Slides BasicTraining Global Primtech R15 EN

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primtech | Basic Training

 Time duration 9:00 - 16:30 (5 days)
 Lunch break 12:15 (1 hour)
 2 x coffee break

Other matters
 Your skills in AutoCAD 2D/3D?
primtech | Efficient Engineering process

Our Mission
 Follow the BIM philosophy
 Provide all data in a consistent data model
 Support ETO-process - “from undefined to specified”
 Support Global concurrent engineering
 Support Collaboration with the customer
 Provide full basic AutoCAD function

 Bring back easiness to all users

primtech | Documentation

 Online help
 PDF-Manual
 best practice _ Model structure.pdf
 primtech AIS Layer.xls
 Videos of product presentation
 Videos of Training lessons
primtech | System Components

 Model Manager
 entis – symbol manager
 CAD objects
 CAD functions
primtech | References Philosophy
Model Manager CAD -Model



Project library Component Library

Model Manager | Database Structures
Model Manager | Interface

We suggest:
 To work in the tree with the
context menu
-> To click the right mouse button
List to open the context menu
 To enter properties as early as
possible, because the values are
 Not to double click in the tree
Details Status
 The view „list“ is different from the
list in the Windows Explorer
 Also REFERENCES are displayed
(see Module)
How to structure a substation

 Project name: Username

 Part station: 3D Model
 Part station: AIS substation
 Part station: 380kV
 Part station: 123kV (Note: HUI=2250)
 Bays E01-E05
 Symbol folder: Foundations, Steel, Devices
 Project symbol equipment foundation
 CheckIn - CheckOut
 Concurrent Engineering
 All Meta data as complete as possible,
because the information will be inherited
Model Manager | File Saving
entis | User Interface

 Parts families
 Search via properties
 e.g.:
Symbol: Circuit breaker
List Voltage: 123 kV
Manufacturer: ABB
 Context menu
 repeat Command
Search Details Status  entis in task bar
entis | Database Structures
entis | Insert Functionality

where to paste
 Model space or Layout
 Entry mask (e.g. wires or properties dialogue)

 Object class (PCL-Symbol, tubes, …) (component type)
 User dialogue
entis | Objects

PCL symbol
 custom-entity point cluster
 Electrical points, static points, insertion point
 + XREF exchangeable
 Connecting points are the interfaces
Wires and Tubes
 custom-entities
 Change of display
 Reduced display of areas
 usually without geometry

Don‘t use AutoCAD Xref-Manager

Busbar | Creation

 Create field grid

 Select symbols in entis
 Standard equipment foundations
 Symbols – high up to insulation
 HUI= 4500 (15‘)
 Z-Scale
 Copy with AutoCAD
 Insert tubes
[sheet BB 01-1]
EV Scale | Adapt Symbols

Principles of EV Scale
 Works only with PCL-Symbols, HUI-Symbols
 Projectsymbols should always scaled inside the symbol
 Calculates the scaling factor of block
 WCS should always be activated
 …..

From - to
 Stretches from source to begin to end point

 Change to fixed lengths
PCL | Replace

 Change PCL symbols

 Choose command „Replace PCL“
 Select the „123kV post insulator“
replace it (them) by „123kV Siemens post insulator SF6-450“
Project Symbols | Overview

 Project-specific components
 Modified entis-components or newly designed geometry
 Use ddinsert or AutoCAD clipboard for importing existing DWG files
 Importend: Always use audit and purge before importing data!
 Unique naming is important for BOM (e.g. type yx length 1000 mm)
 Supporting objects (PF: Clamps) :
• „Free connection point“ und „Free bar“
(never place electrical points on a edges)
 Scaling tool
 Layer tool
 „lean“ data for better performance
 Foundations and steel
in implementation planning
 Convert entis object to project symbol
 Organizing in folders
Project Symbols | Creation I

 Tower: 2600 x 2100 x 150 (7’x7’x6”)
 Transformer: 10200 x 4400 x 150 (32’x12’x6”)
 Device-foundation: Convert to projectsymbol then
open symbol and scale to 1100 x 1100 x 150 (d=3’ h=6”)
 Lattice column: see detail plan
 lattice beam gantry (find: X *10000 p = ?)
scale: 1000 x 1000 x 10000 (3’x3’x27’)
Insert “free beam gantry connecting point” p=2000 (p=7’)
 Steel table disconnector
(assembly of two entis symbols)
 (find: disconnecting switch)

[sheet AS 01-1]
Parametric Foundation | Overview

 Parametric Foundation:
Flexible height, length and materials
 only for use in “Project Symbol”
 enhanced Partslist intelligence:
concrete, reinforcement Steel,
bitumen coating,…
 Equipment foundation, Pier foundation
Parametric Foundation | Exercise

