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Current General Knowledge

ABBREVIATIONS EDUCATION happy with the changes.

NAMICA: Nag Missile Carrier. 10 RECs to be upgraded to NITs
NIT: National Institute of
Technology. T HE Regional Engineering Colleges
(RECs) are to be upgraded to National
Kalam, A.P.J. Abdul

Ignited Minds: Unleashing the
Institutes of Technology (NITs) with
management control passing from hands
of State governments to a board of
A VUL Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul
Kalam, father of India’s missile
programme, is the NDA’s candidate for
power within India governors comprising professionals. The the post of President of India. A brilliant

W RITTEN by Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam,

the book tackles the scientists’
favourite theme, that of engaging minds
institutes will be funded entirely by the
The first 10 RECs selected are:
and non-controversial person, who has
risen to be the greatest in his field throu-
gh sheer hard work, talent and perseve-
of children and building resources for the Allahabad, Bhopal, Calicut, Hamirpur, rance, is to many a contemporary here.
future. It is a sequel to his “India 2020: A Jaipur, Kurukshetra, Nagpur, Rourkela, Born at Dhanushkodi, Tamil Nadu,
vision for the future” that offers a Surathkal and Silchar. They will also be on October 15, 1931, Mr Kalam did B.Sc
blueprint for elevating India. granted “deemed university” status. from St Joseph’s College, Tiruchirapalli.
Some of his ideas stress on the He is the first from his family to get a
necessity for a patriotism that transcends US overhauls SAT format graduation degree. He then studied
religion and politics, for role models who
point out the path to take, and for
confidence in oneself and in one’s
T HE College Board of USA has
formally announced that it was
undertaking a major overhaul of the SAT
aeronautical engineering at IIT, Madras.

strengths. test. The board also revealed new details

of its plans to make SAT, the leading
DEFENCE college entrance exam in the US, into a
Anti-tank Nag missiles test-fired three and a half hour test.

T WO Nag anti-tank guided missiles

were test-fired on June 21, 2002, from
the Interim Test Range at Chandipur on
The revised test, which will not be
given until March 2005, will be made up
of three sections, each scored on a 200 to
Sea. The long awaited Nag (cobra) is a 800 scale, and each differing at least
third generation, top-attack, fire and somewhat from the current verbal and
forget missile. math sections. The math test will cover
Nag is one of the five missile systems an additional year of high school math Under Kalam’s stewardship, India’s
being developed by the Defence Research and the format of the questions will be missile development programme took
and Development Organisation (DRDO) new. The verbal test, renamed the critical rapid strides, culminating in the
under its integrated Guided Missile reading test, will also have different successful launches of the Trishul, Prithvi,
Development Programme (IGMDP). kinds of questions, eliminating the verbal Agni, Nag and Akash missiles. The
The missiles were test-fired from analogies and quantitative comparisons crowning glory came with the Pokhran II
special containers in clear weather that have been mainstays of SAT nuclear tests. He was conferred the
conditions to establish their advanced courses. The most striking change is the nation’s highest civilian honour, the
manoeuvrability and top attack trajectory new writing test, including both an essay Bharat Ratna, in 1997. He had been
along with other parameters. Design and multiple choice grammar and copy- honoured with the Padma Vibhushan in
work on the 6-km range Nag started in editing questions. 1990 and the Padma Bhushan in 1981.
1988, and it was first test-fired in Many college admissions officers Kalam quotes with equal ease from
November 1990. said they felt this would spur high the Koran and the Bhagavad Gita, plays the
The land version will be fired from a schools to emphasise good writing skills. veena, writes poetry in Tamil and
tracked vehicle labelled the Nag Missile The essays, designed to assess basic admires Subrahmanya Bharati. He never
Carrier (NAMICA), which is a modified writing skills, not creativity, will be married.
BMP-2 infantry combat vehicle. The scored based on criteria like sentence
missile is also being configured to be structure and grammar errors. Sehgal, Lakshmi
fired from the Advanced Light Helicopter
(ALH). The helicopter version was test-
fired from a modified Mi-17 helicopter in
The new test is likely to pose special
problems for immigrants and others
whose first language is not English, and
A N associate of Netaji Subhash
Chandra Bose, she was the nominee
of the Left parties for the election to the
March 1998. some advocates for those groups are not post of President of India.


