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PART I: LISTENING (40 points)

Question 1: You are going to hear a talk on Canada. As you listen to the talk, complete the notes below by writing
no more than three words in the spaces provided. (20 points)
Canada is located in the northern half of the continent of North America northern parts of Canada are called the
land of 1. __________________ because at certain times of the year the sun 2. __________________ This northern
part of Canada is cold and mostly 3. __________________ with snow all year round. The original people in the northern
part of Canada are called 4“__________________” They are also called the “First Nation”. The populations in the Atlantic
provinces of Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island are small. The land there is not very
fertile so their main industries are forestry, 5. __________________ and mining. The province of British Columbia is in the
6. __________________ of Canada and is an attractive place for 7. __________________ because of its mild climate,
mountains, seacoast and 8. __________________. The original settlers came from Asia. In the 16th century, the first
Europeans arrived in 9. __________________ Canada. They came from Britain and France. By the end of the 10.
__________________ all of Canada was under British rule. In this century, Canada has had an influence of settlers from
all over the world.

Question 2: Listen to the recording and complete the table below with ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each
answer. (10 points)


Phone number: (1) __________________
USA Address : 509 Clark House,
1137 (2) __________________ Drive in Seattle
Packing day: Monday
Date: 11th (3) __________________
Clean – up by: 5:00 p.m.
Day: (4) __________________
About the Price: Rather expensive
Storage Time: (5) a __________________

Question 3: Choose the correct letter A, B, C, or D. (10 points)

1. What is the defining characteristic of a specialized course?
A. Taking a proficiency exam C. Attending the class immediately
B. Attending the class frequently D. Compulsory and regular
2. The Microbiology courses are available for __________________
A. full-time and flexible-time students. C. Microbiology students only.
B. full-time students only. D. students on a flexible schedule.
3. The Biology courses are available for __________________
A. all students. C. flexible-time students only.
B. full-time students only. D. freshmen only.
4. A Medical Science course will be opened next year because __________________
A. the lap equipment is too expensive. C. there are no computers.
B. the building is damaged. D. There are no experimental facilities.
5. Which is the quickest increasing subject in enrollment?
A. Medical Science B. Statistics C. Environmental Science D. Economics


Question 1: Choose the most suitable word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) to fill in each blank (20 points)
1. The great leader was ____ during a public forum, but no suspect has yet to be caught.
A. murdered B. assassinated C. invaded D. terminated
2. I agree with most of what you said, but I can’t ___ your idea of letting children leave school at 14.
A. catch up with B. keep up with C. go along with D. put up with
3. Congress has decreed that the gasoline tax ____________.
A. should abolished B. is abolished C. be abolished D. should be abolished
4. The judge _______ the criminal to twenty years in prison.
A. penalized B. punished C. sentenced D. inflicted
5. ___________ the eldest of five children and trained as a teacher, Dick never married.
A. Born B. Born as C. Being born D. Being born as

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6. Please use the parking spaces _______ for visitors.
A. be designating B. are designating C. were designated D. designated
7. The city _________ at one time prosperous, for it enjoyed a high level of civilization.
A. should have been B. was C. may have been D. must have been
8.“What’s the matter? You don’t look very well.” – “I feel a little _________________.”
A. out of the blue B. under the weather C. out of order D. under the impression
9. Charlotte Bronte died of tuberculosis, ________.
A. as did all her sisters B. and all her sisters did
C. and so were all sisters D. either did all her sisters
10. He carried a(n)_________ driving license.
A. untrue B. unfaithful C. artificial D. false
11. During the festival ______ were hanging from every tree.
A. decorator B. decorations C. decorative D. decorativeness
12. I’ve never really enjoyed going to the ballet or the opera; they’re not really my______.
A. piece of cake B. sweets and candy C. biscuit D. cup of tea
13. The complaints he received were like water off a duck’s ___________.
A. back B. wings C. body D. feather
14. It may be necessary ____ a new car.
A. that she buy B. that she had bought C. for her buy D. for her buying
15. If you want to join that club, you have to ____ a form and send it to your secretary.
A. fill up B. fill out C. fill into D. fill over
16. Down into the cave ____.
A. did the rescue party go B. the rescue party went
C. went the rescue party D. did go the rescue party
17. Many children who get into trouble in their early teens go on to become ____ offenders
A. consistent B. insistent C. persistent D. resistant
18. When facing problems, it is important to keep a sense of ____.
A. comparison B. relativity C. proportion D. introspection
19. The choir stood in four rows according to their ____ heights.
A. respective B. respected C. respectful D. respectable
20. “What have you been ______?” – “Oh, nothing much. The usual things.”
A. about B. down to C. out with D. up to

