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Scaling-Up of Industrial Symbiosis

in the Korean National Eco-Industrial
Park Program
Examining Its Evolution over the 10 Years between 2005–2014
Jooyoung Park,1 Jun-Mo Park,2 and Hung-Suck Park 2,3

School of Management, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia
Ulsan EIP Center, Korea Industrial Complex Corporation, Ulsan, South Korea
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Ulsan, Ulsan, South Korea

eco-industrial park (EIP)
facilitation In 2005, South Korea initiated the 15-year National Eco-Industrial Park Development
industrial ecology Program in three stages to gradually transform aged industrial complexes into eco-industrial
industrial symbiosis parks (EIPs) by promoting industrial symbiosis (IS). Building upon the pilot experiences from
scaling-up the first 5 years, the second phase of the program focused on the scaling-up of IS at a
South Korea
broader regional level. Key scaling-up strategies included the expansion of target areas by
connecting multiple industrial complexes, the standardization of processes and dissemination
Supporting information is linked of learning, and the development of large-scale projects that could contribute to the regional
to this article on the JIE website development. In this study, we examined the evolution of IS over the last 10 years between
2005 and 2014, primarily to understand the characteristics and impact of these scaling-up
strategies. Our findings showed that the scale of IS in the second phase had increased
in various aspects in comparison to that in the first phase. The number of operating
projects had increased from 52 to 159, the number of participating firms increased from
90 to 596, and the average distance of IS increased from 40 to 48 kilometers. The size of
economic and environmental benefits also increased along with an increase in the private
investment and government research funding. We further analyzed the role of the regional
EIP centers as facilitators, how their activities influenced the scaling-up of IS, and discussed
the characteristics of the Korea’s approach to IS.

Introduction to reduce the environmental impacts of industrial activities,

but also to maximize resource efficiency and to promote re-
Frosch and Gallopoulos (1989) envisioned an industrial
gional development and innovation (Chertow and Park 2016;
ecosystem with circular flows of materials, as in natural ecosys-
Gibbs et al. 2005; Mirata 2004; Yu et al. 2014). Cases of IS
tems, by reusing residues from one industry as feedstock for
have often been uncovered as spontaneous development or,
another industry. Industrial symbiosis (IS), the collaborative ef-
in other cases, promoted through facilitators or pursued more
forts to close the material loop, has drawn increasing atten-
consciously to build sustainable industrial complexes, such as
tion both from academics and practitioners not only as a way
eco-industrial parks (EIPs) (Boons et al. 2017; Chertow 2007;

Conflict of interest statement: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Address correspondence to: Hung-Suck Park. University of Ulsan–Civil and Environmental Engineering Ulsan 680749, Republic of Korea. Email:

