patsy.
H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson
What is a sentence?
What is simple sentence?
How is simple sentence constructed?
I. Evaluating learning
Tell the construction of each simple sentence.
_____1. Carla and Carlo drove to the river.
_____2. You and I will wash the dishes and listens to music.
_____3. The roots anchor the plant and absorb water.
_____4. Lolo and Lola went to the mall and watched a movie.
_____5. We took the bus to the city and walk to the national museum.
J. Assignment

Read the sentences carefully. Identify each as simple, compound, or complex.

________1. My friends will be at the mall.
________2. Come on time and I’ll be there.
________3. The children were standing at the corner while I walked straight ahead.
________4. They want to rest before they eat their supper.
________5. When you arrive, come to the front door.


Division of Taguig City and Pateros

Cluster V
January 19, 2020 WEDNESDAY
6:00- 6:50 VI-13( ZIRCON)
7:10-8:00 VI-25(AQUAMARINE)
11:10-12:00 VI-10( FLOURITE)

I. Objectives:
Infer meaning of borrowed words using roots.(EN6V-IVc-
II. Content: Inferring Meaning of Words Using Roots
Learning Resources:
Materials: chart or power point presentation
III. Procedure
A. Before the Lesson
1. Drill: Write the correct spelling of the following words.
2. Review: What are roots? Where do most roots usually originate/ come from?
3. Motivation:Divide the spelled words into roots/ affixes (prefix or suffix)
Astrology – astro + logy
Empathy – em + pathy
Pseudonym – pseudo + nym
Carnivore – carni + vor + e
Biology – bio + logy
4. Presentation:
We know that words are broken into parts that help us determine/ figure out their meaning.Today we are to use
Greek and Latin word roots to determine the meaning of words.

5. During the Lesson

A root is a set of letters that have meaning. It is the most basic form. Affixes are added to the root to create a
new word.
Example: The Latin root ject means “throw”
So project can mean “to throw forward”
A root can be at the front, middle or end of a word.
Many words in English language are based from Greek and Latin word roots.English words can have all three
Prefix + roots + suffix
Ab + duct + ed
Away from + to lead/pull+ verb: past tense –ed
Abducted means “pulled or lead away from”
 The general was abducted by masked gunmen
Roots can appear more than once and appear anywhere in the word.
Word Meaning

geology earth study / study of the earth

telegraph distance writing / writing that travels far

tricycle three wheels

asocial not being companionable /not wanting to join other

hich of the following shows a root with an affix?

a. bicycle b. hippopotamus
How did you know?
These are some of the steps you need to remember to determine the meaning of a word:
Highlight the word root (or roots). What does the word root mean/
a. Look at the remainder of the word. What does the prefix/suffix mean?
b. Use the word root table to determine the meaning.
Guided Practice
Let’s play a game. Guess the meaning of the word through the given meaning of its roots and/or affixes.
a. If astro means “stars” and logy means the “study of”, what does astrology mean? (The study of
If bio means “life”, what does biology mean? (the study of life)
b. If em- or en- means “having” and pathy means “feeling”, what does empathy mean? (having
If amor means “love”, what does enamor mean? (having love)
c. If pseudo means “false” and nym means “name”, what does pseudonym mean? (false name)
If aque/aqua means “water” and duct means “to lead or pull”, what does aqueduct mean? (to
lead through the water)
d. If retro means “backwards”, spect means “look” and -ive means “having quality of”, what does
retrospective mean? (quality of looking backward)
If carni means “meat”, vor means “eat” and –e means “one who”, what does carnivore mean?
(one who eats meat)
After the Lesson
What do we call the most basic form of a word that has meaning? (Roots)
Why do you think knowing and using Greek and Latin word roots are important? (Knowing and using Greek and Latin
word roots can help you figure out or determine the meaning of words you don’t recognize.
This will make you a better reader and writer.)
Choose the meaning of the word basing from the given meaning of the root. Write the letter of the best answer.
1. Which of the following root words match their meanings?
a. meter – measure c. bio-two
b. equi – half d. graph - write
2. The root word of the words thermos, thermal and thermostat mean
a. cold c. dark
b. heat d. light
3. The words chronological, synchronize, and chronicle all have to do with
a. time c. action
b. money d. number
4. Which of the following has a root word that means to write?
a. publish c. vocal
b. revoke d. inscribe
5. The words extract and extrasensory share the root word extra. Which of the following is the
meaning of extra?
a. inside of c. around
b. outside of d. without
IV. Assignment:
Using the dictionary list down 5 borrowed. Identify the roots and give the meaning. Use the words in sentences.


Division of Taguig City and Pateros

Cluster V
January 23, 2020 THURSDAY
6:00- 6:50 VI-13( ZIRCON)
7:10-8:00 VI-25(AQUAMARINE)
11:10-12:00 VI-10( FLOURITE)

V. Learning Competencies/ Objectives:

Use various types and kinds of sentences for effective communication of information ideas – compound sentences.
Observe politeness at all times

VI. Content: Compound Sentences

Learning Resources:

References:Distance Learning Program in English 6, Using Compound Sentences, pages 173-180.