Question 2: Write the correct FORM of each bracketed word in the number space provided in the column on the
right. (0) has been done as an example (10 points)
Example: 0: willingly
We are the only animal that chooses what it will look like. True, the chameleon changes color- but not (0.
WILLING) _____________. Unlike us, it doesn’t get up in the morning and ask itself, “What shall I look like today?”, but
we can and do. Indeed, the (1.ANTIQUE) _____________ of body decoration points to the conclusion that it is a key
factor in our development as the (2.DOMINATE) _____________ life-form on our planet. No human society has ever
been found where some form of body decoration is not the norm.
By (3.CUSTOM) _____________ their physical appearance, our ancestors distanced themselves from the rest of
the animal (4.KING) _____________. Within each tribe this helped them to mark out differences of role, status and
(5.KIN) _____________. Our ancestors developed (6.ORDINARY) _____________ techniques of body decoration for
(7.PRACTICE) _____________ reasons. How to show where on tribe ends and another begins? How to memorably
underline the (8.SIGNIFY) _____________ of that moment when an individual becomes an adult member of society?
(9.ARGUE) _____________, without the expressive capabilities of such “body language” we would have been (10.
FINITE) _____________ less successful as a species.

Question 3: Each of the following sentences contains a mistake. Identify the mistake and then correct it. (10
1. Folding fans arrived in Europe in the sixteenth century from China, where they had been common used for more than
500 years.
2. Venus approaches the Earth more closely than any other planets are.
3. A basic knowledge of social studies, such as history and geography, are considered a basic part of the education of
every child.
4. The teacher found a great deal of mistakes in his students’ writing.
5. Regardless of your teaching method, the objective of any conversation class should be for the students to practices
peaking words.
6. Visitors may realize that even though they can’t make their homes in Venice city, they can take away with them
memories of their beauty.
7. The news of the negotiations for a peace treaty between the two Presidents were received with mixed emotions by the
citizens of both countries.
8. Almost all the students were confusing because Ms. Kelly’s explanation was unclear.
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9. The Girls Scouts, found by Juliette Gordon Low in 1912, has grown to a current membership of more than three million
10. Americans annually import more than $ 3 billion worthy of Italian clothing, jewelry, and shoes.
Your answer
1. _________________ —> _________________ 6. _________________ —> _________________
2. _________________ —> _________________ 7. _________________ —> _________________
3. _________________ —> _________________ 8. _________________ —> _________________
4. _________________ —> _________________ 9. _________________ —> _________________
5. _________________ —> _________________ 10. ________________ —> _________________

Question 4: Complete each sentence with a suitable form of the phrasal verbs in the box. Use each one once
only. (10 points)
start off cut down on drop in on get on with

start up (not) live up to take up live down

wear off go along with look up to come in for

1. The book you lent me _________ my expectations.

2. The effects of the painkiller _________ and my tooth began to hurt.
3. If it is difficult for you to _________ something you did wrong, it means people won’t forget it.
4. Unfortunately, Susie doesn’t _________ her new neighbors.
5. He _________ by pointing out the dangers involved in rock climbing.
6. Some very important issue was _________ all his attention.
7. I will_________ the idea if you’re sure it will work.
8. You should _________ smoking if you can’t stop completely
9. Most of his parents_________ Dr. Hickman for his kindness.
10. They are going to _________ a lot of criticism for increasing bus fares by so much.

