PPMP20008 Assessment 2: Project Scenario: International Day of The World's Indigenous Peoples Project

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Assessment 2: Project Scenario

International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples Project
1. Project Title

Celebrating the World Indigenous Peoples

2. Concept:

To raise awareness of the Australian indigenous culture and other international

indigenous cultures within CQUniversity Australia.

3. Background

Two key elements within the CQUniversity Strategic Plan (2019) are that “We
embrace and celebrate diversity” (p. 4), and that we will aim to ‘increase our
engagement with indigenous communities, in partnership with community Elders”
(p.13). In order to support these aims, the Office of Indigenous Engagement (the
Office) of CQUniversity Australia is planning to celebrate the International Day of
the World’s Indigenous Peoples in the year 2020 (SDG, 2020), marked by a series of
events held on selected CQU campuses.

Eight (8) CQU campuses/Study Centres/Hubs from various locations in Australia will
be selected to participate in this project. Each of the eight locations will hold an
exhibition and speaking events that will focus on selected local Indigenous
communities relevant to each campus location (see the map in page 5 below). Each
campus will also select one international Indigenous community as their
international focus (only one international culture per campus – see Appendix B
below for potential resources but students can find their own as well). Please note
that each campus will be required to select a different international indigenous
community so that no duplication will occur across the campuses.

In terms of procurement for the local indigenous element of the project, where
possible, indigenous suppliers will be involved. Other suppliers could be considered
for the international focus of this project but with the understanding of the role
played by the community Elders in this project.

The Chair of the Indigenous Engagement at CQU, who will also be the Project
Executive, would like to gather further information before finalising the project plan
to present to the relevant funding body. The Office agreed it would be good to have
the project plan released on the 2020 International Day of Indigenous Peoples on 9
August 2020.

The project plan must be completed before commencing the project. The actual
execution phase of the project cannot commence before 1 September 2020 and
must be completed on or before 9 August 2021 – being the next International Day of
Indigenous Peoples.



4. Preferred Project

The Office of Indigenous Engagement (the Office) of CQUniversity Australia requires
a project to celebrate the International Day of Indigenous Peoples under the
following scope:

 Australia’s First Nations People, local indigenous heritage;

 International First Peoples; and
 Celebration ceremonies.

The Office requires that members of the local Indigenous communities and experts
on selected international cultures to be key stakeholders in this project. The Office
has requested the project team to follow any required etiquette in a respectful and
culturally appropriate manner when liaising with these stakeholder groups.

5. Your Task

Professor May Norman, the Chair of the Indigenous Engagement at CQU has tasked you
to provide the project board with further information regarding the project. The Chair
will act as the Project Executive for the project board. You are to develop a tailored
project plan that reflects the project described in this document and also aligns to
PMBOK and Prince2 requirements.

6. Project Scope and funding

The Project will seek internal funding (up to $100,000), to complete the entire project.
However, this amount of funding is not guaranteed. Therefore, cost savings should be
identified and implemented wherever possible. Due to time and financial constraints,
the Chair has requested that only eight (8) different CQUniversity premises be included
in the scope of this project.

7. Due Date

This submission is due at 11.55PM Friday 8th May 2020 (Week 8). Late penalties will be
applied to any late submissions without formal extensions approved via Moodle. All
extension requests must be accompanied with acceptable supporting evidence as per
the CQUniversity policies.

8. Template

The Project Executive has supplied a template, which has been tailored to suit the
organisational context and incorporates elements of the project plan and charter. You
must use the assessment template supplied (see Moodle) – this is a mandatory
requirement for all groups. Delete all blue explanatory text in the template prior to
submitting your work. Your submission will be assessed on the following project
management criteria (see marking breakdown – in part 9 below) including how they
reflect the project scenario and meet PMBOK guide and Prince2 requirements as well
as referencing guidelines.

9. Marking Breakdown

The marking breakdown below for the submission is reflected in the content headings
of the template provided. To avoid losing marks ensure you understand the project
topic, the content headings and check your writing quality, including spelling,
references, grammar, etc.

Content of project submission Marks

Project description and justification 4
Stakeholders 9

Requirements management 5
Scope 10
Schedule 6
Cost Baseline 6
Risks 5
Tolerances 1
Lessons 2
Approvals 0.5
References 1.5

10. Group assessment

Assessment task 2 is a group assessment. Groups must comprise at minimum of three

(3) students and a maximum of four (4) students. Each member of the group must be
enrolled in the same tutorial. Note: Online (distance) students can elect to complete
this project individually or in a group.

11. References

Please note that at least ten (10) separate references must be cited, in the body of
assessment task 2. All references must comply with the American Psychological
Association (APA) guidelines. Students should refer to the ALC workshops in their local
campuses if unfamiliar with APA referencing style. Online/distance students should
also contact ALC for support as needed. All submissions must comply with the CQU
APA Referencing Guidelines for the current term.


Each term groups are investigated for academic misconduct; this includes the group
members who authored the original submission. It is your responsibility to ensure you
understand what constitutes academic integrity, academic misconduct and the
consequences. All members of your group may likely to be found guilty, regardless of
who in the group provided (or failed to secure) the submission, as well as those who
have copied.

Students must familiarise themselves with the university’s Academic Integrity Policy
and Procedures and avoid all forms of breaches including plagiarism, collusion, and
cheating including contract cheating.

CQUniversity Australia (2019) “Our future is You”, A Strategic Plan for our Shared Future.

Retrieved 10 November, 2019 from: https://www.cqu.edu.au/about-us/about-


CQUniversity Australia (2020), Locations. Retrieved 28 February 2020 from


International Institute for Sustainable Development (ISDG) (2020), International Day of the

World’s Indigenous Peoples 2020. Retrieved 28 February 2020 from



Source: https://www.cqu.edu.au/about-us/locations



Please check the links below to identify the First Peoples Nations from various parts of the
world. Note that while Wikipedia is not used as an academic source, the link given below
has a good list of First Peoples Nations. Further research should be undertaken by groups
using the details there. Please contact the Library (use the online Ask A Librarian link) if
students need further support. Please use correct referencing formatting if using any of
these references in your assessment.
The project needs to identify only one international culture (First Nations) per campus.




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