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Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI)

Report For: Sam Poole

ID: HF175947
Date: 2.06.2019

© 2018 Hogan Assessment Systems Inc.

Insight Report HPI

The Hogan Personality Inventory is a measure of normal personality that contains seven primary scales and six
occupational scales used to describe Mr. Poole's performance in the workplace, including how he manages stress,
interacts with others, approaches work tasks, and solves problems. Although this report presents scores on a scale-by-
scale basis, every scale contributes to Mr. Poole's performance. This report notes strengths as well as areas for
improvement and provides discussion points for developmental feedback.

• When examining HPI scale scores, it is important to remember that high scores are not necessarily better, and low scores
are not necessarily worse. Every scale score reflects distinct strengths and shortcomings.

• HPI scores should be interpreted in the context of the person's occupational role to determine whether these
characteristics are strengths or areas for potential development.

• The HPI is based upon the well-accepted Five Factor Model of personality.

Scale Definitions
HPI Scale Name Low scores tend to be High scores tend to be

open to feedback calm

Adjustment candid and honest steady under pressure
moody and self-critical resistant to feedback

good team players energetic

Ambition willing to let others lead competitive
complacent restless and forceful

good at working alone outgoing

Sociability quiet talkative
socially reactive attention-seeking

direct and frank friendly

Interpersonal Sensitivity willing to confront others warm
cold and tough conflict averse

flexible organized
Prudence open-minded dependable
impulsive inflexible

practical imaginative
Inquisitive not easily bored quick-witted
uninventive poor implementers

hands-on learners interested in learning

Learning Approach focused on their interests insightful
technology-averse intolerant of the less informed

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Insight Report HPI

Executive Summary
Based on Mr. Poole’s responses to the HPI, on a day-to-day basis, he seems:
• Unfazed by external pressure and rarely, if ever, shows signs of stress. Others may sometimes perceive his resilience as
arrogance because little seems to bother him and because he may tend to ignore feedback.
• Assertive, competitive, and task-oriented. He will seek opportunities to lead and take initiative and may be frustrated if
they are not available.
• Outgoing, gregarious, and approachable. He enjoys being the center of attention and will start conversations and
network well, but he may also talk too much and not listen well.
• Pleasant, cooperative, tactful, and friendly. He should be good at relationship management but tends to avoid
confrontations or conflict.
• Responsible, detail-oriented, and amenable to close supervision. He can be somewhat inflexible but otherwise a good
organizational citizen.
• Curious, innovative, creative, tolerant, and open-minded. He may also seem impractical and easily bored.

• Knowledgeable, up to date, and interested in learning. He should do well in structured learning or training environments
and may find it hard to understand people who have no interest in formal learning.

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Insight Report HPI

Percentile Scores
The percentile scores indicate the proportion of the population who will score at or below Mr. Poole. For example, a score
of 75 on a given scale indicates that Mr. Poole's score is higher than approximately 75% of the population.

• Scores of 0 to 25 are considered low

• Scores of 26 to 50 are considered below average
• Scores of 51 to 75 are considered above average
• Scores 76 and above are considered high




Interpersonal Sensitivity



Learning Approach
This report is valid and interpretable. Norm:Global

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Insight Report HPI

Scale: Adjustment

The Adjustment scale predicts the ability to handle stress, manage emotions, and listen to feedback.

Score Interpretation
Mr. Poole's score on the Adjustment scale suggests he tends to:
• Be unaffected by chaotic environments and heavy workloads
• Be calm and confident in stressful circumstances
• Be perceived as possibly arrogant
• Ignore past mistakes
• Resist or dismiss feedback

Discussion Points
The points below are designed to facilitate discussion with a coach or feedback provider to explore assessment results and
reflect on opportunities for development based on the context of the participant's role.
• Describe your approach to dealing with job stress.
• When and how is it appropriate to seek feedback on your job performance?
• How do the moods of your coworkers affect you?
• How do you typically respond to feedback that others give you?

Subscale Composition
The subscales below should be interpreted by a certified Hogan coach or feedback provider. They are designed to provide
more detailed insight into Mr. Poole’s unique personality characteristics.
Empathy Absence of irritability

Not Anxious Absence of anxiety

No Guilt Absence of regret

Calmness Lack of emotionality

Even-tempered Not moody or irritable

No Complaints Does not complain

Trusting Not paranoid or suspicious

Good Attachment Good relations with authority figures

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Insight Report HPI

Scale: Ambition

The Ambition scale predicts leadership, drive, competitiveness, and initiative.