Repeat for each required foundation:

 Create Project Symbol
Description = foundation “equipment XY”
Manufacturer = undefined
 Insert parametric equipment foundation:
Length, Width = 800mm, or select by yourself
Length, Wight for Head, Body, Base are the same
Height: Head = 150mm (6”), Body = 1mm, Base = 1mm
Height: Head: 6”, diameter: 86”, body hight: 7’
 Replace busbar foundations against parametric
Project Assembly | Creation I

 Reusability by reference
 Automatically synchronous
 Standard assemblies as
 Identifier for drawings
 Reuse from existing projects
 Comes with a drawing
Project Assembly | Creation II

 Device
 + Steel construction
 + Foundation
 + Details
 Base for detail drawings
 Provides a minimum of
Project Assembly | Assemble Disconnector

 Create assembly folders:

“Devices” and “Steel”
 Create a new assembly
Disconnector (HUI=2250) (HUI = 8’)
 Insert Device from entis
 Insert foundation (project symbol)
 Insert support structure (project symbol)

[sheet AS 02-1]
Temporary Help Reference | Usage

 Use of other nodes as supporting geometry

 On – and Off mode
 Invisible after opening
 Get lost during the copying process
 Support for
structuring the substation
 Don‘t create circles
Transformer Bay | Creation

 entis Symbols
 Project symbols
 Assemblies
 Wires, Tubes
 Clamps
 CheckIn

[sheet TB 01-1]
Model Check| Highlight- function

 Exercise in “Part 123kV” an modules

 Highlight clamps, mind double inserted clamps
 Harmonize clamps
 Hightlight wires/ tubes
 Highlight electrical equipment
 Highlight spacer
 Highlight chains/ disc insulators

[no sheet]
Project Models | Structures in primtech





Part Station
Assembly | Creation from Project symbols

Create Assembly „Gantry“ with

 Projectsymbol: steel – column
 Projectsymbol: steel – beam
 Projectsymbol: foundation – column

[sheet AS 01-1]
Modules | Overview

 Reusability by reference
 Bays should be assembled from
 Automatically synchronous
 Standard Modules as templates
 Bay can be converted into a
 Module can be converted to
(Caution: Project has to be checked
out because of delete is needed)
Modules | Exercise
 Create new module “body of line bays”
 Insert grid
 Insert “disconnector” assembly
 Create and insert assemblies for:
- current transformer
- votage transformer
- surge arrester
- circuit breaker
- gantry

 Insert wires and tubes
 Insert modul in Bay
 Open selected Model
[sheet AL 01-1]
primtech | Useful Tools

 Pr_edit
 dx, dy, dz
 Ix, Iy, Iz
 Layermanager
 Object Snap:
Top 1 – only „Node“
Perpendicular, Nearest, Mid between 2 points
Avoid Object Snap „Intersection“!
 Allow/Disallow Dynamic UCS – set to off
Modules | Converted from Bays

 Copy bay E01

 Convert the copy to a module and name it as
“Module 123kV transformer bay”
 Delete entities in bay E01 and insert module
 Copy bay E01 and rename copy to bay E04

[sheet TB 01-1]
Assembly | Converted from bay/module

 Copy bay “busbar”

 Delete everything without the components
of the Disconnector (device, steel, foundation)
 Move everything to the origin
 Convert it to project assembly
 Cut & past to folder “123kV” “Devices”
 Insert assembly in bay “busbar”
Important: Assembly into another Assembly is prohibited
 Repeat the same for “post insulator”

[no sheet]
Partstation 123 kV | Assembly of Part Station

 Copy bays
 Convert bays to
 Place
 Connecting wires
 Quantity BOM

[sheet PS01 -1]

Project Symbols | Geometry from enTis

Adapt existing geometry to custom requirements

 Create project symbols
 Insert enTis symbol into project symbol
(preferably undefined symbols)
 Explode PCL symbol
(primtech command, can only be done 1x)
 Adapt geometry
 Set electrical connection points
Clamp “free connection point”

Practice with
 “145kV circuit breaker 3-pol” undefined
 Extend insulator by 100mm
Project Symbols | 3D Geometry from Manufacturer
Import 3D Data
 Audit and purge “Circuit breaker 3D.dwg”
 Create and open a new project symbol
 Insert “Circuit breaker 3D.dwg” into project symbol
 AutoCAD Explode until all block are completely done
 Geometry must consist of AutoCAD Solids
(for clearance calculation)
 Set layer (Tool: Layerman)
– Moving parts break: closed: E_ANS, open: E_DRAUF
 Purge

