Feed The Stomach, Nurture The Mind: Proposed Project Title

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Proposed Project Title


As the title suggest, the program aims to fill the stomach of every children in a particular daycare

center. ”Feed the stomach” which means giving a healthy and nutrious food saving them from

hunger. “Nurture the mind” which means by providing healthy foods they can acquire greater

knowledge from the nutritious food that they are consuming. For the reason that we established

such a program, we formulate the title to emphasize that eating healthy foods will give a smart

and enhanced mind. It also helps to promote the community to help the children and save them

from hunger. This program will be a good opportunity to establish a sustainable livelihood as the

project continous.

Description and Rationale

The project’s goal is to conduct a 5 day-meal plan that helps to provide nutritous and quality

food to avoid them from hunger and from being unable to perform well in the class. By this, the

children can acquire healthy lifestyle, proper eating habit, and get greater achievement in

education. Aside from feeding them, the people involve will also teach them to basic

understanding of healthcare. Like, discussing the healthy and nutrious foods, vitamins that will

help them grow, proper washing of hands, basic table manners. All the small details and healthy

way on achieving healthy livelihood will be discussed. They will also held a small program to

get the attention of the children especially to engage them and to participate them in the event.

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