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Punjab Group of Colleges

1st Half Book Paper

Pakistan Studies
   10

     

                 D C B A  
   
     -1
1-Which Country first recognized Pakistan after independence is.

Iran  (B) Kuwait  (A) 

Saudi Arab  (D) China  (C)

2-The common value among People of Pakistan is:    -2

Language  (B) Dress  (A) 
Habits    (D) Islam  (C)
3-What percentage of the people in Pakistan donot get pure drinking water?     -3
40% (B) 30% (A) 
60% (D) 50% (C)

4-"Punjab Marriage Restrain Act" was passed in:         
  -4
2015 (B) 2012 (A) 
2017 (D) 2016 (C)

5-In January 2004, SAARC conference was held in:         2004-5
Karachi   (B) Islamabad   (A) 
Lahore  (D) Peshawar  (C)
6-Pakistan's Fourth five year plan was launched in:        -6
1970 (B) 1965 (A)

1975 (D) 1960 (C)

7-How old is the Indus valley civilization?   -7

 3000 (B)  1000 (A) 
 7000 (D)  5000 (C)
8-Waris Shah was eminent poet of _____ language.       
  -8
Kashmiri  (B) Balochi  (A) 
Sindhi  (D) Punjabi   (C)
9-Business through internet is called:       -9
Courier  (B) Credit card   (A) 
Policy  (D) E-Commerce    (C)
10-Sports complex Islamabd was constructed with co-operation of:      -10
Iran  (B) America  (A) 
Japan   (D) China  (C)
Punjab Group of Colleges
1st Half Book Paper
F.Sc/ICS/I.Com (Part-II)
Pakistan Studies
45 1
    40

Note: Section I is compulsory.Attempt any any two questions from section II.

  
2-Answer any six (6) short questions. (6X2=12)  (6) -2
1-Describe two characteristics of Indus valley civilization.    -1
2-Write down the names of the two punjabi language poets.      -2
3-Describe two eras of Ksahmiri language.       -3
4-What is the role of democracy in National Solidarity?     -4
5-What is meant by Defence Industry?   -5
6-Which are the minerals of Pakistan?    -6
7-Which are toxic masculinity?     -7
8-Write down two objectives of paksitan Foreign Policy.      -8
9-Why is foreign Ministry important.     -9
3-Answer any six (6) short questions. (6X2=12)  (6) -3
1-What is the justification usually given for honor killing?       -1
2-What is meant by administrative Troika.    -2
3-What is meant by Heavy industry?   -3
4- Write down two steps for Economic self -sufficiency.    -4
5-What are the rights of women in Islam.    -5
6-Which type of mosquito does cause dengue?     -6
7-Define Islamic state.    -7
8-What are the subjects of pushtu poetry.  
 -8
9-Write two elements of National Integration.   -9
Long Questions 
4-Write a detailed note on sindhi language. (8)   -4
5-Describe the importance of National Intregration and solidarity. (8)    -5
6-Explain the importance of Agricultural sector in Pakistan. (8)    -6

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