Assignment 1 Mean Median Mode

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S Mohammed Arshad Mean Individual Obs


Problem 1 Problem 2
16780 13.4
21561 8.8
34441 8.3
16541 7.25
24513 3.9
24562 3.09
18981 7.4567


Column1 Column1

Mean 22098.9 Mean 7.456667

Standard Error 2384.532 Standard Error 1.523147
Median 20271 Median 7.775
Mode #N/A Mode #N/A
Standard Deviation 7540.552 Standard Deviation 3.730934
Sample Variance 56859918 Sample Variance 13.91987
Kurtosis -0.364469 Kurtosis 0.162819
Skewness 0.773275 Skewness 0.489266
Range 22199 Range 10.31
Minimum 12322 Minimum 3.09
Maximum 34521 Maximum 13.4
Sum 220989 Sum 44.74
Count 10 Count 6
S Mohammed Arshad Mean Discrete Series

Mean Discrete Series

x F f(X)
0 17 0
1 12 12
2 6 12
3 18 54
Sum 30 78

Mean 2.6

2nd Problem
x f f(x)
20 8 160
30 12 360
40 20 800
50 10 500
60 6 360
70 4 280
Sum 60 2460

Mean 41
S Mohammed Arshad Mean Continuous Series

Class Intervals(x) Frequencies m f*m

20-30 13 25 325
30-40 18 35 630
40-50 26 45 1170
50-60 13 55 715
60-70 18 65 1170
70-80 12 75 900
Total 100 300 4910

Mean 49.1
S Mohammed Arshad Median Individual Obs

1st Problem 2nd Problem
26 25900
29 26950
33 27020
38 27200
42 28280
54 Median =27020

Median = 48
S Mohammed Arshad Median Discrete Series

Median Discrete Series

x F cf
0 3 3
1 12 15
2 9 24
3 6 30
total 30
Median 15.5 2

2nd Problem
x f cf
20 8 8
30 12 20
40 20 40
50 10 50
60 6 56
70 4 60
Total 60
Median 30.5 40

3rd Problem

x f c.f
4 1 1
5 2 3
6 0 3
7 2 5
8 4 9
9 1 10
Sum 10
Median 5.5 8
S Mohammed Arshad Median Continuous Series

Median Continuous Series

Wages in (Rs) No of Workers CF

0-10 5 5
10-20 7 12
20-30 10 22
30-40 8 30
40-50 5 35

L 20
N/2 17.5
CF 12
F 10
i 10
N/2-CF 5.5

(N/2-CF)/f 0.55

(N/2-CF)/f * i 5.5
L+(N/2-CF)/f * I 25.5

Median 25.2
S Mohammed Arshad Mode Individual Series

Mode Individual Series

### Column1
### Mean 5.111111
### Standard Error 0.696109
### Median 5
### Mode 5
### Standard Deviation 2.088327
### Sample Variance 4.361111
### Kurtosis 0.233055
Skewness 1.082755
Range 6
Minimum 3
Maximum 9
Sum 46
Count 9
S Mohammed Arshad Mode Discrete Series

Income (Rs) No of Person(f) Cumulative Freq(CF) F*x

80 16 16 1280
100 24 40 2400
150 26 66 3900
180 30 96 5400
200 20 116 4000
250 6 122 1500
122 18480

Mean 151.4754098361
2Mean 302.9508196721
Median 150
3Median 450
Mode = 3Median - 2Mode 147.0491803279
S Mohammed Arshad Mode Continuous Series

Mode Continuous Series

Marks No
0-5 2
5-10 5
10-15 12
15-20 17
20-25 14
25-30 6
30-35 3
35-40 1

delta1 5
delta2 3
delta1 + delta2 8
L 15
i 5
delta1/(delta1+delta2) 0.625
delta1/(delta1+delta2)*i 3.125
L+delta1/(delta1+delta2)*i 18.125
Mode 18.125

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