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Artificial Intelligence Improving Safety and Risk Analysis: A Comparative

Analysis for Critical Infrastructure

A. Guzman1, S. Ishida3, E. Choi4, A. Aoyama2.
Graduate School of Technology Management, Ritsumeikan University, Ibaraki, Japan

Abstract - Recently, the sustainability of traditional nonlinear problems in complex environments of

technologies employed in critical infrastructure brings a uncertainty. For example, the findings of a comparative
serious challenge for our society. In order to make decisions study presented in [3] suggest that the accuracy of the
related with safety of critical infrastructure, the values of artificial intelligence methods is superior to the traditional
accidental risk are becoming relevant points for discussion.
However the challenge is the reliability of the models
statistical methods regarding nonlinear patterns in risk
employed to get the risk data. Such models usually involve assessment. The basic idea of using artificial intelligence
large number of variables and deal with high amounts of (AI) methods in safety is focused in the objective of
uncertainty. The most efficient techniques to overcome those imitating the human expertise scoring risks and setting
problems are built using Artificial Intelligence (AI). tolerance levels.
Therefore, this paper aims to investigate and compare AI As stated by the AI pioneer, Herbert Simons [4], the
algorithms for risk assessment. These algorithms are AI have introduced new techniques that enhance the
classified mainly into Expert Systems, Artificial Neural procedural rationality of decision-makers, supporting
Networks and Hybrid intelligent Systems. This paper them in handling complexity and great masses of
explains the principles of each classification system, as well
as its applications in safety. Lately, this paper performs a
comparative analysis of three representative techniques, The most popular AI methods found in the literature, and
such as Fuzzy-Expert System, Neural Networks, and employed in risk assessment, are mainly classified as
Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System. Expert systems, Artificial Neural Networks and Hybrid
Keywords – Risk Assessment, Safety, Artificial Intelligent Systems.
Intelligence, ANFIS Hence, this study intends to investigate the AI
methods, and compare its performance in evaluating risks,
I. INTRODUCTION specifically evaluating risks related with the safety of
The sustainability of traditional technologies related with critical infrastructure.
critical infrastructure constitutes one of the major The body of this paper is divided in four sections. The
challenges that today’s societies and firms are facing. first section describes the Expert Systems and their
Besides that, the adaptation of those technologies to the applications in safety. The following section defines the
effects of the climate change in sensible environments Artificial Neural Networks, and presents their related
represents a critical concern for safety and risk applications. The third section describes the Hybrid
management. Regarding this issue, reference [1] argue intelligent Systems and presents their uses in safety.
that social consequences of catastrophic risks are Lastly, the algorithms are implemented and a comparative
increasing rapidly, due mainly to the concentration of analysis is discussed.
people and critical infrastructure in hazard-prone areas,
aggravated by the lack of knowledge about the risks. II. METHODOLOGY
Additional to the social consequences described The methodology employed by this study follows a
above, and considering the industrial sector as critical hybrid technique of empirical research, which combines
infrastructure due to its large impact to the economy in qualitative and quantitative analysis. The qualitative
case of a failure the relevance of industrial safety has analysis is focused in the investigation of risk assessment
become a critical issue for the current society [2]. Then, methodologies using artificial intelligence in the field of
regarding the safety concern, industrial operators and process safety. On the other hand, regarding the
regulators have been performing risk assessments in quantitative analysis, a comparison of risk assessment
attempts to evaluate accurately probabilities of failure of methodologies is performed using simulation analysis.
the infrastructure, and consequences associated with those
However, estimating accidental risks in critical Expert systems are broadly defined as a structured
infrastructure involves a substantial effort and costs due to methods that contain a body of knowledge that emulates
number of variables involved, complexity and lack of human expert decision-making skills in a specific domain
information. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate and of expertise [3]. Hence, the concept behind expert systems
compare artificial intelligence algorithms for risk is basically the process of transferring the expertise from
assessment, which could be capable to deal efficiently a human to a computer program [5]. Then, the knowledge
with the complexity and uncertainty. is stored in a database of the computer, and by using a set
The advantage point of the artificial intelligence of inference procedures, operators can make complex
methods is that they have been largely employed in risk decisions that might require substantial human expertise
assessment as efficient engineering tools to solve for their solution. As shown in Fig. 1, a basic expert