© 2018 by Yale University

DOI: 10.1111/jiec.12749 Editor managing review: Raymond Paquin

Volume 00, Number 0 Journal of Industrial Ecology 1


Van Leeuwen et al. 2003). Representative programs for IS in- of the second phase: What approaches did Korea adopt to scale-
clude the National Industrial Symbiosis Program (NISP) of the up IS and did the approaches effectively achieve the intended
United Kingdom (Paquin and Howard-Grenville 2012; Mirata objective of the network expansion? In this study, we focused
2004), the Eco-town Program in Japan (Van Berkel et al. 2009), on this “scale” aspect of the facilitation approach, and analyzed
and the Circular Economy in China (Zhang et al. 2010; Geng the characteristics of the scaling-up strategies as well as their
et al. 2012). outcomes over the 10 years of the Korean EIP program.
South Korea adopted the idea of IS as a way to restruc- Our paper is organized as follows. We first describe three
ture aged industrial complexes, which have driven its rapid scaling-up strategies adopted in the second phase. We then
economic development since the 1960s, into EIPs that mini- present the methods and findings to understand the evolu-
mize environmental problems and maximize resource efficiency tion of IS in Korea between 2005 and 2014, particularly from
(Park et al. 2016). In 2005, the Korean government initiated various aspects of scale: the number of projects, IS networks,
the National Eco-Industrial Park Development Program, which and the economic and environmental benefits. Finally, we
employed a three-stage, gradual approach to build national eco- discuss the characteristics of the Korean approach to derive
industrial networks over 15 years. The first phase (November broader lessons from the 10 years of experience, and conclude
2005–May 2010) aimed to establish the foundation of the pro- with some thoughts on future directions of IS development in
gram through experimentation with five pilot industrial sites, Korea.
and the second phase (June 2010–December 2014) focused on
expanding the network beyond individual industrial complexes.
The third phase (January 2015–December 2019) eventually Scaling-Up Strategies
aims to establish a national network that integrates industrial
complexes and urban areas. Boons and colleagues (2017, 8) Through the pilot experimentation in five industrial sites,
characterized this gradual approach to the IS development as Korea established its own facilitation approach to IS devel-
“pilot facilitation and dissemination,” where public organiza- opment based on the regional EIP centers. This pilot experi-
tions experiment with pilot cases and then the experiences mentation led to more than 52 resource-sharing projects1 going
from the pilot program are transmitted and disseminated to into operation. But it became more difficult to use the same ap-
other actors. proach to further develop IS, as the opportunities for additional
But at a local level, the dynamics of the Korean IS develop- projects decreased and the budget from the national govern-
ment show a strong aspect of the facilitation–collection learning ment was limited (see table S1 in the supporting information
model (Boons et al. 2017). As a local project execution hub, available on the Journal’s website for detailed context analy-
the regional EIP centers engaged with the entire process of sis). This led KICOX (Korea Industrial Complex Corporation),
project development, implementation, and operation by bring- an administrative body that was in charge of the Korean EIP
ing together all relevant actors, which is a much more active program, to expand the program target areas and adjust the
role than establishing a marketplace to share information and organizational structure at the beginning of the second phase.
develop symbiosis in a more self-organized way. The regional Also, throughout the second phase, KICOX and regional EIP
EIP centers not only promoted the bottom-up communication, centers continuously searched for better ways to promote IS
participation, and cooperation among businesses, experts, re- in a broader region. We identified these efforts and classified
search institutes, and governments, but also adopted top-down them into three scaling-up strategies: (1) the expansion and
approaches, such as evaluating, selecting, and funding propos- regionalization of the target area for IS development; (2) the
als. Park and colleagues (2016) described this as an effective standardization of processes and dissemination of learning to
combination of bottom-up and top-down approaches, and an- promote and expand IS; and (3) the promotion of large-scale
alyzed how the activities of the regional EIP centers led to projects that contribute to the regional development.
the successful development of IS during the first 5 years of the
Korean EIP program, by addressing technical, economic, le-
Expansion and Regionalization of Industrial Symbiosis
gal/regulatory, as well as behavioral, organizational, and social
Target Areas
factors (Mirata 2004; BCSD-GM 1997; Fichtner et al. 2005).
Behera and colleagues (2012, 104–105) specifically defined this At the end of the first phase, the number of firms that actu-
as the “research and development into business (R&DB)” ap- ally participated in IS projects was still small compared to the
proach, because the government funding was used mainly for total number of firms located in the target industrial complexes.
supporting research and feasibility studies rather than subsidiz- However, increasing the number of participating firms became
ing project development and implementation. The rationale more difficult, because (1) low-hanging projects were mostly de-
was to motivate companies voluntarily invest, implement, and veloped during the first phase and (2) the Industrial Cluster De-
operate the project. velopment and Factory Establishment Act (KICOX and RIST
Successful pilot experimentations in the first phase led to the 2010) limited potential scavengers (e.g., environmental indus-
continuation of the EIP program throughout the second phase, tries that process and recycle by-products) to be located within
with an aim to expand the IS and benefits to broader regions. an industrial complex,2 which hindered the development of
This led us to the question, how the first-phase facilitation IS networks within the administrative boundaries (Geng and
approach was applied to broader regions to achieve the objective Côté 2002). These challenges raised the need to broaden the
2 Journal of Industrial Ecology

Figure 1 Target industrial complexes in the first phase (left) and the second phase (right).