PART III: READING (60 points)

Question 1: Choose the best word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following
passage. (15 points)
The weather across much of the British Isles (1) _____ settled last week, with a good (2) _____ of
sunshine. On Saturday, the lunchtime temperature at Bridlington in the northeast of England was 28.2oC, which
compared favorably with Alicante in southern Spain at 29oC. The rest of the world, however, was (3) _____ with some
extreme conditions. A tropical storm, given the name Helen, hit Hong Kong on Saturday morning, though her presence
had been (4) _____ in (5) _____. From noon on Friday, the showers and (6) _____ of rain became more and more
frequent so that by midnight on Sunday, thirty-six hours later, there had been 333mm of rainfall, not far off the (7) _____
for the month of August, at 367mm. Even on Sunday there was a (8) _____ in Helen’s tail. The town centre of Shanwei,
near Hong Kong, was flooded when 468mm of rain fell in the sixty hours (9) _____ up to midday on Sunday, (10) _____
twice the normal August rainfall. On the other (11) _____ of the globe, tropical storm Gabrielle moved across the Gulf of
Mexico and overnight rain (12) _____ the usual rainfall for the (13) _____ month. Although most of Europe enjoyed sun,
the high temperatures were sufficient to set off some (14) _____ showers. On Tuesday morning, a thunderstorm at Lyons
in eastern France (15) _____ 99mm of rain in just six hours.

1. A. Kept B. Remained C. Lasted D. Held

2. A. Extent B. Quantity C. Proportion D. Deal
3. A. Coping B. Matching C. Colliding D. Queuing
4. A. Waited B. Found C. Felt D. Warned
5. A. Light B. Advance C. Likelihood D. Day
6. A. Outbursts B. Outbreaks C. Outputs D. Outlets
7. A. General B. Standard C. Medium D. Average
8. A. Sting B. Prick C. Stab D. Poke
9. A. Going B. Leading C. Taking D. Approaching
10. A. Only B. Fairly C. Hardly D. Nearly
11. A. Section B. Side C. Face D. Part
12. A. Overtook B. Exceeded C. Passed D. Beat
13. A. Total B. Sole C. Single D. Whole
14. A. Huge B. Weighty C. Heavy D. Strong
15. A. Deposited B. Placed C. Lay D. Set

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Question 2: Read the following passage and choose one of four options A, B, C, or D to answer each question.
(10 points)
Sex–trait stereotypes may be defines as a set of psychological attributes that characterize men more frequently
than women. Thus, males are often described as ambitious, unemotional, and independent and, on the other hand, like
selfish, unrefined, and insensitive. Females are described as emotional, irrational, high-strung, and tentative. In spite of
the egalitarian movement, recent studies have demonstrated that sex-trait stereotypes remain common among young
adults today. In fact, such stereotyping has proved to be the psychological justification for social beliefs concerning the
appropriateness of various activities for men and women that further perpetuate the different sex roles traditionally
ascribed to men and women.
The awareness of sex – trait stereotypes in the United States develops a linear fashion between the ages of four
and ten. Generally, knowledge of male stereotypical characteristics develops earlier, whereas knowledge of female
characteristics increases more rapidly between the ages of four and seven. While the reasons for this learning are not
fully understood, evidence suggests that at the preschool level children’s literature and television programs provide
powerful models and reinforcement for stereotyped views. Studies designed to compare sex-trait stereotypes cross–
nationally show a high degree of correspondence in the characteristics ascribed to men and women. As finding have
been obtained in the other countries, two hypotheses have been advanced to explain the commonalities in sex trait
stereotyping. One states that pancultural similarities play a role in the psychological characteristics attributed to men and
women, and the second states that the general picture is one of cultural relativism.
1. The passage is probably an excerpt from an article on____.
A. sociology B. demographics C. psychotherapy D. sociobiology
2. Which of the following statements is supported in the passage?
A. The beliefs of young adults are more common among the old.
B. The beliefs of young adults have shown little change.
C. Young adults have participated in many common studied.
D. The egalitarian movement has been a resounding success.
3. In line 3, the word ambitious is closest in meaning to____.
A. anxious B. Ambiguous C. enterprising D. honest
4. In line 4, the word high-strung is closest in meaning to____.
A. nervous B. Hideous C. high-class D. fair-minded
5. In line 7, the word perpetuate is closest in meaning to____.
A. perplex B. maintain C. mount D. personalize
6. According to the passage, characterizations of men and women as having particular sets of attributed are____.
A. found in several countries B. reflected in modern fashion
C. uniform across all groups D. contingent on a socioeconomic class
7. It can be inferred from the second paragraph that young children learn about sex-trait stereotypes___.
A. by watching their parents B. when their learning is reinforced
C. by being exposed to various media D. after they start school
8. It can be inferred from paragraph that social beliefs precipitate ____.
A. nontraditional gender roles B. the rationalization for stereotyping
C. the on-going egalitarian change D. concerns for the legitimacy of sex traits
9. The author of the passage would most probably agree with which of the following statements?
A. Social attitudes are not likely to change radically
B. Social attitudes toward women have been updated and made more balanced.
C. Social attitudes toward men are continually nullified and modernized.
D. The women’s liberation movement has borne little fruit.
10. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A. A Cross–examination of Stereotypical Behaviors B. A Relativist Perspective on Stereotyping
C. The Pervasiveness of Sex–Trait Stereotypes D. A Unilateral Approach to Sex – Trait Stereotyping

