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The Creation of new Provinces in Pakistan: Implications for an Integrated



1. Introduction
2. Population of Pakistan
3. Population of provinces of Pakistan and its implications
4. Demand and movement for the creation of new provinces in Pakistan (Hazara Province,
Baluchistan liberation front, Mohajir Province)
5. Administrative and Political deficiencies
6. Hurdles in the creation of new provinces
7. Need of new provinces in Pakistan
8. Benefits of new provinces in Pakistan
9. National unity vs Provincialism
(Integration vs Disintegration)
10. Conclusion

Creation of new provinces can bring several positives as well as negative outcomes
on country’s health but in Pakistan this issue has been so venomously politicized by few
political parties of strength that even a minuscule buzz of new province is brutally crushed
by creating false impression of national disintegration and inculcating fear of discord and
division among masses. The ultimate side-effect of this relentless brainwashing is that we
have lost sight of the actual pros and cons which emanates through the creation of new

Pakistan’s latest estimated population is 207,774,520. This makes Pakistan the world’s fifth
most populous country just behind Indonesia and slightly ahead of Brazil. Pakistan’s urban
population expanded over sevenfold whereas the total population has increased by fourfold
in last 19 years. The average population growth rate is 2.40%. Latest estimated population
of Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan and KPK is 11 million, 4.78 million, 1.23 million and 3.05
million respectively. The humongous proliferation of our provincial population is evident
from the fact that only 11 countries population is more than that of Punjab. Only 31
countries are ahead of Sindh and 41 countries are ahead of KPK in terms of population. The
area of Baluchistan is 347,190 square kilometer which is more than the area of 127
countries of the world. Another important but strangely neglected fact is that population of
Punjab is 52.95% of total population of Pakistan. This means that population of alone Punjab
is more than the combine population of remaining 3 provinces of Pakistan. On the other
hand United States’ most populous state California represents only 12.18% of their total
population. If we look at our neighbor country India, their most populous state Uttar
Pradesh represents only 16.49% of their total population. This is the reason why countries
like USA and India never face prejudice issues like one state is dominating and ruling all.
They have unity and harmony among their all states due to equal representation both in
terms of population and resources. On the other hand Pakistan is facing serious issue of
provincial prejudice from many decades mainly against Punjab. Punjab is being alleged for
its dominance in federal government and seizing the resources of other provinces of
Pakistan due to its gigantic population.

The massive differentiation of population and resources lead to the voices and demand of
new provinces. One of the major demand of new province came from the southern part of
the Punjab. This part of the Punjab is dominated by Saraiki speaking people who recognize
themselves as a distinct ethnic group. But the demand of this Saraiki Province is not merely
on the ethnic grounds. Provincial government’s continuous carelessness, disregard and low-
development levels in the Southern Punjab is the main reason behind the demand of a new
province. Further, people of Southern Punjab find it difficult to reach the Provincial capital
city of Lahore for an administrative task due to massive distance and lack of administrative
offices in southern part of the Punjab. This demand finds its strength arguing that most of
the budget of the Punjab province is spent on central areas of the province thus depriving
them of their due right.

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