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Intellectual Property Law


It has 5 modules which are as follows. Each module deals with different legislation on the Intellectual
Property law:

Unit I: 4 Lecture hours

Introduction & Justification of International Regime of Intellectual Property

I. Introduction
II. Theories:
a. Lockean Justification: Labour Theory
b. Hegelian Justification: Personality Theory
c. Tragedy of commons by Garret Hardin
d. Utilitarian Theory
III. International aspects of IP

Unit II: 13 Lecture hours

Law of Trade Mark

I. Introduction and Subject Matter

II. Spectrum of Distinctiveness
a. Concept of well-known trademarks, Collective trademarks, Certification trademark
b. Trademark in Domain Names
c. Non-Conventional trademarks

III. Principles of Registration of Trademark

a. Absolute grounds of refusal
b. Relative grounds of refusal
IV. Registration: Procedure, Rights conferred by registration
V. Infringement / Passing off

VI. Exceptions / Defenses

VII. Remedies (civil and criminal) and Appeals

Unit III: 13 Lecture hours

Law of Copyright

I. Fundamentals and Subject matter

II. Concepts of Idea Expression Dichotomy and Originality
Intellectual Property Law

III. Subsistence of Copyright: Work, Literary works; Artistic work; Dramatic works; Musical
works; Copyright in character; Work of architecture; cinematograph film; sound recording;
computer program; photograph; Performance
IV. Different type of rights: Foundation of Rights, Economic Rights, Moral Rights

V. Assignment and License of copyright

VI. Infringement

VII. Exceptions / Fair use / Fair dealing

VIII. Remedies

Unit IV: 13 Lecture hours

Law of Patents

I. Introduction and subject matter

a. Patentable Inventions
b. Non patentable inventions
II. Criteria of Protection: a. Novelty, b. Utility, c. Non obviousness
III. Registration
IV. Ownership, rights conferred on a patentee
V. Infringement
VI. Exceptions

VII. Compulsory licensing

VIII. Remedies

Unit V: 5 Lecture hours

Designs and Geographical Indications

I. Introduction and Subject Matter

II. Criteria of Protection and Registration

III. Copyright in registered design ( read along with Copyright Act)

IV. Overview of Geographical Indications

V. Criteria of Protection and Registration of GI

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