target areas beyond the boundary of a single industrial complex With the regionalization, the organizational structure was
to increase the technical opportunities for potential IS devel- adjusted accordingly. In the first phase, the regional EIP centers
opment. These lessons learned from the first phase are aligned in the five pilot sites administered the overall process of project
with the argument by Sterr and Ott (2004) that a “region” is development, with the inputs from a regional advisory board
the appropriate level for IS, as it is broad enough to offer op- (composed of representatives from industry, academia, and gov-
portunities for input-output (I-O) matching, but small enough ernment) and under the management of KICOX (e.g., overall
to allow social dynamics to occur. planning, budgeting, and project approval) (Park et al. 2016).
As the scale of target areas was expanded to a regional level In the second phase, the role of KICOX remained the same,
that included several small and regional industrial complexes, but the activities of the regional EIP centers covered broader
the involvement of local and regional governments became regions, through nine subcenters (figure S1 in the supporting
more important. IS with companies from smaller complexes information on the Web).
required the involvement of local government, such as for pro-
viding matching funds or building necessary infrastructure. In
Promotion of Industrial Symbiosis through
the first phase, local governments were not actively involved
Standardization and Dissemination
in the EIP program, because most development efforts focused
on mobilizing businesses and the main benefits of the projects With the regionalization of target sites, the second phase
were for businesses. To promote the participation of local gov- focused on standardizing and disseminating the strategies es-
ernments during the second phase, KICOX requested EIP plans tablished during the first phase. In 2012, KICOX published
submitted from the local governments, instead of the regional manuals regarding the standard processes of project exploration
EIP centers or industry associations. and development, as well as follow-up processes, such as imple-
In June 2010, the Ministry of Knowledge Economy (cur- mentation and evaluation (figure S2 in the supporting informa-
rently known as the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy tion on the Web) (KICOX 2014). The manuals also presented
[MOTIE]) initiated the second phase to regionalize the EIP criteria to evaluate the performance of regional EIP centers. In
program by designating eight national and regional industrial the first phase, the criteria were the same across five pilot sites,
complexes as hub EIPs and several regional industrial com- but the criteria in the second phase included self-evaluations
plexes around them as spoke EIPs (KICOX 2014). The hub that reflected regional contexts and situations.
and spoke industrial complexes were first proposed by local From the first phase of the EIP program, successful cases of
governments, considering local context for potential IS devel- IS began to be accumulated. Symbiosis linkages in those cases
opment and connectivity among industrial complexes. Figure 1 indicated that they were technically and economically feasible
shows the location of 46 complexes eventually designed as tar- in certain contexts. To take advantage of proven innovations
get complexes by January 2013, in comparison to the five pilot and to spread similar IS cases into other parts of the region,3
complexes from the first phase. KICOX compiled successful cases and then disseminated the