Question 3: Read the passage and fill in each blank with ONE suitable word. (15 points)
Accidental inventors
A number of products (1) ______________ we commonly use today were developed quite by accident. Two of many
possible examples of this concept (2) ______________ the leotard and the Popsicle, each of which came (3)
______________ when an insightful person recognized a potential benefit in a negative situation.
The first of these accidental inventions is the leotard, a close- fitting, one- piece garment worn today by dancers,
gymnasts, and acrobats, (4) ______________ others. In 1828, a circus (5) ______________ named Nelson Hower was
faced with the prospect of missing his performance because his costume was (6) ______________ the cleaners. Instead
of cancelling his part of the show, he decided to perform in his long underwear. Soon, other circus performers began
performing the (7) ______________ way. When popular acrobat Jules Leotard adopted the style, it became (8)
______________ as the Leotard.
Another product (9) ______________ by chance was the Popsicle. In 1905, eleven – year – old Frank Epperson
stirred up (10) ______________ drink of fruit- flavored powder and soda water and then mistakenly left the drink, (11)
______________ the spoon in it, out on the back porch overnight. As the temperature (12) ______________ that night,

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the soda water froze around the spoon, creating a tasty treat. Years (13) ______________ remembering how enjoyable
the treat had been. Epperson went (14) ______________ business (15) ______________ Popsicles.

Question 4: Match each of the following headings with its suitable paragraph. The first one (0: H) as an example
has been done for you. There are two extra headings which you do not need to use. (5 marks)
A. Research holds the key to success B. New and improved techniques
C. A new kind of athlete D. New equipment has made a difference
E. Athletes are what they eat F. Personalized programs will help
G. The influence of drugs H. Is there a limit to record-breaking?
[0: ___H __]
A world record is every athlete’s dream, but the hard-won records of a few years ago are mostly just today’s qualifying
times. Roger Bannister’s famous four-minute mile of 1956 has been beaten by nearly 15 seconds, while almost an hour
and twenty minutes has been taken off the women’s marathon since 1953. ‘Faster, higher, stronger’ is the Olympic motto,
and today’s competitors continue to push back the boundaries of what the body can achieve. But one wonders if this can
[1: ______ ]
The last forty years have seen many important technological advances. For example, since the introduction of strong,
flexible fiberglass poles, over a meter has been added to the pole vault record. There have also been important
developments in the design the running shoe. And while a shoe won’t actually make someone run faster, modern shoes
do mean many more miles of comfortable, injury-free training.
[2: ______ ]
Pushing back the limits now depends more on science, technology and medicine than anything else. Athletic technique,
training programs and diets are all being studied to find ways of taking a few more seconds off or adding a few more cm
to that elusive world record. It seems that natural ability and hard work are no longer enough.
[3: ______ ]
The search to find more efficient ways of moving goes on. Analysis of an athlete’s style is particularly useful for events like
jumping and throwing. Studies show that long jumpers need to concentrate not on the speed of approach, as once
thought, but on the angle their bodies make with the ground as they take off. However, the rules governing each sport
limit advances achieved by new styles. For instance only one-footed takeoffs are allowed in the high jump.
[4: ______ ]
In the future, it should be possible to develop a more individual approach to training programs. Athletes will keep detailed
diaries and collect data to help predict the point when training becomes overtraining, the cause of many injuries. If
athletes fee all the information into a database, it may then be possible to predict patterns and to advise them individually
when they should cut down.
[5: ______ ]
Combining the right diet with a training program is vital. Athletes are continually searching for that special ‘go-faster’
ingredient, but apparently it’s still a battle to get them to drink sufficient liquid and to follow a balanced healthy diet
throughout all phases of training, competition and recovery. Diet in the period after an event is particularly important and
often neglected. An athlete who doesn’t replace all the liquid lost immediately after a hard run won’t be able to repeat the
performance at the same level 24 hours later.

