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Thitirat Pongprajuc

Reflection Questions

Respond in detail to the two reflections given below:

1. What connections have you had from what you’ve studied in this LW course with what

you’ve learned from other courses you have taken at SLCC or have learned before taking

this class? Make specific references to your work in this class and in other courses. How

did what you learned in other courses enhance what you learned here, and vice versa?

I have taken human development class, and we discussed about psychological

disorders and treatments. Meditation is one of the alternative treatments for many

disorders such as depression and bipolar. Meditation can help prepare the brain for

stressful situations. It can help people control how they react to the stress and anxiety that

often leads to depression.

2. Reflect on what you thought about fitness and lifelong wellness before you took this

course and how you think about it now that you have completed the course. Have any of

your assumptions or understandings changed? Why? What

assignments/activities/readings were influential in this process? How will you approach

what influenced you differently in the future?

Before taking meditation class, I thought it was one of the other LW class that I

can attend and get the credits. But my assumption has changed because it turned out to be

a great class that has helped me reduce my stress from other classes and my real life. The
activities that I liked the most was guided meditation and the reading I liked the most was

“You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.” We cannot stop everything as we

wish we could, but we can learn to live with them. I think can apply this to any future

situation. I know that I cannot control everything, and I cannot make everything in the

way I want it to be. However, I have learned to accept it as how it is and be able to live

with it.

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