Park et al., Evolution of the Korean Eco-Industrial Park Program 3


information by presenting them in workshops, seminars, and To understand the growth of IS networks, we conducted
exhibitions and/or conferences, which had been held regularly three different analyses. First, network analysis was conducted
since the first phase of the EIP program and by publishing case using NetMiner 4.0 to examine changes in size and structure of
books in 2010 (KICOX 2014). In addition, KICOX regularly the network between two phases, for example, in terms of the
updated the information about the EIP program on its official number of participating firms, connections, and density. The
website and published more than 1,900 news articles about IS second analysis was to examine the composition of two types of
cases during the second phase (KICOX 2014). IS over the two phases: (1) internal IS, where the exchange of
waste materials occurs within the boundary of industrial com-
plexes, and (2) external IS, where the exchanges occur across
Large-Scale Industrial Symbiosis and Regional the boundary, for example between a hub industrial complex
Development and a spoke industrial complex. This was specifically to examine
The pilot experimentation of the first phase primarily fo- the impact of the first scaling-up strategy (i.e., the regionaliza-
cused on developing the most feasible symbiosis exchanges that tion of the target areas), whether it increased the distance of
have smaller risk. Implementation was prioritized for projects IS, or rather it increased the number of local symbiosis within
that could draw relatively larger returns with smaller investment the boundary of an industrial complex. In the third analysis, we
or that had shorter payback periods. Many by-product projects measured the geographical distance of IS.4 For each IS project,
implemented during the first phase did not require much invest- a waste provider and a user were identified, and the linear dis-
ment for reprocessing and treatment (Park et al. 2016). While tance between the two was estimated using Google Maps and
this approach was effective for developing low-hanging projects, Excel according to their address information. If an IS project in-
it left out the development of larger-scale projects that required volved any intermediary company or facility, a series of bilateral
longer-term planning. The fundamental transition into EIPs distances were estimated separately.
needs the transformation of the industrial base and infrastruc- We also analyzed economic and environmental benefits of
ture over a longer term, which would eventually be linked to IS, which were reported directly by participating companies
regional development and innovation. when the project began operation. The economic benefits, the
Since around 2008, local governments, which provided sum of cost savings and revenues from IS, were calculated to
matching funds to the EIP projects, had demanded the de- understand how IS improves the overall economic efficiency
velopment of projects that suit their regional needs. These tend compared to the initial situation, or the total economic sur-
to include large-scale infrastructure projects, because they can plus that motivates the companies to participate in IS. We
generate considerable public benefits, such as a reduction in presented annual benefits and cumulative benefits that were
environmental degradation and the upgrading of the industrial estimated linearly based on the annual figures. The environ-
base, and therefore contribute to regional development. More mental benefits were evaluated in terms of the direct reduction
active participation of the local governments also allowed the of energy consumption as well as reduction in the generation of
development of larger-scale projects that tend to require huge waste, wastewater, and emissions (i.e., carbon dioxide [CO2 ])
upfront investment and longer payback periods (e.g., more than as a result of IS. It is important to note that these were con-
5 years). The later phase of the EIP program increasingly fo- servative estimates, because the total environmental benefits
cused on building an innovative “regional model” for IS that would be much larger if we included indirect impacts, such as
went beyond developing individual symbiosis projects, and even the energy saved by avoiding the production of virgin materials
integrated IS projects into regional development plans. substituted by by-products. The estimation of the total envi-
ronmental benefits would require follow-up studies based on
life cycle assessment (Sokka et al. 2011; Mattila et al. 2010;
Eckelman and Chertow 2013).
To evaluate the effects of scaling-up strategies, we ana-
lyzed the outcomes of IS development in Korea over the last Evolution of Industrial Symbiosis between
10 years (2005–2014) from three scale aspects: (1) the num- 2005–2014
ber of projects that have been developed, implemented, and
in operation, (2) the IS network, and (3) the level of associ- In this section, we will present the outcomes of IS develop-
ated economic and environmental benefits. These were either ment between 2005 and 2014, and discuss the role of facilitators,
analyzed over time or the outcomes at the end of the second how the activities of regional EIP centers helped expand the IS.
phase were compared to the outcomes from the first phase. The
analysis was based on the information of all IS projects that
Project Development and Implementation
were completed and went into operation, which were tracked
and documented by the regional EIP centers and submitted to The second phase of the Korean EIP program implemented
KICOX for annual evaluations. This was easily obtained as one 221 symbiosis projects out of the 346 projects that were de-
of the authors served as a director of a regional EIP center and veloped. By the end of 2014, a total of 107 projects were in
directly involved with the Korean EIP program. operation. This is a significant increase (i.e., 106%) compared

4 Journal of Industrial Ecology



Number of Projects
By-Product Energy Wastewater Others








1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year
1st Phase EIP 2nd Phase EIP

Figure 2 Number of by-product, energy, wastewater, and other projects developed (D), implemented (I), and in operation (O) during the
first and second phase of the Korean EIP program (2005–2014). EIP = eco-industrial park.

