Stream Sequential Pattern Mining With Precise Error Bounds

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Stream Sequential Pattern Mining with Precise Error Bounds

Luiz F. Mendes 1,2 Bolin Ding 1 Jiawei Han 1

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2 Google Inc. {bding3, hanj}

Abstract we cannot store all the stream data in memory) and that we
can only look at each stream component once, without per-
Sequential pattern mining is an interesting data mining forming any blocking operation.
problem with many real-world applications. This problem Because of these constraints, traditional data mining
has been studied extensively in static databases. However, methods developed for static databases cannot be applied
in recent years, emerging applications have introduced a for mining data streams. As a result, since the emergence
new form of data called data stream. In a data stream, of data streams, many new methods have been proposed
new elements are generated continuously. This poses ad- for frequent pattern mining [5] [7], classification [1] [11],
ditional constraints on the methods used for mining such and clustering [2] [4] in data streams. However, there has
data: memory usage is restricted, the infinitely flowing orig- been little work on finding effective methods for mining se-
inal dataset cannot be scanned multiple times, and current quential patterns from data streams. There are many impor-
results should be available on demand. tant real-world applications of this problem. For example,
This paper introduces two effective methods for mining consider sequences generated by sensor networks, financial
sequential patterns from data streams: the SS-BE method tickers, and web click-streams. In each of these cases, the
and the SS-MB method. The proposed methods break the data is generated as a stream, yet we would still like to find
stream into batches and only process each batch once. The sequential patterns from the data for analysis.
two methods use different pruning strategies that restrict In this paper we propose two effective methods for min-
the memory usage but can still guarantee that all true se- ing sequential patterns from data streams: SS-BE (Stream
quential patterns are output at the end of any batch. Both Sequence miner using Bounded Error) and SS-MB (Stream
algorithms scale linearly in execution time as the number Sequence miner using Memory Bounds). The general
of sequences grows, making them effective methods for se- framework for the two methods is similar, as both break
quential pattern mining in data streams. The experimental up the stream into fixed-sized batches and perform sequen-
results also show that our methods are very accurate in that tial pattern mining on each batch. Both algorithms consist
only a small fraction of the patterns that are output are false of storing the potentially frequent subsequences in a lexico-
positives. Even for these false positives, SS-BE guarantees graphic tree structure. The main difference between our two
that their true support is above a pre-defined threshold. methods involves the way they use pruning mechanisms to
limit the amount of memory needed.
1 Introduction The SS-BE method ensures that all truly frequent se-
The problem of mining sequential patterns from a large quences remain in the tree and are output when the user
static database has been studied extensively by data min- requests the list of frequent sequential patterns seen up to
ing researchers. This is an important problem with many that point. It has another advantage of guaranteeing that
real-world applications such as customer purchase behav- the true support of the false positives is above some pre-
ior analysis, DNA sequence analysis, and analysis of sci- defined threshold. To the best of our knowledge, SS-BE is
entific experiments, to name just a few [10]. However, in the first method for solving the stream sequential pattern
recent years, new applications such as network traffic analy- mining problem that guarantees no false negatives while
sis, web click-stream mining, and sensor data analysis have also placing a bound on the error of the false positives.
emerged and introduced a new kind of data referred to as The SS-MB method has the advantage that the maximum
data stream [8]. A data stream is an unbounded sequence in memory usage after processing any batch can be controlled
which new elements are generated continuously. Any min- explicitly. Although theoretically this method may only be
ing method for data streams must consider the additional able to guarantee that there are no false negatives after exe-
constraints that memory usage is restricted (meaning that cution, it can also place a lower bound on the true count of
any sequence that is output. it. The count of the root node will always be the number
The running time of each algorithm scales linearly as of sequences seen in the data stream. The tree T0 will be
the number of sequences grows and the amount of memory stored in memory at all times.
used is bounded in both cases through the pruning strategies For the SS-BE method, each node below the root in the
employed. These properties make both methods effective tree T0 will have four attributes:
choices for stream sequential pattern mining. • item: denotes an item represented by this node;
2 Problem Definition • count: denotes the count of the sequence correspond-
