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# Institution of Chemical Engineers Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, July 2003


Multiphase Flow Research Group, School of Chemical, Environmental and Mining Engineering, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK

odelling of the growth and separation of the boundary layer has been extended from
the diffuser section of Venturi scrubbers to the whole unit. Predicted pressure drops
have been compared with published data over a range of system pressures. The Full
Boundary Layer Model gives very good predictions of pressure loss for Pearce–Anthony
Venturis at high pressure unlike other models. The sensitivity of the model to values of relevant
parameters has been determined. Correct values of the initial boundary layer parameters and
the effects of system pressure on them are identied.

Keywords: Venturi scrubber; pressure drop; high pressure; modelling.

INTRODUCTION scrubbers. In the earliest types, liquid was injected through

the nozzles at the throat. This arrangement is known as the
Air pollution is intertwined with our daily life in modern Pearce–Anthony type. The scrubbing liquid can be injected
society. Its control is one important aspect of the overall and in the downstream direction, (Johnstone et al., 1954;
multifaceted regulatory environmental protection require- Viswanathan et al., 1984; Haller et al., 1989) or radially
ments. The aim is to remove gaseous air pollutants and inwards (Johnstone et al., 1954; Gonçalves et al., 1999). In
particulate matter from emerging gas streams. Particulates, the other type, water is introduced as a lm just before the
also called dusts, are dispersed airborne solid and liquid start of the convergent section. This is known as the Wetted
particles larger than single molecules (i.e., >0.0002 mm Approach type. The presence of the lm can prevent the
diameter) but smaller than 500 mm, (Wark and Warner, accumulation of sticky material from the dust. Drops are
1981). Fine or ‘respirable’ particles with diameters of less formed by the shearing action of the gas on the lm
than 10 mm are the most harmful part of airborne pollutants. particularly at the corner of the convergence and throat
Unlike larger particles, they are not collected by nose hairs sections (Azzopardi and Govan 1984). The mechanisms of
nor do they deposit on the trachea and bronchi but they atomization observed are similar to those seen in cocurrent
reach lungs and deposit there with consequent damage. two-phase annular ow in pipes (Whalley et al., 1977).
A number of physical processes are used to remove Most Venturi scrubbers operate at about atmospheric
particles from gas streams. One common and effective pressure. However, a high-pressure application was
route is the scrubbing of the gas with a spray of liquid. proposed as part of the development of high-pressure dual
Venturi scrubbers are among the most efcient and effective cycle coal-red power generation and coal gasication
of such units. They have many competitive features: they plants (Yung et al., 1981). In such units, coal is usually
remove tiny particles efciently (in excess of 98% for 1 mm gasied or combusted under high pressure and temperature.
particles) (Johnstone et al., 1954) and are also able to The resulting coal gas or combustion gases are used to drive
remove toxic gaseous components at the same time; they a gas turbine. However, particles, tars, metal vapours and
are compact and simple to build, so that initial investment acid gases carried by the gases could damage the gas
costs are small in comparison to electrostatic precipitators; turbine. Consequently a scrubbing stage is required, a duty
they can handle hot, explosive or corrosive atmospheres and for which Venturi scrubbers have been proposed.
sticky particles, the latter being one aspect that makes bag Apart from scrubbing duties, Venturis have been used
lters unsuitable for these duties. widely for metering the ow rates of gases or liquids owing
The high dust removal efciency of Venturi scrubbers is alone. They have also been researched as a two-phase ow
usually gained at the expense of high pressure drop and measurement device, including gas=solid ows (Carlson et
hence high operating cost. Not surprisingly, Venturi scrub- al., 1948; Farber, 1953; Tang et al., 1988; Wiltz et al., 1991),
bers have been researched for half a century. They are liquid=solid ows (Brook, 1962; Graf, 1967; Shook and
characterized by convergence, throat and diffuser sections Masilyah, 1974; Hirata et al., 1991, 1995), and gas=liquid
in the direction of gas ow. The liquid can be introduced in ows (Thompson et al., 1965; Harris, 1967; Machado, 1997;
a number of ways. Indeed it is the method of introducing Pinhero da Silva Filho, 2000; Hall et al., 2000; van Werven
the liquid that gives us a major classication of Venturi et al., 2003). For these applications Venturis are applied over