to 52 projects implemented in the first phase. Figure 2 shows 2014 to 2029. This project required an upfront investment of
the overall increasing trends in the number of projects devel- approximately 66.7 million USD, mainly for the construction
oped, implemented, and in operation between 2005 and 2014. of a 6.2-km (kilometer) of high-pressure steam pipeline, and
This continuous expansion of IS happened without reported 48% of it was publicly financed by KICOX and ESCO fund
cases of breakup or unexpected halt, and this is probably due (Ulsan EIP Center 2013). It is expected that the project would
to the well-established contingency or risk management plans generate 18 million USD of annual economic benefits to the
prepared during the negotiation phase of the IS development. three parties involved in the initial phase (Ulsan Metropolitan
The use of by-products or waste materials tends to pose chal- City 2013).
lenges in collection, transportation, storage, and/or processing, The wastewater reuse project in Pohang is to treat up to
because of their fluctuating generation and nonuniform quality 100,000 cubic meters per day of municipal wastewater and pro-
(Tibben-Lembke and Rogers 2002; Toffel 2004). This can make vide it for industrial uses for 20 years beginning in 2014 (City
firms reluctant to engage in IS to avoid relying on unstable ex- of Pohang 2015). The idea of the project was already proposed
changes and having a reputational damage when symbiosis goes in 2008 following the wastewater reuse policy of the Ministry
wrong. To address the complication, the regional EIP centers, of Environment, but it took time to evaluate its feasibility,
if necessary, intervened the negotiation process and supported design necessary details, and operate the project. This project
the inclusion and arrangement of a contingency plan, for ex- is expected to cover 45% of future industrial water demand
ample, by having a backup boiler that can be used whenever in the Pohang national industrial complex, relieving expected
there is a problem in the supply of steam. water stress in the future. The project drew 50.3 million USD
The development and operation of large-scale projects of private investment in addition to the environmental subsi-
linked to the regional development was notable in the sec- dies (68.0 million USD) from the Ministry of Environment and
ond phase. A representative example is the “Ulsan Hydro- additional 7.5 million USD from Pohang City. This was the
gen Town” project initiated in 2012 (Ulsan Metropolitan City first public-private partnership project for municipal wastew-
2016). The Ulsan EIP led a symbiosis project in 2009 to reuse ater recycling in Korea. The project is expected to generate
by-product hydrogen generated from the fluoride electrolysis approximately 1 million USD of economic benefits per year.
process from petrochemical industries (KICOX 2009). This ex-
perience led to an energy test bed project that uses hydrogen by-
Industrial Symbiosis Networks
products from industrial processes as residential energy sources
using hydrogen fuel cells. The City of Ulsan will further invest As shown in figure 3, the number of participating firms (i.e.,
43.2 million U.S. dollars (USD) to build a fuel cell demonstra- nodes) grew from 90 in the first phase to 596 in the second
tion complex in the Ulsan Techno Industrial Complex around phase, and the material exchanges and connections (i.e., to-
2019. Another large-scale project in Ulsan includes the steam tal edges) grew from 81 to 573. However, the density of the
highway project. Developed over 2 years since 2011, it is to network decreased from 0.01 in the first phase to 0.002 in the
provide 100 tonnes-per-hour residual steam generated from a second phase. These results indicate that some networks grew in
chemical company to other local companies for 15 years from size (particularly in Yeosu and Jeonnam, single-industry regions

Park et al., Evolution of the Korean Eco-Industrial Park Program 5


Figure 3 Networks of industrial symbiosis at the end of the first phase (left) and the second phase (right).

Figure 4 Number of industrial symbiosis projects implemented (I) and in operation (O) over the second phase (2010–2014), according
to the geospatial scope (internal vs. external symbiosis).

dominated by chemical industries), but more significant growth an organization seemed to impede the organic development of
occurred in the number of independent networks. This shows IS in Korea.
that the facilitation by the regional EIP centers were effective As shown in figure 4, the expansion in the boundary of tar-
mainly in attracting new firms to develop the first IS (Park et al. get areas promoted the development of external IS that went
2016; Behera et al. 2012), rather than promoting the develop- beyond the administrative boundary and the share of external
ment of additional symbiosis among existing actors. Actually, symbiosis increased over time. As of 2014, 64% of the total
due to the nature of the government-led program, the regional projects that were in operation during the second phase oc-
EIP centers avoided providing concentrated supports to firms curred across the administrative boundary. This shows that the
that already had projects. Also, we observed that in many cases, regionalization of the target areas increased the (technically)
the first IS did not lead to the organic development of an ad- available options for IS that occur across boundaries. We did
ditional project. For example, a symbiosis on energy rarely led not observe significant obstacles to crossing the industrial com-
to the development of a water symbiosis, because the issues plex boundaries in implementing IS. Instead, we recognized
around energy, water, and waste were dealt with separately by that the increase of IS across the boundaries often required the
different departments and/or at the hands of those who do not involvement of local governments, in the form of financial sup-
have decision-making power. This lack of integration among port or administrative assistance for infrastructure and business
environmental issues and managerial decision making within development, which was arranged by the regional EIP centers.

6 Journal of Industrial Ecology


Figure 5 Number of industrial symbiosis projects according to the distance between participating firms (above) and the average distance
of industrial symbiosis according to the type of resources exchanged in the first and the second phases (below). km = kilometers.