Materials: chart or power point presentation

VII. Procedure

5. Drill:

Read and recite the tongue twister properly.

If Stu chews shoes, should Stu choose the shoes he chews?

6. Review:

We have learned about simple sentences in the previous grading. Identify the basic parts of
the following simple sentences.
Write SS-simple subject-simple predicate,
SP-simple subject-compound predicate,
S-SP- compound subject- simple predicate,
CS-CP- compound subject-compound predicate
1. Trees help in many ways.

2. Trees give us food and lumber.

3. They provide us with wood for fire and help prevent flood.

4. Trees give us shade and add beauty to our surroundings.

5. Trees give us the oxygen we need to breathe.

7. Motivation:

Choose the correct conjunction for the following sentences.

1. Celia wants to pass all her subjects (so, for, and) she studies diligently.

2. Teenagers love outings so much (so, for, or) they should know how to take care of

3. Maritess will not join the school fair (but, and, nor) she will participate in the games.

4. You leave the house early (but, or, for) you will be late for school.

5. You stay home to finish your work (and, but, or) you come with us.
8. Presentation:

Study the selection then answer the questions below it.

Music is really good for it soothes my feelings. I love to listen to music so I always have
my small radio with me. Rock music fascinates me but mother just hates them. She told me
to listen to sweet music instead and I tried to follow her advice. Now I am beginning to love
mellow music and Mother is only too happy about it.
My brother is a band member and works with five of his friends. Once, he asked me to
go with them but I had a test next day. I had to miss the show or I would fail the test.

1. What is the selection all about?

2. Why does the author consider music really good?

3. What was mother’s advice to him?

4. Did he follow mother’s advice?


Read the sentences.

1. My brother is a band member and he works with five of his friends.

2. Once, he asked me to go with them but I had a test next day.

3. I had to miss the show or I would fail the test.

 Do you know what an independent clause is?

An independent clause can stand by itself as a complete sentence.

 How many independent clauses does each sentence have?

Notice that each sentence has two independent clauses.

 What connects the independent clauses?

The independent clauses are connected by a conjunction to form a compound

sentence. The underlined words in the selection are called conjunctions that
connect the independent clauses.
 A compound sentence is made up of two or more independent clauses
connected by the conjunction and, or, and but.

 Sometimes the thoughts or ideas in a compound sentence have no

connecting word or conjunction. The conjunction is then indicated by a
semi-colon (;). The first word of the second sentence is then written with
a small letter. If that word is a proper noun, there is no need to change its
beginning letter.

Example:Collection pictures of beautiful sceneries is my hobby; my brother collects postcards of tourist spots
in the Philippines.

Combine the following independent clauses to form compound sentences. Use the conjunctions and, or, or
1. The teacher asked Farrah a question.
She failed to answer it correctly.
2. Chris distributed the handbook.

He explained the contents to the people.

3. Boyet talks arrogantly.

The teachers did not like it.

4. I planted six seedlings.

Nothing grew.
5. Edna’s father goes fishing.

Mother keeps the house.

(Let the children report their output after the allotted time is over.)
Independent Practice:Match and combine related independent clauses to make compound sentences. Use
the appropriate conjunctions.

1. The steak was perfect A. they fix their bedding.

2. The girl scouts went back B. it is also riding just for fun

to their tents or fitness.

3. Bicycle riding is a popular C. he turns two pedals with his

sport feet
4. The bicycle is a two-wheeled D. the dessert was too sweet.

vehicle powered by its rider

5. The earliest bicycles were E. the first bicycle with pedals

invented in the 1700s appeared in 1865.

D. After the Lesson

3. Generalization:

What is a compound sentence?

A compound sentences consists of two or more independent clauses joined by a
coordinating conjunction.

What do coordinating conjunctions do?

Coordinating conjunctions and, but, and or are used to join simple sentences.

4. Evaluation:

Read and understand the selection. Choose the letter of the correct conjunction that will
complete each sentence.

1. He was absent yesterday _____ he passed the quiz today.

a. But b. or c. and

2. You come with us _____ you stay behind.

a. Or b. but c. and

3. She did not like to run in the campus elections _____ her classmates wanted her to.
a. And b. or c. but

4. The woman plays with the child _____ the child is very happy.

a. And b. but c. or

5. The old man slept, _____ never woke up.

a. But b. and c. or

VIII. Assignment:

Identify each sentence as simple or compound. Write the answer on the blank before each
number. Do this in your notebook.

_____ 1. Pedro had always wanted a dog of his own.

_____ 2. Pedro put the question out of his mind; he has intent of picking up
his dog.
_____ 3. Pedro felt that days were too short.
_____ 4. Pedro kept his grades up and wrote articles for the school paper.
_____ 5. Pedro worked at his desk every evening and he played with his dog.