a wide range of pressure—atmosphere to ¹100 bar. A major gas acceleration and deceleration and wall friction as well as
difference between Venturi meters and Venturi scrubbers acceleration and deceleration of the drops. This results in
used in gas cleaning is that the former receive a well- Á !
f Ugs
developed two-phase ow as the phases come into contact dp Ql rl Q rl
¡ ˆ Ugs dUgs ‡ Ugs dUd ‡ ‡1 dx
far upstream of the unit. In the latter, liquid is introduced at rg Qg rg Ql rg Deq
the beginning of convergence or in the throat so that there is a
developing ow, a much more complicated case to model. (3)
In high pressure Venturi scrubbers, the droplets and gas where rg is the gas density, Ugs is the gas supercial
will be accelerated much faster, which may affect the velocity, x is the distance along axis of the Venturi, Ud is
performance of Venturi scrubbers. For these cases, it is the velocity of drops, f represents the friction factor and Deq
reasonable to ask if existing models, such as those of Calvert is the local diameter at any axial position in the Venturi. This
(1970), Boll (1973), Yung et al. (1977), and Azzopardi et al. is the rst model that appeared in differential form.
(1991), give reasonable prediction of pressure drop? Although Boll mentioned the existence of a liquid lm on
Although these existing models have been evaluated with the walls of the Venturi scrubber, the only allowance for the
pressure drop data from both laboratory-scale and pilot- liquid phase was the use of a two-phase density in the wall
scale Venturis operating at near atmospheric pressure friction term. In addition, he assumed that the water was
(Gonçalves et al., 2001), there are a number of uncertainties completely atomized into drops of one diameter. To specify
concerning their validity at high pressure. This paper this he used the equation of Nukiyama and Tanasawa
presents a test of an extension of Azzopardi et al. (1991) (1938). Though Boll’s model was a very signicant advance,
and other published models when used to predict data from it was still unrealistic particularly for small-scale Wetted
a high pressure system. This paper considers boundary layer Approach Venturis where Fernandez Alonso et al. (1999)
phenomena throughout all the three sections of Venturi have shown that there can be more than 75% liquid owing
scrubber. The study has been conned to cylindrical, as a lm. Not surprisingly, Boll’s model is at its best for the
Pearce–Anthony type Venturis. Pearce–Anthony Venturi.
Rippinger and Dau (1980) produced a model very similar
to that of Boll (1973). Both involved integrating the pressure
EXISTING MODELS gradient differential equation along the Venturi and consid-
ered the same contributing pressure drop terms. They differ
Calvert (1970) provided the rst model for pressure drop
in the drag correlation used for calculating the acceleration
across a Venturi. This was based on the assumptions that all
of the drops and in the equation for the drop size. In
the liquid was atomized into drops, and that they were
addition, in order to achieve more realistic predictions for
accelerated to the velocity of the gas at the end of the throat.
the frictional term, Rippinger and Dau applied the method
Also it was taken that pressure drop across the Venturi
of Lockhart and Martinelli (1949) to calculate the frictional
scrubber came only from momentum change of drops in the
pressure loss due to the two-phase ow. Rippinger and Dau
throat and that there was no pressure loss due to gas
allowed that liquid could be injected at any point in the
acceleration and friction between the wall and the gas
Venturi. They assumed that all the liquid introduced was
core. This resulted in a single explicit equation:
atomized into drops. The liquid droplets inside the Venturi
rl Ql 2 were supposed to be mono-dispersed spheres of diameter
Dp ˆ U (1) given by an equation which was only related to throat gas
1000 Qg gt velocity and liquid to gas ratio. The initial axial velocity of
droplets was presumed to be zero.
where Ugt is the gas velocity in the throat, rl is the liquid The model of Rippinger and Dau (1980) has not been
density and Ql=Qg is the volumetric liquid=gas ratio. evaluated as much as other models in the literature. There-
Although the model of Calvert (1970) is simple and easy fore, it is instructive to compare the predictions of the model
to use it does not consider the effect of the geometry of the with values measured by Gonçalves et al. (1999) in a
Venturi at all. Yung et al. (1977) followed Calvert’s laboratory-scale Venturi. The results, shown in Figures 1
approach but relaxed the assumption that drops reach the and 2, indicate that the model of Rippinger and Dau (1980)
velocity of the gas by the end of the throat. Instead they gives good predictions of pressure drop for Pearce–Anthony
obtained empirical values for the drop velocity at the end of Venturi scrubbers whereas for Wetted Approach Venturis,
the throat using the equation of Nukiyama and Tanasawa the pressure drop is over-predicted. The assumption, in
(1938). This resulted in: the model, of the complete atomization of liquid is a
possible reason for the over-prediction of pressure drop in
Ql 2
Dp ˆ brl U (2) the latter case.
Qg gt All the above models assume total atomization of the
liquid and drops of a single size. These assumptions
b is a dimensionless parameter. Although the equation of limited the application of the models. In contrast, Azzopardi
Yung et al. (1977) is an improvement on that of Calvert and Govan (1984) were the rst to allow for part of the
(1970), Gonçalves et al. (2001) point out that it failed to liquid travelling as drops with the rest owing as a lm on
predict the pressure drop in small Venturis. There are a the Venturi walls. They based their model on knowledge of
number of similar models, e.g., Leith et al. (1984). liquid–gas two-phase annular ow in tubes. They allowed
However, they give very similar results to the above. for the atomization from the liquid lm on the wall and
Boll (1973) derived a differential equation which could be drops redepositing onto the lm along the pipe. Azzopardi
integrated over the entire length of the Venturi. It allows for and Govan (1984) extended their annular ow model to

Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, July 2003


sections of the Venturi. This is termed the Full Boundary

Layer Model.


The two-phase ow in Venturi scrubbers, which consists
of gas carrying some of the liquid as drops with the rest
travelling as a lm on the channel walls is obviously similar
to annular ow in pipes. However, though there are addi-
tional similarities—creation of drops from the lm and
redeposition of drops onto the lm—there are distinct
differences. It is easiest to describe the ow in the Venturi
as consisting of three layers. The outermost layer is the
liquid lm. The middle layer is a boundary layer, which is
Figure 1. Predicted total pressure drop by the model of Rippinger and Dau assumed to contain only gas. The inner layer is the core gas
(1980) against the experimental data of Fernandez Alonso et al. (1999) ow containing dispersed drops. Observation has shown
from Pearce–Anthony Venturis. that only when the drops are being entrained or deposited do
they pass through the boundary layer.
The Full Boundary Layer Model consists of two parts: the
Venturis by adding some modications, such as the occur- annular ow model and the hydrodynamic model. The
rence of atomization caused by the geometry at the entrance annular ow model is adapted in Venturi scrubbers for
of the throat. The existence of different sizes of droplets and calculating the entrained liquid ow rate and the properties
their different velocities in the prediction of the pressure of the lm on the wall. It has been described in detail in the
drop was considered yielding: early models (Azzopardi and Govan, 1984; Azzopardi et al.,
dp dUg Xn
dU 4t
¡ ˆ rg Hg Ug ‡ rl Hd,i Ud,i d,i ‡ (4) In most aspects, the Full Boundary Layer Model follows
dx dx iˆ1
dx D eq the work of Azzopardi et al. (1991). Unlike that work, which
only takes account of the boundary layer in the diffuser, here
where Hg is the holdup of gas, Hd,i and Ud,i are the the variation of boundary layer thickness is calculated along
volumetric fraction and the velocity of drops of group i the whole Venturi. The momentum integral equation for the
respectively, Deq is the pipe equivalent diameter taking into gas phase boundary layer is:
account the lm thickness, t denotes the shear stress at the
dy 1 dU1 d 1 dp y dR Cf
gas–lm interface, other parameters are the same as above. ¡ [d¤ ¡ d ¡ 2y] ¡ ‡ ˆ
This model gave reasonable predictions of liquid lm ow dx U1 dx U1 2 rg dx R dx 2
rate, gas cleaning efciency, as well as the pressure drop up
to end of the throat, but it over-predicted the pressure
recovery in the diffuser (Azzopardi et al., 1991). This y is the momentum thickness, d is the boundary layer
problem was rectied by Azzopardi et al. (1991) by consid- thickness, d* is the displacement thickness, U 1 is the
ering the growth of the boundary layer in the diffuser. velocity in the inviscid core, R is the radius of the pipe,
In order to extend the model of Azzopardi et al. (1991) Cf is the skin friction coefcient between the liquid lm and
and enlarge its range of application, the existing model, the gas core.
which considers the boundary layer only in the diffuser, is The pressure gradient in equation (5) is interpreted as the
further extended to calculate the boundary layer in all axial rate of change of momentum ow per unit area.
Momentum ow is given by the product of mass owrate
and velocity. For the inviscid core:
" #
d X
dp dWg dU1
¡A ˆ U1 ‡ Wg ‡ W V (6)
dx dx dx dx iˆ1 Di Di

