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ee Porehaomedn Fi Unit Pevchtomnetay. 1s the branch af engineering 4 doaly with He study af mers aids ie day ais maned wir wader Varpous ox humidity selente whieh oe toms: 4) Pay Atat= ‘the day aia fg amixture ot a number of gases Such as ritaagen, Oy , CO? | Hyohogen, aigorn, he dium of< _ Wa- 78027 hm 20-994 — > ThE puse hy aiid does hot OSdIneILL eist in Nahe because i euluseys contains some waley vapows 2) moist Ais Ufa the mhatase of chy ais and water VErPeUus, The amount ef Watey vapou hesent in the ais depends uPern the absouute pressine ancl tone. abene mix bate © Sakwared ctihs- H fg a mixtuye gf ou UK and watey Vapous, hen the alk has cffuseel the may. ammount of ater vapows Into it. (® Deqee of Sabuation: — Actual mare of Waker vapout Ing voit mass of ody etry The mass ef water vaeous inelne same mars of hy OAS white HY 1S StiHateel et Same temy? u 9 Murtatias Maas of Watley Vapour Present in \ieq af ey ain and 1S generauny, ermrered merma of Tamm ree KH OY day oH, H 15 also ceulled specific kathy os mil yao. Q Absolute humidity IL ty the meas of water vapowa present fr Und of diy air and it Ps general expressed in aerrns of tram PU cubie meter of cg, one @ Relative Mumiditgn— WA fo dhe varie of achusd mass of hoary vapaus in a given yolume of motst WI 1a the 9 Mas of water vapows Inthe same voume Of saturated wis a dhe same temp ¢ pressuse. ft (s bare tig, taxi as RH G Pay bulb temp:— 14 Ps dhe temp. of aid vecordedl by a uamometcrswhan his nor affected by thu moishae mesent: jo dhe ala, DBT fa genes olinoted by ty 04 tab 4 Wet bulb tempr— ik fs the dene of oa yocurced bY o + thismometerdnen ifs bulb [8 surrounded by wet cloth Cupused tothe aly WAT fo general denoted by tw % tos. (P Wel bulb dspressdent~ DBT -VBT: is inctcates Relative humiouty of Het al A. 7 Dew point Fempr~ 3E Yo The temp. of ad records d by & dhdhmomerer, wWhin THA morstuse (woter vara) present iad begiks to conelense- (ap) Dew point cupresstint- NeBr- NPT Fsichsometay chat - Owittv L fe the siaphical representation of the vasious thesmodly namie Propoattes of moist ais. This chast is very uschul for Finding oulthe PAOPEAHES OF IA and efiminake fof oF calculations . This chase 7s TAMMY olaidn For ctardlarel esto PAEESUS OF FK0 Mmahtyy (|01521be4) hy eguchaumetay chast, day bulb temp. 7g faker ag x-axi§ Cabsei ssa) ncl humidity Lmeistae contents)as Yaris. Throuyh Hoe PSuchZomety chest hod ce number of obs oS but some bapaxten} dings Ohidh ase impotent fon the subyect Point of views cae 1. Diy bulb tempting — Pay bulb temp Lines a40 vertical Anes wich axe uni fonmbyy spaeed. The femp range of thise Aus om Pstehjometg chest 13. fom €O%e to UE. ThE dby bulls tome Lines ore drawn“oith different of eVELY Fe and veto thx satwaber cove or as? Dy all rome eS . @ Specific humidity of moisHuse content Lunes: — The SP. hari at Fy (moisture content) Kings ae horizontal Lines ve. Parallel to the Yearis.and ate ago oniformdy Stpned. Huse Lines vanges on Pstcntomeny chat Is from 04036 Sleg oF dtyult, — ae LS |" unre Hy nee pond temp — The dew Poin] tempting ase horizontal lang, He Porallel te x-e¥1$ amel non vriformly seaued. a any point-on the Satuiahon curve, the dy bulb and claw point temp abo equatl @) Wet bulb temp Ainsgi- The Lintg ase Inclined shruighk Mars and non-unifuamsy sated) AL any point on the Sabwation crave the diy bulb and Wel bulb temp ayo equct. A OTS 8 eas ®@ Enthatey Anes (toat Heat) — These tines ove intlihnd Shusght Lines and oniformly craced . thy Lines CC && tedallal to the Wer but dane. Ley and ode dun uP to the Stturation cubye se H te © SPALiC volumetines:= The specific volume ing ae abLique inchined shaighk tinny and vnifoamay gpaced. These dines axe dawn vele tra sebvation CasVes The raluss, of volume Aine gc € Jentaally giver ab the base of tre chust KA J Warour Pressure dines: ~ these tines are hoayconterl ana! Uri foams ‘Shaced the vapour PRSSuAe dimes are mot claw? inthe mean chest Bad a scale Showing vapour pressure in mmetty is given on -tha Cveme Itt side af the thar} Vitassot / sp rumilhy, GQ Relative humidity’ these Aines ave cusved Ayres andl followt the sahunation Cuave. generouly Huse valet Unig one cain Nh VAIWE OF, 201, 30% er. ancl UP My lok. The sMw ation © ctkve.show ‘tar hui iol Ler Atmospheric Uk at F6omm oF Hq barometers Pyesso hor 289 diy bute temp. ancl 5% werhwh tm? by wing esxchnomeny chant ctctermine o 3) Relative humicity. (357) Jy