ing to the path from the root to this node;
Let I = {i1 , i2 , . . . , ij } be a set of j items. A sequence is
• T ID: denotes the timestamp of the batch in our data
an ordered list of items from I denoted by hs1 , s2 , . . . , sk i.
stream that introduced this node to the tree;
A sequence s = ha1 , a2 , . . . , ap i is a subsequence of a se-
• batchCount: indicates how many batches have con-
quence s0 = hb1 , b2 , . . . , bq i if there exist integers i1 <
tributed to the count of this node since the last time it
i2 < · · · < ip such that a1 = bi1 , a2 = bi2 , . . . , ap = bip .
was introduced to the tree.
A data stream of sequences is an arbitrarily large list of
sequences. A sequence s contains another sequence s0 if s0 The algorithm takes the following input values: (1) a
is a subsequence of s. The count of a sequence s, denoted by stream of sequences D = S1 , S2 , . . .; (2) minimum support
count(s), is defined as the number of sequences that con- threshold σ; (3) significance threshold  where 0 ≤  < σ;
tain s. The support of a sequence s, denoted by supp(s), (4) batch length L; (5) batch support threshold α where
is defined as count(s) divided by the total number of se- 0 ≤ α ≤ ; and (6) pruning period δ.
quences seen. If supp(s) ≥ σ, where σ is a user-supplied The first step is to break the data stream into fixed-sized
minimum support threshold, then we say that s is a frequent batches, where each batch contains L sequences. For each
sequence, or a sequential pattern. batch Bk that arrives, we apply PrefixSpan [10] to it, using
Our goal in solving this problem is to find all the sequen- support α. Each frequent sequence si that is found, having
tial patterns in our data stream. count ci , is inserted to the tree T0 . If a path corresponding
to this sequence does not exist in the tree, then one must
Example 1: Suppose the length of our data stream is only 3 be created, setting the batchCount and count values of the
sequences: S1 = ha, b, ci, S2 = ha, ci, and S3 = hb, ci. Let us new nodes to 0 and the T ID values to k. In either case,
assume we are given that σ = 0.5. The set of sequential pat- once the node corresponding to this sequence exists in T0 ,
terns and their corresponding counts are as follows: hai:2, we increment its count by ci and its batchCount by 1.
hbi:2, hci:3, ha, ci:2, and hb, ci:2. 2 Every time the number of batches seen is a multiple of
While we stated above that the goal of the problem is to the pruning period, δ, we prune the tree T0 . For each node
find all the sequential patterns in our data stream, this is not in the tree, we define B to be the number of batches elapsed
actually possible. Recall that in a data stream environment since the last pruning before it was inserted in the tree, and
we cannot store all the sequences we have seen along with let B 0 = B−batchCount. If count+B 0 (dαLe−1) ≤ BL
their respective exact counts. Thus, the goal is to find the for a given node, then we delete the entire subtree rooted at
set of approximate sequential patterns. that node from the tree.
3 The SS-BE Method The above steps are repeated until the user requests the
set of sequential patterns. At that point, we compute the
The SS-BE method is inspired by the Lossy Counting al-
number of sequences seen, N = kL, and output all se-
gorithm [7], a method for solving a different, simpler prob-
quences corresponding to nodes in the tree having count ≥
lem: frequent item mining from data streams. Because it
(σ − )N . This guarantees that all true sequential patterns
solves a different problem, the SS-BE method is signifi-
are output and that any false positives have real support
cantly different from the Lossy Counting algorithm. How-
count at least (σ − )N , as proven in the next subsection.
ever, both methods guarantee no false negatives and place
the same bound on the true support of the false positives. 3.2 Correctness
Lemma 1. In Algorithm 1, U = count + B 0 (dαLe − 1),
3.1 Algorithm which is computed for a node n during the pruning phase,
SS-BE uses a lexicographic tree T0 to store the subse- is an upper bound of the true count over the last B batches
quences seen in the data stream. The tree nodes denote of the sequence s corresponding to node n in the tree.
items and each path from the root to a node represents a Proof. For each batch Bi in the last B batches, U is in-
sequence where the items are the nodes on that path in the creased by max{countBi (s), dαLe−1}, where countBi (s)
root-leaf order. Thus, we can associate with each node n in is the true count of s in batch Bi .
our tree a corresponding sequence sn and a path Pn from Theorem 1. The algorithm produces no false negatives,
the root to the node. Each node will have a count value and all false positives are guaranteed to have true support
that will denote the count of the sequence corresponding to count of at least (σ − )N , where N is the stream length.
Because the pruning period is 2, we must now prune the
tree. For each node, B is the number of batches elapsed
since the last pruning before that node was inserted in the
tree. In this case, the last pruning can be thought of as oc-
(a) After batch 2 (b) After pruning curring at time 0. Thus, B = 2 for all nodes. For each
node, B 0 = B − batchCount. In this case, some nodes
Figure 1. States of T0 in SS-BE
have B 0 = 0, whereas others have B 0 = 1. According to