where VDi is the velocity of a particular drop size class, WDi

is the entrained mass ow rate within the same drop size
class, A is the cross sectional area of the Venturi at a
particular location x, and Wg is the mass ow rate of gas.
Substituting equation (6) into (5) yields:
dy (2y ‡ d¤ ) dy d d X
‡ ‡ WDi VDi
dx U1 Wg AU1 2 r g dx
y dR Cf
‡ ˆ (7)
R dx 2
Figure 2. Predicted total pressure drop by the model of Rippinger and Dau
(1980) against the experimental data of Fernandez Alonso et al. (1999) This equation is based on the assumption that all entrained
from Wetted Approach Venturis. liquid is travelling in the gas core as drops. By neglecting

Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, July 2003


the volume occupied by drops in the gas core, the integral

form of the continuity equation for the gas core is given by:
1 d
[RU1 (d ¡ d¤ )] ˆ Eb (8)
RU1 dx
where Eb is the boundary layer entrainment rate.
The integral boundary layer momentum equation, equa-
tion (7), and the core continuity equation, equation (8), can
be simplied into forms as shown below in terms of the
boundary layer blockage parameter, B ˆ d*=R and the
boundary layer blockage fraction, L ˆ d*=d:
dB dL
a11 ‡ a12 ˆ b1 ¡ m1 (9)
dx dx
dB dL
a21 ‡ a22 ˆ b2 ¡ m2 (10)
dx dx
Figure 3. Sensitivity of L and B for 1, 5 and 10 bar.
These two equations, together with the droplet momentum
equations, the expressions for boundary layer entrainment,
Eb ˆ 0.0083(1 7 L) 7 2.5, skin friction (Cf ˆ 2k2VT j VT j ) The rst test considered the effect of the initial values of
(where VT is the dimensionless shear velocity, k is the Von the boundary layer parameters, L and B. Tests were
Karman constant ˆ 0.44) and shape factor (h ˆ (d* 7 d)=y), performed at different pressures to nd out whether there
present the complete hydrodynamic model for a Venturi was a pressure effect. Values in the ranges 0.001–0.1 and
scrubber. 0.000001–0.1 were used for L and B respectively. Speci-
cally, and the ratio L0=B0 was set at 1, 10, 100 and 1000.
Figure 3 presents predictions of pressure drop for different
EXPERIMENTAL DATA USED FOR VALIDATION values of L0 and B0 at 1, 5 and 10 bar and shows that the
Although there are a large number of studies on the pressure drop is almost constant as long as the ratio
pressure loss in Venturi scrubbers in the literature, very L=B > 50.
few were obtained at high pressure. In this paper, two sets of From the denition of L and B, it can be seen that
experimental data of Yung et al. (1981, 1984) have been L d¤ = d R D
used to test the Full Boundary Layer Model. They presented ˆ ˆ ˆ
B d¤ =R d 2d
experimental total pressure drop data from two pilot Venturi
scrubbers at Air Pollution Technology, Inc. (A.P.T.), one at Therefore, one can see that the calculated pressure drop is
high pressure and another at low pressure. Both were inuenced by the initial ratio between the pipe diameter and
Pearce–Anthony Venturi scrubbers operating with air and the thickness of the boundary layer. As long as the initial
water. The latter was injected radially inward from four ports boundary layer is set at <1% of the diameter, good
positioned near the upstream end of the throat. They were of consistent results are obtained.
modular construction so that the effect of different geometry The second test considered the effect of the detailed
on system performance could be studied. The two Venturis geometry of liquid injection. The sizes of drops produced
were installed in a 0.203 m diameter pipe and had conver- will depend on the diameter of the orice through which the
gence and diffuser angles of 25.25¯ and 14.40¯ . The throat liquid was injected. Yung et al. (1981) did not specify the
diameter was 0.078 m. The high pressure test facility was exact dimensions of the orices that they employed. To nd
operated in the range of 1–10 bar total pressure, with the gas out whether this exact value is important, calculations were
velocity ranging from 40 to 90 m s¡1 and liquid-to-gas ratios carried out with diameters in the range 0.5–4 mm. The
between 0.001 and 0.002. The low pressure Venturi scrubber calculated results, Figure 4, show predicted pressure drop
was operated at atmospheric pressure, with throat velocities
of 32 to 71 m s¡1 and liquid-to-gas ratios of 0.001–0.0033.
The effects of throat length and diffuser angle were studied.


