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ESL Reading Course & Mask Making

Service-Learning Paper
John Perry, 5/1/2020
2150, M&W 10:00am - 11:20am

Community Partner
For my service-learning project I worked with two different group for separate

projects. One project for an ESL class that focused on reading. And then I made

face masks for an elderly couple that I used to live next to.

ESL Class: Andrew (Andy) Shaw. SLCC. TB 018D,

Masks: Victoria Crosby. 801-330-8621

With the English Second Language class I was able to talk to Andrew and set up a

reoccurring tame to come in each Tuesday and Thursday. I would come in an hour

and a half during those days and help teach the students trying to learn English.

The class focused on those students who have already learned a passable amount

of English, but were focusing on reading it. On most days, I was assigned to work

individually with a specific student. I rotated around and would give them

individual coaching on the day that I was assigned to them. The class itself was
small, but very diverse. One student was from China, another from Africa, and

three from Mexico.

With the mask making project I sewed masks for an elderly couple that I used to

live next to. They both have early onset of dementia and one is immune

compromised. The other is Native American and is very expressive of his culture.

With the COVID-19 outbreak, they are confined to their house. I have reached out

to them and have found that there is a lot that I could do for them. I spent a few

hour sewing masks for them to make sure they are safe and protected when/if

they need to go out.

Culture Group
There were a lot of different cultural groups within the English second language.

There was a student from a part of China, there was a student from Africa, and

there were three students from different parts of Mexico. These students from

Mexico came from the northern, central, and southern parts of the country. All of

these different geographical locations cultivate a difference in culture. Each of

these students came from completely different backgrounds and represented

their own culture.

With the elderly couple, the husband was Native American and belongs to the

Yaqui tribe. As for the wife, belongs to the same culture as me.

With the very nature of the English Second Language class, the biggest obstacle to

overcome was the language barrier. This was very evident from the moment I

stepped into the classroom. All of the students didn’t speak the language that I

did. There were a few that spoke Spanish and I was able to understand and

communicate more with these individuals as this barrier was not as great

between us. However, the language itself was not the only issue with the

students. You could tell there was a difference between the cultures through

what was communicated and the thoughts that each student had about a variety

of subjects.

With the older couple there wasn’t many challenges. With Lee, the husband, he

was already assimilated into western culture and so there wasn’t many issues or

differences that arose between us due to the difference in culture. He understood

my culture in depth and offered to help me understand his.

There was one theory that I have always liked and have tried to notice when I talk

to those in other cultures and that is Face theory. There was a very distinct

difference in the way the student from China exemplified this theory. I think the

reason for why I noticed it so much in him is because his culture has a far different

idea of face than what I am accustom to here in the United States. He was always

looking out to protect China and the idea of it in any way he could. He would talk

about his family frequently and stated that they were the reason why he was in

school. However, most of the other students stated that they were in school to

help their families as well.

With Lee, it surprised me to learn that Native Americans have a face more similar

to that of the Chinese. This is at least from what I deciphered when talking to Lee

about the culture with him.

I was able to talk and work with all of the students in the class and see a little

more into their perspective and the culture of each of them. There was a lot of

different theories that I was able to notice when talking with them. Some of these
theories included Standpoint Theory, High Context Culture vs. Low Context

Culture, and Face Theory.

With Standpoint Theory, I was able to talk to the students and see where the

came from and try to understand their individual culture to know what made

them chose to believe, say, and do the specific things that they did.

With high context and the low context cultures I was able to notice a similarity to

those who had more involvement with Face theory. Those who had higher

context cultures usually had more of an affiliation with face. This went for both

the students and Lee.

When I first started this service-learning project, I thought it was going to be fun. I

have always enjoyed learning about new peoples and trying to understand their

background and culture. This combined well with my love for teaching as I got to

learn and teach at the same time. Throughout the time working with these

students I felt I was taught more than I expected. I was able to get new insights

and see things from more than one perspective while talking to these students

from all these different cultures. I feel I was able to learn even more than I would
have just going in on my own because I was able to learn about the different

theories and then take actual time to observe these theories in different cultures.

Before starting to work with this class, I thought of being civically engaged as

helping those around you better their lives through community service. After

participating in this opportunity, I would say that definition was further engrained

into me.

I would say that the contribution that I was able to make fell into the category of

being civically engaged. Although it was small and probably will be forgot by even

those who were in the class, I feel it helped bring me closer to understanding

more about other cultures and how to come together and create a third culture.

Having this knowledge should help me build and create relationships that are not

limited to the boundaries of my own culture.

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