Working Model

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232.4 0.


Fuel Flow = ( O/P x HR)/LHV

ENGINE with 47.3% Efficiency

Total Power (MW) 16.6
Engines Combined cycle Efficiency 47.30%
Annual hours of operation 8760
Heat Rate (kJ/kWh) 7611
Fuel Consumption (kg/hr) 2699.6

Density of Gas , 0.9 ( litres/hr) 2999.58

1% Pilot Fuel (litres/hr) 29.996

Annual Consumption ( litres ) 262764

Total Expense per engine (MUSD) 0.09

For minimum 12 engines running (MUSD) 1.07

in 25 years overall consumption (MUSD) 27

Electricity Price Revenue calculation

Siemens ( Worst Case Scenario) USD/MWH

Wartsila ( without SCR, Best case Scenario) USD/MWH
Wartsila ( with SCR, Best case Scenario) USD/MWH

Total Cost of Generation for Siemens in 25 years for 163 MW MUSD

Total Cost of Generation for Wartsila ( Best Case) in 25 years for 163 MW MUSD
Total Cost of Generation for Wartsila ( Worst Case) in 25 years for 163 MW MUSD

Savings by Wartsila ( Best Case) MUSD

Expense by Wartsila ( Worst Case) MUSD

Wartsila based on Best Case

Savings due to cost of electricity (+) MUSD

Loading for Excess Fuel ( - Ve) MUSD
Loading for Lube Oil ( -Ve) MUSD

Overall Loss to customer with Wartsila Solution MUSD

Wartsila based on Worst Case

Loss due to cost of electricity ( -ve) MUSD

Loading for Excess Fuel ( - Ve) MUSD
Loading for Lube Oil ( -Ve) MUSD

Overall Loss to customer with Wartsila Solution MUSD

Auxiliary Power Consumption Savings

Cost of Electricity US-cents/kWh

GT Aux Consumption per train in Spinning Reserve kW

EngineAux Consumption per train kW

Excess Aux Power kW

Plant's Operation Hour@95% availability hours

Total additional aux consumption in the year kWh

Total revenue loss due to Aux US$

in 25 years revenue loss US$

Total loss in revenue in 25 years MUS$

25 year analysis
Total Savings with GT

Excess Fuel Consumption MUS$

71.5 Auxiliary Power MUS$
69.85 Maintenance MUS$
72.45 Lub Oil MUS$
Operation Man Power MUS$
2493.43545 MUS$
Net Saving in 25 year with GT solution MUS$

Additional Benefits:

1.) Less Space

2.) Easy Transportation
59 3.) Easy Construction

15 4.) More Power duing Winter
45.95 5.) Emission compliant
6.) Fuel Flexible



vings Savings from Maintenance

6 Total Plant's power kW

200 Maintenance cost for GT US$/MWH
200 Maintenance cost for Engine US$/MWH

0 Difference between Maintenance cost US$/MWH

8760 Plant's Operation Hour@95% availability hours

0 Total MWH produced per year MWH

0 Total excess expenditure due to high maintenance US$

0 In 25 years excess spending on maintenance US$

0 Total loss in revenue in 30 years MUS$




Savings from Lub Oil

183000 Lub Oil Price US$/litre 2

2.6 GT Lub Oil consumption/day litre 0.02
2.6 GT Lub Oil consumption/day litre 0

ExcssLub Oil litre/hr 0.02

Plant's Operation Hour@95% availability hours 8760

Total excess Lub Oil/engine per year litres/year 175.2

Total for 5 GTG running litres/year 876

0 Total excess LO consumption/yr US$/year 1752

0 In 25 years excess consumption US$ 52560

0 Total expense ( Lub Oil) MUSD 0.05

Engine Lub Oil Consumption MUSD 51

Overall expense with Lub Oil MUSD 45.95

Savings from Operation Manpower

Total man power in 1 shift for GT nos 2

Total shift in 1 week nos 4

Total man power to be paid per day nos 8

Monthly Expenditure on Man powerSalary of one operator US$/month 10000

Total yearly expenditure (GT) US$/yr 960000

Total man power in 1 shift for Engine nos 2

Total shift in 1 week nos 4
Total man power to be paid per day nos 15

Monthly Expenditure on Man power US$/month 150000

Total yearly expenditure (Engine) US$/yr 1800000

Excess man power expenditure/year US$/yr 840000

In 25 years US$ 21000000

MUS$ 21

Salary Increment ( Cost of Living) ( avg) % 8

Total expenditure from Operation Manpower MUS$ 22.68

641 tonne/year
1.756164 tonne/day

Power Output 163000


Lub Oil Consumption per kWh 0.4 g/kWh

Total Lube Oil consumption 65200 g/hr

0.0652 tonne/hr

Annual Consumption 571.152 tonne

Price for Synthetic Lub Oil ( USD/ton 3200

Overall Expense /year 1.827686

Over all in 25 years 45.69216

3206.16 tonne/year 961848
kg/year 24046200
0 litre/year 24.0462


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