Proof. Suppose a sequence s is pruned n times, after the algorithm, we prune from the tree all nodes satisfying:
batches Bf 1 , Bf 2 , . . . , Bf n . Suppose the last pruning oper- count + B 0 (dαLe − 1) ≤ BL
ation before the sequence was inserted each of these n times
In this case, that reduces to: count + B 0 ≤ 4. The state of
occurred at batches Bi1 , Bi2 , . . . , Bin . Suppose (Bf 1 −
the tree after pruning is shown in Figure 1(b).
Bi1 ) = d1 , (Bf 2 − Bi2 ) = d2 , . . . , (Bf n − Bin ) = dn .
If the user requests the set of sequential patterns now,
Let d1 + d2 + · · · + dn = p. By definition of our pruning
the algorithm outputs all sequences corresponding to nodes
scheme and by Lemma 1, the true countP of the sequence s in
n having count at least (σ − )N = (0.75 − 0.5) ∗ 8 = 2. The
these p batches is less than or equal to i=1 (di L) = pL.
output sequences and counts are: hai:7, hbi:7, hci:5, and
The only other source of undercounting in the remaining
ha, bi:6. As guaranteed by the algorithm, there is no false
(N/L − p) batches occurs when a sequence is not frequent
negative. In this case, there is only one false positive: hci.
in its batch and thus does not have its true count from that
batch inserted to the tree. But in each such batch, the se- 4 The SS-MB Method
quence has true count below αL ≤ L. Thus, the maximum
The SS-MB method is inspired by the Space-Saving algo-
amount of undercounting here is (N/L − p)L. Adding the
rithm [9], which, like Lossy Counting [7], solves the simpler
two sources of undercounting gives pL + (N/L − p)L =
problem of frequent item mining from data streams.
N . Because our algorithm outputs all sequences having
count in the tree greater than or equal to (σ − )N , we are 4.1 Algorithm
guaranteed to get all the true sequential patterns. Further- Like SS-BE, the SS-MB method also uses a lexicographic
more, every node that is output is guaranteed to have true tree T0 to store the subsequences seen in the data stream.
support count least (σ − )N because our algorithm does The only difference in the structure of the tree from that
not perform any overcounting. used in the previous method is that here each node below
the root will have only three attributes:
3.3 Example Execution • item: denotes an item represented by this node;
Suppose the batch length L is 4, the minimum sup- • count: denotes the count of the sequence correspond-
port threshold σ is 0.75, the significance threshold  is ing to the path from the root to this node;
0.5, the batch support threshold α is 0.4, and the pruning • over estimation: denotes an upper bound on the
period δ is 2. Let batch B1 be composed of sequences over-estimation of the count of this node in the tree
ha, b, ci, ha, ci, ha, bi, and hb, ci. Let batch B2 be composed compared to the true count of the sequence corre-
of sequences ha, b, c, di, hc, a, bi, hd, a, bi, and ha, e, bi. As- sponding to this node.
sume the stream length N = 8, so we only process these Like the Space-Saving algorithm, SS-MB limits the number
two batches and then output the sequential patterns found. of monitored sequences by ensuring that the tree T0 will
The algorithm begins by applying PrefixSpan [10] to the never have more than a fixed number of nodes, m, after
first batch with minimum support 0.4. The frequent se- processing any given batch.
quences found, followed by their support counts, are: hai:3, The algorithm takes the following input values: (1) a
hbi:3, hci:3, ha, bi:2, ha, ci:2, and hb, ci:2. Nodes corre- stream of sequences D = S1 , S2 , . . .; (2) minimum support
sponding to each of these sequences are inserted into the threshold σ; (3) significance threshold  where 0 ≤  < σ;
tree T0 with the respective counts and a batchCount of 1. (4) batch length L; and (5) maximum number of nodes in
The algorithm then moves on to the next batch, applying the tree m. There will also be a variable min, initially set
PrefixSpan [10] to B2 , again with support 0.4. The fre- to 0, to keep track of the largest count of any node that has
quent sequences found, followed by their support counts, been removed from our tree.
are: hai:4, hbi:4, hci:2, hdi:2, and ha, bi:4. This causes the The first step is to break the data stream into fixed-sized
nodes corresponding to sequences hai, hbi, hci, and ha, bi to batches, where each batch contains L sequences. For each
have their counts incremented by 4, 4, 2, and 4, respectively. batch Bk that arrives, we apply PrefixSpan [10] to it, using
In addition, each of these nodes has its batchCount vari- support . Each frequent sequence si that is found, having
able incremented to 2. A new node is created corresponding count ci , is inserted to the tree T0 . If a path corresponding
to the sequence hdi, having count of 2 and batchCount of to this sequence does not exist in the tree, then one must be
1. The state of the tree at this point is shown in Figure 1(a). created, setting the over estimation and count values of
the new nodes to min. In either case, once the node corre-
sponding to this sequence exists in the tree, we increment
its count by ci .
After processing each batch, we check whether the num-
ber of nodes in the tree exceeds m. While this is true, we (a) After batch 1 (b) After batch 2
remove from the tree the node of minimum count. We then Figure 2. States of T0 in SS-MB