Set points
 Set insertion point “Height Upto Isolator”
 Set static point “steel connection points”
 Set electrical connection points
Clamp “free connecting point”
Project Symbols | 2D Geometry from Manufacturer

Prepare CAD-data in “vanilla AutoCAD”

 Open “Circuit breaker 2D.dwg”
 Audit and purge file
 Use prepared geometry (closed polylines)
 Use “Scale” to adapt geometry to right size
 Use “3Drotate” to orientate geometry vertically
 Use “Revolve” and “Extrude” to create 3D geometry
 Use “Purge” to purge file
-> blocks are not purged, corrupted file
 Use “Wblock” to export clean 3D geometry to a file

Now create project symbol in primtech

Part Station | Modify Substation Design

Changing design parameters

 Number of wire should be two (attend to strings)
 Change size of tower foundation (2600 x 2200 x 150)
 Exchange electrical device
“123kV circuit breaker 3-pol”
-> “145kV circuit breaker 3-pol”
 Replace/merge foundations
- create 2 foundations “Type A” and “Type B”
as project symbols
-> Replace all equipment foundations in MM
by “Type A” and “Type B”
Infrastructure | Exercise

 Create and connect
 Fillet: chamfer, arc
 Crossing frame
Cable channel
 Create and connect
 Fillet: chamfer, arc
 Create and edit
 Insert gate and scale
[sheet G 04 -1]
Drawing Creation | Overview

 Creation of drawings in the drawing container

 Parts of the stations are referenced in the drawing container
 Drawing creation via plan type
 Dimension in the Layout
 Position numbers are assigned and managed by primtech
Drawings | Creation

 Load titleblock and frame into project

 Create drawing container
 Reference Part Station 123kV
 Create „ground plan“
 Create „foundation plan“
 Create „section view“
 Additional view port
 Set detail level

[sheet G 01 -1]
Drawings | Layer in Viewports

 After switching on layersynchronisation primtech takes care that the

visibility of layers is always synchronized e.g. for new layers
 Activate viewports and start primtech Layermanager
– Description for each layer
– Freeze and taw groups of layers
– Purge unused layers
– Create predefined layers
– Advance functions
 Assign plantypes (Tab plantypes)
– Assign a plantype to a viewport
– primtech automatically switch new layers
 Use context menu
 Works on the current viewport
 For optimal performance (open) layersynchronisation can be switch
Drawings | Labeling

 Attach position numbers

 Attach Assembly bubbles
 Add position number list
 Dimension in layout (pay attention to dimension style)
 Set line type scale for drawing
 Create text
 Edit title block entries
 Draw in layout
-> Use layout layers
[sheet G 01 -1]

 Create drawing „line bay“

[sheet AL 01 -1]
Drawings | Customer Titleblocks

 Convert „Standard titleblock“ to „Customer titleblock“

 Use primtech „Header attributes“
 Create new „Header attributes“
 Insert logo in titleblock
„entegra Logo _ bad.jpg“ and „entegra Logo _ good.bmp“
 „Replace with…“ is possible
Plotting | Overview

 Plot-Variables
 all layouts
 scale
 Multi-Plot
 Job-Server
 Customization of plot
 Easy to use!
Plotting | System Variables

Plot with plain AutoCAD -> Change system variables

For plotting For working

„plot parameters on“ „ plot parameters off“

 dispsilh 1  dispsilh 0
 hideprecision 1  hideprecision 0
 luprec 4  luprec 1
Sheetlist | Overview

 Tasks:
- Plot
- 2D-Export
- 3D-Export
- Sheet List (Excel)
 can be generated
in drawing containers or in folders
 Perform a Batchplot
 Generate sheetlist in Excel
 Edit sheet attributes for the hole project

[no sheet]
Styles | Definition, Usage

 Basic definition in template model

 Function: Purge, Purge and audit
 Function: Load styles and linetypes
 Styles:
Dimension styles
Text styles
Table styles
 Linentypes;
Set scale for model
or drawings
(see user documentation)
Position Parts List | Overview
Three steps of specification
 entis symbols
 Project symbols (customers standards)
 Editing BOM (Order Management)
 (Eventually edit in Excel file)
Partslist Manager | Functions

 “read all symbols”

otherwise only symbols with position numbers appear in position parts list
 Function “clean up”
Position numbers, that are no longer needed, are removed

 Change, merge, separate

position numbers
 Set number
 Edit parts list line
 # generates a line break
 Exclude from parts list
 Default position number
Position Parts List | Creation

