T4 Rev Syllabus

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Tredfor Syllabus

College: Liberal Arts

Department: Theology and Religious Education Department
Course: Tredfor
Course Title: The Call of the Kingdom of God and Christian Responses

Course Description:
The Tredfor  course develops in the students the disposition and knowledge in discerning that Christian life is
both a vocation and a response of faith to the call of God. As such, it focuses on the sacraments of vocation and
commitment: Matrimony and Holy Order.

Key Topics:

1. Introduction to Theology, Kingdom of God 

2. The sacraments in general
3. Vocation as God's invitation and challenge to respond to the Kingdom of God
4. Preparation for Marriage: dating, courtship, engagement
5. Essential Characteristics of a Meaningful and fruitful married life
6. Preparation for Holy Order/Religious Life: Formation and On-going formation
7. Responsibility and Commitment to God's Call and Mission

Church documents, Canon Law, Holy Bible
Grun, A., The Seven Sacraments, NY: Continuum, 2005 (c. 6)
McBrien, R., Catholicism, London: Geoffrey Chapman, 2000 (Cc. 21 and 24)
O'Collins, G., Rethinking Fundamental Theology, London: Oxford UP, 2011 (ch. 13)
Rolheiser, R., Against an Infinite Horizon, NY: Crossroad, 1995 (ch.5)
Gray, J., Mars and Venus on a Date & Children are from Heaven, HarperCollins e-books

Course Requirements (Discussed in class on the first meeting, 27 May 2014)

1. Research/Report (30%):
(the class will be divided into two big groups. Each group will work on & present in class the books of J. Gray)
2. Exams (30%): Written and Final Oral Exams (based on Lectures, Reports, etc, esp. McBrien)
3. Readings (20%): on Marriage (Rolheiser, due 19 June), Priesthood (Grun, due 17 July)
4. Others (20%): Attendance and Class Participation (includes seatwork, group discussion, short quizzes,

Class policy (follows Student Handbook)

Faculty: Arnold Donozo (arnolddonozo@yahoo.com); mobile number: 0922-2061360 & 09277109450

Consultation: During class time only.

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