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1 (a)

As per the out understanding, Michele and Jae has done a self evaluation and identified their qualities in
different fronts like personal (their values, needs, abilities, interests, and desired life style ) and also
based on environment  (different jobs, employers, industries, their families).

Personal Qualities

Michele Terry

 Values:
o Promotion should be based on experience.
o Providing competitive service to the society as a part of bank.
o Emphasize on the personal goal.

 Needs:
o An MBA degree.
o Multidimensional job experience
o Image of an officer.

 Abilities:
o Bachelor degree.
o Competency in marketing service.
o Serve as a mentor for the young professionals to get their career established.

 Interests:
o Post of the President

 Desired Life Style:

o Wanted money and status and opportunity to affect broad policies to serve the

Joe Francis

 Values:
o Higher degree of job commitment.
o Strong sense of quality work.
o Little attachment with the family.
o Legendary performance at the district and regional level. ➢ Pleased with the status in
the company.
 Needs:
o No career advancement was desired, satisfied with the job as sales representative.
o Stay at present job for the sake of his family.
o Needs attention to his work for staying at the present job.
 Abilities:
o Legendary sales performance.
o Strong reservations about the quality of Infotek’s products.
 Interest:
o Sales to pencil pushing and administration
o Give his family a luxurious life.
 Desired life style:
o He was not so ambitious but for his family he became pretty accustomed to the good
life. Environmental Information

Environmental Qualities

Michele Terry

 Different jobs:
o Unable to get another job.
 Employer:
o Federal Bank, a medium sized financial institution.
 Industry:
o Financial service industry.
 Families:
o A supportive husband,
o Children and infant grandchild.

Joe Francis

 Different jobs:
o Did different types of job in the same organization starting from sales representative to
vice president of sales.
 Employer:
o Infotek-a computer software development firm.
 Industry:
o Service industry
 Family:
o Consists of children and wife.

Activity performed by both to acquire more information

Michele Terry

 Seat in the interview for 15 times in the last 5 years.

 Spoke with officers of other institutions in the financial service industry and the environmental
exploration has done perfectly.
 Self- evaluation and re-examination of personal goal.

Joe Francis

 Joe was satisfied with his post and was not concerned about the environmental change and
employee behaviour, that’s why he didn’t go for further career exploration

1 (b)

Michele Terry

 Self-insight
o Has a clear career goal.
o Has ambition to be the president.
o Didn’t develop and implement career strategies properly.
o Not aware of working ability of innovative project, but later discover her ability.
 Environmental-insight
o Aware of having a good relationship with young managers.
o Aware of having good appraisal from peers and supervisors.
o Aware of having good relationship with family.

Joe Francis

 Self-insight
o He was satisfied with his career.
o Didn’t go for further career exploration and goal setting, strategy development and
strategy implementation.
 Environmental-insight
o Was not aware of environmental change and the attitude of his employer.

2 (a)

Yes, now her career goal is to serve Federal’s younger managers as a mentor while she is holding the
chair of taskforce of new market development. Yes, it is different from her previous career goal that was
to become a president of Federal Bank. Now she re-examined herself and discussed with officers and
therefore broadening the scope of her current position to serve the community. So it is helping her
achieve preferred work environment as she is able to serve the community.

Yes, Michele is currently decided about her career. She wanted to serve the community and she is
currently doing that. Yes, Michele appears to be vigilant about her future career.

2 (c)

No, Joe didn’t have a career goal but he was satisfied with his career with Infotek. We believe that Joe
didn’t have a career goal because he had no target for advancement in his career. Joe started his career
as a sales representative at Infotek. His sales performance was legendary at regional.

2 (d)

Joe is currently undecided about his career. He appears to be chronically undecided.


Career strategies are activities that help a person to meet career goals. The strategies Michele
implemented as follows:

 Competence in the present job

This is an attempt to perform effectively in one’s current job. She wanted to broaden the scope
of her current position. She wanted to influence the bank’s approach to community

 Extended work Involvement

She engaged with additional responsibilities on her current job by leading a task force by new
market development. ? Skill Development She developed different skills through attaining
different training seminars on community reinvestment.

