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Article Review: 20 marketing research questions to ask in your customer survey

In a marketing research marketers must focus on what questions needs to be answered in order to
get the answers they need to boost the sales and increase the popularity of their product among
new and existing customers. For that the questions must be strong in aspects of getting answers
as it must take out all the customers’ perception and deepest feelings on what they really think
about the product we are offering or going to offer. So the questionnaire that is formulated must
bring out the information’s based on real time data from real consumers.

The marketing research questions must focus on getting the following information:

i. Who likes our products/services the most in terms of their age, gender, education
level, income level etc. we have to profile the consumer’s deepest characteristics so
that we can use it to sell them our products.
ii. Our product’s irritating aspects that the consumers are frustrated with. We can rarely
find the perfect product and people are always dissatisfied with some aspects that we
need to find.
iii. The ideal customer’s wish on how the product should be updated must be considered
while asking the questions. We need to find what they want not the direct solution to
avoid confusions.
iv. The unique selling proposition which sets us apart from the competitors and the vital
factor that impacts the pre purchase decisions needs to be identified.
v. The benefits that they feel are getting by the purchase of our products or continuous
use of our products. We need to find out the emotional benefits that they perceive
from the thing we are offering.
vi. The current customers profiling is also an important part that needs to be considered
while asking marketing questions.
vii. The people who are not buying from us and why are they not buying our products or
services. We need to find what we are lacking.
viii. The people who will buy from us if we bring out new improved products that the
current customers will probably will not buy.
ix. The satisfied customers’ insight on why the like to buy our products and services and
what values do they see from the things we are offering.
x. Branding elements that will transfer us to a new level on selling multiple products
with same popularity and interest.
xi. The distinct features of our brand that stands out from other brands and the think
people link with our brand.
xii. The medium of communication so we can tap the maximum number of ideal and
potential customers as it is an important thing that needs to be answered by the
marketing question
xiii. The customer perception on the products and services that we are offering. Why they
are buying our multiple products, is it because we are organic, cheap, of high quality
xiv. The things that we can improve so that more people will buy our products.
xv. The things that can be done to enhance the user experience so that people get the
things the imagined but could not have been fulfilled.
xvi. The ideal price so that the sales will yield the higher profits.
xvii. The things that the brand is trying to become to ensure a stronger preference of the
xviii. The things that needs to be done to reach to a greater level of brand position.
xix. The aspects that needs to be continuously fulfilled so that people does not forget
about what the brand used to be or still is.
xx. The additional products or services that complement each other and people will be
happy to buy together.

So the questionnaire should be made that can give us all the above mentioned information in
a subtle and simple way.

Submitted by

Bikash Thapa 167121

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