 Check Group at project-symbols

 Choose group
 Save Selection
 MS-Excel will start automatically
 Macro in Excel allocates data on the Excel-sheet
 Result: e.g. Structure BOM

[no sheet]
Grounding grid | Components

Earthing conductor
 Lines with Linetypes

Earthing details
 For earth connection
 For nodes

Earthing components Network

Network system
system Earth
Earth connections
 2D-Graphic for Details
(e.g. cable socket, earthing clamps, …)

 Height of earthing connection Nodes
 Burried depth earth conductor
Grounding grid | Create Grounding grid

Copy Details
 Copy some details from „templates“ in your project

Create Gounding grid

 Generation in a part station with temporary model reference
 Draw Earth Conductors and copy
 Use pr_edit to modify erath conductors
 Connect foundation using earthing connection details
 Assign Earthing details
Grounding grid | Earth wire and details

Create Earth wires

Create Earthing details

 Enter Identifier
 Insert components
 Insert wires
 Modify BOM information
 Add position numbers

[sheet DE01-4] – Detail Earth node

[sheet DE01-3] – Detail Earth Connection
Grounding grid | Drawing creation, BOM

Drawing container on earthing-system

 Drawing derivation
 Add earthing bubbles
 Add earthing details

Open BOM manager

 Read all symbols
 Generate position BOM

Merge Earth wires

 Use „Replace with ...“

[sheet E 01 -1]
Project Details | Overview

Detail Symbol
 Simple Geometry (2D/3D)
 Single part in BOM
 Use existing drawings

 Assembly of Detail Symbols
 BOM count Detail Symbols
 Insert to 3D model

best practice
 Add details to Assemblies
 Copy from templates
 Drawingcontainer
Projectdetails | Use Details

Copy details to project

 Copy details from template
“Template – Details, Assemblies [undefined]
 Anchor Bolts / Detail D103 4 x anchor bolt M24 x 800 …..
 Control Cable Fixation / Detail D202 Protection Tube ……
 Note: use correct destination folder

Insert details
 Open Disconnector Assembly
 Insert both assemblies
 Pr_edit upon Detail insertion
Project Details | Create Assembly Drawing

Create drawing with bubbles

 Create drawing container
 Reference assembly disconnector
 Create drawing derivative
 Attach detail bubbles
 Create position numbers
 Evaluate parts list

Create drawing with bubbles

 Change detail identifier
 Open detail drawings
 Open assembly drawing

[sheet AS 02 -1]
Project Details | Create without Geometry

Create detail symbol 4x

 „anchor bolt short“ „anchor bolt long“
 „template 400x400“ „template 600x600“
 Pr_edit: show detail symbol as text

Create and use detail “anchor bolt / template 400x400”

 4 x detail symbol „anchor bolt short“
 1 x detail symbol „template 400x400“

Create and use detail “anchor bolt / template 600x600”

 4 x detail symbol „anchor bolt long“
 1 x detail symbol „template 600x600“
Project Details | Create with Geometry

 Create 5 detail symbols (without geometries)

Folder “Detail Symbols\Control Cable Fixation”
Detail geometry = Text “Detailsymbol”
 Create detail
Folder = “Detail\Control Cable Fixation”
Descpription = “Fixation of Tube on Structure”
ID = “D201”
 Insert “Fixation of tube on structure.dwg”
into detail
 Use Layout Layer
 Insert detail symbols
 Pr_edit: show detail symbol as text
 Position detail symbol

[sheet DE 01 -2]
Detail Drawings | Creation

 Create drawing container:

\Drawingcontainer\Details\Control Cable Fixation
“Drawing - Fixation of Tube on structure”
 Insert detail:
“Fixation of tube on structure”
 Derive detail drawing
 Insert additional title block
“primtech Detail Identifier”
 Attach position numbers to detail symbols
 Position position numbers to geometry
 Freeze “Help”-Layer
 Insert position number table

[sheet DE 01 -2]
Single Line | Overview

entis: Circuit Symbol

 Resource code, Reference code, Customer code
 Use Grips for positionning

entis: Feeder
 Dissolved symbol group
 Different common branches
 Mirrored arrangement to top and bottom

 Complete with AutoCAD
 Take notice of Layer UE_SYM
 No reference to 3D-Model
Single Line | Create Drawing

 Create drawing container

 Feeder - single busbar
2 x Areal line to be placed overhead (mirror)
2x transformer to be placed below
 Busbar
Symbol for disconnector (motor)
place it 2x and complete lines
 All objects on Layer UE_SYM
 Derivate A2 single line diagram

