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Walkthrough for Glassix by Gaweb Studio

The content below was taken directly from the 5/26/2017 Glassix Walkthrough available at I believe that the information on that page is based on v0.12.0, however I
haven’t found any major differences in v0.13.0. The creator of this (myself) has no affiliation with Gaweb Studio. If
you enjoy Glassix, please support the author and/or tell your friends.


 Due to AI changes in v0.13.0, you will have girls Follow you to their event locations regularly. If they say
they’re done following you, just tell them to follow you again. To keep them from disappearing while following,
tell them to Stop Following you and immediately Start Following again every 1 hour.
 "Weekdays" means Monday to Friday.
 When an hour is given without range, it means the whole hour will work. For example, 8:00AM means from
8:00 to 8:59.
 When a time range is given, the upper part is not included. For example, 2:00AM to 4:00AM means from 2:00
to 3:59.
 Events are triggered when entering location with the girl there already or following you there, when a ‘Wait’
period ends with the girl present, or when cheating Obedience level in the event location with the girl present
(for example, forcing Kana’s obedience to 10 while in her bedroom at 6pm).
 Most events can be started at 6:00am onward even if the listed starting time isn’t until late in the evening.
 "Commands" are triggered when talking to a girl and giving her orders. Some locations have special furniture
which unlock new commands.


 v0.13.0 is pretty much a bug-test build. I recommend saving at least once per in-game day.
 Save before entering any bathroom or toilet.
 Save before Emika’s meeting if you intend to take Saiko to the toilets.
 If you put a girl into Doll mode, don’t let it last longer than an hour, and put her clothes back on before
cancelling Doll mode. Girls might become “lost” forever otherwise.


For players who don't want to grind (again), you can increase obedience and affection using the cheat in
game. Open the girls status menu and simply click on the obedience or affection text in the top right panel to
increase it. You'll still need to trigger obedience event properly though.

Pact Events with Lily:  

When reaching Day 6, a succubus named Lily will ask you to bring Aiko to [Eastside/Abandoned Shrine] on Sunday,
Day 7, between 1200 to 2400 (12:00PM to 12:00AM). Afterwards, you will need to do this every Sunday with
a different girl. Once Lily is finished with each girl, you will be able to use Doll mode on them which unlocks
new commands. If you fail to do this, the game will end. Use the tricks mentioned at the beginning of the
“NOTES” section above to get the girls there.
Locked Doors:

To get into a locked area, you can build affection with them until they give you one when you ‘Talk’ to them.
Alternatively, have the room owner ‘Follow’ you into the room. Once there, ‘Search’ for the key with the icon
in the top-right. Every bedroom key is inside the bedroom itself, and apartment/house keys are in the room
just inside the front door (‘Entrance’ usually). Exceptions: [Westside/School/Principal’s Office] - Mansion key,
[Westside/School/Teacher’s Lounge] - Saiko's Apartment key, Okimi's Apartment key, [Westside/School/Gym/Girl’s Change Room] -
Sarah's Apartment key, [Eastside/Street A/Rin & Naomi’s House/Entrance] - Study Room key.

Main Girls:
These girls all have Obedience Level 1,2,3, and 4 events, as well as unique positions, commands, and side-events.

 Aiko....Kei’s step-mother, Kana's mother, Doctor (Home: Eastside/My House)

 Kana....Kei’s step-sister, Aiko's daughter, Junior classmate (Home: Eastside/My House)
 Rin.....Senior classmate, Ayumi’s best friend, Naomi's daughter (Home: Eastside/Street A)
 Ayumi...Senior classmate, Rin’s best friend, Fujiko’s daughter  (Home: Downtown/Street F)
 Hikari..Senior classmate, Mitsuko's daughter (Home: Westside/Mansion)
 Saiko...Senior teacher (Home: Downtown/Street F)
 Mitsuko.School principal, Hikari's mother (Home: Westside/Mansion)
 Naomi...Author, Rin's mother (Home: Eastside/Street A)
 Okimi...Junior teacher (Home: Westside/Street C)
 Sarah...P.E. teacher (Home: Northside/Street H)
 Ryoko...Mitsuko & Hikari’s maid (Home: Westside/Street M)

Extra Girls:
These girls can’t raise their Obedience Level, have limited dialogue, and no unique events or commands.

 Daisuki...Baker
 Nabila....Mall Underwear Shop saleswoman
 Kristina..Mall Clothes Shop saleswoman 
 Hanae.....Hospital Nurse (Home: Eastside/Street L)
 Shizuru...Police Officer (Home: Northside/Street G)
 Fujiko....School Secretary/Disciplinarian, Ayumi’s mother
 Yatsumi...Hospital secretary 
 Utako.....Librarian, Kumiko’s older sister (mentioned in Utako’s Bio. Kumiko is not currently in game)
 Penny.....Stewardess
 Emika.....Stewardess 
 Chan Mei..Waitress

Where to Meet the Girls:

 Aiko, Kana, Rin, Ayumi, Saiko...Day 1 (impossible to miss)