Score Interpretation
Mr. Poole's score on the Ambition scale suggests he seems:
• Competitive, energetic, and eager to succeed
• To seek challenges and take initiative in groups
• To be interested in office politics and enjoy leadership roles
• To become restless in positions where there is no room for advancement

Discussion Points
The points below are designed to facilitate discussion with a coach or feedback provider to explore assessment results and
reflect on opportunities for development based on the context of the participant's role.
• What role do you typically assume on projects where there is no established leader?
• When and how is it appropriate to engage in office politics to advance one's career?
• How competitive do you tend to be with your colleagues? Has this hurt or helped your career?
• How do you seek and pursue opportunities for career advancement?

Subscale Composition
The subscales below should be interpreted by a certified Hogan coach or feedback provider. They are designed to provide
more detailed insight into Mr. Poole’s unique personality characteristics.
Competitive Being competitive, ambitious, and persistent

Self-confident Confidence in oneself

Accomplishment Satisfaction with one's performance

Leadership Tendency to assume leadership roles

Identity Satisfaction with one's life tasks

No Social Anxiety Social self-confidence

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Insight Report HPI

Scale: Sociability

The Sociability scale predicts a person's interest in frequent and varied social interaction.

Score Interpretation
Mr. Poole's score on the Sociability scale suggests he seems:
• Outgoing, talkative, gregarious, and approachable
• To make a strong first impression and enjoy being the center of attention
• Comfortable in high-profile positions involving interaction with the public
• To prefer to talk rather than to listen.

Discussion Points
The points below are designed to facilitate discussion with a coach or feedback provider to explore assessment results and
reflect on opportunities for development based on the context of the participant's role.
• How important is it for every team member to contribute in a meeting?
• How do you balance talking with listening to engage in effective communication?
• Do you tend to work better on group or individual projects? Why?
• How do you establish and maintain a network of relationships?

Subscale Composition
The subscales below should be interpreted by a certified Hogan coach or feedback provider. They are designed to provide
more detailed insight into Mr. Poole’s unique personality characteristics.
Likes Parties Enjoys social gatherings

Likes Crowds Finds large crowds exciting

Experience Seeking Preference for variety and challenge

Exhibitionistic Seeks attention

Entertaining Being charming and amusing

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Insight Report HPI

Scale: Interpersonal Sensitivity


The Interpersonal Sensitivity scale predicts charm, warmth, tact, and social skill.

Score Interpretation
Mr. Poole's score on the Interpersonal Sensitivity scale suggests he seems:
• Perceptive, insightful, and sensitive to people's feelings
• Aware of the needs of others
• To manage relationships well and get along with a wide range of people
• Reluctant to confront poor performers

Discussion Points
The points below are designed to facilitate discussion with a coach or feedback provider to explore assessment results and
reflect on opportunities for development based on the context of the participant's role.
• Describe your approach to confronting others' negative performance issues.
• How do you tend to balance the feelings of coworkers with the needs of the business?
• How important do you feel it is for coworkers to like each other?
• What is your approach to developing relationships with internal or external customers?

Subscale Composition
The subscales below should be interpreted by a certified Hogan coach or feedback provider. They are designed to provide
more detailed insight into Mr. Poole’s unique personality characteristics.
Easy to Live With Tolerant and easygoing nature

Sensitive Thoughtful and considerate

Caring Concerned about others

Likes People Enjoys being around others

No Hostility Generally accepting

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Insight Report HPI

Scale: Prudence

The Prudence scale predicts self-control, conscientiousness, and work ethic.

Score Interpretation
Mr. Poole's score on the Prudence scale suggests he seems:
• Organized, hardworking, and planful
• Reliable, dependable, and conscientious
• To work well with established rules and processes
• Inflexible and perhaps resistant to change

Discussion Points
The points below are designed to facilitate discussion with a coach or feedback provider to explore assessment results and
reflect on opportunities for development based on the context of the participant's role.
• How structured and planful are you with your work? How does this affect your ability to adapt on the fly but also
complete objectives on time?
• What is your general orientation to rules and regulations?
• How do you react to quickly changing work conditions?
• How likely are you to work long hours to complete a project?