set min to equal the count of the last node removed.
The above steps are repeated until the user requests the that point. Because si was removed, cf was the minimum
set of sequential patterns. At that point, we compute the count value in the tree. The fact that the value of min never
number of sequences seen, N = kL, and output all se- gets smaller means that min ≥ cf . Based on this, we know
quences corresponding to nodes in the tree having count > that inf inite count(si ) ≤ cf ≤ min. This contradicts the
(σ − )N . The sequences corresponding to nodes having original assumption, concluding our proof.
count − over estimation ≥ σN are guaranteed to be fre- Theorem 2. If at the end of the algorithm min ≤ (σ −
quent. Furthermore, if min ≤ (σ − )N , then the algo- )N , where N is the stream length, then all true sequential
rithm guarantees that all true sequential patterns are output, patterns are output.
as proven in the next subsection. Proof. Any true sequential pattern s0 has real count(s0 ) ≥
σN . By Lemma 3, inf inite count(s0 ) > (σ − )N . If
4.2 Correctness min ≤ (σ − )N , then by Lemma 5 we know that s0 must
For a sequence s, let real count(s) denote the true sup- occur in our tree. Lemma 4 shows that tree count(s0 ) ≥
port count of s in the data stream. Let tree count(s) denote inf inite count(s0 ), which means that tree count(s0 ) >
the count value of the node corresponding to s in the tree (σ − )N and s0 is output at the end.
T0 . Let inf inite count(s) denote what the value of the
count variable of the node corresponding to s in the tree T0 4.3 Example Execution
would be if the tree had infinite capacity (m = ∞). Suppose the batch length L is 4, the minimum support
Lemma 2. For every sequence s, real count(s) − threshold σ is 0.75, the significance threshold  is 0.5, and
inf inite count(s) < N , where N is the number of se- the maximum number of nodes allowed in the tree after pro-
quences seen in the data stream. cessing any given batch is 7. Let batch B1 be composed
Proof. The only source of undercounting if the tree has in- of sequences ha, b, ci, ha, ci, ha, bi, and hb, ci. Let batch B2
finite capacity is from when a sequence is not frequent in be composed of sequences ha, b, c, di, hc, a, bi, hd, a, bi, and
a batch and thus does not get added to the tree. Suppose ha, e, bi. Let the stream length N = 8, so we only process
this occurs in B 0 batches. For each of these batches, the se- these two batches and output the sequential patterns found.
quence has true count below L. Thus, the total amount of The algorithm begins by applying PrefixSpan [10] to the
undercounting is less than B 0 L ≤ N . first batch with minimum support  = 0.5. The frequent se-
quences found are: hai:3, hbi:3, hci:3, ha, bi:2, ha, ci:2, and
Lemma 3. Every sequence s appearing in the tree T0 has
hb, ci:2. Nodes corresponding to each of these sequences
tree count(s) ≥ inf inite count(s).
are inserted into the tree T0 with the respective counts and
Proof. The only way tree count(s) would become less an over estimation of 0. The state of the tree after pro-
than inf inite count(s) would be through pruning. How- cessing this batch is shown in Figure 2(a).
ever, if a sequence s is removed from the tree, then The algorithm then moves on to the next batch, applying
min ≥ tree count(s). The value of min never be- PrefixSpan [10] to B2 , again with support 0.5. The fre-
comes smaller. If s is ever re-inserted to the tree, then its quent sequences found, followed by their support counts,
new value for tree count(s) is incremented by the current are: hai:4, hbi:4, hci:2, hdi:2, and ha, bi:4. So the nodes cor-
value of min, which is at least the value of tree count(s) responding to sequences hai, hbi, hci, and ha, bi have their
when it was last removed. This means tree count(s) ≥ counts incremented by 4, 4, 2, and 4, respectively. A new
inf inite count(s). node is created corresponding to the sequence hdi, having
Lemma 4. Any sequence si with inf inite count(si ) > count as 2 + min = 2 and over estimation as min = 0.
min must exist in the tree. Because there are now 8 nodes in the tree and the max-
Proof. Let us prove this theorem by contradiction: suppose imum is 7, we must remove the sequence having minimum
there exists a sequence si with inf inite count(si ) > min count from the tree. Breaking ties arbitrarily, the node cor-
that does not exist in the tree. Because this sequence had responding to the sequence hb, ci is removed. The variable
to have been inserted to the tree at some point, we know min is set to this sequence’s count before being deleted, 2.
that it has been removed since then. Suppose its count in The current state of the tree is shown in Figure 2(b).
the tree when it was last removed, tree count(si ), was cf . Suppose now the user requests the set of sequential pat-
By Lemma 4, we know that cf ≥ inf inite count(si ) at terns. The algorithm outputs all sequences corresponding to
nodes having count above (σ − )N = (0.75 − 0.5) ∗ 8 = 2. the algorithm finds all of its possible subsequences and in-
The output sequences and counts are: hai:7, hbi:7, hci:5, serts each one into a global lexicographic tree T0 , like the
and ha, bi:6. Because min = 2 ≤ (σ − )N = 2, the al- one used by our methods, with a count of 1. There is also
gorithm guarantees that there are no false negatives. In this a pruning period δ and a significance threshold . After ev-