Figure 5 represents the distribution of IS according to the 3.5 km for water sharing) (Shi et al. 2010) and the median dis-
distance between participating firms (e.g., waste provider, user, tance observed in 792 NISP synergies (i.e., 20.4 miles) (Jensen
and intermediary processor). In the first phase, approximately et al. 2011).
65% of the IS occurred at distances less than 10 km. The With the regionalization of target areas, more IS occurred
minimum distance was 0, which indicated that the reuse oc- at longer distances and the average distance increased by
curred internally within the same company. The maximum 8 km. The longest distance was over 300 km, which shows that
distance was 312 km for an exchange of copper hydroxide be- long-distance symbiosis is possible as long as it is economically
tween a supplier company at Banwol-Sihwa and a user company viable (Chen et al. 2012; Lyons et al. 2009). The coordination
at Ulsan Mippo. In the second phase, approximately 68% of the between firms and key persons do not seem to be significantly
projects occurred at distances less than 40 km, with a maximum affected or impeded by the geographical distances, similar to the
distance of 312 km for the copper hydroxide exchange that case of NISP. Instead, the presence of third-party coordinator,
began operation in the first phase. On average, the distance such as the regional EIP centers, is likely to reduce the transac-
of IS increased from 40 km in the first phase to 48 km in the tion costs that may increase as the distance increases, although
second phase. According to the type of resource exchanged, there are various other factors, such as cognitive, institutional,
by-products generally turned out to be exchanged at longer social, and organizational proximity, that may determine the
distances (51 to 54 km), while energy and wastewater sharing development of IS (Velenturf and Jensen 2016; Prosman et al.
occurred at much shorter distances (1 to 28 and 5 to 11 km, 2017).
respectively). The average distances of by-product exchange,
energy sharing, and wastewater sharing over the 10 years were
Economic and Environmental Performance
54, 26, and 10 km, respectively. These turned out to be longer
than the distances observed in the 81 IS in the Tianjin Eco- Table 1 shows the annual economic benefits from IS and the
nomic Technological-Development Area (TEDA) (i.e., 28.2 total cumulative benefits accrued at the end of 2014. The level
km for by-product exchanges, 2.9 km for energy sharing, and of total economic benefits had generally increased since 2007,

Park et al., Evolution of the Korean Eco-Industrial Park Program 7


Table 1 Annual economic benefits from industrial symbiosis projects in operation between the first and second phases (2005–2014a ),
investments made, and funding provided for project research as well as cumulative figures (Cum.) at the end of 2014 (unit: million USD,
1 USD = 1,000 KRW)

Year 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Cum.

Projects (in operation), A 1 2 10 8 30 33 35 40 159

Economic benefits, B = C+D 3.9 11.8 38.0 60.0 58.0 86.3 54.3 92.3 1,333.8
(3.9) (5.9) (3.8) (7.5) (1.9) (2.6) (1.6) (2.3) (8.4)

Cost savings, C 2.9 4.6 20.7 27.7 15.9 25.1 34.0 29.3 554.3

Revenue, D 1.0 7.2 17.3 32.3 42.1 61.3 20.3 63.0 779.4

Investments, E (B/E) 0.9 7.0 52.8 59.2 47.9 91.4 117.3 214.8 591.3
(4.5) (1.7) (0.7) (1.0) (1.2) (0.9) (0.5) (0.4) (2.3)

Research support, F = G+H+I 0.0 0.1 1.3 4.1 3.8 5.0 6.3 7.1 27.8
(91.6) (84.9) (28.6) (14.8) (15.2) (17.3) (8.6) (13.0) (48.0)

Central gov’t, G 0.0 0.1 1.1 3.5 2.8 3.4 4.4 4.6 20.0

Local gov’t, H 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0 1.2 1.4 4.3

Business, I 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 1.0 3.5
a Noeconomic benefits were accrued in 2005 and 2006, because no projects were in operation. Neither investment nor research support was made during
those years.
USD = U.S. dollars; KRW = Korean won.