As stated above, the Full Boundary Layer Model is a
complicated model which requires, apart from the geometry,
ow rates and physical properties, initial values of the
boundary layer variables (L and B) and the diameter of the
orice through which the liquid was injected. Ideally, the
effect of these input values on predicting the results should be
as small as possible so that the choice of the parameters does
not cause too much variation in the predictions. Therefore,
before validating the Full Boundary Layer Model against the
experimental data of Yung et al. (1984) described above, tests
were carried out to assess the sensitivity of the model. Figure 4. The sensitivity of the model to the orice diameter.

Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, July 2003


Figure 5. The sensitivity of the model to the initial drop size.

Figure 7. Comparisons between modelling results and the experimental data

of Yung et al. (1984) at 10 bar.

Figure 6. The effect of the liquid injection position (throat length


does not change with orice diameter. Drop sizes depend on

the orice diameter to the power of 0.2. In order to cover a
slightly greater range of drop size, a further series of Figure 8. Comparisons between modelling results and the experimental data
calculations were carried out with initial drop sizes that of Yung et al. (1984) at 5 bar.
were 0.5 to 2.0 times that expected from the equation
proposed by Azzopardi and Govan (1984). The results,
presented in Figure 5, show little effect of initial drop size.
The nal test considered the effect of the axial position of
the liquid injection point. Again this effect is small, as
illustrated in Figure 6. Therefore, although the exact posi-
tion was not available in the paper of Yung et al. (1981), as
long as the liquid introduction points were located in the rst
tenth of the throat, the predicted pressure drop is reliable.


The experimental results of Yung et al. (1984) have been
used to validate the Full Boundary Layer Model, as well as
that of Azzopardi et al. (1991). Comparisons were carried
out at three different operating pressures, 10 bar, 5 bar and
1 bar and the results are presented in Figures 7–9 respec-
tively. At high pressure, especially at 10 bar (Figure 7),
excellent agreement is seen between the predicted Figure 9. Comparisons between modelling results and the experimental data
pressure drop and the experimental data. The model of of Yung et al. (1984) at 1 bar.

Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, July 2003


Azzopardi et al. (1991) also gave reasonable predictions,

with the maximum errors <30%. Other models, such as
Calvert (1970), Boll (1973), Yung et al. (1977) and Rippin-
ger and Dau (1980) all gave similar results, all under-
predicting the experimental data signicantly (mean error
>60%). For 5 bar runs (Figure 8), the present model and the
model of Azzopardi et al. (1991) are still the best. For other
models, the predicted pressure drop was >50% lower than
the measurements. For the low pressure cases, Figure 9
shows that the Full Boundary Layer Model over-predicted
slightly. The model of Calvert (1970) signicantly over-
predicted the pressure drop while other models were fairly