A Padma Vibhushan awardee, she is expected when they left Earth in MLAs.
the first woman to contest for the top December—the American milestone for A formula laid down in the
political post of India. As a young girl space flight endurance. Constitution determines the
she had participated in the nationalist Carl Walz and Daniel Bursch passed number of votes each elector commands.
movement and led the Rani Jhansi the 188-day mark in space during their The basic principle governing the
regiment of Netaji. She became active in overnight sleep period, pushing them formula is of proportional
Left politics after the 1971 war. ahead of astronaut Shannon Lucid, who representation. In other words, the
stayed six months on the Russian space attempt is to ensure that each legislator’s
PLACES station Mir in 1996. votes reflect the population he actually
Tehzeeb Mahal represents.

I T is a first of its kind in Asia. The Rs

3.63 crore modern heritage emporium,
being built in Srinagar, is a double
Robot spacecraft to probe comets

N ASA is preparing to launch a

spacecraft whose mission is to make
The formula attempts to achieve this
as follows: The population of each State
is divided by 1,000 and then by the
storeyed air-conditioned complex spread the closest observations ever of the frozen number of elected MLAs in the State
over 15,000 sq feet area. The complex will cores of comets and to stand ready to be assembly. The number thus derived
house an art gallery, an art museum, an diverted if a newly discovered comet is the value of each MLA’s votes from
auditorium, a show room and sundry passes near the Earth. that State. The system also tries to ensure
facilities that will widen the scope of The robot spacecraft, called Contour, a balance between the value of votes of
cultural and craft exchanges in Srinagar. for Comet Nucleus Tour, is part of an parliamentarians and State legislators.
Tehzeeb Mahal is being designed as armada of international probes being sent Hence, the next part of the formula takes
part of countrywide chain of 22 Kashmir forth to solve some of the mysteries of this number—549,474—and divides it by
arts emporia, run by J & K Handicrafts these icy bodies that traverse the solar the total number of elected MPs, which is
(Sales and Exports) Corporation. system and may have played a major role 776, to work out the value of each MP’s
in the evolution of Earth. votes. This, after rounding off, yields a
RESEARCH If successful, Contour will make the figure of 708 votes per MP. Hence, the
Get ready for laser travel most detailed observations ever of the total value of all MPs’ votes equals 708

I N a breakthrough out of the realms of

Star Trek, scientists in Australia have
successfully teleported a laser beam of
nuclei of two very different types of
comets as they make their closest
approaches to the Sun and are most
multiplied by 776, which is 549,408. The
grand total of votes in the electoral
college thus adds up to 1,098,882 a little
light from one spot to another in a split active. over a million.
second. On November 12, 2003, the The population figure to be
A team of physicists at the spacecraft is to fly by an older, less active considered is the relevant census tally
Australian National University (ANU) comet called Encke, which was first under the Constitution. However, since
successfully disembodied a laser beam at spotted in 1786. the 1974 presidential elections, the 1971
one location and rebuilt it at a different Then, on June 19, 2006, Contour will census has formed the basis for the
spot about one metre away, at the blink visit the more active and younger calculation.
of an eye. Project leader Ping Koy Lam Schwassman-Wachmann 3, a comet Each elector marks his ordered
said there was a close resemblance discovered in 1930, that broke into preference for the candidates in the fray.
between what his team had achieved and several pieces in 1995, perhaps exposing At the first count, only the first
the movement of people in the science pristine inner material. preference votes are tallied. If any of the
fiction series Star Trek, but reality was still candidates at this stage secures more
light years away—beaming human MISCELLANEOUS than the required “quota” of votes, he or
beings between locations. How is the Indian President she wins. The “quota” is simply one
However, the breakthrough opens up elected? more than half the total valid votes
enormous possibilities for future super fast
and super secure communications systems,
such as quantum computers. Physicists
T HE President is elected by an
electoral college consisting
of the elected members of both
polled by all the candidates put together,
that is a majority of votes. If no
candidate reaches the quota after the first
believe quantum com-puters could Houses of Parliament and the round of counting, the candidate
outperform classical computers with enor- elected members of the Legislative with the least votes at that stage is
mous memory and the ability to solve Assemblies of the States. Only eliminated and the second preference
problems million times faster. elected members from part of the marked by those voting for him are
electoral college, not those nominated to added on to the votes of the relevant
SPACE RESEARCH any of the relevant legislative bodies. For candidates. This process is
Stuck in space, US astronauts set the forthcoming presidential elections, continued with each subsequent
record there are a total of 4,896 electors, round till one of the candidates

T WO US astronauts woke up on June

13, 2002, with a record they never
consisting of 543 Lok Sabha members,
233 Rajya Sabha members and 4,120
reaches the “quota” and is declared the


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