a) Hamidi Rational y: oy 3) Dew point romp 5%. Sale f= Thome Hy ys 75%, tOFIe ty chost finel yD With the hele of eswehso metry - Fe sea point tome. ii) CoARAPY 13) VarenAPreeSuNe oFeiTa hesiey dtY bal 4°: of 3o% and son Relabve humioity central = Gus TNE KY, : vere MEAL ploce Lee These ase MANY PSHELVAOMELAY Plocess, dhe Catting ASE IMPontant From sub. Poind of view ) Sensibie cooking ii) seryibie Heating i) Harm Aeestt on De Mura di teat ~ the cooking of DY, without any che in ES specific Frum by is Frmwn 43 sencible cooking ‘pcorling coil (Ay) wnd Gg my 4& KE Aidout (ty, e qty, r 4S can Let incu demrarty rauses oven a cooling coil oF Femp. iy, A AitHle consideration will Shad thal the temp. of ait Leaving the cooking coil (faz) @il! be mere then ty A) Sensible cooti The heat resected by os ouusiag Seraible cooking mor he Obkuined from the Ps¥chsometry chase by the enthalry lift. Chy- ha). auing the Sensible sony the ony buh bermp vecluned £8005 tay to ty, anol Relative, uence Incaeases fiom J to 2, “The amount af Heat rereched may Ay be obtain 43o05 the Relation: f He heh = @ Hore (l4-%) hg woo gees Met td,- tdg CoNeMiciong - 1- BFF feasible Hea The gains of cl without any demge in sis sP hurnicti Me, As Khan a Seruible heafie se eg a Aisin 3 = picout ty ma, % ewe Sern face Heat atte = (hgh) f en he yorr (tty) Ii Bren tate ta ty Yer + Bee ») Hamidi ication 2 Dehurmidificsttion:— The additien of moisrore fo Has aid wikmout charye in Te doy bullet js known ag humteubicction. similev4y removal of mrotshuse Fst ais Witheat chummeye in IF aay be Few Je known oo deo. cc rach) = egal te) Ss Hew pie Sees Fotn | SHALH cooling + Dehum idi fication *— » tasty 44, The Process is generally used ia summer ain condivening +0 cool and dahumiey the ais. “The cis enters ot condition 4. and lees ad condition 2, In thig Process the addy bulb Hemp. of cik acLurrases from ta, 40 ta Cie cooting) and Specific humiially of aif olecreases Fron 0D, 40 We. (ie cehumyeli fication). Ackuably the cooking ane dehumidificeion Process follows the path % shoon bya detied cusve. but fot tre cal: of Psuengometay Popeaties, onky end points art important: they, the ceeling F cuhumichificaon alae Proce ss Shown bya Sine 1-25 . We see that the total heat removed from “the otis earl The ceoliny and cehumidi Picabion Process iS be brhe he (brha) + Ung-h,) = SAtLH Sit: sensibie Meat move o LY-z Lokent heat rer7oved | } Winkes a Arp coneliliel AUK CACY Loo Ihe Ps ue foorekg o a I / FL Anta coil il Giyth Yunis §unme } ‘ I ic ies tT oN fut Wookie] rem Which effec vey” contd s Oehrinen ~The $0) mn fost Cond anit y he femte, numitt HY, Atha ain For CO pwn ag an aan purty ond moon of 1 1¢ Conds Hanhaty SISO” 1 April 2007 peychsometyg, on a Pasticulas dey, the atmospheric ais wes founcl te he a DAT of 2o%c ancl WRT OF 18%c. The barometgic Presse Wes observed 40 be 45mm of Hy. alay the luble of psuchiom He frarerties of aim, de teymine i) Relative hhuceictity IPsped sc humility ii) Ded point ¢eme- + fy OPES ERBO og Comes ponding 49 wtthuth tent: of 18°C e - R= 0.02062 bod 4. correspoadiuy +0 per B= on yru2 bor Thun pee tae (ere) Carte) ane shy beta . fe ooze ter. ] Relate numidihy fr _ © = 30% gr & unto seedfic ih ott = gouge Kylky op ouyels. @ cosiay garssule 6F vorous UR) 10-48%. — pyusometay chast'— I ts a ghaphical RePresentotion of aniovs PHOPCAHES of mols UA. These chost ae paepoased ot cumdayd AM Pressureol comm oFHy ([.0325 bor). The gay bul FOE 13 taKen alony Kaxls ancl specific humidild je moishare content oh ettiagke y-ont 4. othe riqnt hand side of the chatt: Psuchsommetad. chasis vt} wrehed fo% Finding owt the prorerHes of oA , IHS eAminates lors of cal {otion . Votloua Properties of aK cA7 pe determined oy Poltocos. QAO Rebsrgeront SS ? Deocrax Hef 30S oF Nuxmal bailing Polat BAU G23.9%) > Rersk 289%) > pny (333%) 7 @22(-UIC)> COnl-78 6°) > Pofaigeremts in imcacasing/ondea of ciHeal temp Cop SMMy 2 RIL R22 He Retaiseraniss in decreasing oF COP RI > MHa> RDP RD COZ >\eaveye Detection of Refrigerant MH, = Bung swiphus Comdle Ualocathun ~ Halide +02ch test Ludsocett bonand profane = soap and Warer resk SOg. = Nth, sds feet febsigeration eae electsonic leak oletecto>. (High sensifvi'y, fI2- Domestic - few Cop ~ USCA BS day TCe fr rans post rr - Window HyPe ain condibiones Rar Central ais Conditiiminy R-n3- Bia condibioni Nig = cold Steauge £ ice plant Hro + U Br esos pion svsteng

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