Subscale Composition
The subscales below should be interpreted by a certified Hogan coach or feedback provider. They are designed to provide
more detailed insight into Mr. Poole’s unique personality characteristics.
Moralistic Adhering strictly to conventional values

Mastery Being hardworking

Virtuous Being principled

Not Autonomous Concern about others' opinions of oneself

Not Spontaneous Preference for predictability

Impulse Control Lack of impulsivity

Avoids Trouble Professed probity

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Insight Report HPI

Scale: Inquisitive

The Inquisitive scale predicts curiosity, creativity, and openness to experience and ideas.

Score Interpretation
Mr. Poole's score on the Inquisitive scale suggests he seems:
• Imaginative, curious, and open-minded
• Willing to challenge policy and propose alternative solutions
• Interested in the big-picture and strategic issues
• Fond of ideas that others may find unrealistic

Discussion Points
The points below are designed to facilitate discussion with a coach or feedback provider to explore assessment results and
reflect on opportunities for development based on the context of the participant's role.
• How do you strike a balance between innovation and pragmatism?
• How do you respond to routine, yet essential, tasks and responsibilities?
• Describe your approach to linking daily work to strategic goals.
• How do you respond to individuals who are resistant to change and innovation?

Subscale Composition
The subscales below should be interpreted by a certified Hogan coach or feedback provider. They are designed to provide
more detailed insight into Mr. Poole’s unique personality characteristics.
Science Ability Interest in science

Curiosity Curious about the world

Thrill Seeking Enjoyment of adventure and excitement

Intellectual Games Interested in riddles and puzzles

Generates Ideas Ideational fluency

Culture Wide variety of interests

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Insight Report HPI

Scale: Learning Approach


The Learning Approach scale predicts a person's learning style and/or preferred method for acquiring new knowledge.

Score Interpretation
Mr. Poole's score on the Learning Approach scale suggests he seems:
• Interested in learning, training, and staying up to date with new developments in his field
• Bright and well informed
• To do well in formal training or education settings
• Surprised when others are not well informed or interested in learning

Discussion Points
The points below are designed to facilitate discussion with a coach or feedback provider to explore assessment results and
reflect on opportunities for development based on the context of the participant's role.
• How do you ensure your knowledge and skills remain up to date?
• How do you evaluate the potential usefulness of training opportunities?
• Describe your preferred approach to learning new skills.
• What is more important to you: developing existing skills or learning new skills? Why?

Subscale Composition
The subscales below should be interpreted by a certified Hogan coach or feedback provider. They are designed to provide
more detailed insight into Mr. Poole’s unique personality characteristics.
Education Being a good student

Math Ability Being good with numbers

Good Memory Remembers things easily

Reading Keeps up to date

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Insight Report HPI

Occupational Scales
The HPI occupational scales predict a person's competency to perform in six general occupational roles. The scales are
based on research comparing high and low performers in each of the job categories. The scales assess qualities that
distinguished the high-rated performers from the low-rated performers. Note: This information is designed for use in
employee selection and hiring. It is not recommended for use in employee development.

The HPI occupational scales include:

• Service Orientation Concerns potential for performance in jobs requiring customer service
• Stress Tolerance Concerns being able to deal with stress and pressure at work
• Reliability Concerns being a good organizational citizen
• Clerical Potential Concerns potential for performance in administrative and clerical jobs
• Sales Potential Concerns potential for performance in sales jobs
• Managerial Potential Concerns potential for performance in managerial jobs
The scores indicate the proportion of the population who will score at or below Mr. Poole.
• Scores of 0 to 25 are considered low
• Scores of 26 to 50 are considered below average
• Scores of 51 to 75 are considered above average
• Scores 76 and above are considered high

Service Orientation

Stress Tolerance


Clerical Potential

Sales Potential

Managerial Potential

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Insight Report HPI

Scale: Service Orientation


The Service Orientation scale identifies people who treat customers and colleagues in a courteous and helpful manner.
High scorers seem kind, considerate, and tactful. Low scorers seem abrupt, tense, irritable, and preoccupied.

Score Interpretation
Mr. Poole's score on the Service Orientation scale suggests he has above average potential to perform in roles requiring
strong customer service.