 Development of Mentor and other Supportive Alliances

Mentoring can be defined as relationship between junior and senior colleagues, or peers who
provides a variety of developmental functions. Michele began to serve as mentor to several of
young managers to help them to get their careers established and perhaps avoid some of
mistakes she may had made earlier in her career.

 Image Building

This is an attempt to communicate the appearance of acceptability, success, and potentials for
success. It also can include the acceptance and completion of high profile assignment’s that
build one’s reputation within the organization. Michele achieved outstanding performance
appraisal through image building.

The strategy that she implemented was not effective to reach to her goal of being the president because
the position that she was dreaming off required an MBA degree, multidimensional job experience in
financial service industry, which she lacked. But it was effective in way that she wanted to serve the
community and build healthy relationship with his family and peers, in which she achieved success
through her strategies used.


The following strategies in this case that Joe implemented:

 Competence in the present job This is an attempt to perform effectively in one’s current job.
 He performed outstandingly as a sales representative.
 Image building

It is to convey an appearance of success. These strategies were effective for Joe because his legendary
sales performance at district and regional level caught the eyes of management that grants him
expected promotion as VP having six figure handsome salaries. But Image Building, that is, branding
needs nurturing through continuous development and creative activity. That is need opportunity
development for the long run period to hold the image strong. His strategy of competence in the job
and image building were effective for short time and early period of his career.

But lack of implementation of other strategies such as “skill development” and “opportunity
development action” made him ineffective for the long run Career Appraisal


Michele got large extent of feedback, as follows:

 She got negative feedback from the management of her company for the post of president.
 She got negative feedback at least 15 times from other banks during last five years
 Federal officers suggested to give up her goal to be a president of the bank
 Her husband also suggested her to move the goal from being the president of the company to

Because, some attributes (MBA degree, multidimensional job experience and image of the officer) that
president bears were absent in Michele Terry. To receive feedback she talked with the management of
her company, her peers and her husband and has changed her strategies according to the feedback.


Answer: Joe did not get useful feedback regarding career because he did not seek so Joe got promotion
as vice president at his company which indicated that management was satisfied with his performance
in the short time in his early career but they became dissatisfied as he was not working with attention
and enthusiastically. Overall Effectiveness of Career Management
5 (a)

Obviously, Michele is more effective in career management. Because Michele explored hercareer,
changed her goal, developed her strategy and implemented the strategy. On the otherhand, Joe didn’t
even have a career goal let alone a career strategy.

5 (b)

Personality characteristics of individuals which enable to manage their careers effectively are:

 High Ambition
 Specific career goal
 Hard working
 Desire for money & status Willingness to help others Willingness to serve the community power
at a higher degree to influence others
 Innovativeness

These are the characteristics which impede individuals to manage their careers effectively:

 Ambition that is impossible to achieve

 Unrealistic career goal
 Lack of decision-making capability about career
 Inability to utilize the chances
 Vague career goal
 Lack of knowledge of own
 Lack of self confidence

Personality Characteristics for Michele –

 Unplanned career path

 High ambition
 Desire for money and status
 Lack of power to influence others
 Willingness to help others
 Willingness to serve the community power at a higher degree to influence others

Personality Characteristics for Joe –

 Not ambitious
 Lack of flexibility
 Lack of ability to influence others
 Hard working
 Desire for money and status
 Lack of decision-making capability about career
For Michele, unrealistic career goal hampered Michele first time in meeting her career goal. But, later,
flexibility to relocate career goal and to cope with the environment made her satisfied wither career.

Joe was a good performer at his work as sales representative. But, lack of flexibility made him unable to
cope with new promoted position. Moreover, he was not able to influence management in his way. This
hampered his career management.

6 (a)

Things Michele should be doing now to manage her career effectively

 Focus on the Current Job

 Image Building
 Focusing on the competence in current job provides

Improvement of her future chances for employability

 Performance appraisal
 Acquiring competencies
 Satisfaction with the current job
 Ability to enjoy her work-life balance

6 (b)

Joe should now set his career goal and implement a career strategy according to it to manage his career.
Because –

 He is unemployed
 He needs to provide his family
 Security
 Financing
 He needs a passionate career

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