when the first project was in operation. The size of economic highway project, one other steam network project in Ulsan, and
benefits per project, however, was smaller in the second phase the large-scale project for paper sludge in Jeonnam.
due to the development smaller projects by small- and medium- In terms of cumulative environmental benefits, the second-
sized companies. The private investment made by participating phase projects reduced the generation of 1,283 thousand tonnes
firms increased over time. This implies that more businesses of by-products (compared to 501 tonnes in the first phase), 379
recognized the benefits of IS and therefore became willing to thousand tonnes of oil equivalent [toe] of energy (vs. 74 toe),
invest more for feasible returns. A similar increasing pattern was 238 thousand tonnes of wastewater (vs. 164 tonnes), and 1,584
also seen in the research funding: The central government had thousand tonnes of CO2 equivalent of GHG emissions (vs.
initially provided the majority of the research funding, but the 700 tonnes). These are 2 to 4 times bigger achievements than
contributions from the local government increased over time, the outcomes from the first phase. In total, the Korean EIP
which was driven by the participation of smaller companies from program reduced 3,653 ktonnes of by-product disposal (6.50%
regional industrial complexes and the development of large- of industrial waste generation in 2014) (Korea Environment
scale projects. Corporation 2015), 992 thousand toe of energy consumption
Table 2 shows the annual environmental benefits from the (0.76% of energy consumption in industry in 2013) (Korea En-
IS projects and the cumulative benefits accrued at the end ergy Economics Institute 2014), 37,341 ktonnes of wastewater
of 2014. The per-project annual benefits in the second phase (3.32% of wastewater generation from industrial complexes in
were in general smaller than the total annual benefits in the 2013) (The Ministry of Environment 2013), and 4,703 ktonnes
first phase, implying that the per-project annual benefits were of GHG emissions (0.68% of national GHG emissions in 2013)
not particularly scaled-up. The scale of environmental benefits (GIR 2015).
varies significantly according to the type of projects and there-
fore more accurate comparison should be done at the project
level. A significant effect on wastewater reduction was notable
Discussions: Korea’s Approach
in 2014 (e.g., 36,558 kilotonnes [ktonnes]), and this was be-
to Industrial Symbiosis and Future
cause of the operation of Pohang wastewater project. This one
large project generated almost a 1,000 times bigger effect than
other projects, which shows the dominant environmental ef- As shown, the Korea’s approach based on the regional
fects of larger-scale projects. For energy use and greenhouse gas EIP centers as facilitator effectively developed and scaled-up
(GHG) emissions, significant effects observed were also the re- IS over the last 10 years. However, instead of being contin-
sults of large-scale project operations, such as the Ulsan steam ued until 2019 as originally planned, the Korean EIP program

8 Journal of Industrial Ecology


Table 2 Annual direct environmental benefits from industrial symbiosis projects in operation between the first and second phases (2005–
2014* ) as well as cumulative figures (Cum.) at the end of 2014 (unit: 1,000 tonnes, 1,000 toe for energy)

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Cum.

Projects (in operation) 1 2 10 8 30 33 35 40 159

By-products 0 38 78 230 70 53 8 10 2,353

First Energy 4 19 23 46 17 17 52 3 754

Wastewater 37 0 0 37 37 36,558 36,963

CO2 12 60 111 247 72 50 115 27 3,119

By-products 12 301 37 257 1,283

Second Energy 5 20 38 3 11 238

Wastewater 73 21 11 1 379

CO2 11 50 301 76 272 1,584

*No environmental benefits were accrued in 2005 and 2006, because no projects were in operation.
CO2 = carbon dioxide.

