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NAME: Brayan Sneider Blanco Rueda DATE: 15/04/2020

Actividad 1 – Select and write from the Paragraph the topic sentence, body
and closing sentence.

Actividad 2 – Name the Paragraph

Actividad 3 – Translate into Spanish the Paragraph.

A paragraph consists of several sentences that are grouped together.

Topic Sentence The topic sentence is the first sentence in a paragraph.

Parts of a Supporting Details They come after the topic sentence, making up the body of a
Paragraph paragraph. Order of importance, or chronology.

Closing Sentence The closing sentence is the last sentence in a paragraph.

The city of Toronto has many wonderful attractions. The most notable site is the tall and majestic CN Tower. Secondly,
Toronto has many restaurants, because of its culturally diverse communities. Finally, Lake Ontario provides an incredible
view for visitors. These qualities make Toronto a very attractive city for tourists.

Topic sentence: The la city of Toronto has many wonderful attractions.

Body: The most notable site is the tall and majestic CN tower. Secondly, Toronto has many
restaurants, because of its culturally diverse communities. Finally, Lake Ontario provides an
incredible view for visitors.

Closing sentence: These qualities make Toronto a very attractive city for tourists.

Name of the Paragraph: Importance of marketing in the companies (importancia del marketing en las empresas)

Escriba aqui el tema del que le gustarìa escribir para este corte (in English, example
The War (la Guerra):

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