Matlab Report

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Introduction to MATLAB

Definition of MATLAB:-
The name MATLAB stands for matrix laboratory.  MATLAB (matrix laboratory) is a multi-paradigm
numerical computing environment and proprietary programming language developed by
MathWorks.Although MATLAB is intended primarily for numerical computing, an optional toolbox uses
the MuPAD symbolic engine allowing access to symbolic computing abilities.. It provides an interactive
environment with hundreds of built-in functions for technical computation, graphics, and animation.
MATLAB is a high-performance language for technical computing. It integrates computation, visualization,
and programming in an easy-to-use environment where problems and solutions are expressed in familiar
mathematical notation. Typical uses include: Math and computation. Algorithm development, Data analysis
and many other application .Mathematica, Maple, and Macsyma are primarily symbolic algebra packages.
In fact, if you know any of these packages really well, you can do almost every calculation that MATLAB
does using that software. There are other packages, such as Xmath, that are also closer in aim and scope but
seem to be popular with people in some specialized application areas. Matlab supports almost all operating
Basics of MATLAB:-
 The MATLAB Command Window is the main window where you type commands directly to
the MATLAB interpreter. The MATLAB Editor Window is a simple text editor where you can load,
edit and save complete MATLAB programs
 Launch Pad: This sub window lists all MATLAB related applications and toolboxes that are installed
on your machine.
 Workspace: This sub window lists all variables that you have generated so far and shows their type
and size.
 Command History: All commands typed on the MATLAB prompt in the command window get
recorded, even across multiple sessions (you worked on Monday, then on Thursday, and then on
next Wednesday, and so on), in this window.
 Current Directory: This is where all your files from the current directory are listed
 Graphics window: The output of all graphics commands typed in the command window are flushed
to the graphics or Figure window, a separate gray window with (default) white background colour.
 Edit window: This is where you write, edit, create, and save your own programs in files called ‘M-
File types:- MATLAB has three types of files for storing information
 M-files are standard ASCII text files, with a .m extension to the filename.
 Mat-files are binary data-files, with a .mat extension to the filename.
 Mex-files are MATLAB-callable Fortran and C programs, with a .mex extension to the filename
Some general commands of MATLAB:
 Online help and offline:- help(Ctrl + F1), helpwin, helpdesk
 Workspace information:- who, whos, what, clear,clc
 Directory information:- pwd, cd, dir, ls
 General information:- computer, clock, date, more.

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