978-1-5090-3665-3/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE 471

Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE IEEM

system comprises three main components: A user expert system for safety, the relationship between the
interface, a knowledge database and an inference engine. input variables (Probability and Consequence) and the
Expert Knowledge output variable (Risk) is defined by conditional rules
Data Base  extracted from conceptual risk matrixes. A typical rule
can be read as: If the Probability of Failure is Low and the
Input 1 Output 
Consequence of Failure is Very High, Then the Risk of
Inference Engine
Operations  Interface Failure is Medium.
These rules also can be built to deal with uncertainty
Fig. 1. Framework of a basic expert system through certainty factors and probability-based
algorithms, such as approaches that employ fuzzy logic
Thus, as presented in the framework of Fig. 1, expert [9]. For this reason fuzzy inference systems are
knowledge constitutes the core component of the whole commonly applied in risk determination.
process. Here, the knowledge can be represented using a A simple illustration of a fuzzy inference system for
variety of methods like semantic nets, frames, or risk assessment is depicted in Fig. 2. In this
predicated logic. However, the most common method for representation, the crisp inputs for probability (P) and
knowledge representation is the conditional rule method Consequence (L) are mapped into fuzzy triangular sets,
(if-then), also known as the production rule method [3]. which belong to a particular rule for risk determination.
The inference engine is then referred as the part that
processes input attributes and searches for rules in the
If Probability is: And Consequence is:  Then Risk is:
knowledge base to achieve a final solution [6].
Low Very High  Medium
There are several sub-categories of expert systems that Rule 
could be found in the literature. These sub-categories
basically differ by the nature of the inference engine. P L  
Among the most relevant categories for safety, these Fig. 2. Fuzzy inference system for risk assessment
methods include: Rule-based systems (RB), knowledge-
based systems (KB), fuzzy expert systems (FB), and case- B. Expert-base algorithm for Risk Assessment
based reasoning (CB). In order to compare the performance of safety
In general, the main advantages of this type of artificial analysis using AI techniques, this paper intend to extract
intelligence are established by its capacity to deal with representative algorithms from each of those techniques.
uncertain or missing data, and its ability to combine For the case of expert systems, the algorithm evaluates
quantitative and qualitative data [7]. Because of these accident attributes based on inputs for probabilities and
advantages, expert systems have been widely employed in consequences of failure. A representative algorithm,
safety domains. Regarding safety of critical infrastructure, presented in [7], emulates the thinking process of experts
expert systems have been employed successfully in risk in the field of pipelines safety. This expertise is combined
assessment, knowledge base maintenance, probabilistic with deterministic values in a knowledge engine. This
fault diagnosis, engineering failure analysis, and incident process is schematically depicted in Fig.3.
management. A sample of these applications are
Inference engine
categorized in Table I.
TABLE I Knowledge Base
Sample of application of Expert Systems (ES) in Safety Rules (Risk Matrix)

Application Authors
Category Probability
Inference Process
Rule base maintenance RB Higa and Lee (1998)
Fuzzy Logic Operations
Probabilistic fault diagnosis RB Leung (2000) Consequence Risk
Engineering failure diagnosis KB Graham-Jones (1995)
Plant incident management KB Finch and Lees (1997) Fig. 3. Expert-base algorithm for risk assessment [7]
Fault diagnosis CB Yang et al. (2004)
Fault diagnosis FB Lee et al. (2000) The inference process is implemented following an
Source: [5] aggregative inference process and a centroid method of
A. Risk assessment using expert systems defuzzification, typically computed as follows:
An artificial system for accidental risk assessment ∗

could be considered as a procedure that emulates the
decision-making of an expert regarding the safe operation Where ∗ is the crisp value for the fuzzy risk
of certain infrastructure [6]. Defining expert as the person distribution ( , and is the membership function of
who is able to solve safety-related problems that the the risk distribution.
general population cannot, or a person who is able to In summary, the B. Expert-base algorithm tests the
solve those problems much more efficient. attributes of probabilities and consequences, and based on
One common way of represent expert knowledge in the the fuzzy inference process, assess whether the risk is
safety field is as a collection of conditional rules of the tolerable or not. Then, the critical characteristics of an
form if-then, which are extracted mainly from risk accidental failure can be analyzed in detail to implement
assessment matrixes. Therefore, as stated in [8], in an effective safety measures.

Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE IEEM

IV. ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS IN SAFETY maintenance planning. A sample of these applications are
DOMAINS categorized in Table II.
A large number of techniques in AI have been TABLE II
inspired by biological mechanisms with the aim of Sample of application of ANN in Safety of Infrastructure
emulate human learning and bio-evolution [10]. One of Application Sub-Category Authors
the most representative techniques inspired by the Fault diagnosis Static Pattern Hung et al. (2004)
biological structure of the brain is the artificial neural Hazard identification Static Pattern Ruiz (2000)
Monitory systems Dynamic Pattern Seker (2003)
network, which consists of a large amount of Alarm systems Dynamic Pattern Pehrsson (2000)
interconnected neurons that cooperate each other to Risk assessment Static Pattern Sii (2000)
produce an output stimulus. Fault diagnosis GMHD Witczak (2005)
Artificial neural network (ANN) could be defined as
information processing systems which use learning and A. Risk assessment using ANNs
adaptive capabilities [3]. This systems has been applied Along with the learning abilities of the ANNs, other
extensively in computational modeling of subjective advantage that potentiates their application in safety and
information, decision making and forecasting risk assessment is related with the capability of analyzing
applications. large quantities of data to determine patterns under
The basic design of an ANN consists of a number of uncertain environments. Therefore, ANNs serve as
nodes connected through directional links. Each node powerful tools to deal in situations where quantitative
symbolizes an information processing unit, and the arrows relationships are not available or inaccurate [13].
symbolize the causal link between connected nodes [11]. As described in [14], the risk assessment method
A common architecture of an ANN is shown in Fig. 4, in employing ANNs consists basically of a set of sensory
which the nodes are represented by circles, some of which units that constitute the input layer, a hidden layer of
serve as input nodes, output nodes, and hidden nodes. computation, and an output layer of computation. The
neurons in the input layer compute the information
X1 Input Layer Hidden Layer Output Layer
regarding Probability of failure , and Consequence of
Y1 failure . The neurons in the hidden layer extract the data
K K from the input vector and use them to estimate the risk
K value on the output vector. These hidden neurons are
K K responsible for the reasoning part of the process.
Xn K
Regarding the learning stage, this is carried out by
following either a back propagation analysis or a feed
Fig. 4. Common architecture of ANN forward methodology, such as the GMDH method.
The algorithm of an ANN could be described as the B. ANN algorithm for Risk Assessment
information flow between inputs ( , , … ) and A representative algorithm to evaluate risks using
outputs ( , ) through a pattern of connectivity of ANNs is presented in Fig. 5. Same as the expert-base
nodes. This connectivity is characterized by the algorithm, the ANN algorithm estimates the risk based on
connection strength between nodes, its weight, and the inputs for probabilities and consequences of failure.
layers arrangement. Each node has an activation level, Then, as depicted in Fig. 5, the input values are processed
which is computed by using the activation rule (function in the first layer by the neurons with the probability and
that combines the inputs) and produces an output consequence functions and . Later on, in the
according with the output function [10]. hidden layer each neuron has an activation value into it,
The learning process of an ANN is referred as the obtained from the neurons of the previous layer; these
iterative process of adjustment applied to its connection activation values are multiplied by the strength of the
weights with the aim of adapting to its real environment. associated weight. These products are summed and passed
Then, as stated in [11], the learning process takes part through a transfer function that fractionize the summed
when the free parameters of an ANN are modified inputs into a scale from 0 to 1. Finally, this values are
through a process of stimulation by the environment in computed in the output neuron in order estimate the risk
which the network is set. One of most accurate learning value. When the final value obtained from the output
methods for ANNs is described by a regression analysis layer cannot meet the acceptable error criteria, it is
called group method of data handling (GMDH), which necessary to adjust the weights in an iterative process.
consists in the determination of the optimal configuration
of the ANN and its parameters employing polynomial
The applications of ANN can be classified in two
major generic classes: Static pattern recognition class, and
dynamic control and monitoring [12]. Regarding
applications in safety domains, these are mainly
associated with hazard identification, diagnostic systems,
monitoring systems, safety alarms, supervisory systems,
chemical sensors programming, risk assessment, and
Fig. 5. ANN algorithm for risk assessment

Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE IEEM

Then from Fig. 5, processing an input vector , a neuron nonlinear complex systems embedded in dynamic
k produces an output denoted by: environments, which means that the information is
, , 2 difficult to capture and the global optimal solution is hard
to obtain with a single intelligent algorithm [17].
Lately, the error is obtained comparing the output
Therefore, risk assessment techniques using HIS tend to
value with a target output , which is denoted by:
be a synergy between fuzzy expert systems and neural
networks. In most of these applications, HIS techniques
V. HYBRID INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS FOR SAFETY use fuzzy numbers to represent the data of probabilities
ANALYSIS and consequences of failure. Later on, this techniques
Hybrid Intelligent systems (HIS) are defined as construct a neural network based on inference rules from
efficient and robust systems that synergistically combine the risk matrix. Lately, a process of calibration or training
complementary strengths of diverse computational of the network is performed in order to adjust the learning
intelligence techniques, and overcome the weakness of pattern using fuzzy numbers.
the processing capabilities to solve difficult learning tasks As stated in [3], the main advantages of this risk
[15]. HIS not only represents the interaction of multiple assessment techniques using HIS are the ability of dealing
intelligent techniques but also integrates intelligent with linguistic representations, qualitative aggregation of
techniques with current computer systems and databases the knowledge base, and the learning ability of the neural
[3]. Then, single intelligent technologies serve as the base networks. These techniques are known in the literature as
structure to build algorithms that may emulate human Neuro-Fuzzy systems, Fuzzy Adaptive Networks (FAN),
decision-making to support complex processes. or Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS).
As stated in [16], the research in the HIS field work
has been focused mainly in areas like micro-level B. HIS algorithm for Risk Assessment
integration of fuzzy-expert systems and neural networks Among the recent applications of hybrid techniques
among others. The reason for the integration of these in safety, the most representative architecture is
intelligent techniques is established by their characterized by the ANFIS structure, which is depicted
complementary attributes in learning capability, in Fig. 6.
brittleness and explanation. The learning capability is The ANFIS algorithm is defined as a multilayer network
referred to the ability of the model to adapt itself to its which uses neural network learning structure and fuzzy
current environment. Brittleness is referred to the inability reasoning with the aim of mapping inputs, such as
of an intelligent system to deal with lack of information, probabilities and consequences of failure, into an output
inexact variables or inconsistent knowledge. And the value, such as the risk.
explanation property is referred to ability to provide users As can be seen from Fig. 6, the ANFIS structure consists
with explanations of the reasoning process employed [16]. of five layers of processing. In the first layer all nodes are
Table III shows a comparative scoring of these adaptive nodes that generate membership grades from the
complementary attributes. inputs. In the second layer, the nodes are fixed nodes with
TABLE III a multiplication function denoted by Π. The third layer
Complementary Attributes of Intelligent Systems consists of fixed nodes with a normalization function
Attributes Score (1-5) denoted by N. The fourth layer consists of adaptive nodes
Learning Coping with Explanation that compute the consequent parameters of the fuzzy
ability Brittleness process with the normalized values. Lastly, the fifth layer
ES (Conventional) 1 1 5 computes the overall output as a summation of values
ES (Fuzzy) 1 5 4
ANN 5 5 1 coming into this node. This could be expressed as:
*Source: [16], Scale 1: weak, 5: Strong)
Although the application of HIS in safety is relatively
new, most of this related applications are associated with Where, represents the number of inputs ( and ),
infrastructure health monitoring, structural damage, represents the number of conditional rules, and , , and
seismic hazards and risk analysis. A sample of these are the consequent parameters of the fuzzy process.
applications are categorized in Table IV.
Sample of application of HIS in Safety of Infrastructure
Application Methodology Authors
Infrastructure monitoring Multi-Agent Liang (2015)
Structural damage Neuro-Fuzzy Wang (2008)
Seismic hazards Neuro-Genetic Liu (2014)
Risk analysis Neuro-Fuzzy Fragiadakis (2013)

A. Risk Assessment and HIS

Regarding risk evaluations, HIS has been recently Fig. 6 ANFIS structure for two inputs.
applied because their synergistic features coping with
uncertainty and learning ability. Besides that, most of
applications related with safety and risk assessment are

Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE IEEM

VI. ALGORITHMS IMPLEMENTATION AND error in less quantity of iterations. Therefore, ANFIS
RESULTS might constitute a suitable choice to estimates accidental
Regarding the comparison analysis of the algorithms risks for critical infrastructure.
presented in sections III, IV and V of this paper, the Although the selection of the risk assessment
dataset employed was taken from a pipeline study-case approach depends on the complexity of the environment
presented in [7]. Then, the objective was to take three and the quality of the information available, the most
samples of information and calculate the mean absolute efficient and accurate assessment could be achieved by a
percentage error (MAPE) of each intelligent algorithm. synergetic combination of artificial intelligent techniques.
In order to make a fair comparison of the artificial The limitations established by these artificial
intelligence algorithms, the MAPE is calculated based on techniques, which are object of study for future research,
same inputs and trained with previous failure data over a are related with the subjectivity of the defuzzification
100 iterations. methods and commonly insufficient data for activation
A. Performance Analysis and training the ANNs.
The inputs for the ES, ANN, and ANFIS algorithms ACKNOWLEDGMENT
were the probability of failure, ranging from 0 to 1, and The corresponding author would like to extend his
the consequence of failure, which is estimated in gratitude to the Otsuka Toshimi Scholarship Foundation
monetary units using a logarithmic scale. Moreover, ES for contribute to the realization this research paper.
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