case, there is only one false positive: hci. ery δ sequences, the algorithm prunes the tree in a similar
manner as our SS-BE method. Similarly, at the end all se-
5 Experimental Results quences having count at least (σ − )N are output, where
We implemented both algorithms SS-BE and SS-MB σ is the minimum support threshold and N is the stream
in C++ on a PC with an Intel Core2 Quad CPU at 2.4 length. This algorithm also guarantees that all true sequen-
GHz and 4 GB of memory. The operating system was tial patterns are output and that the false positives have true
Linux Fedora version 2.6.9-67. All experiments were support at least (σ − )N . We set  to 0.0099 and δ to 20.
performed on synthetic sequence data obtained through The execution time, maximum memory usage, and ac-
a sequential data generator in the IlliMine system pack- curacy, defined as in the previous experiment, for all three
age, which can be retrieved from the following website: methods are shown in Figures 3(d), 3(e), and 3(f), respec- tively, as functions of the average sequence length. No-
Exp-1 (Varying the number of sequences): For the fol- tice that both of our proposed methods scale extremely well
lowing experiments, the number of distinct items in the in- as the average sequence length increases. In contrast, the
put data was 100, the average sequence length was 10, the weakness of the naive method is exposed, i.e., the number
minimum support threshold (σ) was 0.01, the significance of sequences it generates grows exponentially with the av-
threshold () was 0.00999, and the batch length (L) was erage sequence length. In fact, when the average sequence
50,000. These values were used for both methods. The SS- length is 10, as in experiment 1, this naive method cannot
BE method had a batch support threshold (α) of 0.00995, complete in a reasonable amount of time. For this reason,
and a prune period (δ) of 4 batches. For SS-MB, the value we did not include it in experiment 1.
for the maximum number of nodes in the tree (m) was cho- 6 Discussion
sen to be the smallest possible value such that the algorithm
Comparing Methods: The main advantage of the SS-BE
still guaranteed that all true sequential patterns were output.
method is that it always guarantees that there are no false
On average, the ratio of m to the number of true sequential
negatives, while also placing a bound on the support of the
patterns was 1.115, with 1.208 being the highest value.
false positives. However, since there is no precise relation-
The running time, maximum memory usage, and accu-
ship between the significance threshold parameter  and the
racy, defined as the percentage of the output sequences that
maximum memory usage, the user may pick a value for 
are actually frequent, for our two methods are shown in Fig-
that forces the algorithm to remove nodes from the tree to
ures 3(a), 3(b), and 3(c), respectively. Notice that the run-
free up space before all the available memory is used. An-
ning time of the proposed algorithms scales linearly as the
other possibility is that the user may pick a value for  that
number of sequences grows, and that the maximum mem-
is too small and causes the system to run out of memory as
ory usage is very small. This feature is not only desirable,
a result of insufficient pruning. Neither of these can happen
but also necessary for mining sequential patterns from data
in the SS-MB method because the user can set the parameter
streams, where the number of sequences is unbounded.
for the maximum number of nodes in the tree based on the
Exp-2 (Varying the average sequence length): For the amount of memory available. Thus, by exploiting all of the
following experiments, the number of distinct items in the available memory in the system, the SS-MB method may be
input data was 100, the total number of sequences was able to achieve greater accuracy than the SS-BE method.
100,000, the minimum support threshold (σ) was 0.01, the
Related Work: Several algorithms have been proposed for
significance threshold () was 0.0099, and the batch length
stream sequential pattern mining, but, unlike SS-BE, none
(L) was 50,000. These values were used for both meth-
of them places a precise bound on the approximation.
ods. The SS-BE method had a batch support threshold (α)
of 0.0095, and a prune period (δ) of 1 batch. For SS-MB, the a) SMDS Algorithm: One of the proposed methods is the
value for the maximum number of nodes in the tree (m) was Sequence Mining in Data Streams (SMDS) algorithm [8],
chosen to be the smallest possible value such that the algo- which uses sequence alignment techniques for mining ap-
rithm still guaranteed that all true sequential patterns were proximate sequential patterns in data streams. Unlike our
output. On average, the ratio of m to the number of true SS-BE method, this method is unable to guarantee a precise
sequential patterns was 1.054, with 1.082 the highest value. level of “closeness” to the true set of sequential patterns.
In this experiment, we also compare the performance of b) SSM Algorithm: The Sequential Stream Mining (SSM)
our methods with that of a naive algorithm, which behaves algorithm [3] breaks the data stream into variable-sized
as follows: for each sequence that arrives in the data stream, batches. It keeps track at all times of the frequency counts
Maximum Memory Usage (MB)
250 8 1.05