officially ended in 2016. The Korean government considered along with investment from public sectors (e.g., public-private
that the EIP program sufficiently achieved its original objec- partnerships).
tives and the development of IS could be taken more as vol- In the Korean model, many on-the-ground activities to de-
untary business initiatives. Upon the closure of the Korean velop, implement, and operate IS were coordinated by the re-
EIP program, we analyzed the characteristics of the Korean gional EIP centers. The regional EIP centers assumed a proac-
approach to IS development—how it is differentiated from tive role to achieve their proposed annual targets and receive
the approach of other countries, and how it effectively ad- good evaluations from the government. For this reason, the ac-
dresses underlying contexts (e.g., embeddedness)—and pre- tivities of the regional EIP centers became heavily goal-driven:
sented what efforts are currently underway to continue its Only feasible proposals with significant potential outcomes were
development. selected and promoted, and any hindering issues in communi-
The Korea’s approach to IS has two key elements: (1) gov- cation, information sharing, negotiation, or regulation were
ernment financial and institutional supports and (2) facilitation addressed. This facilitation approach is comparable to the goal-
and coordination by the regional EIP centers. Government oriented approach adopted in the later phase of the NISP pro-
support is also prominent in the IS programs of China and gram, where facilitators proactively pursue connecting firms
Japan, but the way that government involved is different across and creating projects together with firms (Paquin and Howard-
three countries. The programs of China (e.g., the national EIP Grenville 2012). This implies that IS development in Korea
demonstration program, the circular transformation of indus- relies largely on the capacities of the facilitators.
trial parks, and the low-carbon industrial park program) provide Building on to the previous analysis of the success factors
funding for an industrial park to develop IS on its own way, by Park and colleagues (2016), we can analyze how the Ko-
and grant EIP certification when it meets a certain standard rean approach and the activities of the regional EIP centers
(Zhang et al. 2010; Geng et al. 2009). This approach focuses effectively addressed six types of embeddedness for IS (Howard-
more on ensuring outcomes rather than controlling a process of Grenville and Boons 2009). The regional EIP centers helped
IS development in a specific way. The Korean approach, con- raise awareness and provided tailored resources to support de-
trarily, provides support more at the process and project level. cision making of individual firms, for example, by conducting
Regional EIP centers provide necessary assistance throughout feasibility studies and/or pilot tests for new processing tech-
all the processes when companies develop and implement nologies (cognitive embeddedness). The regional EIP centers
each feasible project. The Eco-town program of Japan granted also brought diverse stakeholders together, including technical
funding to municipalities to upgrade recycling technologies and experts, universities, and governments, and coordinated their
infrastructure as well as to support community recycling and communication and timely information sharing (structural and
outreach activities (Van Berkel et al. 2009). But in Korea, the temporal embeddedness). They established a favorable institu-
government funding was used mainly for conducting a feasibil- tional environment by revising regulations and linking firms to
ity study to evaluate the potential benefits of a project. When funding opportunities (political embeddedness). As more suc-
companies realize potential benefits, they make necessary in- cessful cases of IS and the activities of the regional EIP centers
vestment for project development and implementation, often are known, we have observed that it created increasing norms

Park et al., Evolution of the Korean Eco-Industrial Park Program 9


and pressures of developing IS in the similar industrial sectors 3. For example, steam-sharing IS was first developed in Ulsan in
and regions (cultural embeddedness). This was possible because 2006 and later applied to the other EIP regions of Busan, Chung-
Korea has diverse industries concentrated in industrial com- buk, Daegu, and Gyeongbuk (KICOX 2012). As businesses aware
plexes, which provided ample opportunities for I-O matching more about the value of waste heat, we also observed increasing
(spatial embeddedness). competition around steam, which led to the discussions of estab-
lishing a thermal grid in Ulsan. Other examples of dissemination
The ending of the government-led Korean EIP program led
included: IS that involved the production and reuse of methyl
to the discussions of how to maintain the momentum of IS de-
metacrylate and aluminum oxide from artificial marble waste that
velopment in Korea. Due to the recognized role of facilitators was first developed in the Jeonnam region in 2009 and then repli-
in the Korean approach, one of the ongoing efforts focuses on cated in Chungbuk in 2010 (KICOX 2012); and the idea of pro-
creating a research center to educate future facilitators, while ducing probiotics using waste from the confectionery and noodle
establishing a more self-sustaining institutional environment industries that was developed in 2011 in the Jeonbuk region, and
to support their activities. Potential approaches include estab- replicated and applied a year later in Daegu (KICOX 2013).
lishing a system where facilitators receive a part of the project 4. Out of the 585 bilateral networks, 436 networks (i.e., 75% of the
benefits as fees and/or a RESCO (Resource Efficiency Services total, including 62 networks from the first phase and 374 networks
Company) fund that provides financial support for IS projects, from the second phase) were included in the distance calculation
similarly to the ESCO fund for energy efficiency projects. Devel- with verifiable geospatial information.
oping capable facilitators and establishing a more self-sustaining
system would be a way forward to further promote IS develop-
ment in Korea. References
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Supporting Information
Supporting information is linked to this article on the JIE website:
Supporting Information S1: This supporting information includes a table with SWOT analysis for the second-phase EIP
program, a figure illustrating the organizational structure of the second-phase EIP program, and a flow chart showing the
standard process for industrial symbiosis project exploration, development, and assessment.

Park et al., Evolution of the Korean Eco-Industrial Park Program 11

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