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Assignment # 1: Effective Human resource Management In
Project Management

Sir Shahzad Ahmed
Submitted By:
Khalila Rehman

PROGRAMME: MBA (4th semester)

Table of Contents
1. Summary
 Human resource management
 New product development
 Group human resource management development (GHRMD)
 Guest satisfaction index
2. Analysis
3. Conclusion Recommendations

Word Counts: 1323

1. Summary:

Human resource management is a program who has different projects such as

recruitment, selection, training and development and appraisal system. To

successful completion of this projects consist on effective human resource. A proper

strategy is required to complete a project successfully. The effective use of people to

complete certain projects such as recruitment methods, job design, core

competencies between employees and environmental structure is the first priority of

project manager. Scope of project, quality of project and project completion time is

also very important but project manager mostly kept in view the importance of

human resource management because without effective human resource an

organization never complete their project. In Sri Lanka the Confifi group of hotels

used different human resource management strategies to face different human

resource challenges. Traditionally project manager adopt technical system to run the

organization projects that make it more difficult for employees understanding. The

employee’s behavior wasn’t acceptable for others because they not paid attention to

improve their behavior. Organization environment matters a lot to complete the

project according to the scope, quality standard and completion on we know

that project success and HR management system has significant relationship. The

growth and success of organization is depend upon the HR management. It became

challenge for Confifi Group of hotels to spread the feasible environment for their

employees that can be opportunity of learning for them. The Confifi group of hotels

wanted to adopt those strategies that bring innovations in their projects. To make

them successful. The Confifi group of hotels has a team of GHRMD who

recommend best employees that can be involved in future hiring or recruitment of

lower staff employees and they trained them according to competitive market
requirements. In project oriented organization, management by projects, programs

for the performance of complex process and management of internal and external

portfolio projects are important for HR. When organization run different projects

parallel it faced the problem of managing human resource and allocation of

resources. The HR team, training and managing them are the main process followed

by HR that can be used for managing human resource effectively. When an

organization is trying to restructure for the new product development project

manager estimate the consumptions of resources. Triple constraints occur when new

product development take place. The HR manager should trained different skills in to

their employees to manage these constraints effectively. The project manager take

initiatives to manage parallel projects running in the organization with the help of

training of their existing and new employees of organization. Group human resource

management development is a team who provide their services to HR of Confifi

Group Ltd such as recommendations and other task for example hiring, selection of

employees are performed by the HR department individually. The Confifi group of

hotels focused on work performance of employees. Guest satisfaction tool is used to

measure the quality of work. Firstly HR department hired low level staff then it has

been observed low level staff is not enough to perform high level staff duties then

external person hired to perform or meet the standards of hotel. The HR involved in

to manage the diversity of employees and motivating them is the basics of project

succession. The training of employees and recruitment of employees was a capital

step that is adopted in HR department and it’s maintained the assurance of

successful project. Training of employees in Confifi was key of success that reduced

the time of project. The good HR Strategies adopted by hotel and Confifi overcome

these challenges through adoption of HR strategies and manage the repute of Hotel.


The analysis of (Confifi hotel) human resource management is conducted by

ARROW system that is a Web bas employee’s turnover analysis tool. It observed

the behavior or employees in three time period: past, present and future. The

organizations always try to put their great efforts to utilize minimum resources and

gain maximum benefits but the utilization of resources is most important factor. The

organization has different custom, cultures, concept and technology. The Confifi

hotel staff is divided in to two sections. First one is high level staff that are Human

resource manager, assistant manager, and administrator. The second section is low

level of staff that are waiters and office boys. If internal staff is not feasible for any

designation then HR department hire external person. The Confifi hotel not changed

their lower staff they just try to make them busy in different activities and arranged

training programs for them that express the vision and mission of organization.

Group of human resource development conduct the training programs for employees

it consist on three layers. Employees of hotels are not bound to attend all training

sessions. Some programs are compulsory to improve the skills of employees. The

Confifi group of hotel provide internet opportunity to their employees for the sake of

knowledge. In organization limited task given to the employees and the job is pre

planned. The manager collect the data from customers through the Guest

Satisfaction Index tool and assess the quality of work of employees. This form is

filled by guest, and on the response of guest every employee is responsible of their

quality of work. Along with guest feedback, organization project manager collect the

feedback of employees regarding the worker six month. The salary can be

determined according to the environment and difficulties in organization. The Confifi

promote employees according to their quality of work. The report is maintained by

department head after every six month. Salary rate is according to employee’s duties

or trade rates and it depends on employee satisfaction level.

Conclusion and Recommendations:

From the above discussion, I conclude that human resource management is a whole

project itself. The project manager should adopt those strategies who can manage

the tree constraints such as scope, cost and time. Without loyal and effective

employees an organization cant achieved their goals. Human resource manager

should understand the project in depth and then it’s convey the final strategy to

achieve their targets given in to the certain project. As Confifi group of hotel every

organization can promote and motivate their employees through quality of work. It’s

increased competition in between employees and they try to make more satisfy their

guest. Employee’s performance and loyalty can build the good will of hotel. Human

resource management play a vital role in project succession. Right employee on

right place is a main decision that taken by HR. The responsibility of project manager

is to manage the project to utilize the human resource with other technical resources.

If one of them is missing project can become the failure. As Confifi group of hotels

it’s not necessary to hires trained employees, HR manager should have the ability of

selection of best employee that can be trained later. As we know that training is a

root of success because trends are changing day by day. Competitive market is

getting tough. When HR manager make a plain of training and development its

necessary to observe the need of market. The significance of project is based on

trained employees who are motivated and loyal with organization. Motivation of

employees depends upon the environment of organization. Open environment

system can push the employees to express their feedback regarding management
and improvement in organization. As explain in this case study of the Caniff group

hotel that organization Project manager should mainly focused on the human

resource management and resist too the change. It would take the organization to

high standards and increase the demand in the market.




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