Execution Time (s)

200 7.5 0.95

150 0.9
100 0.85
6.5 0.8
0 6 0.7
0 2e+06 4e+06 6e+06 8e+06 1e+07 100000 1e+06 1e+07 100000 1e+06 1e+07
Number of Sequences Number of Sequences Number of Sequences

(a) Execution Time (b) Maximum Memory Usage (c) Accuracy

Maximum Memory Usage (MB)

100000 1000 1.2
Execution Time (s)

10000 SS-MB SS-MB 1.1 SS-MB

Naive Method Naive Method Naive Method

10 10
1 0.8
0.1 1 0.7
4 5 6 7 8 4 5 6 7 8 4 5 6 7 8
Average Sequence Length Average Sequence Length Average Sequence Length

(d) Execution Time (e) Maximum Memory Usage (f) Accuracy

Figure 3. Experimental Results

of single items using a D-List structure. For each batch that age is restricted in both cases through the pruning strategies
arrives, it performs sequential pattern mining on that batch adopted. In addition, our experiments show that both meth-
using an algorithm for static databases and stores the results ods produce a very small number of false positives. Based
in a compact tree. The paper claims that all true frequent on these properties, our proposed methods are effective so-
sequences are found, but this may not be the case. The D- lutions to the stream sequential pattern mining problem.
List only stores items whose support count are greater than Acknowledgments: The work was supported in part
or equal to the total number of sequences seen so far multi- by the U.S. National Science Foundation grants IIS-08-
plied by the percentage maximum tolerance error, e. Before 42769/BDI-05-15813, NASA grant NNX08AC35A, a fel-
applying the sequential pattern miner on each batch, items lowship from Siebel Scholars Foundation, and Google Inc.
not in the D-List are removed from the batch, causing the
algorithm to possibly miss some true frequent sequences. References
c) GraSeq Algorithm: The GraSeq algorithm [6] generates [1] C. Aggarwal, J. Han, J. Wang, and P. S. Yu. On demand
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7 Conclusions March 2003.
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