 Hikari....[Westside/School/Senior Classroom] - morning class
 Mitsuko...[Westside/School/Senior Classroom] - afternoon class (day 3 or later)
 Naomi.....[East Side/Street A] 1700 (5:00PM) - weekdays
 Okimi.....[Westside/School/Junior Classroom] 1700 (5:00PM) - weekdays
 Sarah.....[Westside/School/Senior Classroom] - afternoon class on Tuesday or Thursday
 Ryoko.....[Westside/Mansion] 0630-2300 (6:30AM-11:00PM)
 Daisuki...[Downtown/Bakery] 1900-2200 (7:00pm-10:00pm)
 Nabila....[Downtown/Shopping Mall/Hall A] 1400-1900 (2:00PM-7:00PM)
 Kristina..[Downtown/Shopping Mall/Hall A] 1400-1900 (2:00PM-7:00PM)
 Hanae.....[Eastside/Hospital/Corridor 2F] 0800-1800 (8:00AM-6:00PM) - weekdays 
 Shizuru...[Northside/Northside Station] - Okimi needs to be Obedience Level 3
 Fujoki....[Westside/School/Main Hall] 0800-1200 (8:00AM-12:00PM) - weekdays
 Yatsumi...[Eastside/Hospital/Lobby] 0800-1800 (8:00AM-6:00PM) - weekdays
 Penny.....[Airport/Hall B] 0700-1200 (7:00AM-12:00AM)
 Chan Mei..[Northside/Restaurant/Hall] 1700-1830 (5:00PM-6:30PM) - weekdays
 Emika.....[Airport/Hall A] 0700-1200 (7:00AM-12:00AM) - weekends
o Bonus Choices/Scenes if Saiko is Obedience Level 2
 Utako.....[Westside/Library/Lobby] 0800-2000 (8:00AM-8:00PM) - Yatsumi must have been met

Level 1 events:
(Requires 10/200 Obedience Points)

 Aiko.....[Eastside/My House/Bathroom] 2200 (10:00PM)

 Kana.....[Eastside/My House/Kana’s Bedroom] 1800-2000 (6:00PM-8:00PM) - weekdays
 Rin......[Westside/School/Art Classroom] 1700-1730 (5:00PM-5:30PM) - week days
 Ayumi....[Westside/School/Pool Storage Room] 1730-1800 (5:30PM-6:00PM) - weekdays
 Saiko....[Westside/School/Infirmary] 1700 (5:00PM) - weekdays 
 Hikari...[Westside/Mansion/Hikari’s Room] 1700 (5:00PM) - week-end
 Mitsuko..[Westside/School/Principal’s Office] 1100-1400 (11:00AM-2:00PM) - week-end
 Okimi....[Eastside/Forest] 0800 (8:00AM) - week-end 
 Sarah....[Westside/School/Gym/Girl’s Change Room] 1800-1830 (6:00PM-6:30PM) - weekdays
 Ryoko....[Westside/Mansion/East Corridor] 1100-1400 (11:00AM-2:00PM) - weekdays
 Naomi....[Eastside/Street A/Rin & Naomi’s House/Study] 1700-1800 (5:00PM-6:00PM) - weekdays

Level 2 events:
(Requires Level 1 Obedience & 25/200 Obedience Points)

 Aiko.........[Eastside/Hospital/Office] 1700 (5:00PM) - weekdays

 Kana.........[Eastside/My House/Dining Room] 2000 (8:00PM) - weekdays
 Rin & Ayumi..[Downtown/Street F/Ayumi’s Apt./Ayumi's Room] 1400-1600 (2PM-4PM) - week-end
 Saiko........[Downtown/Street E/Karaoke/Room] 1400-1600 (2:00PM-4:00PM) - week-end 
 Hikari.......[Westside/School/Girl Toilets] 1800-1830 (6:00PM-6:30PM) - weekdays
 Mitsuko......[Westside/School/Principal’s Office] 1100-1400 (11:00AM-2:00PM) - week-end
 Naomi........[Eastside/Street A/Rin & Naomi’s House/Study] 1700-1800 (5PM-6PM) - weekdays
 Okimi........[Westside/School/Junior Classroom] 0700 (7:00AM) - weekdays
 Sarah........[Westside/School/Gym Entrance] 1200-1230 (12:00PM-12:30) - weekdays
 Ryoko........[Westside/Mansion/Hikari's Room] 1800 (6:00PM) - weekdays

Level 3 events:
(Requires Level 2 Obedience & 50/200 Obedience Points)

 Aiko.........[Eastside/My House/Aiko’s Bedroom] 2100 (9:00PM)