Models, such as those of Boll (1973) and Azzopardi and
Govan (1984) that integrate equations through the Venturi,
Figure 10. The comparison between the modelling results and the experi-
give reasonable predictions of the pressure change between mental data of Yung et al. (1977, 1984) at different pressures. Gas velocity
entry and throat. However, it is in the predictions over the at throat 90 m s 1; liquid loading 0.002, throat length 0.0286m.
diffuser that the inclusion of boundary layer effects becomes
important. Though Azzopardi et al. (1991) provided that
feature, their approach required that initial boundary layer pressure drop probably because it does not take into account
parameters be provided at the start of the diffuser. Conse- frictional pressure loss in the Venturi.
quently there could be a jump between the one-dimensional The models of Boll (1973) and Rippinger and Dau (1980)
model used in the convergence and throat and the boundary produced similar results with reasonable predictions of the
layer model in the diffuser. The present extension, providing pressure drop in different size low pressure Pearce–Anthony
a boundary layer calculation in all parts of the Venturi, Venturis.
eliminates the inter-model transition and provides initial The effect of system pressure is best illustrated in
boundary layer parameters at the start of the diffuser Figure 10. This shows how the predictions of existing
intrinsically from the calculations in the throat. The bound- models, e.g., Calvert (1970), Boll (1973), Yung et al.
ary layer model provides for a small core ow. However, this (1977) and Rippinger and Dau (1980), increasingly under-
is only important in the diffuser. The fact that the Full predict as the system pressure increases. Only the present
Boundary Layer Model works better in higher pressure is model shows a relatively stable prediction from 1 bar to
probably due to its embodying more of the physics of the 10 bar.
process, i.e., allowing for the interia of gas=drops in the It is noted that at the lower pressure condition shown in
core acting on the boundary layer, assuming that there are Figure 10, the present model did not agree with the data as
no drops in the boundary layer so that it can be calculated well as in the high-pressure runs when the ratio between L
using a gas only model. Support for the latter comes and B is still xed at the stable area in Figure 3, as was done
from experiments on a Venturi meter for gas=solids ows. in the high-pressure cases. Better agreement was achieved
Photography of the ow through a glass Venturi using laser by reducing the ratio of L and B to 10. Therefore, applica-
light sheet illumination showed that the boundary layer, tion of the Full Boundary Layer Model to a wide range of
whose thickness was calculated using a model similar to that pressures might require a different relationship between
presented here, was essentially particle free. initial L and B. For high-pressure Venturis, the optimal
The fact that the model of Azzopardi et al. (1991) gave ratio is 50–100, while for low-pressure Venturis, the ratio is
the best prediction among the prior models for the high- about 10. An alternative would be to use the model of
pressure cases indicates that the physics built into the Azzopardi et al. (1991), which only takes the boundary layer
boundary layer calculations is correct. The present exten- into account in the diffuser, in the low-pressure cases and to
sion, for the reasons laid out above, gives a more rened use the Full Boundary Layer Model in the high-pressure
result. cases.
Given the gross over-simplications invoked, it is perhaps
not surprising that the very simple model of Calvert (1970)
did not predict accurately data for any of the three pressure CONCLUSIONS
conditions discussed above. Though the model proposed by
From the results and discussion above, it can be
Yung et al. (1977) gave good predictions at low pressure
concluded that:
(see Figure 9) for their own medium size Venturi, Gonçalves
et al. (2001), who carried out a systematic test of models (1) The phenomena of the boundary layer must be consid-
against atmospheric pressure data, regarded this as fortui- ered in high-pressure Venturis. A model ignoring these
tous. They illustrated that the under-estimation due to effects can lead to under-predictions of pressure drop,
neglecting the stress at the gas–wall boundary might which has potential risk in industrial Venturis. The
compensate the over-prediction caused by the assumption present model, which incorporated growth of the bound-
of complete atomization. For the high-pressure conditions of ary layer and possible separation of the ow, was the
Yung et al. (1984), the model failed seriously to predict only one to give accurate estimations at high pressure.

Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, July 2003


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Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, July 2003

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