Question 5: . You are going to read a magazine article. Eight sentences have been removed from the article.
Choose from the sentences A-K the one which fits each gap (1-10). There is one extra sentence which you do not
need to use. (10 marks)
When I saw the notice “Women film extras wanted” in a local newspaper, I jumped at the chance. As a child I had
dreamt of being a film star. (1). ______________
The casting interview, held in a church hall with many budding actors in attendance, went well, and two days later I was
told that I had been chosen. The production in question was revealed as Scottish Television’s Dr Finlay drama, which is
set in the 1950s.
(2) ______________. Extras are often left in the dark for some time when it comes to being told which role they will
play. Finally, the nature of my role was revealed; I was asked to play a mental hospital patient.
(3). ______________. Then, barely a week later, the day of filming dawned. All 13 of us extras, mainly housewives,
were told to change into our costumes in the wardrobe department. Then we were driven to the location, (4)
______________. It seems that it is common for old hospitals to be used in this way.
On arriving, we were given coffee and tea, which looked and tasted like cement. Then we were rushed off to make up.(5)
______________. Then we were sent to the minibus for a few hours, as the cameras rolled elsewhere.
After the second hour had passed I was becoming bored. (6) ______________. I had expected to be so busy that I had
not come prepared for a long wait. Many of the others had brought a book or knitting.
Three hours had now passed. (7) ______________. A large room in the hospital had been transformed into a dayroom
for that purpose. Although I had expected the room to be warm because of the lighting equipment present, it was quite

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When the director came in, we were instructed what to do and where to stand. Along with a few others, I was told to
sit at a table and weave baskets. (8) ______________. The cane we had to use was very long. On several occasions my
basket fell apart in front of my very eyes. On others I only succeeded in hitting a cameraman in the eye.
(9) ______________. Jean, who was barefoot, had to circle the floor. Poor Alice was asked to pretend to bang her
head against the wall. Meanwhile, Veronica swept the floor.
Thankfully, after just a few attempts, the scenes were done. (10) ______________. Although I found the experience
very interesting, my first screen role will almost certainly be my last.

A. This was not an easy task.

B. Life for the other extras was far from easy.
C. So some things just aren’t meant to happen, I suppose.
D. Despite my disappointment, I agreed to participate.
E. And so my first taste of this ‘glamorous’ career was over.
F. I was to lose some of my enthusiasm for the idea, however.
G. I bet stars are never treated like this, I thought.
H. Then at last we were called to do our scenes.
I. Now at last I would get my chance.
J. My hair was pinned back and make up was applied that gave me a pale
K. a hospital on the fringes of Glasgow

PART IV: WRITING (50 points)

Question 1: Rewrite the following sentences beginning with the given word. (7.5 points)
1. There has been a time when the English language was not in a state of change.
At no time _______________________________________________________
2. The President clearly felt the ministers he sacked had not acted swiftly enough.
The ministers sacked ______________________________________________
3. The climber nearly died when they founder him.
The climber was on ________________________________________________
4. The brochure gives hardly any useful information.
Precious ________________________________________________________
5. Our son is looking forward to going to Disney world.
Our son is excited _________________________________________________

Question 2: Rewrite the following sentences, using the word given in brackets. You must not alter the word in
any way. (7.5 points)
1. At first the new computer made me feel a bit afraid. (AWE)
2. If things go wrong, James, whatever you do, do not panic. (HEAD)
3. A government official leaked the story to the world press. (WIND)
4. The police arrived as the thieves were committing the crime. (RED-HANDED)
5. He liked the new job straight away. (DUCK)

Question 3: ( 35 points )
Violence among school students seems to be increasing. Write a passage of about 150 – 170 words to suggest
what should be done to help solve this problem.

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