 Kana.........[Eastside/My House/Kana’s Bedroom] 2200 (10:00PM)
 Rin & Ayumi..[Downtown/Street F/Ayumi’s Apt./Ayumi's Room] 1400-1600 (2PM-4PM) - week-end
 Saiko........[Downtown/Street F/Saiko’s Apt./Saiko’s Bedroom] 1600 (4:00PM) - week-end 
 Hikari.......[Westside/Mansion/Hikari's Room] 1700 (5:00PM) - week-end
 Mitsuko......[Westside/School/Principal’s Office] 1100-1400 (11:00AM-2:00PM) - week-end
 Naomi........[Eastside/Street A/Rin & Naomi’s House/Study] 1700-1800 (5PM-6PM) - weekdays
 Okimi........[Westside/Street C/Okimi’s Apt/Entrance] 2200 (10:00PM) - week-end 
 Sarah........[Northside/Entertainment Park/Venue C] 2200 (10:00PM) - week-end
o Bonus Choices/Scenes if Kana or Aiko is Obedience Level 3
 Ryoko........[Westside/Mansion/Living Room] 2000 (8:00PM) - weekdays
o Bonus Choices/Scenes if Mitsuko is Obedience Level 1 or 3

Level 4 events:
(Requires Level 3 Obedience & 100/200 Obedience Points)
 Aiko.........[Eastside/My House/Your Bedroom] - Ignore her for 3 days then sleep in your room
 Kana.........[Eastside/My House/Your Bedroom] - Sleep in your room
 Rin & Ayumi..[Downtown/Street F/Ayumi’s Apt./Ayumi's Room] 1400-1600 (2PM-4PM) - week-end
 Saiko........[Downtown/Street F/Saiko’s Apt./Living Room] 1600 (4:00PM) - Saturday 
 Hikari.......[Westside/Mansion/Hikari's Room] 1700 (5:00PM) - week-end
 Mitsuko......[Westside/School/Principal’s Office] 1100-1400 (11:00AM-2:00PM) - week-end
 Naomi........[Eastside/Street A/Rin & Naomi’s House/Study] 1700-1800 (5PM-6PM) - weekdays
o Bonus Choices/Scenes if Rin is Obedience Level 4  
 Okimi........[Westside/School/Girl’s Toilets] 1245-1300 (12:45PM to 1:00PM) - week-end
 Sarah........[Northside/Entertainment Park/Venue C] 2200 (10:00PM) - week-end
o Bonus Choices/Scenes if Aiko is Obedience Level 4
 Ryoko........[Westside/Mansion/Mitsuko's Room] 1100-1130 (11:00AM-11:30AM) - week-end
o Bonus Choices/Scenes if Hikari is Obedience Level 2 

Generic Daily Events:

 All girls...Any toilet with a girl in it

 All girls...Any bathroom with a girl in it
 All girls...2300-0600 (11:00PM-6:00AM) - Any bedroom with a girl sleeping in it

Character-Specific Daily Events:

 Aiko (Level 1).,,,,,,,.[Eastside/Hospital/Office] 0900-1200 (9:00AM-12:00PM) - weekdays

 Rin & Ayumi (Level 2)..[Downtown/Street E/Karaoke/Room] 1600-1800 (4PM-6PM) - week-end
 Saiko...............[Downtown/Street E/Karaoke/Room] 1400-1600 (2:00PM-4:00PM) - week-end
 Okimi (Level 2)........[Westside/School/Junior Classroom] 1100 (11:00AM) - weekdays
 Ryoko (Level 2)........[Downtown/Shopping Mall/Hall A/Clothes Shop] 1600 (4PM) - Saturday 
 Sarah (Level 2)........[Eastside/My House/Balcony] 2300 (11:00PM) - week end
o Bonus Choices/Scenes if Sarah is Obedience Level 3 or 4
 Sarah (Level 2)........ [Northside/Lakeside/Museum/Venue A] 1200-1400 (12PM-2PM) – week-end
o In this St. Patrick’s Day event, you may choose only 1 of the following 3 to join you
 Rin and Ayumi if both are Obedience Level 2 or higher
 Hikari if she is Obedience Level 2 or higher  
 Saiko if she is Obedience Level 3 or higher 

Christmas Events:
(These events can be triggered every 24 days (Day 24, Day 48, Day 72, etc.)

 Aiko (Level 2).....[Eastside/My House/Living Room], 2300 (11:00PM)

 Mitsuko (Level 3)..[Westside/Mansion/Entrance] 2300 (11:00PM)
 Naomi (Level 3)....[Eastside/Street A/Naomi’s House/Living Room] 2300 (11PM)

Character-Specific Commands:   

 All Girls (Any Level)...................[Any Room with a Bed] Sex (Different Position)
 All Girls (Any Level)...................[Any Room with a Chair] Sex (Different Position)
 Aiko & Saiko (Level 1)..................Massage
 Rin, Ayumi, Naomi, & Ryoko (All Level 1)..Handjob
 Hikari (Level 2)........................Cunnilingus
 Hikari (Level 1)........................Punishment Play
 Kana & Sarah (Level 1)..................Masturbation
 Kana (Level 1)..........................[Eastside/My House/Bathroom] Arm Grinding Masturbation
 Mitsuko (Level 1).......................Show Tits
 Mitsuko (Level 1).......................Show Ass
 Okimi (Level 1).........................Fingering
 Naomi & Ryoko (Level 2).................Ass Rub
 Ryoko (Level 3).........................Surprise Sex

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