Subscale Composition
The subscales below should be interpreted by a certified Hogan coach or feedback provider. They are designed to provide
more detailed insight into Mr. Poole’s Service Orientation score.
Virtuous Being principled

Empathy Absence of irritability

Sensitive Thoughtful and considerate

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Insight Report HPI

Scale: Stress Tolerance


The Stress Tolerance scale identifies people who easily handle stress, pressure, and heavy workloads. High scorers seem
calm, resilient, and even-tempered. They are not bothered by disruptions or unexpected reversals and rarely turn crises
into personal dramas. Low scorers seem moody, self-critical, and easily upset.

Score Interpretation
Mr. Poole's score on the Stress Tolerance scale suggests he has the potential to perform well in stressful roles.

Subscale Composition
The subscales below should be interpreted by a certified Hogan coach or feedback provider. They are designed to provide
more detailed insight into Mr. Poole’s Stress Tolerance score.
Not Anxious Absence of anxiety

No Guilt Absence of regret

Accomplishment Satisfaction with one's performance

No Complaints Does not complain

Calmness Lack of emotionality

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Insight Report HPI

Scale: Reliability

The Reliability scale identifies people who willingly follow rules and respect corporate values in the workplace. High
scorers are good organizational citizens who will seem dependable, responsible, and self-disciplined. Low scorers will tend
to be less compliant and rule observant.

Score Interpretation
Mr. Poole's score on the Reliability scale suggests he should perform well in roles requiring compliance and rule

Subscale Composition
The subscales below should be interpreted by a certified Hogan coach or feedback provider. They are designed to provide
more detailed insight into Mr. Poole’s Reliability score.
Good Attachment Good relations with authority figures

Impulse Control Lack of impulsivity

Avoids Trouble Professed probity

No Hostility Generally accepting

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Insight Report HPI

Scale: Clerical Potential


The Clerical Potential scale identifies people with talent for clerical work and administrative responsibilities. High scorers
seem mature, hardworking, socially skilled, and willing to take charge. Low scorers seem tense, indecisive, and anxious.

Score Interpretation
Mr. Poole's score on the Clerical Potential scale suggests he should perform well in clerical or administrative roles.

Subscale Composition
The subscales below should be interpreted by a certified Hogan coach or feedback provider. They are designed to provide
more detailed insight into Mr. Poole’s Clerical Potential score.
Not Anxious Absence of anxiety

No Complaints Does not complain

Avoids Trouble Professed probity

Leadership Tendency to assume leadership roles

Caring Concerned about others

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Insight Report HPI

Scale: Sales Potential


The Sales Potential scale identifies people with talent for sales. High scorers seem to enjoy being the center of attention
and are described as self-confident, sociable, and quick-witted. They also seem talkative, outgoing, and assertive. Lower
scorers tend to be shy, quiet, and reserved.

Score Interpretation
Mr. Poole's score on the Sales Potential scale suggests he should perform well in sales roles.

Subscale Composition
The subscales below should be interpreted by a certified Hogan coach or feedback provider. They are designed to provide
more detailed insight into Mr. Poole’s Sales Potential score.
Self-confident Confidence in oneself

No Social Anxiety Social self-confidence

Likes Parties Enjoys social gatherings

Likes Crowds Finds large crowds exciting

Experience Seeking Preference for variety and challenge

Exhibitionistic Seeks attention

Entertaining Being charming and amusing

Easy To Live With Tolerant and easygoing nature

Likes People Enjoys being around others

Impulsivity Acting on impulse

Thrill Seeking Enjoyment of adventure and excitement

Generates Ideas Ideational fluency

Self-focus Being introspective

No Impression Management Lack of concern about social feedback

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Insight Report HPI

Scale: Managerial Potential


The Managerial Potential scale identifies people with talent for building and maintaining effective teams. High scorers are
described as ambitious, competitive, hardworking, and wanting to be in charge. They are seen as trustworthy, planful, and
efficient. Low scorers seem passive, reactive, or lazy.

Score Interpretation
Mr. Poole's score on the Managerial Potential scale suggests he should perform well in managerial roles.

Subscale Composition
The subscales below should be interpreted by a certified Hogan coach or feedback provider. They are designed to provide
more detailed insight into Mr. Poole’s Managerial Potential score.
Education Being a good student

Accomplishment Satisfaction with one's performance

No Complaints Does not complain

Identity Satisfaction with one's life tasks

Mastery Being hardworking

Avoids Trouble Professed probity

Leadership Tendency to assume leadership roles

Competitive Being competitive, ambitious, and persistent

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