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Transactional Analysis

Pertinent to developing people skills is the ability to develop sensitivity. The Four Basic Life
Positions is found in the self-help book “I'm OK, You're OK” (1969) by Thomas Anthony Harris
which is a practical guide to Transactional Analysis developed by Dr. Eric Berne as a method for
solving problems in life which provides an insightful way of perceiving relationships and decisions
that reflects one's personality.

The internal voices characterized as the Parent, the Adult, and the Child also known as the PAC
framework. All of us have Parent, Adult or Child 'data' guiding our thoughts and decisions and it
is believed that transactional analysis would free up the Adult, which is the reasoning voice. The
Adult in us prevents a torment of blind obedience which is the 'Child', or the dictates or prejudice
of a 'Parent'. Hence these lead us to individual free will.

 I'm not OK – You're OK

This happens when one does not feel good and the other is good. Hence the first feels inferior
with respect to the other. Inferiority and insecurity lead to inefficiency. Hence, lack of
productivity due to differences in perception and emotions.

 I'm OK - You're not OK

In this position, one feels good and the other one does not feel the same. Differences in
sentiment and state of mind ensure failure in any situation. Inefficiency caused by low self-
esteem and inferiority while the other party feels superior to the other leads to failure in the
relationship. An example of this is the superior parents and managers bullying or taunting their
helpless and hopeless children or subordinates.

 I'm OK - You're OK
This is the ideal situation where both parties feel good about each other. A productive
relationship which may lead to greater output. No party feels inferior or superior over each
other Both are perceived to be on the same footing. Hence, no amount of anger, resentment
and other negative emotion would hamper the motivation towards working for the goal. As
both parties work comfortably with each other they are contented and invigorated.

 I'm not OK - You're not OK

This occurs when both are not OK which may lead to unsuccessful activities since both parties
are 'not good'. Both parties may feel dominant over each other; hence, no possible productivity
from the relationship can be expected.

Magalona, E. & Salting-Sadsad, E. (2016). Personal development: Theory & practice. Manila,
Philippines: Mindshapers Co., Inc.
10 Handout 1 *Property of STI
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