Division of Taguig City and Pateros

Cluster V
January 20, 2020 Monday
6:00- 6:50 VI-13( ZIRCON)
7:10-8:00 VI-25(AQUAMARINE)
11:10-12:00 VI-10( FLOURITE)
I. Learning Competencies/ Objectives:
Plan a composition using an outline/other graphic organizer. (EN6WC-IVa-
II. Content: Planning a Composition Using an Outline/ Other GraphicOrganizers
Learning Resources:
Four-Pronged Lesson Plan in English 6, 4th Quarter, pp. 13-16
Materials: chart or power point presentation
III. Procedure
1. Drill: Read and recite the tongue twister properly.
If Stu chews shoes, should Stu choose the shoes he chews?
2. Review: What is a compound sentence?
What conjunctions are used to join independent clauses?
3. Motivation:
What is the most common food Filipinos eats for breakfast, lunch and dinner or sometimes even for
snacks? How much rice do you eat every meal? Have you ever imagined how you will enjoy food
without rice?Why?
4. Presentation:
Read the selection and answer the questions that follow.
The Miracle Rice
The word “miracle” is always associated with an occurrence that seem impossible and therefore it cannot be
explained by the laws of nature. Why do you think “miracle rice” is called a miracle?
In the early 1960’s, it had become apparent that a way had to be found to increase rice production to feed
rapidly increasing population especially in Asia. Rice yields then, were very low and there were very few
trained scientists studying the rice problem. It was on this background that the International Rice Research
Institute (IRRI) was founded. The IRRI first scored a break-through in the improvement of rice production in
the development of the “miracle rice” or IR-18.
What are the disadvantages of “miracle rice” over the old varieties?
The new variety of rice is very resistant to plant diseases and insects. It yields more and matures a lot faster
than ordinary varieties. “Miracle rice” seeds are now distributed to all the agricultural districts of the country.
As a result of all these cooperative effort, there is remarkable increase in the rice production and in 1967, the
country did not import rice.Under the government’s miracle rice production program, the country’s food
production has improved. More and more farmers are now receptive to farm technology and almost all the
areas that produce rice throughout the country have been producing bumper harvests.

1. What has the IRRI done to solve the rice problem in Asia?
2. What are the advantages of miracle rice over the old varieties?
3. For what purpose was the IRRI established?
B. During the Lesson
In writing a composition, we can easily organize our ideas by making an outline or graphic organizers. In this
way, ideas are written in chronological order and makes our composition easy to understand.
The following can be used:

1. Concept map- it helps to organize and represent knowledge of a subject. It begins with the main idea
(or concept) and then branch out to show how that main idea can be broken down into specific topics.
2. Outline- an easy way to organize ideas by breaking the main topic into sub-topics.
I. _______________________________(Main Topic/ Main Idea)
A._______________________________(Sub- topic)
II._________________________________(Main Idea)
B.______________________________(Sub- topic)
2. Guided Practice:
Group Work: Divide the class into four groups.
Using the examples of concept map or outline, choose one which you want to use to organize the ideas from
the selection we read, “The Miracle Rice”, through the guide questions below.

1. What were the reasons for establishing the IRRI? (Main Topic)Give at least three reasons (sub-topics)
2. What are the disadvantages of miracle rice over the old varieties?Give at least 3 answers.
3. What are the benefits of miracle rice to the Philippines?Give at least 2 answers.
4. (Have the children report their output by group after the given time for group activity is over.)
Independent Practice:
Read the paragraph, then organize the ideas/concepts by completing the outline below.
Clara Burton was a gentle child. She liked to take care of the sick. She enjoyed playing nurse. When her
brother got sick, she took good care of him.As a young woman, she studied to become a school teacher. She
was respected by many until she became dean of a school.
She helped soldiers during the civil war. She brought them food and medicine. She also tried to find soldiers
for their families. Burton really worked hard to find the American Red Cross.
I. Clara Burton as a child
A. ______________________________
B. ______________________________
C. ______________________________
II. Clara Burton as a woman
A. ______________________________
B. ______________________________
C. ______________________________
III. Clara Burton during the civil war
A. ______________________________
B. ______________________________
C. ______________________________
C. After the Lesson
How do you organize your ideas in writing a composition?

2. Evaluation:
Write a short paragraph/composition basing from the outline about Clara Burton. (Do not show or remove the
paragraph about Clara Burton) Write your paragraph in ½ sheet of paper.

I. Clara Burton as a child

A. She liked to take care of the sick.
B. She enjoyed playing nurse.
C. She took good care of his sick brother.
II. Clara Burton as a woman
A. She became a school teacher.
B. She was respected by many.
C. She became dean of a school.
III. Clara Burton during the civil war
A. She brought food and medicine to soldiers.
B. She tried to find soldiers for their families.
C. She worked hard to find the American Red Cross.

V. Assignment:
In your English notebook, write a short composition basing from the given outline below.

I. Importance of Electronics
A. A way in which tiny particles flow though certain crystals.
B. A way in which tiny particles flow through gasses.
C. A way in which tiny particles flow through vacuum.
II. Electronic Devices
A. Transistors
B. Televisions
C. Computers
III. Helps of Electronics
A. See the smallest living thing
B. Guide planes to the different calculations instantly.

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