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Questionnaire for

liquid jet liquid ejectors

company: * contact: *
address: phone:
e-mail: *

quotation: budget: phone call: visit:

until: until:

By choosing the mass flow value you indicate which data you will tr d

motive flow
mass flow value *
suction flow

Data of the motive flow tr

motive medium
motive pressure ptr bar (abs)
motive flow ṁtr kg/h
motive flow temperature ttr °C
density of the motive flow ƿtr kg/m3
viscosity of the motive flow η mPas
vapour pressure pvap, tr bar (abs)
Data of the suction flow s
suction medium
suction pressure pS bar (abs)
suction flow ṁS kg/h
suction flow temperature tS °C
density of the suction flow ƿS kg/m3
viscosity of the suction flow η mPas
vapour pressure pvap, s bar (abs)
Data of the mixed flow d
discharge pressure pd bar (abs)

Constructive requirements
material * GJS (cast iron) →
flanges, type, pressure range * EN DIN-flanges →
design code →
documentation drawing manual
acc. press. equipment directive material certificates
other →

* mandatory field By pushing send the questionnaire will send to Körting Hannover AG
via e-mail. You will receive an answer as soon as possible. send

Körting Hannover AG Tel.: + 49 511 21 29-0

Fax: + 49 511 21 29-223
Badenstedter Straße 56 E-Mail: st@
30453 Hannover

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