[sheet SL 01 -1]
Wires and Tubes | Defining
The final definition should be done later in the project
(usually in the modules)

 Replace undefined tubes with defined tubes
 Use clamps with geometries
 Fully define in parts list manager

 Specify exceptions in wire configurator
 Use clamps with geometries only in exceptions
 Define main wire type in parts list manager
 Fully define in parts list manager
Clamps | Defining
 The final definition of the clamps should be done later in the project
 Create clamp list and clamp drawing

Define clamps
 Create auxiliary drawing (top view)
 Attach position numbers to all clamps
 New clamps will be defined through new position numbers
 Define:
 „pr_edit“ on position number calls parts list manager
 context menu „new position number“
 context menu „choose existing position number“
 Merge if original clamps are identical

[sheet CL 01 -1]
Existing Substations | Copy

 Search in model manager

 Create a new substation
 Copy modules
 Copy project symbols
 Copy bays with drawing container
 Attention position numbers while copying
 Merge identical Project symbols
 Replace Module and Project symbols
Lightning Protection | Overview

 according to rolling sphere/ IEEE

 rods and wires
 no guarantee – check plausibility
 result – areas with different heights
Lightning Protection | Exercise

 Create drawing container for lightning protection

 Create Lightning protection for rods and wires
 Create first region, select Transformer for height
 Create second region, select string for height
 Create protection volume
 Create section curve
 Generate drawing

[LP 101-1]

 See also primtech manual „how to fix problems ...“

Model | Check
Model check
 BOM manager  read all symbols
 BOM manager  clean up
 Generate complete position BOM
 Check BOM for plausibility

Trouble shooting
 _audit, clean (purge)
 recursive audit (only admin check command)
Export | Options
Model-Export for primtech User
 From primtech to primtech
 Same primtech Version
 No data lose

3D Export
 Bind
 Insert
 Namend symbols
 Hint: Layouts are not included
Export | 2D Export
2D Export
 2D-blocks with AutoCAD attributes
 Notification appear
„This drawing contains non-uniform …“
 Layers can be converted by drawing converter tool to
customers specs.

 It can take a long time (use sheet list)
 Drawings have to be checked after export
 Non-uniform scaled blocks can create faults
in the 2D Export (most = hidden lines)
(e.g. Steel stretched with „primtech Scale“ function)
that should be manually fixed
 Tipp: after checking the drawing use wblock (Opt
“Entire drawing”) for minimizing size of the file Plot 2D Export
MinDist / tosolid | Exercise

 Hide unnecessary elements, e.g. foundations…

 “Show minimal distance” between tube and wire
 “Show minimal distance” between tube(wire) and point
 “primtech object > solid” at wire and tube
 Visual check dissents via orbit
 Check via carefully intersect

[no sheet]
Clearence Checker | Overview
 Check phases
See also primtech manual „Phase Checker“ and
„Solution to possible problems during object recognition “
 Check clearances
Clearence Checker | Exercise
 Drawing container “Clearance check”
reference partstation “123kV” in it
 Set Detail Level to 1-High

 Check phases
 Check clearances
Phase to phase = 1500 (53”)
Phase to earth = 800 (42”)

 Analyize list
Use context menu
Show warnings for selected objects

[no sheet]
Clearence Checker | Exercise with Projectsymbol
 Insert project symbol “145kV circuit breaker 3-pol”
in Part 123kV
 Execute Phase Check
-> Circuit breaker didn‘t route
 Insert electrical bridge in circuit breaker
 Execute Phase Check
-> Circuit breaker works perfect now

[no sheet]
Clearence Checker | Swinging Wires
 Open module “area line”
 Load beta „swinging wires“
 Check phases
 Select wires between gantrys
 Adjust sag and angle
sag = 8%
angle = 40°
 Check clearances
phase to phase = 1200

[no sheet]
Efficient engineering| use of templates

Template based modelling

 Create new Project
 Copy 123kV H-connection layout
from Layout Pattern template to new project
 Develop model close to the trainings project
 Design checks: clearances, clamps, wires, … lightning protection
 Copy earthing components form template
 Create earthing grid
 Create drawings
 Create sheet list
 Create BOM
entegra | contact entegra eyrich + appel gmbh
Hertzstr. 28
76275 Ettlingen, Germany

Sales: +49 7243 7624-10

Support: +49 7243 7624-20
Visualization | primtech -> Navis Works

 Create Drawingcontainer „Visualization“

 Insert substation model and set detail level 1 (high)
 Purge all
 Use Layer „Properties Filter“ „visualization“
 Set color numbers, freeze layers by named „Properties Filters“
 Create a „3D Export“ and import to Navis

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